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After slowly drawing for WEEKS!!! I finally got this drawing done, thank god. I figure I’d give you all a proper introduction of each of these kids from the far left all the way to the right! First up we have:
Dai (daughter and Eerika and Dagur): Dai is the leader of this rag tag group of dragon riders and is a very friendly person. If you’re feeling down on your luck know that Dai is there to lift you up and make your day. She’s a very family oriented person and whenever she's not out adventuring she's meditating or doing yoga. Dai has a crush on ClashNut. Dai is the big sister you never knew you needed.
Hilda (daughter of Silas and Hiccup): Hilda is Dai’s cousin and the future chieftess of Berk and takes her role very seriously. She's a very stoic person and usually has a serious look on her face. Unlike Dai, it's very hard to gain Hailda’s trust. That doesn't mean she hates fun. Some of her favorite activities are sparing, talking about drama, and judging other people. The only person Hilda seems to sutter around is Princess Aslang.
Tyrus (son of Astrid and Heather): Tyrus is the middle man and a neutral party in a lot of arguments. Tyrus often has a bored look on his face and struggles to talk to people. He gets nervous in crowds and would prefer to be in a small group or by himself. Even when he’s having a genuinely fun time the board look will remain on his face, with the only people really being able to decipher it being close friends and family. Tyrus has a cold exterior but a heart of gold.
Princess Aslang (daughter of Snotlout and Mala): Aslang is a very prideful and uptight person. She’s a princess and demands to be treated as so. She gets flustered easily and doesn't like it when you mention her height. To call her cute is a death sentence. Aslang seems to only relax around her friends. Her captores often return her because she ends up driving them crazy with how much she wines. Despite all that she makes a great ally and a smart battle planner.
Prince ClashNut (son of Fishlegs and RuffNut): Clash is the chaotic mix between his parents. Clash inherited his fathers loves to study dragons and drive to study him, but he also inherited his mothers chaotic energy. Thus, Clash is an adventurer that often rushes ahead and almost gets himself killed. He gets easily excitable and gets easily consumed into his work, so much so that he often forgets about the world around him. It's a problem he has no intention of fixing anytime soon.
DreadNut (adopted daughter of TuffNut): Don’t let her fool you. Dread may look calm, cool and collected but turn your back and she’ll play a nasty prank. On the surface Dread seems to be an art loving hippy who doesn't wear shoes. She does yoga with Dai and can often be found painting elaborate patterns onto her dragon. This calm demeanor often means people trust her easily and it leads to their downfall. Dread makes her father proud by continuing the chaotic Nut legacy.
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lukkisketch · 2 years
Arriba el rufflout.
Helloo, I like your material of this couple🌷💫, I hope you like it, I took some drawings as a reference 😔💞🌷
Sorry for the bad english aah.
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These next gen kids DO have ref sheets but I don't like some of their outfits so...wait until I post screenshot redraws of them (which should be soon, hopefully) to see them from the chin down
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God bless @artinandwritin for these templates, she's doing Gods work <3
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