#huzzah. more ramblings of a dumbass
clambucket · 11 months
I’ve come to admission that the gay agenda has a limit, natsby may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don’t care what it’s founded on. When I came back to this narrative perspective I felt that it may be a fun and silly head canon that I still enjoy, but leaving the statement at “Nick was in love with Gatsby, and Gatsby loved him back” erases large parts of their characters, flaws, and foundations.
0 notes
solastia · 6 years
Faith | 7
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- Other chapters are linked in the masterlist -
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 5,592
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but there is a big smutty part in this one. I don’t want to give too much away, but caveman Namjoon makes an appearance. Sorta dom Namjoon, impreg kink, slightly rough behavior, single use of the word whore, but not really degradation. He’s just being kinky, not mean.
Notes: The last official chapter. Next up is the short epilogue. 
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Namjoon had been spending the past week with you and Faith, basically relearning each other and letting him bond with his daughter. Watching him light up anytime he was able to make her laugh made you so happy, even if you still felt the twinge of guilt thinking about how it could have been like this all along. And although he’d only been at this for a week, he was already such a good father. You’d never doubted that he would be, but to see him in action was incredible. He tried so hard and was so hands-on, always asking to help feed Faith or change her. He was always looking up baby stuff on his phone and ordering new toys that were supposed to “increase her brain power.” 
Every night once Namjoon put her to sleep, it was time for the two of you to have some bonding time. You hadn’t had sex once this week, however, since Namjoon had been serious when he said he wanted to take it slow. There had been plenty of cuddling and kissing, but anything below the waist was strictly forbidden. Considering that even while you guys had been seriously dating in the past you hadn’t been able to make it two days without jumping each other, that you’d been able to last this long was frankly a miracle. Even if you were becoming antsier. You wanted Namjoon so bad that even the sight of him singing off key to Faith had become a turn on. You’d respect his decision though, because you wanted him to trust you again, and because it was still nice being with him even without the sex. 
The quiet evenings were usually spent cuddling on the couch and watching a movie until he left for his mom’s or the hotel, although the two of you didn’t really pay attention to it. It was mostly background noise while the two of you talked about anything and everything while he sprawled on top of you, his large frame squashing you into the cushions. He was rather heavy, but it was so nice having him there that you didn’t complain. You just played with his hair as he rambled into your chest. You had a feeling that 85% of the reason he preferred cuddling on top of you like this instead of the other way around was that he got to smash his face into your boobs, because that was just Namjoon. 
He didn’t let you apologize anymore, stating that it was done and being worked on, so there was no need. Instead, you spent a lot of time telling him everything he wanted to know about the pregnancy and what Faith was like as an infant.
 As the conversations grew deeper, you also began to quietly confess about the worst nights, when missing him became unbearable and you’d feel yourself spiraling into episodes of depression. How it felt like Faith was the only thing that kept you going sometimes. He told you about his worst days as well, when he’d try to bury the feelings in alcohol and call your brother Alan, begging for any scrap of news he could get. The times when he’d spend hours going through pictures and videos on his phone. How for a long time even kissing another woman had still felt like cheating. 
The two of you would crush each other closer after your whispered confessions, feeling like you could almost physically see the bridge between the two of you repairing itself. You could almost say that you felt closer to Namjoon than ever now, and you looked forward to seeing how this was going to work. You were leaving everything up to him this time, and you would follow what he wanted. If he wanted to just come out and visit now and then, you would take it. If he wanted you both to move to New York with him, you’d do that too. At this point, you’d probably even let him take Faith if he wanted to have nothing to do with you. It would break your heart but would be nothing less than you deserved. They were so good together and you didn’t want to break them up ever again. 
Today was Saturday, and he’d been able to spend the entire day with you and Faith. He’d taken you both out for breakfast, beaming whenever someone complimented him for his adorable family or well behaved little girl. This was followed by a trip to the zoo, where the two of them had spent a good hour in the aquatic section alone petting stingrays and starfish. Everyone was back at your place now with Faith sleeping in her crib in the bedroom, thoroughly exhausted, and the two of you sprawled across the couch pretending to watch a movie. 
