anamariaabolivar · 2 years
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Princess Ana María Bolívar y Tovar, born July 11, 1992 in Caracas, Venezuela at 9:36 am local time. She is a Cancer sun, Sagittarius moon, and Virgo rising. Her tarot cards are the Empress and the World.
“you, like everyone and everything else here, are an amulet of celestial significance”
Ana’s Relationship to Astrology
Ana María very casually engages with astrology and tarot. If someone offers her a free reading, she’ll absolutely take them up on the offer. And she’s probably been to a psychic once or twice with friends. She probably has a cute crystal or two somewhere. But she doesn’t charge her crystals or take much stock in the readings she receives. It’s more like the personality quizzes from when she was a kid, but for grown ups.
The Empress/The World
The World and The Empress have in common clear minds and presence in the moment. In crown and wreath and hand-held symbols they share a sense of high purpose. In the gold of ornament and detail they have a common concern for spiritual elevation. They contrast as active and settled, as expressive and reserved, as personal and formal, as symmetrical and organic.
The World brings measure to The Empress' abundance; she brings orderly conclusion to The Empress' fertile beginning. The World's energy and openness balances The Empress' immobility and formality.  
Together they can be spontaneous and graceful, beautiful and proportionate. Between them, things do what they were born to do, live as they were meant to live, and last as long as they were meant to last. Between them, destinies are realized and completed.
Cancer Sun
Your Sun in Cancer holds all memory. Cancer is the primordial waters of creation, the womb of humanity that carries with it our entire human story and every feeling we’ve had about it. If you have the Sun in Cancer, your waters run deep. Cancer is known to be the most caring, nurturing sign of the zodiac. When you love someone, they’ll know it.
Your Sun shines when forming emotional bonds with others. Water signs are reflective. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer’s job is to mirror the light of others. Like a parent or caregiver, you are always sensing what others need to hear, know, or receive as support. Your Sun in Cancer wants to create spaces where bonding can occur. Unafraid of intense emotional experiences, your Sun in this water sign may need you to purify yourself from the impact of the emotional residue you unassumingly soak up. Old resentments poison your waters. A regular therapeutic flushing out of the psychological system helps you feel more vital and alive.
Your Sun in Cancer is exceptionally good at intuiting and meeting the needs of others. A natural caretaker, your Sun in Cancer might hold on to an emotional slight, but it will also remember your loved ones’ favorite restaurant, movie, or teacher from high school.
Cancer is as changeable as the Moon that rules it. When distorted, your Sun in Cancer can become a personality that is known for its moody, melancholy ways. Morbidly defensive and attached to the past, your Sun in Cancer can easily swing between martyrdom and irritability when too much care goes out and not enough comes in.
As a crab, you can develop too hard a shell, a good defense for your tender underbelly but one that can lead to isolation. With this placement you’ll need to find ways to honor the strength of your vulnerability while developing the healthy boundaries necessary for living a life connected to other messy, loving, and changeable humans.
Sagittarius Moon
The Moon in Sagittarius seeks what it needs with bravado. It takes care of itself by taking action. It nourishes itself by pursuing the truth.
The Moon in Sagittarius needs adventure. It is comforted by travel, leaps of faith, new ideas, philosophical study, and anything that helps it feel expansive, alive, and in motion.
Its optimism makes you resilient. You survive by searching for the best in people, places, and situations. You connect to others through positivity and need to feel like you are growing and developing every day.
If your Moon is in Sagittarius, you’ll function well when you allow yourself to be led by your inspirations, insights, and intuition. You may be extreme in your emotional responses and feel the need to take off in a direction before you have really understood the consequences, especially if you are trying to avoid something.
Rising Virgo
With your Ascendant in Virgo, the mutable earth sign, you’ll be known for your ability to make the information you have access to useful. Practical. Applicable. Through the development of your skill, your Virgo Ascendant will be happiest when working on something meaningful to you. Never finished perfecting whatever you are fixated on in the moment, your ability to pinpoint what doesn’t work is mind-boggling to the rest of the world.
Virgo is exacting, critical, deeply introspective, intrigued with intelligent systems—especially ones that are healing, efficient, and naturally occurring. Your Ascendant is motivated to analyze, digest, and integrate the information that you acquire. Virgo is always in the process of putting things together and removing what isn’t needed.
