#however there are like Ten Million References which you need to read Every Fantasy Series to get so. there's your homework
hanzajesthanza · 2 years
i loveeee being in a fandom where the work of media in question is complete. it's finished. it's done.
we don't have to wait around for the next book or watch as the series gets dragged out and beaten like a dead horse for a neverending amount of cash flow.
the creator had a vision, he stuck to it, he executed it, and now we have "the work"—an established body of canon which we can talk about and discuss, without having to say "unless this gets changed or modified in future installments." there is a set number of short stories, a set number of books. asides from the comments of the author himself said in interviews and opinions remarked upon in essays and other works, there is nothing more we have to be prepared to risk everything on. the story is complete. it has been told. everything we know has already been written down.
i know some, or more likely, most people cannot stand it when there are no new or upcoming additions to the work of a fandom, nothing to "look forward to." but i love it. please don't give me any more, this was more than enough to deal with, i'm still working on this, honestly. rather, what i'm "looking forward to" are interpretations, analysis, and other work from fans from which we can generate—ourselves—ongoing discussions and arguments which will last us forever.
i don't want hype. i want love.
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xxkeachuxx · 8 years
My Current Thoughts About My Life:
So, I haven`t really been on Tumblr in awhile. How have you all been? I hope that you`ve all been doing well, and that the new year has been treating you all well, so far. <3
I just currently feel like expressing my current thoughts while I`m on here. Disclaimer, this is a long post. Once I start writing/typing, my mind thinks up a lot of things at once that I would like to add...Whoopsies... (/_\)’*
Okay, let’s see. Where to start?
So, currently I am unemployed. I was working for quite awhile in an office type place, I guess as a personal assistant. I would just help out with paperwork, such as invoices and packing slips, and various other things that needed to be done within the workplace itself. I was let go, but not by choice by the person who told me the news (the only reason why I got said job in the first place was because my friends parents work there). I think due to the new year, and the more higher positioned (?) people didn`t want me on the payroll for the new year (I`m assuming by the conversation I had over the phone). Getting jobs now a days is all about connections sadly (I`ve applied to so many places within the last year or so, and only got jobs due to connections (a food industry, that I will not name was by far the worst, and only if need be will I work at a place like that again). I also have dyed hair now (which I dyed on December. 19th of last year), and I don`t want to spend hundreds of more dollars that I can`t afford to spend on dying my hair back to my natural hair colour (dark brown), or a natural  hair colour because anything else will be “Distracting to costumers”, because you know, my hair is getting the job and not me as a person... *Sighs* I’m planning on going back to college in September for a Photography program (I may upload some of my photos on here), but that costs money, especially when it’s a three year program. This would make it my third time going to college. Third times the charm, right? *Fingers Crossed*
To help make some money in the meantime (although I know it won’t be much), I was thinking about starting an Etsy store, and selling stickers of @cryaotic‘s Sup Guy character (for example) because he is fun and easy to draw. If/when I do decide on this idea, and end up making some samples (besides some sketches that I have in mind in my sketchbooks), I’m going to try and get in contact with Cry, and ask for his permission, since I obviously don’t own the rights to this character. I’m more than happy to give him some of the profit, but again that’s a whole thing in itself. I know there’s the whole fair use thing, however I want to try and get permission for these types of things when I can. However with this, I want to have things ready before moving forward, if anything.
Side Note:
[If you don’t know who Cry is, he is a gamer on YouTube and he does Twitch streams quite frequently. He’s an amazing person, and he’s the second YouTuber that I subscribed to over four years ago on YouTube. I will leave a link to his YouTube channel, as well as his Twitch, just in case any of you are interested and would like to check him out. Obviously, I would recommend him and his content. They are on the lengthier side, but they are worth it, in my opinion. (^_^)’* <3]
I’ve also been considering selling some of the photos that I took during my photography course in college last year on Etsy as well (I would make prints on different kinds of papers with various different sizes, possibly different colour filters and/or schemes as well). There are a select view photos that I actually really do like. Again, these are just some thoughts that have been forming within my brain recently.
Technically, I did graduate from my one year program last year (I started in January of last year, so I did the semesters backwards). It was only for a certificate, which I didn’t know about until way later on into the second semester. I was in the program called Foundations in Art and Design. I’m definitely more of a sketcher than anything. I would say that I’m pretty decent at sketching. For me, I do need a reference to work off of, or my drawings will look like chicken scratch (putting it politely). After playing Final Fantasy XV, I had the realization about how much I really do like photography. Prompto’s side quests were so fun for me to do (if anything, I looked forward to his side quests the most), and I looked forward to all of the photos that he would take during the day(s) before you go and rest somewhere. Whether at a motel, safe haven, etc. The ending hit me like a ton of bricks. I hope that I can take at least one picture that’ll impact somebody in the same way that the ending impacted me. <3
Side Note:
[I actually have so many ideas for Final Fantasy XV for contents that they could add to the game itself. I know that this is a shot in the dark, but if anybody has any idea(s) on how I can get in touch with the creators please let me know. I would appreciate it greatly. (^_^)’* <3
Should I do a video and/or post on my ideas? Hhhhmmm... *Pounders Thought Deeply*]
I also really want to get back into making YouTube videos. I really do miss making videos. I’ve also been thinking about voice acting, or at the very least trying to do something similar to how Cry does his Cry Reads series (Link to his playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL100E6F8D8D47702F). I think that would be a great way to start off, and see how it goes from there.
