#humans just loooove to share food and try new ones and mix and match to create new things
wikagirl · 11 months
I‘ve been using friendship bracelet braiding methods to make fancy trims and borders for future larp projecs (because getting nice looking ones that fit my aesthetic is mucho hard)
and so I got curious about where friendship bracelets come from
and now I‘m confused
because the practice of friendship bracelets is apparebtly appropriated from central american indigenous practices but the knot methods and just decorative knots in general can be seen all through out history, most notably china and arabic countries but also slav and norse cultures.
And now I‘m not quite sure if what I‘m doing can be seen as cultural appropriation or not because I‘m using these methods to supplement for decorative trims that I don‘t have the recources for to make in a historically appropriate way. The knotbinding itself doesn‘t really seem to be traceable to one specific culture as far as I can tell from the like 8 articles I‘ve read, just the bracelet giving thing and that‘s what the knots are most associated with, so idk if it would be okay for me to use the methods still or not.
It‘s generally a fun and easy to learn craft, it keeps my fingies occupied so my brain can focus and I but if this is a nother thing that has been forcefully taken from a nother culture then I‘m not sure if I want to continue using these methods :/
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