#how to get patanjali franchise
patanjalifranchise · 2 years
Patanjali Dealership
Looking for a trusted Patanjali dealership in your area? Look no further than your local Patanjali store! We carry all of your favorite Patanjali products, from food and supplements to health and beauty items. Our knowledgeable staff can help you find exactly what you need and our prices are unbeatable. Stop by today and see what we have to offer!
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rockpatel-us-blog · 5 years
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ericfruits · 7 years
Patanjali, an Indian consumer-goods giant
EXECUTIVES at firms selling consumer staples like to think of themselves as “marketing gurus”. But how many could actually contort themselves into the lotus position, let alone attempt a headstand? Such feats are nothing for the top brass at Patanjali, an Indian purveyor of toothpaste, cooking oil, herbal concoctions and much else. Fronted by a bona fide guru, the firm’s marketing strategy—play up the benefits of natural products, then paint foreign multinationals as latter-day imperialists—delivers over $1bn in annual sales, up tenfold in four years. Having dismissed the firm as a fad, the likes of Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever are emulating it.
Baba Ramdev (pictured), an ascetic yogi who is the public face of the brand, makes for an unconventional capitalist symbol. But with Acharya Balkrishna, a devotee of his who serves as the firm’s boss and majority-owner, he has built a consumer-goods powerhouse that is vying with the business-school graduates at the multinationals. Starting out two decades ago as an apothecary of traditional Ayurvedic potions, Patanjali has expanded into personal care, home products, packaged food and more. Mr Ramdev’s beard and saffron robes are among India’s most widely seen corporate emblems.
Marketing textbooks suggest the firm should have stumbled a while back. Whereas multinationals such as Procter & Gamble spend heavily to advertise dozens of sub-brands, Patanjali grew by word of mouth and sells everything from detergent to cornflakes and hair oil under its own name. Established players outsource their manufacturing and sell through shops owned by third parties; Patanjali has its own plants and has built a network of thousands of exclusive, franchised stores across India. Its head office in Haridwar, in the foothills of the Himalayas, is not in a place consultants would recommend.
Nor would they have predicted the success of its formula—good quality and value plus indignant nationalism. Newspaper ads beseech customers to shake off the yoke of multinational firms in the way their forebears resisted Britain’s East India Company. A dash of cow urine in a handful of products, including soap and floor cleaner, burnishes its Hindu credentials.
Patanjali’s rise coincides with the arrival in office of Narendra Modi, India’s yoga-loving prime minister, in 2014 (Mr Ramdev appeared at his political rallies). Its rhetoric is the business counterpart to the Modi government’s Hindu-first chauvinism. Opposition politicians have complained that Patanjali has enjoyed low prices for land in deals with state governments that are run by politicians allied to Mr Modi.
The company is able to offer customers good value partly because it spends only 2-3% of revenues on advertising (consumer firms typically spend 12-18%). For many of its products, its modern plants use much the same machinery and inputs as its rivals, but cheaper staff. Lower costs mean operating margins of over 20% in its last published accounts (the firm is unlisted, and says it plans to stay that way), beating global firms.
Soul trader
Multinational and local rivals at first behaved as if Patanjali did not exist. But after its herbal toothpaste won a dedicated following, in 2015 Colgate launched an offering aimed at Patanjali, the first time in its nearly eight decades in India that it had marketed an explicitly local product. Unilever has a range of Ayurvedic shampoos. Nestlé added 25 products across food categories to ward off the beaming guru, but Patanjali is still coming close to matching its sales (see chart).
Patanjali’s latest push is into food staples such as cooking oil and flour. There it will take market share from unbranded small-scale rivals rather than multinationals, which steer clear of such low-margin business. More products look likely to get the bearded yogi’s seal of approval. A line of purposely frumpy jeans for women is in the works; restaurants may be, too.
Sceptics think the company is as big as it can get without becoming more like the multinationals it decries. It is starting to use some of their methods. Patanjali is distributing more of its products outside its own shop network. It is reportedly outsourcing more of its manufacturing, too. It is increasing its spending on advertising. Mr Balkrishna has considered expanding abroad.
The firm may also face fiercer domestic competition in future. Other spiritual leaders have noted Patanjali’s success. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a guru with a big following among the urban middle classes who rivals Mr Ramdev for Mr Modi’s affections, is branching out from Ayurveda into food and personal care. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, a self-proclaimed saint who packs out huge stadiums singing his techno hit “Love Charger”, is now in business too, selling more than 400 products. Others will follow. It does not take a marketing guru to figure out how easily followers can be turned into shoppers.
This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline "Bend it like Baba"
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esonetwork · 4 years
Timestamp #TW28: Children of Earth – Day Two
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Timestamp #TW28: Children of Earth – Day Two
Torchwood: Children of Earth – Day Two (1 episode, s03e02, 2009)
The band is on the run and the Hub has been destroyed.
All that’s left is a giant crater in Roald Dahl Plass. As Gwen stumbles to her feet, an emergency response team pulls her away from the flames and loads her into an ambulance. This team is not your standard emergency response but rather an assassination squad. Gwen bites and shoots her way free before hijacking the ambulance.