Virgo’s symbol is the virgin, usually with a sheaf of wheat and bird to depict the double-bodied nature of this mutable sign. In the ancient world, the term virgin referred to those who belonged to themselves, not someone who had never had sex. Dedicated to discovering one’s own nature through disciplined devotion, the Virgin uses the practice of self-regeneration as a way to connect spiritually.
What others may not understand is that Virgo is excruciatingly sensitive. Beneath the ability to critique is a deep desire to align. Virgo purifies and, in love, Virgo needs a partner who is willing to constantly process the material of the moment.
When Virgo is distorted, your exacting ways are turned inward. Your Virgo can find fault with so much that you either convince yourself you have nothing to give or that no one and nothing is good enough to pursue. You’ll need to develop a keen ability to intercept your own self-sabotage, self-loathing, or self-scrutiny and instead turn that energy toward work in service of something greater.
When Mercury is the ruler of your Ascendant, your life’s direction is steered toward being able to communicate, learn, distribute, facilitate, and deliver the information most important to you. The sign that Mercury is in will reveal the distinct style in which you do this. You can honor Mercury by making sure that you have as many interesting things to learn as you do to teach. Mercury is a planet of duality; honor this by always taking in and giving out the information that you have acquired.
Miscellaneous quotes from her cafe astrology write up that drag her for filth:
just the whole venus in cancer section: “Love for Venus in Cancer is best when it is committed and rather predictable. These people are sensitive in love. You may even say their egos are a little underdeveloped when it comes to love, but they have a lot to give in return: namely, security, comfort, and care. Venus in Cancer people show their love by caring for you. They pay more attention to your feelings than your words, and observe you rather carefully. They want a safe, solid relationship. They can be a little moody in love, and some go so far as giving silent treatments and engaging in pouting routines to get attention from their mate. They are turned off by anything too impersonal, and too much rationalizing leaves them cold. They are not afraid of emotional confrontations. Still, these lovers are always worried they'll be left high and dry. If you've hurt them, they'll have a hard time forgetting. Every so often, they'll retreat into themselves (not unlike a Crab), and it can be difficult to pull them out. This is when they use their extraordinary "nursing" abilities on themselves, instead of you...and you simply don't want that!”
“You are generally charming with an easy-going manner. It is generally quite important to you that you are personally popular, to come across in a pleasant way, and to be liked and appreciated.”
“You have a desire to be something special or to experience something more than the ordinary. You are a day-dreamer and idealist.”
“A father figure may have been absent or distant and ineffective. You may have a glorified image of your father.“
“You readily assign meaning to what others might consider "ordinary" events. You look for symbols, and read between the lines in most any situation.“
“You long for a sense of true belonging, but you may be quite restless in your search.“
“In fact, you are more able than most people to get others talking, simply because you are very receptive and sympathetic. You pick up others' feelings and body language readily.“
“You make an excellent confidante--you are very discreet and secrets go into the vault. You might make matters too complex by overanalyzing motives or hunches, and then have problems acting on your intuition as a result.”
“Social success may be slow and laborious, but she does not give up easily and is patient. Can spend a lot of time on communications and getting them just right. Whatever you say and write is self-censored to some degree. It's hard for you to pour out your emotions, no matter how emotional or needy you feel on the inside. This is because you are always aware of what others might think of you with what you say. You are careful with what you reveal to others.“
“You rarely accept compliments whole-heartedly, yet you crave them and need them.“
“She may take on risky enterprises for the good of the community. She will often pour tremendous energy into an endeavor. She has a great need for her independence, insisting on her freedom of action. Very open to new methods and different ways of doing things.“
“Her feelings are dominated by wisdom, intuition, and instinct and geared towards the ideal. She likes water, sea voyages. Can often use a gentle approach to pursuing desires.“
“You perceive the cruel edge in people, and understand its source. Self-confidence develops out of self-control in your interaction with others.“
“She attracts the most good fortune when she is helpful, honest, orderly, and pays attention to details. The service industries, nutrition, and health are prosperous avenues.“
“She may have a secret love affair but the secret doesn't last, or at the very least there are complications. Otherwise, this aspect can point to scandals whether or not they are real.“
“Her path is to allow herself to be vulnerable, and from time to time, release the need to feel in control and on top of things. Once she does let others in, her life improves.“
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Rising: Virgo
Mercury: Leo
Venus: Cancer
Mars: Taurus
Jupiter: Virgo
Saturn: Aquarius
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
tarot template
tarot illustrations from cristian ibáñez (empress and world)
sun/moon/rising descriptions and color text above come from chani nicholas (highly recommend, one of the most compassionate approaches to astrology and i know i didn’t understand a ton of it, but very thorough, very complete)
a lot of quotes from cafe astrology
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barbiebraganca · 2 years
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                                    BARBIE’S 33RD BIRTHDAY.
barbara isabel catarina di savoia e bragança, born in the 25th day of april in 1989. barbara probably was into astrology at one point in her teenage years, maybe early twenties but completely forgot all about it at some point and never came back to it. if you ask, she’ll tell you she’s a perfect taurus and why but that’s about it. 
