incomethrone · 4 years
What is Comfort Zone & How To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?
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What is Comfort Zone? We, humans, are a part of nature and from our bio, we have to consistently change and grow with time. But due to the mindset and habits of comfort zone, we do not grow in life, career, and business. And that is why our life in one stable, straight graph and after some time it declines. The Comfort zone is our situation, position, and place where we stop growing our skills and learning about the objectives and goals. In another word, we will also say that you stay happy within the current position and do not have strong changing intentions or passion for the longer term. After getting a Good salary job, we stop hard working and learning and do not want to grow skills because we feel proud of the present position of the work. After getting some level amount of sales and customer, we sit relaxed and don’t want to bring changes and improvements in our services and products. Comfort Zone is a problem of habits and a glued mindset. We all work all day, but we do not care about our health. We eat nutriment due to no time. In 24 hours of each day, we do not have a half-hour of time for ourselves. It's due to mindset and habits. These fixed mindset is main cause of our unsatisfied life. Reasons Read the full article
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