You were cradled into his chest for once, with your legs tangled together and your face shoved into the crook of his neck. You weren’t even pretending to watch anymore, just relishing the closeness of him and basking in his scent since it was as close as he’d let you guys get so far. 
Namjoon wasn’t faring any better, you could tell by the hardness pressing against your thigh, but he still stayed silent about it. Instead, he just wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose into your hair, humming something that you didn’t know. 
After a few moments, the hand that he was using to stroke your arm pauses. 
“So...my mom has asked us to come for dinner tomorrow,” Namjoon mumbled into your hair.
“Oh. I suppose that’s to be expected.” You grimace, glancing over towards the room holding the sleeping Faith.
Once upon a time, you had been very close to his family. His mom was always hinting at marriage, and you’d been pretty good friends with his sister. They were probably not very happy with you right now, not that you blamed them. 
“I don’t see why you’re worried, my family likes you more than me. I’m not kidding, they told me that.”
Namjoon chuckles into your hair and you allow yourself to grin because that sounds exactly like something his sister would say. 
“We can go. I want them to meet her.” 
“It’ll be fine, baby, trust me. They are just happy we’re working things out. Plus, we’re kinda like the favorite children right now, since we gave Mom a grandbaby first. Kyungmin is back in second place, huzzah!” 
You smack Namjoon on his arm, playfully glaring up at him. “Be nice.” 
He chuckles and cuddles you closer, leaning down to peck your cheek. 
“You mind if I sleep over? I really am too exhausted to drive right now.” 
“Of course. Let’s go to bed.”
Namjoon lets you climb off of him, then walks wrapped around your waist to the bedroom. Snoop is in his usual sleeping area, next to Faith’s crib. You both take a peek at the snoring little girl and share a smile. 
He throws his shirt onto the dresser - his jeans long since abandoned thanks to him going back to following the old no pants rule - and climbs into bed next to you, pulling you close to his chest. You snuggle in, enjoying the few minutes of sweet cuddling you’ll get before he starts snoring like a bear. 
“Watch those hands, missy. I feel you drifting,” he growls into your hair. Your hand might have been slipping towards his ass. Purely for leverage, of course. 
“One more day,” he whispers, then dips to press a light kiss to your lips. 
It took a few moments for you to comprehend what he meant, distracted as you were by the kiss. 
“Wait, what?” You hiss. 
“Mmm, nothin. Good night, baby.”
“Namjoon? Goddamnit, don’t play with me in my own bed.” 
The tiny snores building in Namjoon’s throat sounded suspiciously fake, but you knew you weren’t going to get anywhere tonight. You sigh, your body raring to go now somehow, despite being so tired. 
“Goodnight, Joonie.”
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You remember the first time you’d gone over to Namjoon’s family home, and how you’d been so amazed by the warm reception. There had been so many reasons that you hadn’t expected for them to like you, but his family had fully embraced you into the fold. His parents had treated you like you were one of their own, and Namjoon’s sister Kyungmin had turned into such a great friend. 
It had hurt to cut them off when the two of you had broken up. It felt like you had broken up with them too. Kyungmin had been persistent for awhile - constantly calling and texting, trying to come over to the apartment a couple times. His mom still sent cards for your birthday and Christmas. 
As the three of you stood in the foyer in front of his mom and sister, you couldn’t help but feel a little like a dog with a tail between her legs. 
“It’s so good to see you again! And oh, isn’t she just precious,” Namjoon’s mom is smiling and reaching her hands out for Faith, and you hand her over with a sheepish grin. 
Faith is behaving well, as she’s always been surprisingly good with strangers. That was something to worry about in the future. 
“Wow! Look, Mom, she’s got Namjoon’s smile,” Kyungmin coos, poking the cheeks of the giggling baby before she finally looks up at you. 
“You’re looking good,” she says flatly, and you could feel yourself wilt. 
“Thanks. You too.” 
Finally, she sighs and holds her arms out. 
