hononoite · 4 years
@huntersfire​ sent: 10. Demon hunting can be messy work
send a number to find my muse…  (not accepting anymore)
This is what she is here for. The work of a warrior on a battlefield. Even though the enemies were not the same as the ones she had faced in her life before, they were easy targets for the Archer and her flames. Perhaps it wasn't a nice looking procedure, the arts of war never were beautiful, it's not suited for a lady and yet there was no one who would suit into a battlefield better than her.
Come as a friend and we shall make a festival upon this grass so woven with blooms, with their colors bright under the sun. Come with weapons to harm those we love and we shall make a battlefield. The choice was theirs and when the demons attacked, they declared war to her.
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Though the ground glistened like rain had fallen, the liquid that shone wasn't clear but red. The demons were for the most part dead and those who were not soon would be. Her lips were curled into a smile as she readied her bow and turned to face the other. "Are you alright? There are still some more coming this way. You should be careful" It was a simple warning upon noticing her. Tomoe knew not to underestimate others but a little warning was never bad. But, perhaps she was looking a little too happy as she spoke those words...
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somnim-archived · 4 years
@huntersfire​ said: “With due respect, Rin. I’m not sure you’ve told me the entire truth about this situation.“ // meme
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“The entire truth?” Repeating the accusation, Rin near laughed at the foolishness of it. How laughable, believing she would have to tell everything, that she would have to consider the other woman her equal, her partner. She had only recruited Asahi to have someone watching her back.
“I have given you everything needed, what makes you believe I should give you more than that?” She was not here to form a long lasting partnership. “Surely you did not have any misguided beliefs about the situation here. You are in no position to demand anything more.” Really, the severity of the mission, the secrecy of the partner seeking should have told more than enough.
“If anything, you should be thankful for receiving the time to get familiar with the mission.” Her tone snarky, Rin let the conversation drop. She didn’t have any time or desire to deal with people who did not understand what they were getting into.
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onlyhorn · 4 years
Local demon hunter can be caight glaring at Ren. Though at the moment Asahi is unsure if the oni looking woman in question is a threat or not, henche the glare.
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Just who was this girl? And why was she giving her such an intense glare? You would think that Rem had slighted her somehow, insulted her family name, broken her wagon, crushed her fingers, but no - this woman does not strike any sense of familiarity within her... yet she stares at her as if she’s some kind of enemy.
If push comes to shove, she’d defend herself. But there’s no point in being hostile when she’s the only one glaring.
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“ I don’t know what I might have done to upset you, “ She begins, dipping her head forward in a formal show of apology. “ I sincerely apologize for anything I may have done to offend. If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, just let me know. “
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eagledreaming · 4 years
huntersfire asked: “you’ll be even worse off if you don’t let me bandage this.”
Caring for Stubborn Muses || @huntersfire​ || Not Accepting
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“...Fine.” He held his arm out to her to let her bandage him up. He was stubborn, but even he wasn’t so stubborn as to be detrimental to his own health. At least not when he could help it anyway.
Blood dripped from his forehead, his arm was pretty banged up, and his wounds were telling of how bad things got. A Fight against an Oni was no joke, he knew that now. Even one that wasn’t Shuten was still a threat to be reckoned with. It made one have to wonder why he returned to Ooeyama to begin with.
If not for this Demon Hunter, he’d probably be dead by now. So he was going to give her Some slack, with letting her take care of his wounds. But only dressing his wounds, that was as far as his pride would allow.
That, and Gratitude. “....And thank you.”
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gallowking · 4 years
Time to spar with the servant.
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A hand came out from the dark depths of the other’s shadow, successfully anchoring the other’s arm from moving forth with their attack. The assassin, of course, isn’t a strong servant. His skills paled in comparison to other servants that were available- but he had to admit, he can be quite sneaky like a proper assassin. 
He stood there, never moving an inch as he observes the other. Eyebrow raised, but all the more watchful on what the other would do to overcome this unfortunate struggle. 
“You’re going to have to try something new at some point... otherwise the restraints will only get tighter the more you try the same old thing.” 
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lucetestellae-a · 4 years
@huntersfire​ liked for a Fate starter
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“Is there something that I can help you with?” 
A soothing and heavenly, yet monotonous, voice called out to the girl from the lab. She noticed someone was snooping around and spotted threads of red strands from the corner of her eye. The woman stood out, not because her attire of her lab coat, but her hair. Her hair glimmered like the stars and shared the same hues that mirrored the night sky. Her eyes were navy that contained an expression that didn’t show a single emotion emitting from it. 
“I am very busy, so please be brief on what you need.”
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cursedprovidence · 4 years
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//Semi-regular reminder to go follow @smilingmagus​ @ncthung​ and @huntersfire​ 
Mary, Kriemhild, and Asahi are all great OCs deserving of your love, and attention.
Kriemhild especially, for the Fiend of Worms is my favorite Avenger on the Citadel.
That is all, I shall be working on IC posts now.
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eagledreaming · 3 years
Difficult person test
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You are an easy person to get along with (27.86%).
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Tagged by: No one, I stole it Tagging: @huntersfire​ and Anyone else can steal it.
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stateofdrought-blog · 10 years
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Five firefighters have been injured while battling the Hunters Fire, burning in the foothills west of Yosemite National Park. The fire has burned 1,300 acres so far and it is 20% contained.  “This fire is burning like it would in summer with the dry conditions we’ve been experiencing,” said state fire spokesman Daniel Berlant. Read more: Latest on the Hunters Fire from KQED (Photo by Carol Barrentez via Twitter)
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eagledreaming · 4 years
RULES. post as many songs as you like that remind you of your muse and then tag people whose songs you want to see. repost, don’t reblog.
TAGGED BY. Stolen from @dekirukoto​
TAGGING. @huntersfire​ @smilingmagus​ @noircisaint​ 
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The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision But only for you, but only for you My head is stripped, just like a screw that's been tightened too many times When I think of you, when I think of you I will shield you from the waves if they find you I will protect you, I will protect you Just tell me, tell me, tell me I, I am the only one Even if it's not true, even if it's not true.
Freedom - Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton
Felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders Pressure to break or retreat at every turn Facing the fear that the truth, I discovered No telling how, all these will work out But I've come to far to go back now
Short Change Hero - The Heavy
I can't see where you comin' from But I know just what you runnin' from And what matters ain't the, who's baddest but The ones who stop you fallin' from your ladder, baby
feel like you feelin' now I'm doin' things just to please your crowd When I love you like the way I love you And I suffer, but I ain't gonna cut you 'cause
This ain't no place for no hero This ain't no place for no better man This ain't no place for no hero To call home
Kryptonie - 3 Doots Down
Well, I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon I feel there's nothing I can do, yeah
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon After all I knew, it had to be something to do with you I really don't mind what happens now and then As long as you'll be my friend at the end
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