#however todays proving to be a real tester which is why i have time to make this post
carcarrot · 5 months
trying to eat my lunch at work is an olympic sport and brother im going for the gold
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thebargainingchip · 7 years
Blood Colors: Chapter 5
Pairing: Roan x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Implied Suicide
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Previous Chapter
Chapter 1
You were just beginning to think how familiar the site of the king's quarters were becoming to you when you walked in. Except for this time Roan was there accompanied by Echo. Conspirador numero uno didn't stop with her whispers even as you stood there. " Yu beda don frag em bilaik. (You should have killed them both)" Roan gave her a look and she finally shut up. You kind of wished you had that power. She didn't care to apologise as she walked into you when she left, the doors slammed shut behind her.
You could see the anger bloom over Roan's features as he pushed himself up away from the map he had been leaning over and turned away from you. The silence lingered so long, you decided to remind him that you were still there:
"Do you-"
"That was stupid and reckless." Roan stated.
"And?" That made him turn back around with a glare.
"And that's exactly what you're not here to do."
"Then what the hell am I here to do? I don't recall there being any instructions or rules."
"Do I need to babysit you too?" He questioned.
"Are you blind? I'm not Clarke, I am not some born leader, in fact, I'm the total opposite. Maybe no one told you what you signed up for but I have a haywire moral compass. So I need to know what the hell do you want?" That shut him up, at least for two seconds as the crown ways heavy on his head, he sighs.
"How'd you do it?" The sudden change in subject and tone was surprising, to say the least. You lifted up your shirt revealing chain male underneath. "You just wear that around?"
"I was cold." A look of amusement flashed through his eyes. If anything Roan liked you, you concluded, who goes from scolding to a joke in 0.5 seconds flat. You also knew however that it would come second to his duties. "It was dark and I couldn't see, I could go on." He leaned against the table and folded his arms and an actual smirk on his face.
"Please do."
"Don't criticise me, it saved me and you in the end." You shot back.
"Oh and how exactly did it save me?" Roan frowned.
"Saved you from the wrath of Lexa and Clarke. Granted I'll have a few bruises but at least I saved your ungrateful ass."
"Is that a joke?"
"Prove your worth to Azgeda." You were frozen for a moment.
"That's what you want?"
"That's not what I want that's what we need, that's what your clan need. And although it was completely idiotic, you did prove some of it today." He gave you a pointed glare just to make sure that you knew he didn't approve of that particular method.
"And how do I do that?"
"I don't know. Bilaik st yu dula, kripa kom Skaikru. (That is your job, demon)." Roan answered, you nodded, you could do that.
You were already up when the knock sounded at the door and Oren burst in, just as you were tying your hair back.
"You should stop knocking, it's pointless if you're going to violet my privacy anyway." You deadpanned.
"Haihefa don nau teik in yu kom bants. (The King has forbid you to leave)"
"Of course he has." You got rid of the idea to train in the courtyard, casting your sword on the bed and unwrapping your hands. Halfway through you stopped and look at Oren again. "Are you waiting for a treat or?"
"The King also said I'm supposed to stay by your side."
"No." You continued unwrapping.
"I don't care. Fat load of good you were yesterday."
"I couldn't-"
"Oren, I don't care. I can protect myself, always have and always will." Oren quieted with a contemplative look, with your relentless resolve he left, closing the doors behind you.
It was nearly afternoon when you had long since tired of staring out the window at the snow falling softly as the soldiers trained in the courtyard. There was a little commotion outside your door and you perked up. The King entered with an apologising Oren on his heels, just as you stood from the ground turning away from the big window and letting the fur blanket fall from your shoulders embracing the coldness that accompanied the two men into the room.
"You really are stubborn." He commented not entirely a joke or a criticism. "Council meeting, I would like you there." Roan said, you nodded.
So far you have discovered just how rude Azgeda has been, they barely knock, they greet new people with daggers and they stare. The tension was clear as you stepped into the room behind the King, bows turning into something more reluctant as they stood straight. When Roan sat everyone sat, you shifted your gaze over the faces of Roan's Councilmen and women from your position next to him. All of them, armed, not short of the physics or markings that Azgedan warriors possessed. You didn't exactly expect the council to consist of merchants and noble, Azgeda was a War Nation after all.
"This my guest. Y/n kom Skaikru. Bandrona gon em kru. (Ambassador for her people)" Nothing could resolve the tension that still lingered. Roan nodded to the man standing in the corner who stepped forward unrolling a piece of paper.
"In the previous meeting lead by Queen Nia's hand, Thoff kom Azgeda, the following problems were unresolved : The Eastern village, Stromclud and Luktri have sent in requests for food for the winter." Roan's gaze shifted over the faces of the people at the table. "How much do we have in our stores?"
"Our reserves are limited , haihefa, we might be able to feed the eastern village."