I still really want to do charity live streams in the future, especially as many twenty four hour ones that I can. I have a few charities already in mind, I just now need to make time, figure out how to record everything, figure out what to do and how to go about it all, and get/save money for certain equipment's. Again, fingers crossed I can do this sometime in the near future. *Fingers Crossed*
I’m twenty one, and I’m going to be twenty two next month, and I still don’t know what my life is even about currently. I would love to move out someday soon (nothing is wrong with my household or anything like that, I just would like to move out), travel the world and take photos (I should probably get my driver’s license... *Sighs* (So many idiots on the roads now a days that I would rather not deal with, although I know that it is inevitable to avoid them... *Even More Sighing*)), play more video games, and continue where I left off on YouTube (for those of you who have been supporting me during my absence, thank you so much. It all really does mean a lot to me, and I really do appreciate every single one of you. (^///^)’* <3). Charity live streams are something I want to do in the very near future, and I want to continue sketching and taking photos (My goal this year is to take a photo for everyday of this year (I completely forgot to take one yesterday, so I’m going to take two today!). I do miss singing and acting (I took Vocals and Drama all throughout high school, and I enjoy and miss writing as well. I have so many interests, but it’s just deciphering the hobbies/interests from what I would like to do with my life career wise. I have a good handful of things that I’m good at, but nothing that I really exceed at. I know that things don’t happen overnight, and that practice does improve skill sets greatly. I also like to cook and bake, and I like to dance as well...man, I just like a lot of things... xD xP
Side Note:
[This has nothing to do with anything career wise, but I really would also like to watch more animes. I’m currently on episode ten of the first season of Danganronpa (I would also love to play the games and read the manga’s involving this series!), and I watched the first episode of Yuri!!! On Ice recently (earlier this morning before going to bed). I really like the horror genre, but I’m not opposed to other genres of anime. If you really like anime and/or you would like to watch some great and interesting people, I have four amazing YouTubers that I think you should check out! I will leave there YouTube channels and Twitch links below. (^_^)’* <3
The Anime Man (Joey (Congratulations on reaching over one million subscribers recently, Joey. You truly do deserve them all, and more. (^_^)’* <3)):
Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxgJZxXviSbPbEMrsO6DpuQ
Akidearest (Congratulations on almost reaching eight hundred thousand subscribers, Aki. You truly do deserve them all, and more. Here’s to nine hundred thousand, and soon one million. (^_^)’* <3)):
Second Channel:
Lost Pause (Noble (Congratulations on reaching almost one million subscribers, Noble. You truly do deserve them all, and more. (^_^)’* <3)):
Second Channel:
Misty/Chronexia (Mathieu (I know that this is on the later side, however congratulations on reaching one million subscribers, Mat. You truly do deserve them all, and more. Also, congratulations to both you and Jess on the news of your baby *Spoiler Alert* girl! I can’t wait until she’s born, and I know that the two of you will be great parents. (^_^)’* <3)).
Second Channel:
...Did I forget anything? I mean, knowing me I probably. If I did, I can always just add the missing points/thoughts later on to this post when they come to mind.
Don’t give up on your passion(s) and your dream(s). If you don’t know what you want to do yet in your life, don’t worry. You’ll figure it out eventually, I mean look at me. I’m planning on going to college for a third time, and if it weren’t for Final Fantasy XV and Prompto’s character, I may not have figured out how much I really like photography, and my last college program had a photography course in it! Prompto will always have a special place in my heart, and in all honesty I do see a lot of me in him and is character. Thank you to the creators and character designers of Final Fantasy XV and Prompto, even though this was clearly unintentional. You will never know how much Prompto’s character means to me, and how much he impacted my life for the better. I hope that one day I can impact at least one person, the same way this all impacted me. <3
Side Note:
[Anyone else think that it would be so cool to voice act for the Final Fantasy franchise? I would love to do something like that someday! *Even More Finger Crossing!]
Trust me, to this day I do feel pressure here an there, but don’t let pressure from others get to you. There is no time limit when it comes to finding your passions and figuring out your life dreams! If you don’t, I believe in each and every one of you. (^///^)’* <3 Meghan Camarena, also known as Strawburry17 on YouTube, made a video called Dreamer over a year ago. I will leave a link to her video, as well to her two YouTube channels. She’s an amazing human being, and this video really did help me out a lot.
Dreamer Video:
Second Channel:
Gaming Channel:
Also, I’m going to add the links to annablutube’s and Damien Dawn’s version of their song, Silent Scream, as well as there YouTube channels. I’ll also have a link for Anna’s song, Where Do I Go?, which is one of the latest songs that has been made. When the official music video comes out, I will add a link to that video as well. They are both really talented musicians and such wonderful people. They also reached their goal on Kickstarter, and I’m so glad that I could be a backer, and help them out with their dreams, and help make them into a reality. Congratulations you two, I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you all! (^///^)’* <3
Silent Scream Video:
Where Do I Go? Video:
Damien Dawn:
Silent Scream Video:
Anyways, I hope that you’re all having an amazing day or night, wherever you are in the word. Stay safe. <3
Never give up. <3
- Keanna <3
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