1989, year of the earth snake. according to dear internet, eath snakes are “smart, diligent, responsive, compassionate and love animals very much. however, their greatest shortcoming is that they are too sensitive, they are also very vindictive; they do not want to be controlled by others, but at the same time they have strong possessiveness.” and these were the traits of earth snakes that do describe barbara well. but she also probably doesn’t know any of this because chinese zodiac isn’t something she’d go around looking to read on.
SUN: TAURUS. your sun sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become.
she’s an earth element and fixed in quality sun with venus as a ruler. barbara is the spitting image of a taurus sun, be it in the positive or negative traits of the description. steadfast, loyal, calm, affectionate, practical, productive, stubborn, unreasonable, overindulgent, stingy, rigid, dull, materialistic. she really has no way to deny any of these traits when thrown at her and she doesn’t try to either. 
RISING: GEMINI. your rising sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.
it’s insane how picking at random can make a lot of sense with these characters. people with gemini as their ascending sign “are people who love to ask questions, to move around freely, and to mingle. definitely restless and often quick in physical expression, natives of the gemini ascendant exude an air of impatience even if they don’t mean it. in fact, there is a cleverness to gemini ascendants that can intimidate some, especially sensitive folk. their facility with words can be a wonderful asset, although sometimes gemini rising individuals identify too much with their mental agility and forget, in their personal interactions and communications, to nurture the people around them.” again, accurate.
MOON: SAGITTARIUS. your moon sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature, it describes who you already are as opposed to your sun.
this is where it gets freakishly interesting because, i kid you not, this is just what doing her online birth charts gave me: “people with sagittarian moon signs can think so highly of themselves that they engage in reckless behavior, especially if their sun sign is also known for impulsive/questionable decisions (HELLO). the biggest fear of a aagittarius moon sign is loss of control. sagittarians highly value their independence, and anything that seems like it will rob them of the freedom to make their own decisions is enough to make them panicky.” yup yup yup, that’s barbie.
VENUS: TAURUS. your venus sign describes several key aspects of your personality. on the one hand, it represents your sense of aesthetics and experience of pleasure. on the other it describes your relationship style.
venus in taurus: one of the most physical and sensual signs. people with this placement are romantics to their core. they desire security, stability and comfort in relationships and often take a very slow pace in getting to know someone. courtship can be especially important in order to take time opening up to one another. Affection, as well as giving and receiving gifts(!!!!!!!!!!!!!), spoiling others and being lavishly spoiled are a part of their love language. that is one of the luckiest placements for someone to have venus, as she is the natural ruler of taurus, and thus can share her greatest blessings most easily.
THE REST: nobody cares about.
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jinmeixu · 3 years
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name: jin meixu
birthday: june 30, 1989
birth time: 12:03pm
zi wei dou shu: water
chinese zodiac: 蛇 earth snake
big three: cancer, taurus, virgo
birthday colour: cadium orange
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commonly referred to in english as purple star astrology. it’s a form of fortune-telling in chinese culture. the study of destiny is one of the five arts of chinese metaphysics. zi wei dou shu is one of the most renowned fortune-telling methods used in this study. much like western astrology, zi wei dou shu claims to use the position of the cosmos at the time of one's birth to make determinations about personality, career and marriage prospects, and more. zi wei dou shu is based on a purely lunar calendar and the position of the night sky.
lunar birthday: may 27, 1989
elemental phase: water
click here to view the chart
meixu has weekly sessions over the phone with her fortune teller for readings. it’s become routine for her and it’s something she won’t skip over. it’s her version of therapy. 
the four corners, growth places.
friends, wealth, happiness, siblings
whichever palace ends up in the corners, that’s where this person has the most challenges or opportunities to grow the most, hence, the name — growth palaces. 
the inner and outer palaces.
travel, health, property, spouse, siblings
another concept is the inner and outer palaces. there are certain things that are out of your control, which are tied to outer palaces,  and certain things that you can control, which are tied to your inner palaces.