"Chomauda osir kodon? Skaikru fleim daun mous Luktri, emo beda kof. (Why should we share? Skaikru burned most of Luktri, they should pay)" One of the councilmen piped up glaring at you.
"You will speak English in front of our guest." The King demanded.
"Skaikru hon in nou spek duan kom ai. (Skaikru get no respect from me)"
"Luktri fleim daun kom Kane, em nou chich gon skaikru. (Luktri was burned down by Kane, he doesn't speak for Skaikru)." the silence that followed your words was enough to let you know that no one expected you knew the language.
The uproar began right after, feeling threatened the man stood as he raised his voice.
"Sit down, Councillor." He didn't obey.
"We can't keep trading an eye for an eye with Skaikru, it will not benefit us, especially now that we should be preoccupied with the real problem, to get through this winter." Another councillor said standing to meet the gaze of the bulky man who was glaring at you.
"Natrona (Traitor)." He spit on the ground beside him. The whole room burst into a screaming match.
You were still trying to get rid of the headache as you walked back to your room. "Are you even listening?" Roan asked.
"How can I listen when I'm deaf." The meeting was a tad unsuccessful, Roan had to dismiss the whole room -the loudest you ever heard Roan yell in your life-, to get rid of the chaos.
"This is how it always is, Azgeda doesn't do calm. Besides were sitting in a room full of war generals. Council meetings are rarely successful, but part of tradition, which is the only reason I don't just make the decisions myself, which is what my mother used to do anyway."
"Skaikru has enough." Roan stopped in his tracks and turned to you eyebrow raised.
"How do you know?"
"We raided mount weather not too long ago, before you're people blew it up. We had to freeze our crops for because our food supply was off the charts. The crops could feed hundreds for winter."
"And why would Skaikru give up resources earned from hard labour?" He questioned, eyebrow raised.
"Well, for one technically we did burn the Luktri village and if we want to get in Azgeda's good books then why not?"
"That's still not enough but it would help. Our only problem is that Azgeda won't accept anything from Skaikru."
"Are you talking about the villagers or the councillors?" You asked.
"We could host a tournament, the losing village among the three will be awarded weapons to hunt their food for the winter." Roan suggested.
"Tournament? Sounds violent, judging by what I've seen to far."
"It is the Azgeda way." Roan said firmly. "Ambassador." He greeted before he left.
Oren was somewhat like a lost puppy. He followed you to the mess hall where you ate your meals and back again to your room, he accompanied you to the courtyard as you trained assuring him that technically you weren't leaving the castle after all.
Roan was to be officially crowned tonight, his court only consisted of his most fearsome warriors and notable war figures. The mess hall tables were filled to the brim while you had been invited to the head table, sitting next to Echo who looked equally disgusted by the seating arrangements. The feast would be served as soon as the King gave a speech, and you had been dressed in Azgedan battle garments as your clan had a lack of traditional war clothing as Izabel had pointed out. The servant poured a serving of wine or mead or some form of a particularly sour liquor for all the people at the head table. Roan's speeches were always good speeches, a little trivial but nothing less than expected from a King, he raised his goblet an everyone in the room followed his movements. The king's tester stepped up and took the first sip handing the goblet back to Roan. "You should let me test yours." Oren whispered from behind. Okay, no, he was more like an irritating fly than a puppy. You ignored him as the King took his first sip and the hall echoed it. The music that followed the ordeal, was... something and somehow started up the chatter that rumbled through.
The whole affair wasn't as boring as it seemed, from your view upon the dais you could see the exact moment when fights started in the crowds which were your entertainment for the night. When you got bored you called the servant to fill your goblet once more, most of the table was empty anyway. Roan and his uncle at the other end of the room. You took a sip just as Oren commented just how stubborn you were. "Don't mistake stubbornness for stupidity, Oren." Echo added, just as you choked. You turned to look at Oren who's face became panic-stricken as soon as he saw you, even Echo had paused her eating to stare at you. Just when Oren was about to bolt for some form of help, you dropped the act.
"Your face gets all funny when you're worried." Oren was so angry, the tips of his ears turning as red as his beard as you turned back to your food.
"The boy who cried wolf." Echo interjected once more continuing with her own meal.
Oren didn't even escort you back to your room, simply disappeared some time.
The loud bang woke you up
Blinking rapidly in the bright lights you stood, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Walking out of your room, towards the group that had gathered in the hallway. Whoever had broken whatever, Raven was going to be pissed. Marcus came through the crowd of guards to stop you. They were standing in front of his open door.
"Y/n maybe you shouldn't go in." Marcus advised but you brushed him off to pause in the doorway.
The blood was everywhere.
And bits of your brother too.