Meanwhile, Ianto pulls himself out of the rubble and runs from a sniper as the police arrive, complete with Andy Davidson and a defense of Gwen’s character. Agent Johnson calls Frobisher and reports that the job is one-third of the way done, then takes Davidson to raid Gwen’s home. Frobisher also receives some information about a mysterious device and the 456.
Gwen stops the ambulance and interrogates one of the surviving assassins, learning that the government as ordered the destruction of Torchwood. Gwen rushes home, wakes up Rhys, and unceremoniously tries to usher him to safety. Ianto makes contact while Rhys gets dressed, and Gwen rushes away, shooting out Johnson’s tires before escaping.
Government forces also storm the Davies household in a search for Ianto, but he’s one the streets elsewhere. Gwen and Rhys end up dumping their car since the license plates are trackable.
As morning dawns, Frobisher tries to patch up relations with his family before heading to work. At Home Office, Lois Habiba does some more digging while Frobisher briefs the Prime Minister about Jack and the 456 device. The 456 have only directly contacted Britain. Lois tries to ask Frobisher if Jack can help, but she’s chided for her efforts.
Jack’s daughter tries contacting him without success. We also discover that Timothy White has survived and is on the run.
At what’s left of the Hub, recovery teams find an arm, a shoulder, and a head. They take to a warehouse in London while Ianto watches from a nearby rooftop. In the warehouse, the remaining pieces of Jack’s body start a gruesome and extreme resurrection sequence. He goes from a skeleton to a blind, screaming burn victim. Johnson reports this to Frobisher as gets ready to check on Mr. Dekker’s progress with the 456 device.
Gwen and Rhys find that their accounts have been frozen, so they take their fight to London by stowing away on a food delivery lorry. During the trip, Gwen finds the right way to tell Rhys about their pregnancy, leading to mixed emotions of joy and anxiety given their current situation.
Meanwhile, Ianto’s family receives a card in their newspaper, which is a covert request for Rhiannon to bring him supplies. Johnny runs a distraction while Rhiannon sneaks away, and when she makes contact, she’s happy to see him but upset about his condition. During this meeting, the children stop again.
In unison: “We are coming tomorrow.”
Timothy White is particularly upset about this revelation.
Ianto takes the laptop and Rhiannon’s car in his pursuit of the ambulance that took Jack. At Home Office, Gwen Cooper tries to make contact with Frobisher but ends up finding an ally in Lois. The women covertly set up a meeting, though Gwen was clearly expecting Frobisher instead of the new hire. Luckily, Lois is a much friendlier face, and she bears news of the kill order. Lois doesn’t like covering up murders.
Jack has finished his resurrection. He demands to see the man in charge but instead meets Agent Johnson before being sealed in concrete while Ianto watches from afar. Meanwhile, Gwen and Rhys use the information provided by Lois to sneak into a secure compound as funeral directors to retrieve Rupesh Patanjali’s body. This takes them into the lion’s den, and Rhys almost blows their cover when their contact, Corporal “Kodak” Camara, flirts with Gwen. Luckily, Camara’s a bit thick. He also hits the deck nicely when Gwen sucker punches him.
Unfortunately, as Gwen disables the cameras, the alarms are sounded and the couple is surrounded by Johnson’s forces just as they discover the concrete cell. They find an escape route when Ianto uses heavy machinery to rip the makeshift sarcophagus from the building. Gwen provides an explosive exit and Johnson reports her failure to Frobisher. The man is not pleased.
Ianto stops the machine at the edge of a large quarry and drops the sarcophagus over the edge. The concrete shatters and frees Jack’s body. He comes back to life once again and is reunited with his Torchwood family.
Frobisher, Spears, and the Prime Minister observe the device’s construction. It ends up being a tank of some sort. Later that night, the tank is flooded with a gas mixture that is poisonous to humans. Bridget wants to investigate the 456, but Frobisher tells her that they don’t have time. The 456 will be arriving tomorrow.
Frobisher and Spears leave as Dekker embraces the tank with an unnatural sense of welcoming anticipation.
It’s under extreme pressure where Torchwood works best, and this is no exception. Watching the team play to their strengths without the guidance of Jack Harkness behind them says a lot about how well they have adapted to their roles over the last two years. The endgame, of course, was the rescue of their team’s leader in a tense action sequence that left me cheering multiple times.
I do feel bad for Jack’s daughter, Alice, who is left wondering throughout the entire episode.
This episode brings some further Torchwood mythology to bear, including snippets of how Queen Victoria created other institutions (of which the current government is unaware) and the official stance that Torchwood Two has been disbanded (but that the current government is unsure).
Finally, we get another tease of Gwen Cooper’s linage with the funeral director sequence. Gwyneth, her ancestor from The Unquiet Dead, was the servant to an undertaker.
The team dynamic and resourcefulness make this an amazing chase episode as the mysterious threat bears down on the planet Earth. They arrive next week.
Rating: 5/5 – “Fantastic!”
UP NEXT – Torchwood: Children of Earth – Day Three
The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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