highsocietyhq · 3 years
this task is SEMI-MANDATORY, meaning we can’t force you to do anything but we really urge everyone to do this task ! for this task you should post three ( or as many or few as you can come up with ) connections that you feel like you need for your character. connections that you think would help you develop your character. write a brief ( or an extensive, up to you ) description of the connection and post it NEXT FRIDAY ( 19/11 ) at 10:00 pm GMT. then everyone can just shop around for connections ! and obviously please don’t hog a million connections, pick one or two plots that you know you have the time and energy to develop — that way everyone gets the most out of this task ! 
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barbiebraganca · 3 years
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i’ve decided i’ll write one for each ‘cause i simply cba.
it was never real
someone barbara was in a “relationship” with any time between 2013-2017 but it was simply a pr stunt, leading to an engagement/arranged marriage (which could have actually happened or not). the couple would’ve been seen together and appear to be in love for months before confirming the relationship but outside of the public eye they were nothing but friends and that lack of a spark is the reason they called it quits and realised they could never take it as far as a wedding. it being fake though was the most private part of this entire scheme, i could go as far as saying they were the only two people that knew it wasn’t real and the entire thing was planned by them and them only. 
i was there but you were not
i see this as someone he was in a relationship with and that could have happened at any moment between 20-15 years ago but they had very different plans for the future. maybe one wanted to get married, the other didn’t. maybe she didn’t want kids and he knows he needs at least one heir. they didn’t see eye to eye and it managed to ruin even the friendship that was there before the romantic part came in. 
we have no choice
they are complete opposites in the way they conduct business but have to work together. sergi is aggressive and slow paced when it comes to achieving his goals, the ends justify the means with him. this person wants peaceful and quick results, to be just in every decision and fair in every move. they go head to head 24/7
honestly i don’t know, one of her ex arrangements maybe? i’m only doing this cause i added her to the graphic before realising i had nothing for her.
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effiestuart · 3 years
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hshq task 053. connections! 
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒅  ───  below is a list of a few connection ideas for euphemia, princess of scotland. some can be combined or just the basic idea of the connection can be used and we can make it our own, whatever you’d like!
the wrong confidant ( 00 / 01 )
just when she thought they might be on he side of things, surprise, they’ve been telling catherine everything! maybe they grew tired of effie’s constant need to compare everything sshe does to her sister or maybe they realized catherine isn’t all as bad as she has claimed her sister to be. maybe they just want to spite effie. this can also go along with the idea of fake friends who are very superficial and knowing euphemia, she’d easily befriend someone if it meant they’d make her look favorable or give her connections that will benefit her in the future. this could also have more of a backstory potentially with the two never having gotten along all that well before to begin with. lots to explore.
never enough ( 00 / 01 )
a prince euphemia acquires feelings for that she doesn’t want to because he isn’t a crown. it’s shallow really, but effie wants to be out of her sister’s shadow and damn the consequences or what that might cost her. her track record isn’t exactly stellar when it comes to the match making front but if catherine can do it and pick someone that she literally made history with already, why can’t she? and if she can use them for something that would be to her advantage, why not. 
perfect match ( 00 / 01 )
. . . for euphemia. this would be a crown prince she has set her sights on and for all the wrong reasons, he’d give her a chance to step out of her sisters shadows. personality is the last thing effie is concerned about at this point, just the title he’d be able to give her and the image they’d be able to manufacture. now this prince could have absolutely zero interest in euphemia she’s just determined and blinded herself to the idea that someone wouldn’t like her or want the same thing she did. now, she had been through this once before and it hadn’t turned out all that well, but high standards, wishful thinking and determination to be better, the best even has her giving it another go. 
the bestest of friends ( 00 / 01 )
this would be someone euphemia only recently has realized is the closest friendship she has ever had with someone. they don’t compare her to her sister, they don’t fault her shortcomings and effie doesn’t focus on the image of the friendship and what it does for her over the actual friendship, rare indeed. they might even be each other’s best supporters for what the other wants. 
it’s a deal ( 00 / 01 )
euphemia has a goal she can’t accomplish on her own, they do too. the protests that started early november in scotland after the birth of catherine’s child had been what sparked this sinister idea, but if effie can use it to her advantage, why not? but she needs help. gambling her future on a crown prince will prove to be too risky and with the tools right in front of her it’s alwawys good to have a backup plan. so, exploit the protests, gain the full support of scotland and dethrone the crown, easier said than done and how to go about it without being so suspicious? catherine will surely find out — that is where this person comes in. whatever they need effie to help with, she’ll do it so long as they help her. turn a few against catherine in the programme and have other royals question her alliance to her own country even. she’s swedish now after all, isn’t she?  * lbr, this is gonna be a big fail but the consequences, fun. 
𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒊��𝒈𝒔  ───  catherine stuart. george stuart. / 𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚  ───  wiebke wittelsbach (aunt) katja windisch-graetz (cousin) . /𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔  ───  leonor de braganca. vitória d’orléans e bragança. luciana di savoia  / 𝒆𝒙-𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔  ───  ???. / 𝒆𝒙𝒔  ───  gabriel di savoia de bragança (rumored)
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highnessaisling · 3 years
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Your mom's ring in your pocket || Former betrothal
Aisling is the most vocal about arranged marriages and how much she hates them. It is so 18th century and she will not have it. However her parents could have arranged a match for her when she was a child. Whether she liked the prince, tolerated him or hated him is up for discussion. As soon as she was eighteen and her parents could not stop her anymore she held a press conference to end the betrothal and claim her “freedom”.
Also I’m just realising this but I still have a couple of wc on the main. So those are open too for my 3 characters ! Catch me clowning again when I have new ideas tomorrow or in the next few days 
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scnhaera · 3 years
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plots for all four of my muses are under the cut. if none of the plots work for your muse and you still want to plot, you can like this post and we can figure out something else! 
araya mahidol plots —
a political mentor of sorts? someone to help guide her, could either be the request of her sister or her mother. i think she would take it seriously if it was someone who intimidates her.
an arranged date situation, not so much a blind date, but her mom and your muses parent(s) are pushing the two to hopefully connect romantically and it’s not it :/
jin meixu plots —
frenemies perhaps? someone who can’t stand her, but acts nice and is v condescending toward her and makes her feel insecure and meixu is all about that self sabotage so she tries her best to be super nice so mb they’ll like her one day
someone who successfully uses her whether it’s for selfish reasons, political reasons ( it’ll have to be someone quite powerful and very manipulative bc she’s not that dumb. but it could also piggy back off the plot above? someone who doesnt like her, but wants to use her? )
yi san plots — 
anyone who wants to do anything politically with korea, i don’t have any set ideas, but i am open to anything if it makes sense
sorry he’s hard to plot :(
son haera plots —
[ 0/3 ]anyone who wants her billionaire tech husband to invest in something. could be fun to try to convince her to do something work related ( she might be that bored to take it on ). 
jinny made your muses child cry ( we can figure out the reason ) and haera doesnt really care but your muse has a problem with that or instead mb jinny and your muses child got into a fight idk something with the kids brawling
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wendydansembourg · 3 years
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hshq task 053. connections! 
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒅  ───  below is a list of a few connection ideas for wendy, princess of luxembourg. some can be combined or just the basic idea of the connection can be used and we can make it our own, whatever you’d like!
heartbreaks of the past ( 00 / 01 )
given how wendy wears her heart on her sleeve and falls in love easily, she has been the subject of many a public heartbreak. it seems like each one became messier than the last and this last one was pretty messy. tears. arguments. the works. like all the rest the breakup was public and caught on camera for all to see and trended on twitter for a day in addition to an extra few days for each country involved. there were even some videos that had language translations and wendy did become a meme, something she isn’t thrilled about to this day.   * exes in general would be a wanted connection too! ( 00 / 04 )
“ don’t you dare ” ( 01 / 01 )
the person who convinced wendy not to publish an article about them. it could be a negative or positive thing with this. maybe they didn’t want their name attached to whatever situation it was or it’s possible wendy was so involved in getting the facts and details that she didn’t take a step back to see what it had become — or that publishing such an article would have ramifications not yet known to her. if it’s the latter then this could have been a pivotal point that saved her journalism career from being seen as lacking all credibility. how they went about convincing her can also be positive or negative.  