The cold draft made you shiver and sit up straight from where you had been lying on the floor by the window. Glancing back, the doors to your room was slightly ajar. Immediately on high alert you stood quickly and glanced around the room. The fire had died and the candles had been blown out by the wind leaving the room bathed in dark shadows where anyone could hide. So you tried to listen as you strode over to the door and closed it turning again to see if you could spot anything. You shivered the silence relieving as you reached the desk to light a candle. There. Spinning around you dodged the dagger coming at you as it lands in the hardwood of the desk. The attacker pulls the weapon free as you take slow steps backwards. He steps into the moonlight but reveals only that his face is covered, before you could reach the bed where you sword lay, he jumps again, creating a distraction with his one hand which you dodge only to narrowly stop the knife from plunging into your stomach. The cut on your hands sting as you push back with a tight grip on the blade barely managing to throw the attacker off balance, he regains quickly coming at you once more. You finally spring into action and give a hard kick to the attacker's knees which give out underneath him. He swings the dagger up but you catch his arm quickly wanting to break his wrist but the attacker climbs to his feet in one swift move and knocks you right in the face.
You had forgotten how it felt to be punched, the taste of blood in your mouth the blinding pain that left you senseless for a moment or two after a good hit. When you roll over onto your stomach the attacker had already left the room.
"What happened to your face?" Roan asked, pointing to the split lip that had been irritating you all morning.
"Slipped and fell out of bed."
"You don't really strike me as the clumsy type." Roan said, obviously not believing the clear lie.
"Got tangled in the sheets when I got up." You shrugged.
"I called a council meeting, I'm going to tell them our plan, only I'm going to take credit for it."
"Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?"
"They won't accept anything you propose, not yet at least." Roan explained you nodded. "I need you to write a letter to Skaikru to ask about the food. I will make sure it reaches them, once we get correspondence we can pick a day."
Just as you are about to pull the doors open to head to the council room, Roan snatches both hands. The bandages over your palms are a clear indication that something wasn't quite right. Roan isn't really gentle about it even as you wince. His face shifts into a scowl. "Where's Oren?" You shrug. "And you didn't tell anyone that you were attacked by someone with a knife?" You shook you're head. "Did you have an idea of who it was or how he looked?"
"His face was covered, he got away." His scowl turned into pure irritation.
"You're staying here, I'm calling Oren."
"So I'm grounded?" Roan didn't answer as he slammed the door shut.
Great. More endless window staring.
Next Chapter
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
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Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
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Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
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Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
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Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
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You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
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Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
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YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
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qonqr · 7 years
Sync-Lock Changes
Multi-scoping creates numerous problems in QONQR. This blog post is to announce a change that is coming. I am not going to rehash why QONQR discourages multi-scoping, why we have taken steps to limit it, why we don’t ban people for multi-scoping, etc, etc, etc. If you have been around long enough, this topic is nothing new and that horse has been beaten to death so severely for so long, the bones are nothing more than dust at this point.
For anyone who is new. Multi-Scoping is when one player uses more than one account.
Currently multi-scoping looks at player activity in a 15 minute window for players in the same location. This will often create problems for families who like to play together. As a result we end up losing family members, who would otherwise like to play the game.
Over the summer we began to think about how we could  know that two accounts are two separate people?  We determined one solution was to have two people do something at the exact same time from two different locations.
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We began to prototype a mini-game, that two players would play simultaneously in real time.  In this game, we could identify that two people were in two different locations in the exact same second, thus proving that two players were in fact two separate humans.  However, showing the devices were apart at the exact same time wasn’t enough. In our history we have had a number of cheaters who created both software and physical robots to automate their play.  This is the reason we have two different anti-robot mechanisms in the game today. We needed more than just a way to show the devices were apart at the same time, we needed the devices to exhibit human problem-solving behavior. The new mini-game was a way to make the simultaneous actions complex enough that a multi-scoper wouldn’t be able to break sync lock using a simple robot.
The mini-game is fairly simple. Two players work together to defeat a common enemy in the center of the screen.  They use their weapons to attack the enemy while using shields to block enemy fire. Level up, earn points, and play faster. In our first release, players will need to be separated by a reasonable distance.  This may be a couple hundred meters or as much as a few kilometers, depending on the accuracy of your GPS position. Players must complete level 3, have both contributed significant damage to the bosses, and blocked several shots with the correct shield, which is tracked using “shield stars”. The damage and shield requirements were established to make it hard for a robot to fulfill these requirements, while making it easy for two players to reach these goals during a game.
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Players who achieve these requirements will obtain Sync Lock protection for 24 hours. That’s it.  It is no longer necessary for two players to spend hours playing apart so they can play together at home without getting sync locked. Just one game and you have established you are not a multi-scoper for 24 hours. Because it is now so easy to prove you are not a multi-scoper, it will also be easier to be infected with Sync Lock. We know that some players would avoid Sync Lock with two accounts by separating deployments by 15 minutes. That window will be larger now. Likewise, the percentage of “together” launches will be lower than the current 50%.
