#httyd 2 criticism
nightfury-2001 · 4 years
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honestly it still annoys me that they changed toothless' face in httyd 2 because like..? he was already expressive enough..? and most people already found him cute...? like there rly was no need to change his face that much lol. what REALLY annoys me though is the changes they made to his face in thw, like what the fuck was wrong with 2's model? 2 already had larger brows and all that like did yall really need to make his brows even more prominent...were there really enough people screaming about toothless not being cute enough that yall had to make his eyes larger and closer together...........
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Well I saw HTTYD2 today: Hardcore fans look away though, also frozen critique I guess too?
I was feeling sick so maybe that didn't help but-
I think maybe KFP 2 raised my expectations too high for this movie. I mean that sequel far surpassed it's original movie which I'd already liked.
HTTYD was the superior movie to me I suppose- it had a more coherent and contained story and said so much.
I mean there were interesting things to this film don't get me wrong but idk. They had all these great characters and didn't really utilise them to their full potential. Then again rather like Frozen there were also too many to adequately develop. (But then that was a problem the first film set itself up for). I guess I do hear this is supposed to be the 'middle story'- like there's to be a sequel buuuutt yeah.
I think my main problem though is Astrid who really out of all the supporting characters should have gotten development.
Like there's something majorly wrong when 15 year old Astrid is way more interesting then 20 year old Astrid. 15 year old Astrid was great! I mean the only thing I disliked in the first film she was kind of dropped off by Hiccup near the climax and all. But 20 year old Astrid was more or less reduced to Hiccup's cheerleader it seemed. Championing him, supporting himn. I mean that's fine have her do that but... have her do something else? Argue with him? Have Hiccup be wrong?
Plus then there was Hiccup's mother. I don't know but I honestly think if they were going to bring her in there should have been some anger there. Idk. I guess they were trying something clever- playing with her own expectations but yeah... she got off too easy for my liking. Perhaps that's just me though. I mean yeah Stoic died but AFTER they had got some things out. 
Also I felt more for Hiccups almost death then Stoics actual one which is bizarre. I LOVE Stoic from the first film. So why (while I was actually moved and did feel a little upset) did I not feel as bad? Why does Hiccup's mother bother me so? She's not a terrible person and I get that- and I don't even hate her it's just... I don't know what to say. Her actions deeply bother me. And the song bit lacks impact I think.
But then I'm probably being heartless here. Idk. She has a great costume. Great.
Plus the villian... eh he could have been more interesting considering. There were interesting facets to him but it didn't come together that well because we don't see much of him I guess. I mean he was kind of 2D until he showed off his arm and then I thought 'Oooh what are they trying here' but yeah then it kind of fell flat. Still I can appreciate what they were trying in some respects- like in animal behaviour it can sometimes be the done thing to 'take over' as alpha (like it's what we do with dogs) and there are different ways folks do that irl- either through protection and care... or abuse. And in fear folks can sometimes do awful things, especially to animals- it's the whole fight or flight set up sometimes. Like I know (mainly dudes) can brag about killing a wild 'dangerous' animal they found- but often they're just being cowards themselves in a different way. Their 'fear' is still controlling them. But yeah this dude didn't seem afraid as Hiccup pretty much pointed out, and his grab for power was less for protection so....
Yeeeah, for what they were possibly trying, which I do appreciate it kind of failed to come across well. I guess maybe they didn't want to make another Stoic? Who knows really.
But yeah (and I can hear someone whining about me being an SJW here but shut up I do as I please- was it not a bit off that the only noticeably non-european character was the villian...? And not a well rounded one for all their efforts. I mean if you have that 'one non-white person per movie' why not make it that other new guy? What's his face, the one Ruffnut went Pepe Le Pew over)
The comparison everyone is making:
Was it better than Frozen?
Well yeah. There was just a lot more interesting things going on despite all its flaws. Also much better animation in both characters AND scenery. (I know I know you're all sick of the same face thing but it's the truth- that being said while their eyes eat their face Anna and Elsa at least have more expressive eyes I guess, Idk Astrid kind of almost had dead fish eyes I thought at points. She wasn't as expressive in this movie as the first). But it kind of is a 7/10 (and I could be argued down really because given the first movie it should have been better). Frozen is like a 5. 
But honestly? I'm not going to see it in cinemas again and my only reason for buying the dvd would be because there's going to be a sequel or whatever.
Anyway here's hoping Astrid is given a better role.
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nightfury-2001 · 4 years
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httyd 2 toothless definitely has e y e b r o w s during certain moments and yeah, they do look weird/kinda bad sometimes but like,, theres just something abt httyd 2 toothless' design (prob the placement and/or shape of his eyes) that makes his big brows much more tolerable than thw toothless'. it also prob helps that he doesnt have them in like, 90% of scenes lol
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nightfury-2001 · 4 years
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one thing that bothers me abt toothless' model in both httyd 2 and thw is that his teeth are much rounder??? he looked so much better with sharper teeth????? and it makes no sense in-universe that theyd change that much????? dreamworks why
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nightfury-2001 · 4 years
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(Replying to the above comment I got on this post)
@shilohs-things Tbh I think HTTYD 2 Toothless’ design is fine overall. While I definitely prefer original Toothless, I do like some of the changes they made, such as making his spines longer and giving him little chin nubs to show he aged. I just wish they hadn’t removed some of his markings (and made the remaining ones so hard to see) and kept his face closer to original Toothless’. Like, while his face is nowhere near as bad as THW Toothless’, it just doesn’t look as good as original Toothless’ to me. 
And also, they shouldn’t have made his teeth so....round? It’s been bothering me for years and THW certainly didn’t fix it lmao
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