#how to stop worrying about money
milimeters-morales · 8 months
i really got some of the worst combinations of traits that make people think i’m unapproachable or generally unpleasant to talk to irl 😭😭 black + resting bitch face (vine boom) flat tone + can’t handle eye contact (vine boom) acne + eyebags (vine boom) scarring + can’t sit still (vine boom) visibly neurodivergent different in a way i STILL haven’t figured out yet but others have (vine boom)
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buck-yyyy · 11 months
after two weeks of relative freedom regarding what i eat, when i eat, when i shower, when i go to bed, what i want to do with my time, etc etc, spending this next week in a hotel room with my parents is going to be fucking Rough
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Now i know this blog is obviously for.. well. Front facing pokemon, but your tags are always super interesting. I think your opinions on pokemon are pretty neat
i've gotten a few asks like this so far, and it's always nice to see that folks aren't annoyed about how much i talk in the tags. i have lots of opinions on lots of things! and i like to talk a lot. the reason i started talking more in the tags is actually because of asks like this—folks saying they liked seeing what i had to say on particular pokémon has encouraged me to actually talk about my thoughts more (although if you regularly read my tags, i tend to get off-topic pretty quickly. i queue these up very early in the morning, as soon as i get up, and i'm usually a little delirious), especially compared to my first early posts on this blog which didn't even have any tags at all, beyond the names of the pokémon. you're one of the like 4 ffp-mod likers how's it feel
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chaoxfix · 10 months
god i need the algorithm to stop recommending lore olympus to me.
reframing a kidnapping of a woman as romance, and painting her mother as an overbearing shrew rather than rightfully worried and protective, and portraying the kidnapper as sympathetic ... what about my overtly feminist ass makes anyone or any algorithm think i'd enjoy ANY hades/persephone romance retellings.
at this point the only hades and persephone retelling i'm interested in is a retelling that focuses on demeter's love for her daughter. one where persephone's abduction and transition from kore, the maiden, to persephone, goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld, was one where she carries out a revenge fantasy against her abductor... She cannot fully escape the underworld, no; she is death, doomed by the narrative. Underground she will stay for half the year. But she will not subject herself to be trapped with him.
hades dies at dawn; hades dies in the spring light, by persephone's power, and a knife garnished with evergreen thistles. demeter holds him down, and persephone cuts the head. judith slaying holofernes; persephone slaying hades.
#i just cant stand it. i cant stand women simping over abusive and controlling men. begging yall... have some dignity#and i cannot stand women who write stories expecting their love of controlling and abusive men to be validated.#ladies... you dont have to like this........ the only things you have to lose are your chains!!!!!#also i dont like the girls outfits in lore olympus.#i cant be the only one who thinks theyre degrading.#why is dressing that way seen as sexy? and why is 'sexy' for a woman so humiliating and submissive? what would a sexy man wear by contrast?#lets stop treating ourselves as objects. we arent here to be ogled. you arent a sexy lamp. you can stop stop dressing as one.#also no amount of therapy speak in the world can cover up the fact that this is a relationship with untenable power differences#you can talk about boundaries all you like. hes 2000 years old ...and youre 19.#and the fact that all the older folk around her have their worries dismissed by the narrative........... side eye#ladies. sugar daddy and older 'mature' man fantasies are fine whatever. but lets not kid ourselves. theyre not *empowerment* fantasies.#you still dont have agency no matter how much money your boyfriend makes. not as long as it's *his* money.#you still dont have power no matter how powerful your boyfriend is. it's still *his* power.#its not empowerment if YOU arent the one that receives power. i dont care if you FEEL empowered. ARE you? in a material and objective way?#are you truly receiving POWER? or are you receiving gifts? if its in HIS power it isnt in YOURS.#and if you truly believe that there can ever be a relationship where he loves you enough that you have 'power' over him...#you fundamentally misunderstand the risks in dynamics like that. how abusive men can change in an instant.#women throughout history weep for you. please understand that you are not so different from them.#you are not inherently any smarter or better than abused women of the past. they thought they made the best choices they could too.#dont ever put yourself in a relationship with a man where he holds all the power. retain your power.#and when the older women in your life tells you something is a bad idea... run. run as fast as you can. they are trying to protect you.#ill regret posting feminist rants eventually but god i need an outlet
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dinotoaster · 1 month
I may or may not have impulse-bought a whiteboard as well as a proper bedside table. This is very important and not at all a terrible idea. In no way is this a waste of money. (At least my flat will finally be in a state that I can consider "done")
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tetrazeta-space · 9 months
oh my god do I have to deal with the unity per-install fee fearmongering here too.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 months
Oh haha yeah I'm definitely feeling better <- he is not talking to people
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electricpurrs · 11 months
do you think if i went to college id have the opportunity to hang out with friends and kiss cute boys. is this where im gonna need to find the motivation to go to college
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princekirijo · 1 year
OK this is the last post I make on the topic because I don't like being too personal on Tumblr (not anymore at least) and tbh I might delete this after a while but it is so upsetting to see people shit on people who are addicted to gacha games. It doesn't matter what it is an addiction is an addiction. I've heard of people going into debt over these things like do you understand how sad and terrible that is. And like maybe idk we shouldn't laugh at them for spending 1k+ on some anime waifu maybe we should idk treat them like a human being and help them.