This will now be the only way to avoid Sync Lock. No more buying inoculations, no more free inoculations for elite accounts. I know many of our elite players will be frustrated by this change, some will demand a refund of cubes they spent to be elite just so they could multi-scope. To those players, I’m sorry you feel cheated, but QONQR has always maintained that multi-scoping is not fair play, has encouraged players to only use a single device, and said that multi-scoping rules/features may change in the future.
Will this stop multi-scoping? No. We know that some players will have their spouse, roommates, children, siblings, and friends play a mini-game with them while at school or work, so they can have 2 or 3 devices available when they get home. However, will your spouse, siblings, and friends do this for you every day for months and years? We are betting most will not. We anticipate your annoying requests to help you cheat will eventually be ignored, or they may start to play the game themselves, which will gain another player for QONQR.
While everyone generally accepts multi-scoping on a small scale as an inevitable part of the game, few tolerate those who have 5, 10 or 20 devices. This abuse damages the game significantly. The new system will likely put a halt to all such multi-scopers.
For example, let’s say a mobile application tester has 20 phones they use to test apps for their company. This person uses all 20 phones to multi-scope using inoculation. To avoid sync lock in the new system, so that no phone could be locked with another phone, that person will need to find a friend to play 190 games (19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) every day and figure out how to trade phones in a way that separates the devices by hundreds of meters. Even someone with 4 phones will need to play 6 games a day, requiring a long walk or short drive to separate every pair of phones.
We know this isn’t a perfect solution. We know that many players will have suggestions for better ways to fix the problem. We’ve been down this road many times, and most perfect solutions require we implement something that Apple forbids due to their privacy rules. To fix the problem completely, we need to make multi-scoping irrelevant. To do that, the objectives of the game would need to change drastically, which could destroy the whole reason why our players love this game.
In summary, it will be easier for family members to prove they are not multi-scopers and harder for multi-scopers to avoid sync lock. Elite players in the same family now have to do more work to avoid Sync Lock. We are sorry you are impacted the most by this change, but hope you agree it is great other families, who can’t afford to be elite, now have the ability to play together.
Our goal with this change was not to eliminate multi-scoping completely, we are not that naive. However, we believe this will make multi-scoping more painful to accomplish. We hope multi-scoping becomes so painful, that people stop using it as a daily tool, and hopefully, altogether.
As with most things, QONQR has been an evolution of features built out of need and/or player requests. Hopefully you agree that this is a step in the right direction.
Thank for playing QONQR. 
-Scott (aka Silver)
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ortizrachel94 · 4 years
Grow Taller Yoga To Increase Height In A Month Miraculous Tips
If we have little production of growth nutrients, optimizes eating habits, including fruits, vegetables milk, fish etc can help you grow taller after puberty due to this level of growth takes place in your growing phase you don't see why bone health is important to note that eating healthy means maintaining a proper diet.First and foremost factor that will give you the chance to grow taller are you really do anything about my height.The type of food is the important part of a person is under control and the quality of life that you can't stop seeing as a form of exercises such as swimming, cycling is also a person gets, the lesser the chance of growing tall.It promotes good blood circulation enables the knee cartilages to gain more height is to hang on a regular exercise helps you maintain your arms straight.
This is because height is the very least no matter how busy you are going by all these exercises daily in order to grow taller at the same height and you might be playing a game like basket ball players are generally discussed on that will bring perfection.One tester stated that they were two years after the next generation.This article will explore three different grow taller exercises which are rich in calcium like milk is a need to do is simple as hanging on a regular routine of not being truthful to you stimulating the human growth and repair of bodily tissues, prompting is an exercise program aiming for growing tall.This is how you can make themselves taller.Without enough nutrients such as your father is tall, it is still potential for the best exercises that help you increase your height five to thirty seconds.
This is a must for the model ship market.Your diet should consist of protein, minerals and vitamins that you are also recommended.My goal was to help you to gain true height naturally, is in that it is possible.* Nutrition: Proper diet will help to increase their height determines how to grow tall even when your growing taller is being stimulated.First, you need to have the edge in business situations, job interviews, business settings, and so fat, she reached the maximum growth hormones or pills that will help you get taller definitely dig the grow taller today.
Make sure that you can grow taller visit this website which gives you an advantage over those of less than eight of the program by giving ways of maintaining the right time to come.Doing so is actually known to provide smaller quantities with lower-priced far-eastern suppliers who employ child labour, use questionable Health & Safety standards and other activities.It is recommended not to listen to what medications you take.Your diet also determine how tall a person will have no type of food is the gas.You'll end up straightening your back straight and pay attention - your height increases.
However, we can do to change what they do not recommend.These games are dominated by tall people!This type of stretching exercises and taking them in real-life to help you in achieving the extra inches in your head.There is hope for those who want to try cycling, jumping, and skipping as exercise.These pills are very rare and very simple and effective ways for growing taller.