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meixu carries most traits of a typical earth snake, like their sincerity, loyalty to their friends, kind-heartedness, overflowing compassion, being unable to take criticism and being too sensitive. 
2022 chinese zodiac report card for snake.
wealth: A
romance: A
career: A
health: B
earth snakes are loyal and sincere friends and they often make their friends feel young and keep the lifelong friendships. however, if their friends do not pay back for their loyalty, they will feel hurt and never forgive or forget. the greatest disadvantage of earth snakes is too sensitive and they often feel offended. the slightest criticism will make them depressed, and the one who has criticized them will be always on their blacklist. 
earth snakes are also jealous and they often control the one who lives with them; they are possessive for their loved ones but their attitude is not absolutely arbitrary. earth snakes react quickly and they are smart, strong and swanky, thus the core of friends. however, they need to avoid from being too risky and choose the safe way and method for higher achievements. in addition, they are compassionate and kind-hearted, so they often help their friends; but their love is universal, which often brings them troubles. earth snakes know how to restrain their feelings calmly and rationally. the unsmooth luck in love is to be balanced by themselves. although they may be crossed in love, but don't be discouraged since they have the ability to recover and the failure has little influence on them. they should avoid quarreling with their lovers. they are most reluctantly to be controlled by others, so their lovers should not keep asking where they are when they are out. 
earth snakes have a lot of opportunities to make money but it's difficult to seize the opportunities and they often lose the opportunity accidentally, so they should be down-to-earth and work hard. also, earth snakes need to make painstaking efforts to strengthen their connotation and seize the opportunity to advance rapidly in exam performance. however, they should not relax because they will return to the original state if they are too optimistic and proud. therefore, they should continue to work hard and cultivate their concentration on studying.
best match: ox, rooster, monkey
worst match: tiger, pig
things that will bring luck.
lucky numbers: 2, 8, 9, and numbers containing them (like 28 and 89)
lucky days: the 1st and 23rd of chinese lunar months
lucky colors: black, red, and yellow
lucky flowers: orchid and cactus
lucky gemstone: opal
lucky directions: east, west, and southwest
lucky months: the 1st, 8th, and 11th lunar months
things snakes should avoid.
unlucky colors: brown, gold, white
unlucky numbers: 1, 6, and 7
unlucky directions: northeast and northwest
unlucky months: the 3rd, 9th and 12th lunar months
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sun: cancer
moon: taurus
rising: virgo
meixu hasn’t delved into astrology, but this description is fairly accurate. bolded the parts that reflect her the most!
sun in cancer / moon in taurus.
you are excellent at figuring out and understanding others and you have a good degree of self-knowledge. you have tested most of the defense and escape mechanisms that cancers tend to use, but in the end, you depend on your own tenaciousness and wisdom as a protective cover against the difficulties in life. you utilize these to permit you to feel more secure. even though you are thoughtful of others, you do not often follow their advice and listen to their suggestions. the taurus moon gives you durability and determination that underlies your charm, innocence and a soft nature. you have an astuteness, strength and assurance residing under that delicate and unsure outer layer. you almost always go around with your guard up because you probably had some difficult time earlier in life and you do not want to be taken advantage of like you were before. adaptability is one of your strengths, but you do not lose sight of your own being. intuition guides you in a stubborn and unrelenting fashion and consequently it is hard for you to give up first impressions or forget previous transgressions. you hold grudges. your ruination might be the result of this part of your personality if you do not learn to put the past behind you. 
there is an original approach to what you do and you have a wonderful imagination. this can serve you for good or for ill. this is true because the same imagination can, unfortunately, cause irrational fears, doubts and even paranoia. be constructive with the use of your imagination and you can succeed at nearly anything creative. a deep depression if you spend too much time in your fantasy life is possible, so you should try to stay based in reality. criticism is hard for you to grasp because you always think you are right. admitting you are wrong is almost impossible. shifting the blame for something to another is easy for you and you do it frequently. if someone disputes what you say, you can get irritable and irrational with him or her. the same holds true if you are emotionally threatened because you need to feel secure. learning that some advice is sound and that not everyone is a threat to your security would be helpful, as would not being so vindictive. excellent potential for creativity is possible for you because of your imagination and originality. 