“Oh, get the fuck over here.”
You both ignore her mom’s reminder to watch your language around the baby as you hug each other tightly. Kyungmin pulls back with a grin. 
“I missed you. I really am happy to see you again. I always knew that my dumbass brother would never be able to find anyone better than you.” 
“I’m right here, you know,” Namjoon looks up from where he’s playing with Faith and his mom, glaring at his sister in mock disgust. 
“I know. That’s why I said it.” 
Namjoon’s mom ushers everyone into the dining room, placing a quick kiss on your forehead with an understanding smile. She absolutely refused to hand over Faith or put her in a high chair, insisting on the two of them eating with Faith in her lap the entire time. Namjoon’s dad only got to hold Faith for a couple of minutes before she was yet again reclaimed by her apparently doting grandmother. 
You were so happy to learn that they were thrilled to have Faith in their lives. You could tell that all three of them were as smitten with your daughter as much as everyone else was. Faith was going to grow up surrounded by family that loved her. You finally felt like you could breathe again. 
You had all moved into the family room after the meal and you were deep in a political discussion with Namjoon’s dad when you dared to glance at the time and saw it was growing late. You knew Faith was going to start fussing soon, so you tried to let Namjoon silently know that it was time to go. Thankfully, he caught your gesture easily enough and nodded, turning to give his mom and Faith a hug and kiss. 
“Alright, Mom, we’re going to head out. Dinner was wonderful, as usual. Everything you need for Faith is in the bag. You good?” 
Wait, what? 
“Oh, we got it, honey. I may have experience with a baby or two. I have a crib set up for her in your old room. You kids have a good night.” 
You were staring at Namjoon in confusion while his eyes were laughing at you, his plush lips pulled into an amused smirk. Kyungmin’s grin was practically a mirror of her brother’s. 
“Go give Faith a kiss goodnight, baby,” Namjoon’s laughing voice instructed. 
You do as your told, kissing the tiredly babbling toddler and whispering last minute instructions. His mom ushers you away with a laugh and they all stand outside and wave as Namjoon drives you both away, still refusing to answer any questions, the asshole. 
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“Bite that lip one more fucking time, and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” Namjoon growls as he’s carrying you up the steps into your apartment. You’d thought it was ridiculous to try to carry you across the parking lot and up steps when you could walk perfectly fine but he’d insisted this was faster. Frankly, being carried over so many hard surfaces by Namjoon was terrifying, but his eagerness was cute. 
As Namjoon’s grip on your thigh grew tighter on the drive here, along with the now very obvious bulge, you’d pieced together what was going on. Honestly, you didn’t understand why it had been so hard for you to figure out in the first place. Namjoon wasn’t exactly great at being subtle, and the fact that he’d packed so much stuff for Faith should have been a dead giveaway. You supposed the fact that you’d gotten used to not expecting anything to happen for a while made you easy for him to surprise. 
Namjoon was somehow able to unlock the door while keeping you in a semi-stable bridal carry, which both made you proud of him and terrified for your life. Once inside, he practically rushed to the bedroom. 
“Sorry, buddy. Mommy and Daddy need some alone time,” he says to Snoop as he closes the bedroom door on the confused looking pup. 
A little woop escapes you as he lightly tosses you onto the bed. 
Oh. He’s in one of those moods. 
You’re growing pretty excited yourself as you do as ordered, although you take great pleasure in moving slowly, his eyes narrowing in suspicion sending a shiver of thrill through you. He finishes stripping himself before standing in front of you - cock hard and standing proudly - and observes you from head to toe before meeting your eyes.
“Y/N, we’re not playing your game right now. This is my time.”
His voice is hard and unamused, and even if you knew that it was just for play, you couldn’t help feeling a bit uneasy for a moment. After all, you had a lot to pay for and things between you both were still a bit unresolved. Meaning you had no idea where your relationship was going. 
“Are...are we...good? Is this like a goodbye thing or...” You hate how pathetic the question came out, cringing at the obvious show of weakness. 