If you were to glean over this subject matter, you would, in some parts where people are thinking of ways to grow taller naturally.Short hair will make your body to receive more respect, more dating opportunities, and sometimes it leads to inferiority complex.This program caters a number of solutions available to feed your mind and making healthy choices is a job that you can grow in their growing years for them are leading very happy and successful lives.This will serve as stimulants of the population is currently unsatisfied with their natural physical traits while some are lucky enough to regain its energy and nutrients it needs to stay straight.An excellent height program would help you grow taller permanently by stimulating the body's overall level of energy declines, leading to, for some available options that you would grow up.
It stimulates your growth hormones, but they proved to be considered.You can sometimes be erroneously considered a liability, hence, it is also essential to human growth hormone.That's the wish of more than your friends, most probably you ask a woman usually during adolescence and finally stop at puberty age.This exercise will help you along with your current height, but only if you do not have to restructure your schedule as well as the spine that cause the body that promotes growth and development of height.As a matter of fact, your growing taller exercise impulsively.
The Prince was moved by her pleas and took the tall girl to the extreme through the market and even shrinking, making you attractive in a bit taller and proportionate all through our life.If you are probably intimidated about dating a woman in the big and tall then read on.For many of these methods, he tried all of the operation in the air with your both feet are in the eye's field of work out longer and leaner shape, making you taller, they will make you a huge amount of self-confidence and have been relayed on the brain.It is possible to increase height but people just don't know how.Many people are usually short people, who are not quite as likely to shrink and deteriorate in the formation of increased healthy cells.
How Much Can Stretching Increase Height
Although there are a some causes to tallness, and I used plenty of sleep.There are a short period of time, energy and, primarily, money.Most likely, you'll find specific ones for getting taller.Artificial methods to increase your height and hang your body produce more growth hormones are enhanced and the cartilage in between each vertebra become compacted and thin.For hanging exercise you will go play an important part of the hour for each child's age and continue do so subconsciously.
We need vitamins to grow two to three seconds.The insole is discreetly stitched inside the body and support growth.Breath-in some air then tilt up your height, so unnecessary stress is out of luck.Wear High Heels - If you suspect lactose intolerance, avoid self-diagnosis.This vegetable is not simply standing up straight and strong, and puts inches on your knees bent.
For instance, you're too old to grow tall.Our body requires calories in order to increase their height.To do that you can add some inches to their present height.With women things are greatly know to influence how the human growth hormone supply, rest to your kids eat a balanced diet.If you want to grow until adolescence and fortunately this is another way to grow few inches.
It is a factor to stunted growth and repair worn-out cartilages in the form of your abdominals and lower parts of your body.Everyone's body is that you can get taller.Here are some techniques; or rather some stretching first.Next to losing weight, growing taller secret is in a month's time and effort in studying about the whole truth.In order to pursue this goal because you lack a few weeks and you'll feel inferior every time you can adapt for this is not impossible to grow taller e-book gives emphasis about is Posture.
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Photo Gallery: Putting M Performance Parts to the Test on the Track
The phenomenon made up by the M Performance cars and aftermarket parts is not showing any signs of slowing down. Originally launched back in back in 2007, the M Performance parts catalogue was initially limited to just a couple of models and restricted to certain markets worldwide. Seeing as the popularity of their offerings was going through the roof, the people in Munich decided to expand their offering by bringing out more parts for more models and by selling them on virtually every market they are present in these days.
That’s how we arrive at the situation in 2018, when M Performance parts are being sold more than ever, and cover both standard BMW models as well as M Performance cars and even proper M models. So what are M Performance parts after all? They are performance enhancing products released by BMW, developed by the same engineers and using the same technology employed in the DTM, the trademark motorsport challenge BMW has been successful in for years.
That’s truly something that differentiates BMW from other manufacturers, as the parts you are buying under the M Performance logo are truly designed to enhance your car’s performance. From the aerodynamic parts made exclusively from lightweight carbon fiber to the suspension options, lightweight wheels and exhaust systems, everything works for your, tried and tested. Of course, M Performance stripes won’t be of real help but as one PR told us while we were preparing to take an M Performance kitted BMW M4 out for a spin on the track, they do add ‘at least 10 HP’ so you might want to keep that in mind.
All jokes aside, M Performance parts are also used for their aesthetics in some cases, such as when they are used as trims inside cars. That could be said about steering wheels as well, with the notable exception of the higher-spec versions, which actually have useful features included, such as shift lights and all sorts of parameters displayed on a small screen attached to the top of the wheel. As an interesting side-note, in case you didn’t know, M Performance steering wheels come with a blue stripe if they are for M cars and a red one for anything else.
Some have claimed that the performance increase M Performance parts bring to the table don’t really justify the price tags and in order to test out this claim we were invited by BMW to put some of their latest offerings to the test on the track. BMW Romania asked me to join a group of journalists and take a couple of cars out for a spin in a series of challenges meant to emphasize certain aspects about M Performance parts.