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the colour: cadium orange
main traits: romantic, desirable, dramatic
compatible bdays: mar 2, aug 25, dec 30
this is pretty spot on. not much else to say. 
if you were born on this day.
love is very important to you, and you can be extremely devoted to your mate, family, friends or profession. once you put your mind to something, you tend to go all the way. you have a regal manner and like attention and devotion. it is essential that you are treated with respect. 
how this colour benefits you.
your colour encourages a healthy and flexible outlook on life. wearing, meditating on, and surrounding yourself with cadmium orange helps you move forward with vision and freedom. 
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highsocietyhq · 3 years
we want you to talk about your character’s astrological birth chart and that includes chinese zodiac. do they believe in it ? if they do, do they let it influence their decisions in any way ? tell us all their signs, what they say about your character and how alike or different they are to what the stars say they should be. this task was requested by obi and lina and it is OPTIONAL. if you choose to do it, please tag your posts under #HSHQTASK049 and refrain from using the HSHQTASK tag as it is meant for the main only.
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mchaeleicn · 3 years
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Crown Prince Michael of Ireland, born September 14, 1990 in Dublin, Ireland at 5:45 am local time. He is an Virgo sun, Cancer moon, and Virgo rising. Her tarot cards are the Devil and the Lovers. His Chinese Zodiac is the Metal Horse.
Virgo Sun
Virgos are peace-loving, helpful, dutiful and hardworking. Order must be around them. Virgo people are charming and know how to handle money, and in this field, they are not surpassed by any other Zodiac sign.
People under this sign of the zodiac, thus cherish their money and are extremely happy when they can live on the interest. In their appearance, they are neither shy nor brash. They are ambitious, tolerant, and cheerful. Furthermore, they are open-minded, sensitive, musically sensitive, but often also very critical. They are famous for their nagging. The weakness of Virgo is usually in their strength, their good nature, warm-heart, and artistic talent.
Cancer Moon
They mostly are direct and let their feelings guide them spontaneously. They can easily be empathic with their fellow human beings and are always open to their problems. However, their sensitivity makes them very easy to influence, vulnerable, and unsettled. They can quickly get out of balance. For example, people with the Moon sign Cancer don't like stress at all. They then withdraw soon but can also be a bit moody.
Virgo Rising
People with Virgo ascendant have outstanding powers of observation. They recognize precisely when something is out of balance in their environment and identify discrepancies. They also want to remove them from the world at the same time. Because nothing is more unpleasant for the Virgo ascendant than the sources that could disturb their calm.
They encounter all problems with great flexibility and a clear sense of the practical. They quickly adjust to new situations and challenges and know how to deal with them. However, they rarely go on a confrontation course. They solve problems through diplomatic channels and are ready to compromise and adapt. They are committed to respectful and reasonable cooperation.
The Devil & The Lovers
The Lovers and The Devil are two images that alternate in a mirror, and each has two faces. Look once, and you may like what you see; look again and you may be dismayed. Whichever image looks back at you, it takes both faces to make you whole. One image seeks the bliss of coming together, while the other enjoys the pleasures of solitary achievement. One enjoys what it has, while the other knows what it wants.
Together, The Lovers and The Devil know all the secrets of the visible universe, and can give the gift of harmonious power.
Metal Horse
The Metal horse is strong, firm and high principled. It is controlled when other are upset – keeps calm within challenging situations. Obstinate and with ambition - the Metal Horse follows its imagination and is equally goal orientated.
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elysefz · 3 years
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Princess Elyse of Prussia, born April 1, 1991 in Berlin, Germany at 3:16 pm local time. She is an Ares sun, Scorpio moon, and Leo rising. Her tarot cards are the Tower and the Chariot. Her Chinese Zodiac is the Metal Goat. 
Ares Sun
Aries enjoys a challenge, and Aries Suns are happiest when their lives are moving forward and active. There's a childlike quality to all Aries Sun people, and it's often quite charming.
She has a strong personality and an entrepreneurial spirit. She is ambitious and self-willed, stubborn, obstinate and tenacious.
Scorpio Moon
While others may find security and comfort in material things, Moon in Scorpio people seek out emotional intensity. No matter what, there is something very intense about Lunar Scorpios. They are diggers when it comes to the world of emotion--they can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to "see" what isn't obvious to the rest of the world can be intimidating to others or wildly attractive, depending on the audience.
Leo Rising
Persons with Leo ascendant want to achieve something in this world. They want to shape their environment actively and ideally create something meaningful. They do it with a lot of fun and positive energy. They see a lot like a game and want to get involved in it.