scooby gang ( 00 / 04 )
she’s nosey. that’s not a secret when it comes to wendy and because of it she often gets herself in trouble, so why not add a few people who she drags along to help dig up some news or discover something they weren’t supposed to which of course means trouble for all involved. this can even extend to just a tight-knit group of friends who end up getting caught up in some of wendy’s curiosity.  
childhood friends ( 00 / 01 )
someone she grew up with who witnessed all the good, bad and awkward. a country with close ties to luxembourg would be preferred for this. just a friendship that was in its prime during those early years when they would play pretend and wendy would often play reporter, even if it didn’t make any sense. play pretend fairies? sure, but she was a fairy reporter. they could have kept in touch throughout the years but time and space created a distance that being in the program has only now begun to mend.  
ring around the rosie ( 00 / 01 )
as close to an arch nemesis as wendy is going to get, apart from the french, this is someone who knowingly sends her leads that go nowhere or distract when she is close to discovering something. their reasoning could be petty or it could be because wendy did something to them or maybe they have just never gotten along and clashed right from the beginning due to opposing personalities. 
tape recorder ( 00 / 01 )
wendy’s tape recorder, she wouldn’t go anywhere without it . . . only she did. she left it on record somewhere and it picked up some interesting information that no one else was supposed to hear, but she has and the people and countries in question don’t know, for now. what happens if they find out she knows? what was it she wasn’t supposed to hear? did she just walk into something she shouldn’t have? this can go so many ways but ideally would be something to do with a country talking about maybe invading another or something along those lines. 
𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔  ───  luca d’ansembourg. wren d’ansembourg. lara d’ansembourg. / 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔  ───  louise de saxe-cobourg et gotha / 𝒆𝒙-𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔  ───  fanni croÿ. / 𝒆𝒙𝒔  ───  ????
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areumson · 3 years
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strangers, acquaintances, friends, or even relatives  —  all are fair game, and only her closest family  ( namely, her husband and brothers )  are exempt from any sort of deception. causes are varied, as is the severity of her ruse, but such strategies are only used if they will somehow benefit areum, so it’s likely your muse would have come out of a betrayal worse off than before it. 
areum attended oxford from 2000 to 2004. she keeps tabs on her classmates, and has been back multiple times since graduation, both to attend reunions and conferences, even speaking at one in 2013. if your muse attended at the same time as she did they might know each other, or they could have met during one of her return visits. 
after she finished school, she traveled around the world from 2004 to 2014, living in one city for a few years and then moving on to the next. much of her focus during these years was on investing, but she was also purposeful about making connections with the reigning families and important people while she was there. this could have resulted in any type of relationship, positive or negative! 
our muses were once friends who made a point of making time to stay in contact and meet up whenever they were in the same place. after an argument  ( subject totally up for discussion! ),  however, they broke off all contact. now that they are attending the program together, avoidance will not be a solution for long.
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cmiray · 3 years
“Your name, forever the name on my lips” Someone she hates. Someone she makes sure everyone knows she hates. It’s a petty, age old jealousy but Lis holds that grudge close to her heart. Maybe someone who broke her heart as a teenager (not necessarily romantic) or who she saw as competition.
"Babe, don't threaten me with a good time" Fashion collab? Maybe something your muse does just makes Lis click one day and she won’t leave them alone until they let her do some looks for them. Or maybe they work together once for an event and they work well together so it kind of turns into a recurring thing.
"Hello, Mr. Perfectly Fine, how's your heart after breakin' mine?" Someone who made a negative comment about her brand early on. Someone she really looked up to for their style. Can either be public or privately. Just an idol who crushed her dreams.
“You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye”
A lil crush. Someone who she doesn’t know too well but who is young and full of life and following their dreams. Some she both admires and can’t actually look at too long without feeling she might burst.
“We're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way” Friends. Around her age who make her live a little more. Get her out of her own self imposed prison.  
"How did I go from growing up to breaking down?" An older mentor figure. Someone who is maybe a family friend (Aslan’s, Hafiz’s) has known her since she was a little kid but was always nice to her and so she would ask them for advice sometimes. And she still does but now instead of being all these things she wants to do and all the changes she is going to make in the world it’s evolved into a quarter life crisis of Miray thinking she’s a failure.
"Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?"