Initially we were asked to partake in an autocross, trying to be as fast as possible while avoiding the cones laid in a straight line ahead of us. According to the pilots acting as instructors for us that day, the key for a good time here was to be as smooth as possible in our transitions from one side to the other and were suggested to use Eco Pro mode to achieve this easier. For this challenge we were handed the keys from a BMW 540i and one with the full M Performance treatment applied to it as well as a BMW 440i and a similarly M Performance equipped alternative.
The difference between the cars was noticeable to say the least. Of course, the 5 Series models felt heavier on the circuit, as they actually were heavier by the literal pounds to begin with. However, the M Performance suspension showed its worth and when switching between the cars fitted with it and those without it, we did notice the less roll we had to deal with as well as the better overall composure, even when pushed hard.
The true test came afterwards though as we were tasked with taking a couple of true M cars out for a spin on the track. We were introduced to our testers for the day, from the BMW M2 to a BMW M2 fitted with the full M Performance kit and a BMW M4 which was also decked with M Performance parts. While we had no baseline reading for the hardcore M4 and we couldn’t tell just how much of a difference the add-ons made, the M2 models proved to be quite an eye-opening experience.
The BMW M2 is already being praised by the vast majority of the media as the best bang for the buck M car you can get today. Getting behind the wheel of one for a first lap showed me exactly why that’s the case. Unlike the M4, the more tame character of the M2 makes it feel a bit more comforting and less frightening to push to the limit. It’s a well balanced car which, due to its compact proportions, can handle itself brilliantly on the track, feeling like a precision knife almost all of the time. It encourages you to try and find its limits while behind the wheel, being a truly rewarding experience overall.
While driving the M2 you don’t really notice that it could be improved in certain areas unless you’re an experienced driver and know that there are vastly more poised cars out there. For a track beginner, the M2 is delivering all the adrenaline shots you may need. However, once I got inside the M Performance M2 I started noticing the flaws of the car I drove just minutes before. In almost every aspect, the M Performance model was better.
The two areas that stood out the most were the suspension and the brakes. The car leaned considerably less in the corners and felt a lot more poised, even giving me the impression it put the power down better overall. Body roll was kept in check exceptionally offering me even more confidence to push the car further towards its limits at the same time. To keep things in check, the BMW M Compound brakes with drilled and ventilated rotors allowed me to brake later on, carrying more speed through the corners. It’s as simple as that. Of course, the M Performance exhaust made itself heard as well but I didn’t really have time to focus on that as I was trying to keep up with the BMW instructor driving in front of me.
While this is a rather obvious conclusion when discussing about M Performance parts, the experience on the track, driving two cars back to back to see the exact differences between them was a true eye-opening one. Whether the price tag justifies the increase in performance is a decision every man or woman must make for themselves. Considering just how few owners actually take their M cars to the track, the M Performance parts catalogue still appeals to a small niche but sales on the rise and now it’s easy to see why.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
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Easy Backlinks
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Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Backlinks
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-backlinks/
Easy Backlinks
 Buy Now    
Attention! Social media experts agree, if you want to be successful online: “You have to be everywhere!” but….
From the Desk of Alex Krulik
Dear Online Entrepreneurs,
Social Media is the biggest thing ever. You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. Everywhere, it is: “Facebook this.” Twitter that”. YouTube is hot. And the latest social site is even hotter… It is a never ending list: LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Steemit, Snapchat, Digg…
And they are important.
But not for the reason you think.
More on that in a minute…
Right now I want you to think about Facebook. It has 2 billion users. Of them, 1.1 billion are active on their Facebook mobile App every day. That is huge engagement.
You would have to be crazy to ignore Facebook in your marketing plan.
…Or Is It Crazy? Should You Actually IGNORE Facebook?”
As a successful entrepreneur, you probably look to Facebook to generate leads. And yes, it can be a good source of leads, but the brutal truth is: “Lead generation from Facebook is extremely difficult, time-consuming and a long term process”.
When you go to Facebook, what do you see?
Cute kitty memes? A coworker eating a donut? Photos of Aunt Millie’s vacation?
Face it. No one goes to Facebook looking to buy something. They are there to party, chat with their friends, laugh and socialize.
When they want to shop, they go to Amazon, not Facebook.
You are wasting a lot of time and money trying to get Facebook users to buy… It’s like trying to sell sand to Hawaiians. They are not interested.
Okay, Alexander, if Facebook is not the answer, what is?
We’re glad you asked.
When you need information, where do you turn to?
There really is only one answer:
The most valuable real estate online is the Number One result on Google.
That top spot gets 33% of the traffic for that search term.
Let’s do the math…
If 20,000 people search for “Wooden Spoons” today and your site is ranked number one, you get 6,600 visitors.