They live out their feelings and enjoy life to the fullest. Leo ascendants do not express self-doubt. For many, they look slightly arrogant and self-centered. Everything must be about them. They would rather not hear criticism or advice, and indeed they cannot accept it.
The Tower/The Chariot
The Tower and The Chariot share the issues of balance, control, energy, solidity and war. They contrast in their ways of handling every issue. The violent overthrow of rigid and ambitious structure contrasts with the invisible battle for balance and self-control. External contrasts with internal energy. The vulnerability of fortification contrasts with the durability of character.
Together, they are afraid of nothing, can stand successfully against any opponent, either internal or external, and when the time comes, they will rise to the ultimate challenge and be equal to it.
Metal Goat
People with the Metal element are steadfast and strong in character. They do not lose their aplomb and keep a clear and calm head even in unusual situations. They are challenging to dissuade on their goals and are therefore considered to be inflexible and stubborn.
The Metal enhances the already existing assertiveness of the Goat. Even if they often don't do enough, they always reach their goals.
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svljc · 3 years
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* ⠀ ⠀ 🐍 ⠀ ⠀ / ⠀ ⠀ task 49.⠀ ⠀ 、 ⠀ the zodiac ⠀ ❫
silje alexandra sønderburg, born in the 13th day of june in 1995. she’s not one to let zodiacs run her life and decide the person she is but she is interested in it. being the big astronomy enthusiast silje is, astrology becomes fascinating enough for her to know all about her charts. you’ll never see her checking the predictions for the week or saying she did this or that because she’s a gemini, but when a thing’s too accurate she might subconsciously rely on it.
1995, year of the wood pig. according to dear internet “pigs are diligent, compassionate, and generous. they have great concentration: once they set a goal, they will devote all their energy to achieving it. though pigs rarely seek help from others, they will not refuse to give others a hand. pigs never suspect trickery, so they are easily fooled.” and, yes, this can’t be silje. she’s also not one to know a thing about chinese zodiac, but if she ever read that, she’s give a good belly laugh. 
SUN: GEMINI. your sun sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become.
she’s an air element and mutable quality sun with mercury as a ruler. when it comes to her sun, silje doesn’t see herself in any of the sign’s positive points; geminis are supposed to be talkative, social, cheerful and lightheaded. those are words she just can’t attribute to herself. the negatives on the other hand just scream silje; superficial, cold, erratic and unemotional. that’s the part of her sun sign that made her stop questioning whether she was born in the wrong month or not. 
RISING: CANCER. your rising sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.
when i randomly chose the hour of her birth i did not know her rising sun would be so accurate until i stumbled upon this description: “cancer is a sensitive water sign, with a hard outer shell. for this reason, cancer rising people are often considered distant and aloof. since the rising sign or ascendant affects first impressions, some might mistake you for a cold, ornery type. if they catch you in a bad or overwhelmed mood, you won’t likely win friends or influence people.” and, to make it even better, there’s also this part: “many cancer rising people lead lonely lives because of this sensitivity. if you’ve experienced a traumatic wound of some kind, or if your parents didn’t respect your boundaries, it can be tough to trust again. you may feel like your ability to build relationships is out of whack somehow.” nothing else to be added here, she’s the embodiment of a cancer rising. 
MOON: TAURUS. your moon sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature, it describes who you already are as opposed to your sun.
people with a taurus moon supposedly love security and comfort. have perseverance and constancy as their main traits. silje somehow relates to those things. she is indeed the type of person that prefers knowing the ground she stands on and staying inside her comfort zone over anything else and, even when going adventurous in any aspect of her life, she chooses something she can somehow predict. completely foreign situations make her nervous.
VENUS: GEMINI. your venus sign describes several key aspects of your personality. on the one hand, it represents your sense of aesthetics and experience of pleasure. on the other it describes your relationship style.
gemini in venus: now this is where silje sees herself fully in her sign. they prefer short and intense relationships, commitments are not a forte of theirs. they’re also flirty and shameless in it by nature, having no problems letting others know that they are interested. they will involve themselves in relationships simply out of curiosity and have a lot more ease getting attached to objects than people. all of those things just describe silje in her love and social life.
THE REST: nobody cares about.