A new friend who he gets along with surprisingly well. He always gets along with people easily, but also loves pushing peoples buttons. This person gives back just as good and they hit it off really well from the get go and he’s starting to turst them more and more.
"And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?" An ex. It probably didn’t end great, Petro was probably a bit of an asshole about it. They love seeing him fail now and they will do everything to get their revenge.
"And though I can’t recall your face, I still got love for you" One night stand turn friends. Most people judge Petro quite a bit for keeping people he’s been intimate with close but he doesn’t give his love away that easily. So once you’ve got it it’s yours for life.
“fast asleep in your city that's better than mine."
They meet in between him breaking up with Barbie (after he crashed on Sergi’s couch for a couple months) and him meeting Maia. Fling or just friends but either way they lived together whenever your muse is from. Do they still get along or did they have a fall out?
“ Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it" The problems with Greece have kept him so occupied he feels like he’s missing his childrens lifes. This is the dad support club on Fridays they meet up drink some wine and bond over being old now and their kids lives in the limelight.
“so who am I offending now?" Your muse hates Andrés. This fact is not uncommon in itself. He was popular in his youth but ever since the Barbie break up and then the Greek scandal he knows he’s not a popular character. However he has no idea what he did for your muse specifically to hate him this much. And it’s driving him a little insane. (reason up to you or we can brainstorm!)
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jclvni · 3 years
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charitable buddies. maybe you never really liked him but you admire his philanthropies. maybe you’re a little older and you see all his untapped potential. you had an idea that you just couldn’t shake, and he was right there ! and surprisingly all too accommodating. turns out, you work really well together. who knew ?
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vitoriadobrasil · 3 years
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You got a girl at home and everybody knows that || Cheating scandal
Juicy cheating scandal involving Vitória and a married character or someone in a long term relationship. Everybody here is pretty and she’s not picky so hit me up.
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake || Fake friend
Just a PR relationship. They don’t have to hate each others or anything. They could just be fake smiles for the cameras and have nothing to say to each others. 
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nataliademarquis · 3 years
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connections for all five charas, collected on one page, for ease of access: voila !
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louisedebelgique · 3 years
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You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath || Secret girlfriend
Louise’s bisexuality is a well kept secret. She realised that she also liked women during her first year of university in Paris. More like someone broke it to her that she might be crushing on her good friend Femke and not just intensely admiring her. It was a bit of a shock for Louise and something she decided to explore while under her university alias. Eventually she would have started dating a girl but insisted that they kept it secret to preserve her pristine image, please conservatives and because she was not ready to tell the world. 
The connection could go many ways. The girlfriend could have been fine with it at first and then not at all. It could have put a strain on the relationship and caused the break-up. That girlfriend could also hold “blackmail” power over Louise. The girlfriend could have simply been tired of all the secrecy and respected Louise’s choice to keep it private but have wanted the relationship to end because it was not working for her. They could have both grown apart at some point. Louise could have panicked and ended the relationship abruptly. I’m open to discuss it further !  
Alternatively I would also be interested by a first girlfriend connection, with an element of secret. 
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time || New ally/business relationship 
As Belgium is rebuilding and growing strong again, I imagine new partnerships would form. Louise would do her best to bounce back and make new relations. New countries would want to associate with Belgium now that it is not at war anymore and try to benefit from the renaissance. It could strictly be on a politic/economic level or it could also become a friendship. 
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inescroy · 3 years
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gender: any age: 25+
you've picked up on the pattern and it appalls you. she’s tried to seize your favour. maybe she’s taken up your favourite hobby, for the sake of a conversation starter... or maybe she’s researched your favourite designer, so she can comment on the next outfit you wear to an upcoming gala. whatever may be, you can’t stand it ! and in her direction, your eyes shoot daggers dipped in disdain.  
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elysefz · 3 years
Open Connection: the Opportunist
We all know Elyse can be a dumb b*tch. This person would see that she’s prone to selfish acts and perhaps leaping before she’s thought it through and try to use that to their advantage. Elyse wants to be loved and praised so if they can offer her attention, power, and status as a great leader, she might just take it.
The question is when will this person’s manipulation become clear and will Elyse figure it out in time?