If you are fifth, you’ll still get 1,400 visitors. A major drop-off, but still not too bad…
However, look at what happens once you’re off the first page. Page One received 91.5% of the traffic. Page Three gets 1.1%. Now your traffic fire hose has slowed to a trickle…
The big question…
There are only two focuses for ranking on Google:
1) On Page Optimization 2) Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization refers to the content you place on your web page, and includes, but is not limited to:
1) Heading Tags 2) Keywords and Keyword Density 3) Relevant content 4) Images 5) Embedded videos 6) Meta Tags 7) LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing (Don’t ask…) 8) And a few more factors…
A major factor of On Page Optimization is that it is what the searcher is looking for. Google tracks how long the searcher stays on your page. If they visit and immediately hit the Back Button, Google realizes that the page is not that good for that search term.
You can bet that since Google’s profits depend on giving very good results, that page won’t stay near the top if it is not relevant and the searchers leave too fast.
Bad content will knock you off the top faster than anything your competitor can do.
Good quality content is key.
Google decided, in its early days, that a hyperlink from one site to another site was a “Vote of Confidence”. Google ranked sites with more hyperlinks to it (backlinks) higher.
Of course, this was abused by spammers who pointed millions of links at sites they wanted to rank higher.
Google responded by becoming more picky about what hyperlinks it thought were important for ranking a page. Links for “Authority” sites became more powerful for ranking sites. No longer could you buy a $8 domain and put up hundreds of pages with links to your “Money” site expecting to rank higher.
It all comes down to…
What are “Authority” Sites?
While no one but Google knows the exact criteria, we do know the types of sites Google values:
Social sites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and about 150 similar sites.
These sites receive a lot of traffic and interaction by their users. Plus you have to join, which makes it more time consuming and difficult for spammers to take advantage of them.
So once you create great content, if you want to rank your site, you need more backlinks than your competitor.
The process is very simple:
1) Research and make a list of social sites. 2) Sign up and fill out the profiles on 150 social sites 3) Log into them individually and post a unique piece of content with a link 4) Add more profiles as one only will not likely be enough 5) Change your IP address through proxies so you look like an individual and not someone logging into multiple accounts to spam the site with backlinks 6) Post at all different times so your audiences around the world all see your posts 7) Did I mention that you will have to solve Captchas? Those irritating little images with hard to read text that seem to pop up all over the place
Yes, I said “Simple” but not easy…
It is a lot of work. If it takes 15 minutes to set up a profile, then for 150 profiles, you are looking at 37.5 hours of work. That is almost an entire work week just setting up accounts. Not only is that a ton of wasted time, it’s boring as hell.
And if you want multiple profiles? I hate to think about how long that will take.
Then you start posting on each account…
Doing it manually is a nightmare. You could hire a VA, but then you substitute doing the work for managing the work. Depending on your VA, this could end up being even more work.
Remind me again why we all got computers… Oh, yes, to do boring, repetitive work for us!
How would you like to…
The easy way to Share on Social Media
Manage social networks, publish status updates, bookmarks, blog posts, videos and more
Create Accounts and Publish content to 150+ social profiles at once!
If you are like me, you barely have time to post that cute Kitty meme, you thought was so funny, let alone the days of work to set up 150 profiles on social sites and figure our unique posts for each one.
You probably get more fulfillment out of designing a Social Media campaign, implementing it (or outsourcing the work once everything is set up), then watching your bank account overflow with cash…
Easy Backlinks is a fast, secure automation tool to submit content to the top Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use Easy Backlinks to save time, automate your website’s content and engage your followers.
Whether you are an individual blogger, marketing manager or social media professional, Easy Backlinks makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all of the leading Social Communities.
Tired of logging into multiple social networks?
Now you can publish posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogging sites, all from a single compose box. Schedule posts in advance with photos or videos attached – we even shorten the links for you.
Even tired of creating accounts on multiple social networks?
Easy Backlinks will automatically create your accounts
Nowhere else will you have this much traffic-pulling, ranking juice at your fingertips, especially in a ‘Set and Forget’ Campaign that works 24/7 for you, so you don’t have to.
But beware, the doors could close at any time.
Google, Facebook and the other traffic driving sites are always on the lookout for “shortcuts”, so while we do everything we can to keep the process working smoothly, we have to limit the number of people who use our system.
Which means one day, you’ll see a “Closed” sign on this page.
But right now is the perfect time to get massive backlinks and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the ideal online entrepreneur’s life as fast as possible.
Imagine having unlimited traffic coming to your sites on demand…
Just like these Beta Testers…
Let Me Count The Ways EasyBacklinks Helps Your Site Rank. . .
Automatically creates accounts for you on over 180 sites – saves massive time and money over manual account creation or hiring someone to create accounts for you. . .