#turning off reblogs on this because i dont want this spreading#i say personal because ive been affected#not the extent that i've put myself in debt or anything wild don't worry#and to me its less how much i spent and more how fucking fast i was to spend it#but thats as much detail as i'll give#because a) i dont want to discuss it with you guys i love y'all but i have to set my boundries#and b) because as i said i would literally get made fun of for it#and people justify it like 'oh the characters are well written!' yeah because they want you to care about them so you spend money#its literally what the whole system is based on#in gensh!n at least i cant speak for other gacha games#the fundemental system is still fucked up#and look i wouldn't judge anyone for playing these games because that would be hypocritical#so like if you play them whatever#but just do really really think about what you're doing#for your own sake#i know its hard too i wont lie i miss gens!n because i used to play with my gf#she was so understanding though when i came away from it love that woman so much#not sure i would have stopped if it wasn't for her#im probably making it sound worse than it was but then again its probably like oh it wasn't that bad but if you think about it kinda was#just not as severe i suppose#and like final thing but the fact that i literally dont feel i can talk to anyone about this#im much better than i was because ultimately just coming away from the game and the fandom helped#but like because of the stigma around it on and offline i wouldn't feel safe talking about it unless its a professional therapist#and that's so fucked up#sounds like im looking for sympathy im sorry im really not (maybe a little subconsciously) but i want people to know that yeah its fucked#and you're not cool or better because you bully people for it especially if you play them yourself#sorry this post is all over the place ill def be deleting this in a few hours LMAO i just need to get it off my chest#and in fairness to y'all ye're good listeners#ask to tag
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warrior-kitty · 2 years
I, for one, am still 100% on board for Skuld being Subject X because all of the hints and tidbits of description we’ve got so far just lines up perfectly for her to be Skuld so if that’s somehow not the case I will face Nomura and walk backwards into hell
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moinsbienquekaworu · 11 months
I thought about working a 9-5 for the next 45 years of my life and all of my love for life has evaporated
#it's 1am i'm going to read fun fics and forget about it and go to sleep#i have other things to worry about. we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.#.... it's genuinely distressing though.#because the only times i feel like a real person are outside of school or work.#especially holidays#i am never as much myself as during the summer holidays#i never have as much energy and motivation and joy for life as during the summer holidays#but soon i won't get a 2-4 months period to be a real person anymore.#soon i'll have to take a few weeks/year for a good 4 decades and by the time i'm done i won't have enough money to enjoy my freedom#i don't want that. i want to be a person. i want to be me 24/7 all year round#i don't want to say 'i'll do it when i have the energy' every day and know in my heart i won't ever have it anymore#do you know how long it takes to recharge those batteries? three weeks of holidays won't cut it#and i'm not even going to get that#i don't want to stop drawing to stop having fun with fandom to give up my hobbies and who i am as a person#but i know i don't have the energy to be a person after 4-5 hours of work#what is it going to be like when i have to do 7 hours a day?#when i have to push past my limits every day?#i can't conceive of a future where i work. i just can't. and it's going to happen and it's going to kill me#and i'm not even going to be dead! i'm just going to sleepwalk around the whole time and never be a person again#because all of the energy i have for that will have been taken by a work i don't want to do#.... okay i'm going to cry. um. fanfic time. i'm going to bury that under good fanfic so i can manage to fall asleep#wow i have a ramble tag now
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But yeah The Smile Ruined My Life. It helps it's not as silly as his last card's though lol
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The "soul patch" is a bit of both; it is amplified a lot by lighting, but you can see it's noticeably darker/less patchy than the rest of his facial hair in his texture even when lighting isn't a factor and it's like that for his younger model too. I rarely notice when Tsutsumi actually has one though because it blends in with the shadow lol (sorry for the disgustingly high res texture btw I don't know why they did that and Tumblr blows it up to max size anyway </3)
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YAYAYAY HOPE YOU ENJOY GOD OF RISK <3 Genuinely don't remember a single thing so probably due a rewatch for me as well. I do miss Hit Me too...
That's exactly the vision! Sad dog left out in the rain. I love fish out of water (so to speak) type stuff where the character is normally So Serious and So Capable. Jo just Existing In Public is such an image, right... because he's like... this guy with a fifty-foot AOE "leave me the fuck alone" aura active at all times but wearing one of THE most eye-grabbing fits... Honestly kind of insane no one ever connected Aoki to the yakuza before Nick's call-out post, though.