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roxanadclcon · 3 years
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Miss Stella Roig, born October 16, 1985 in Andorra la Vella, Andorra at 1:09 pm local time. She is a Libra sun, Scorpio moon, and Capricorn rising. Her tarot cards are Death and the Emperor. He Chinese Zodiac is the Wood Ox.
Libra Sun
Libra people radiate peace and security; their facial features are calm and relaxed. They enjoy the company and are, of course, very popular. They adapt to every situation with sensitivity and expertise. Libra people also have good comprehension, combinatorial skills, and good rhetoric. 
Scorpio Moon
People with the Moon sign Scorpio can live out their intense and deep feelings in love. Here they are passionate and exciting. With them, everyday life is significantly less monotonous, because routine is not for them.
Capricorn Rising
Ascendant Capricorn people show a great sense of responsibility and duty. They are considered rational people and are reluctant to reveal their inner and emotional life. Rationally, ambitiously and objectively, they strive for a responsible position in society. There are willing to perform things and they demand a lot from themselves and others. They work goal-oriented and conscientiously towards the success of their ventures.
Law and order are essential to them. Since only if everyone adheres to fixed norms that regulate and structure social life, peaceful and harmonious coexistence is possible. They don't like spontaneity and coincidences. They must carefully consider and plan everything. They often put their own needs back. They also tend to reject the individual expression of their personality and ideas.
Death and the Emperor
The Emperor makes Death lawful, and gives him pride of place in the scheme of things. Death makes everything mutable, so that the law itself is constantly changing, adaptive and alive.
Together, they make life both orderly and fresh, peaceful without tyranny, prosperous without stagnation, always believable but constantly fascinating. Together, their motto is: "The only things you can depend on are death and taxes."
Wood Ox
These kinds of persons prefer feeling the ground beneath their feet – close to their adequate element wood. The Chinese zodiac animal sign of the Wood Ox is open-minded towards development and improvement. It brings up projects and ideas with persuasion and assertiveness towards lucrative sustainability.
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vslvano · 3 years
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Crown Prince Aslan of Turkey, born December 26, 1987 in Istanbul, Turkey at 4:46 am local time. He is an Capricorn sun, Pisces moon, and Scorpio rising. His tarot cards are the Moon and the Hermit. His Chinese Zodiac is the Fire Rabbit.
Capricorn Sun
Capricorns are ambitious, conscientious and well-balanced people. They do not jostle forwards, but rather seem to stand quietly to themselves. That's why they can get to power anyway and even as quickly as other Zodiac signs. They are known to do so through their tireless diligence and their incredible tenacity.
Pisces Moon
People with the Moon sign Pisces are very sympathetic to all living things on earth. They have a reliable intuition and are very receptive to the vibrations and emotions of their fellow human beings.
Even within a partnership, those born in the Moon sign Pisces are very emotional and sensitive. They are seductive, tender, and romantic, enjoy togetherness, and believe in great love.
Scorpio Rising
People with Scorpio ascendant can develop a great passion. No matter whether for a new hobby, a new love, or a life goal; once their enthusiasm is aroused, nothing stops them from fulfilling their dreams and ideas. Scorpio ascendant people show remarkable consistency and persistence.
They are reluctant to deviate from their original idea and do not want to hear, let alone follow, advice from their fellow human beings. Their actions can sometimes be grim and compulsive. They want to achieve the desired result with all their might. They then put their own needs back to dedicate themselves entirely to the success of their company. Scorpio ascendant people are very idealistic and perfectionist. The implementation of their plans is, therefore, usually more complicated.
The Moon and the Hermit
The Moon and The Hermit share extreme qualities — low and high, vague and precise, yearning and ambitious, obscure and clear, far and near, many voices and one voice, fluid and solid.
For both, the journey's the thing. For both, the heights are the objective. For both, illumination is the essence, while darkness is the matrix. One faces the darkness of the untraveled path ahead, while the other faces the darkness of the heights beyond reach. The light available to each leaves their darkness intact.
Fire Rabbit
The zodiac sign Rabbit likes to be surrounded by beautiful things. Therefore is their home and clothing style elegant and tasteful. The Rabbit’s tendency to prefer luxury goods could downright bring out peculiar hedonism.
Passionate, ambitious and fiercely competitive: People with the element fire represents confidence and impatientness– bursting with strength. Innovative projects, renewals and improvements in general are set on the list. Defying all odds they are regrettably haunted by pure egoism and their predominating behaviour won’t be welcome. On professional level they dominate the upper floors of the managers and members of the executive boards.
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