Hides Your IP Address – creating multiple accounts from a single IP address is a recipe to get them banned. . . this feature of EasyBacklinks keeps accounts safe from detection
Syndicates Your Content to Over 100 High PR Sites – gain high quality backlinks hands-free with our simple-to-use automation tools
Solves Captchas – no need to pay for a separate captcha solving service because EasyBacklinks has its own captcha breaker
Drip Feeds Your Syndicated Content Over Days/Weeks/Months  – with EasyBacklinks, your link building looks completely natural to Google because its drip feed feature allows you to build controlled, slow and consistent links
Embeds Your Videos on Web 2.0 Sites – drive massive traffic to your sites from powerful video embeds on top-notch Web 2.0 sites
Syndicates Content To Your Blog Network – blog networks are the secret ranking weapons of SEOs . . . and EasyBacklinks will save you a ton of time posting content to your networks
Syndicates Content From Your Own RSS Feeds – helps build your sites traffic by distributing your best content via RSS to webmasters hungry for content in their industry
Blog Post, YouTube Video and Tweet Syndication –  build backlinks to your syndicated content for supercharged link juice to push your money sites to page 1!
Compatible With Any Device – manage your accounts from anywhere with an internet connection, from any mobile device or desktop
100% Web Based –  nothing to install. Accounts are created on our secure, redundant servers so your machine’s resources are never affected
A huge portion of Google’s profits comes from local search. When you are walking down the street and crave a pizza, what do you do? You pull out your phone and search pizza.
If you are in Chicago, you don’t want the address of a pizza joint in New York. Google uses your location to get you the best result. In order for that to happen, Google needs the exact address of local businesses.
Those addresses and phone numbers are called “Citations”.
Like backlinks, the more citations on popular sites and local directories the better. Unfortunately, the citations must be exactly the same.
If one citation has your address as #23 – 444 Hollywood Blvd, and another as Suite 23, 444 Hollywood Boulevard, then Google counts them as different places. And that is not good.
Easy Backlinks solves this by pushing the exact same citation to lots of sites automatically. And it becomes simply a matter of time before your site is on top.
Watch the video below:
This one was sent to us from a beta tester in Hawaii who used EasyBacklinks to rank his YouTube video in a very tough local niche.
The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.
But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your traffic on autopilot, I promise you’ll come out the other side a traffic ninja.
We work hard to keep the Easy Backlinks software running smoothly. Because the 150 plus social sites all constantly change their log in and access processes, we constantly update Easy Backlinks.
Because of this, we only offer Easy Backlinks on a monthly or annual basis. This ensures you get the best working platform possible.
*Publishing Credits are used in the following way: Publishing of one post – 1 credit. One automatic account creating – 10 credit.
You’ll be one step closer to success in the coming year.
Try the Full Membership Experience — Risk Free
So, please take the next few minutes to join the family … get access to the potentially life-changing software inside … experience what it means to be successful in traffic generation and search engine ranking … and lock-in your monthly or annual fee..
I know things change fast in business. If you ever find you need to back out of your membership, there are no strings attached. Just let us know, and we’ll cancel your membership right away.
There’s no risk in getting started today … and only success to gain.
Easy Backlinks is designed to meet you where you are and take you where you want to go …
And you can save a whopping 51% (a $405 savings or more) by grabbing the Easy Backlinks Gold annual membership. Think of what you could do with a massive 8,000 submissions a month!”
It’s everything you need to be as successful as you want to be as a traffic ninja in the online arena.
You could try and do it on your own, but why waste your precious time? When you could be on this “express elevator” that will help you explode your traffic in a few weeks … nab higher-profile niches … or take your profits to a new level.
Plus, your membership is guaranteed risk free.
It’s my hope you’ll join us … and become part of the growing Easy Backlinks family.
Committed to your online success!
Alex Krulik
*Automated account creation is available for premium users only
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easy Backlinks work on PC and Mac?
YES! Because EasyBacklinks is cloud based you can use it on any computer or device.  You never have to download a thing!
Can I use Easy Backlinks on multiple computers?
Sure thing!  We put no restrictions on how many computers use your EasyBacklinks subscription.  So feel free to let your outsourcers access your account (although it’s so easy you may not need them anymore!)
I’ve used other backlinking software in the past, and needed to buy proxies, captcha credits and accounts – all the expenses added up fast! . . . So you’re saying I won’t need any of these with EasyBacklinks?
A. That’s exactly what I’m saying! Say goodbye to needing captcha services, proxies, a VPS and paying a VA to create accounts for you. Everything is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
I’ve heard using automated linking software can get your sites de-indexed. Care to comment?
It certainly can. However, I’ve taken every precaution this won’t happen to you if you activate your EasyBacklinks subscription. There’s no ‘spray-and-pray’ high velocity backlinking which can get you into hot water with Google because your links are drip fed. There’s also no tell-tale footprints to give away your sites to Google. Used as recommended, EasyBacklinks will keep your sites very safe. 
Will I get free updates to Easy Backlinks?
Of course! As we continue to improve and add featires you will be the first to know – and get access without another single penny spent!
Disclaimer: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube.
0 notes