Open Connection: the Experiment
Listen, sometimes teenagers experiment. Michael knew that he wasn’t straight pretty early but when he was home in Ireland it was never safe to test out that theory. This person (m or nb) is someone Michael met outside Ireland and tried somethings with. They were both unsure of their sexuality and the other was a safe space. Maybe they’re still friends, maybe the other tried to blackmail Michael, or is still in the closet.
Open Connection: the Rival
They’ve grown up mirror images of the other. Always compared and also pitted against one another. And appropriately, they hate each other. Everything they do is to beat the other. They are hot and cold. Day and night.
Open Connection: the Children's Ward tw: childhood illness/chronic illness
Aslan started getting sick when he was about 9 or 10 and for the next ten years or so he was in and out of hospitals, on medications, and under constant watch. This character is someone who was also ill at the same time. Maybe they met at the hospital, one or both traveling outside their home country for treatment. Maybe they met later in life and bonded over the experience.
Open Connection: the Lover tw: infidelity
Daisuke is newly married and while it’s not unhappy, it purely for political gains. Neither of them are bothered by the other having sex with other people, especially since they are in separate places, as long as it doesn’t become public. Daisuke would have been sleeping with this person for a while, before or after the engagement was announced. Like with Wora, they are well suited and Daisuke sees them as someone he can be more himself well. I wouldn’t say there’s trust in a political sense but certainly in a personal one. They crawl into bed together when they need support of the most base kind.
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kcstyv · 3 years
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you’re trying to gain favour with the romanovs, what easier way than through the least... prickly... of the bunch ?
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catherinestuart · 3 years
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catherine stuart
ex boyfriend ( any prince, 28+ )  from 2017-2019, catherine had been shopping around for a new partner, a new venture — as it were, after the implosion in england and her breaking down of her deal with arthur jr. he is respectable, belongs to a powerful dynasty, it could become quite something! but they broke it off for what ever reason, and catherine turned her attention back to plan a, england, by the end of summer 2019 articles were released of her engagement to prince andrew of england. 
former rivals, or former friends ( any title, 27+ ) maybe it was something from their university days, maybe it's one fuelled by ambition, but there is always an unpleasant feeling between them that stood the test of time. 
protegée ( any title, under 26 ) this character would have to be somewhat politically inclined in one way or another. it could be equally beneficial for both to be politically connected, and it might even lead them to have a complicated relationship with catherine's sister effie! 
ariel de bragança
secret ex-boyfriend ( any title, 27+ ) tw: kidnapping it was the boyfriend she had around the time of her ordeal in spain. she didn't want to tell her family her real reason of going ( to visit him ) and lied instead, saying that she had a friend's art gallery that she had to visit. there might be some underlying/unfinished feelings there, we can plot it out! 
fwbs ( any title ) it's a drought for her ok. 
bully ( any title )  for some reason i'd really like someone to bully ariel. maybe they don't like her family and see her as an easy target? or that it's totally personal? open to ideas! 
dianna yi
bitchy friends ( any title, 29+ ) yes i know she already has haera but they need more international gossip. preferably someone who spent a bit of time in new york? or else dianna travels anywhere to get away from korea so she location isn't really a problem. 
sugar baby ( any title )  she's using her husband's money to bankroll some young thing she's sleeping with. probably only doing this to get under her husband's skin, if he doesn't have a problem with her cheating then maybe he'll have a problem with her draining his bank account? 
rivals (?) ( any title )  a while ago dianna stole your character's boyfriend and it's pretty much war between the two characters up until now. or if its possible she's sleeping with someone's husband/boyfriend please anyone. 
iretioluwa olowu
betrothed ( any title, 23+ )  maybe her brother and parents decided it's a good idea? the personal relationship between them would depend on the characters! but ireti wouldn't be banking on them lasting all the way to the aisle tbh. 
the big ex ( any title 23-26 )  it's the ex that ireti followed all the way to whichever country they were and costed her the entirety of her skating career. there's probably unfinished feelings and awkwardness leftover, but where it goes is up for discussion! 
one night stand but make it awkward ( any title, 23+ ) they slept with each other a while back and neither knew that the other was a royal. ireti doesn't really pay attention to stuff like that but she can't really forget a face, maybe bonus points if it was actually really good and now its more like: "haha that happened isn't that funny, now lets be cool w each other... unless-" 
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