It's fun to imagine RGG characters just living their lives too. I LOVED Mine's first event because he had a lot of commentary on random encounters you could have in Y3 and even achievements you could get, while offering a pretty good idea of what his day-to-day is like
he cant be smiling so sincerely while holdin a fuckin katana that looks RIGHT RIDICULOUSAELKJA (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
if my followers can handle me posting masato and aoki's skinned face texture, then i can surely handle a bit of extra hi-res stubble ☠️☠️ BUT i dosee it. if i squint real hard (the shadows in the rggo card really do help point it out)
I'M ABOUT HALFWAY THROUGH THE FIRST EP RN (got distracted for a sec to hang with my bro) AND SO FAR IM ENJOYIN IT !! Business Bullshit has always entertained me, and esp when kaori's being so hard headed rn only to be faced with the facts that if she doesnt change Serious Shit is going to hit the fan is ABSOLUTELY pulling me in
YAYAYA THATS EXACTLY IT I LOVE FISH-OUT-OF-WATER TYPE OF SCENARIOS TOO. it really is funny that no one connected the dots when every other npc or character seem so deadset on clocking characters like kiryu frame one as yakuza. meanwhile there's alligator-print, perpetual-scowl and slicked-back hair jo and everyone just seems to be none the wiser. He Just Looks Like That Don't Be Rude☠️☠️
i LOVE imaginin charas doin mundane shit so much, it's probably why i really enjoy slice-of-life stuff. Oh The Beauty Of Everyday Life Etc Etc- esp when applied to yakuza characters where it should be hard for a day to be bland and not noteworthy ☠️
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heart-bones · 1 year
I am so tired but I cannot sleep
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cherrysnax · 2 years
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#how do I make the self loathing n depression stop. i feel like I’m drowning n like I’m pulling my loved ones down with me#I’m trying really hard to be a person but it feels like ky progress is gone. i have a hard time standing up for too long so it’s rlly hard#cooking for myself even though one of my goals was to cook more. i keep forgetting what day/month it is#i feel like I’m so far away and everyone is just . millions of miles away from me#i just. want living to not feel like a chore. i have so many things I look foreword to#n I don’t want to quit on myself#and part of me thinks it’s the stress from our constantly sinking money sitch due to comic deadlines — that are only here to help motivate#the world won’t end if we don’t make them. i think that’s something we forget#but yeah I’m worried abt my mom and my health is declining I’m always dizzy and forgetful b I have problems holding convos#and I’m tired all the time and my libido is gone and it’s either my depression or my antidepressants but I’m worried abt it#idk what if I’m dying. my family can’t afford me dying. and I don’t want to cut a life short that has so much potential#but golly gee has my mental health not gotten the memo. i wanna do things for the ones I love but mh body seems to be shutting down#i want to be a good friend or lover or child or adult but I mostly feel like I’m stuck a few years back#but I will be okay. i will learn how to navigate my newfound issues. make sure to go outside despite my general adversion to it#learn to let myself feel freely about the present. while also think past tommorow uh positively#if I give up on myself what more do I have?
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foxcassius · 2 years
im trying, like, so hard to not be dramatic. but i need somebody to Fucking Help me.
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
Today in sociology we did an assignment where we had to read through statistics about marriage, reasons why people get married, divorce rates, views on how certain couples influence children, etc. and then we had questions at the end that had more to do with how *we* felt about marriage and what we thought about the other things brought up in the article and when I tell you it lowkey physically hurt to write out how I didn’t really care for marriage. good god
#it’s like i DO care for it but the people who i want to marry aren’t real so like ???#i think of me having a traditional wedding with anyone else and physically retch i’m sorry#there was a straight week where i couldn’t stop thinking about getting married to my f/os or how we would set that up considering#body sharing or whatever#y’all are lucky my brain was so rotted that i never posted anything about it#btw. expensive. very expensive#marriage in general is just… woof. even elopement costs money?? did not know that#anyway uhhhhh yeah that was. an assignment. definitely#had to write it multiple times and each time it was a stab at my heart u_u#but like i want to reinstate the fact that i did not care whatsoever for marriage before my current f/os#i looked at it and just saw it as more of a hassle than anything#but now it’s just. somehow different#i’m really not good at articulating my thoughts or how exactly i feel over it but#i dunno. i care more about the idea now than i did with past f/os#current f/os are different etc etc but i love them and maybe sometimes i do think about getting married to them#putting that on hold right now of course because i have a lot of things to worry about before then but#it’s just… getting to build a home with them i guess?? a safe place for all of us??#obviously their lives have been much harder than mine and i want to support and be there for them#and i want them there for me too. i guess that is what changed my views towards marriage#but only specifically for them apparently lol#i dunno. i’m just happy i feel this way over them :)#quartzshipping
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