#huhuh they brought up his gorgeous handwriting again 🥺🥺 *weeping as i recall what Elex did with his EN signature lmao*
[CN] Victor’s Carbon Pen and Glass Bead Event (Day 7)
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✦ thursday || friday || saturday || sunday || monday || tuesday || wednesday
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【High School Affiliated to Loveland University Second Year (Section 1) Semester Schedule - Wednesday】
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In preparation for the upcoming sports meet, this week onwards, each class’s sign holder will rehearse during the morning self-study session.
Contrasting with other students who are somewhat anxious to return to class, Victor is incredibly calm and composed.
If he waits a bit longer, he might just manage to perfectly avoid Brother Ying’s peculiar activities.
“Comrades, I’ve got a brilliant idea.”
After accurately aiming the chalk at the student dozing off, Old Gao laughs and brushes off the chalk dust from his hands.
“The next person I catch napping during the class will need to recite the decimal expansion of pi up to the 150th digit after the decimal point.”
Although Victor is confident he will not doze off in class, he still opens his eyes wider and focuses to be more alert.
Chemistry is the cornerstone of human advancement, and it’s also the subject that can elevate scores the most in the college entrance exam.
The teacher’s words are delivered with gentleness and sincerity.
Victor nods with repeated “Hm.”
The teacher in the previous class said the same thing (about their own subject).
Amidst the intermittent growls of hungry stomachs, the chemistry class comes to an end.
Teachers always tend to have their favorite students– because they’re mature, sensible, and have exceptional academic performance. Of course, the uncle in the school cafeteria is no exception to this pattern.
However, this (cafeteria uncle’s) favoritism might purely be due to Victor’s handsome appearance.
The significance of having good handwriting cannot be overstated.
“Sir Vic, we wrote more or less the same thing. Why did you score 56 while I only got 42?”
“The basis for assessing the standard might be whether or not it’s readable.”
Even simple single-celled organisms can survive in this world, proving that people should indeed show more patience towards many fools. However, one shouldn’t waste too much time either.
Listening to the teacher’s explanation, Victor inexplicably sighs in his heart.
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“I wasn’t asking to borrow your eraser, I’m telling you to pick up the note next to you!”
“Vice Class Monitor, can you help me pass this down again? Be careful not to be spotted by the ‘stern-faced old demon’...”
Hushed voices almost simultaneously sound from both sides. Victor feels as if he is submerged in what seems like a low-frequency hum.
“What have I just stumbled upon?”
In truth, starting from the second year of high school, many classes have some unspoken rules. For instance, whichever teacher has the first class of the day won’t be assigned to supervise the morning self-study session. Likewise, the same principle applies to the last class and the evening self-study session.
However, the physics class is an exception to this norm.
Victor feels an immense sense of pressure pressing down on him and resolves to contemplate how to conquer it.
✧ next stop: Exclusive Story (to be updated)
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