Namjoon’s eyes soften and he’s quick to pull you to him, kissing you fully on the lips. He pulls back and caresses your cheek with his thumb. 
“Hey, none of that. We’re good. I love you so fucking much. You and Faith are everything to me. No one is ever going to take you from me again, not even you.”
You snort and place your forehead against his, relishing the tenderness of his rough thumb on your cheek. 
“I’m going to warn you right now though, that this first round isn’t going to be sweet or easy. I’m in full caveman mode, sweetheart. I’m going to be possessive and rough. I can’t help it. Every bone is my body is aching to stake my claim on you. You know that I respect you and love you, and I respect women and don’t think they are things to be owned. I’ll apologize after and make like a huge donation to a women’s shelter or something.” 
“Joonie, you can be kinky, it’s okay,” you giggle. He bites your lip in retaliation, grinning at your startled squeak. 
“Yeah, I know. I just wanted you to be clear on how I felt and what I was doing. Like, as hard as that time was for you, it was hard for me too. You were everything to me and then you were gone. And my mind still hasn’t quite caught up with the fact that you’re here and I’m allowed to love you again. As fucked up as it is, I need to do this like you’re mine. Like I own you and no one else can touch you.” 
“But Joonie,” you purr as you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss the side of his lips, “All of that is true.” 
Namjoon’s eyes flutter closed as he does a sound that could only be described as a growl. The sound went straight to your core and you shivered when he opened his eyes and pinned you with a dark glare. 
“Get on your knees.”
You drop down quickly, keeping your back against the end of the bed because you know you’re going to need the help to stay up. The cheap carpet already feels rough against your knees and you know that’s going to suck later.
“Open your mouth.”
You let it drop open and try to relax your jaw. Namjoon has his hand on his cock, stroking it slowly as a walks up to you with his jaw clenched tight. He leans down and presses your head back a little then trails his finger down to caress your lips.
He moves away only to pull you closer to his dick, the tip already red and wet. He threads one of his hands into your hair and uses the other to rub his cock all over your face and cheeks, smirking darkly as he spreads his precum across your lower lip. 
He slowly slides inside and you instinctively close your mouth around him. He taps your cheek lightly, growling at you. 
“Open back up. I know how much you love sucking my cock, but this isn’t for you. I’m going to fuck your face because you’re mine to do as I please with, isn’t that right?”
You groan and open your mouth, letting your head fall back against the bed. A little voice was indignantly screaming in the back of your head that you belonged to no one and weren’t some man’s little fucktoy, but that the same time this was hot, so hot. Namjoon looked so powerful and fucking beautiful as he loomed above you and you were more than happy to give him the control.
He slides back inside, moving around to get himself wet enough to attempt pushing into your throat. He feels hot and heavy on your tongue, and you can taste the salt of his increasing amount of precum. He shallowly pumps back and forth from your tongue to your throat, letting you get used to the pressure before he begins his first full slide down. Tears start building in your eyes as he slowly increases his speed, the ensuing squelching embarrassing but worth it as he groans loudly. 
“You always look so good choking on my cock.”
You moan around him, the praise going straight to your dripping pussy. He slides one of his hands down to slightly caress against your throat, and you can feel him press against the outline of his cock. 
“Can see my fucking dick in your throat.”
He places both of his hands on the sides of your head, holding you steady as he increases his thrusts, giving the impression he didn’t care if you were comfortable or not, but you could still see his eyes watching you closely and you knew all you’d have to do is pinch him to make him stop. You slide a hand down, thinking he’d be too occupied to notice, only to have your arm slapped away and pulled above your head. 
“If you’re going to cum, it’s going to be on my cock and by my hand. Any pleasure you feel today is going to come from me and me alone. Is that understood?” 
You nod and he huffs before going back to assaulting your throat. Your jaw is beginning to ache and you know your throat is going to be a bitch to deal with for a while, but whatever. This was hot. He was so fucking hot. 
“Fuck,” He hisses, pulling out quickly. “Your throat was made for fucking, but that’s not where I’m going to cum today. Hands on the bed, bend over.” 
You rush to do as he says, leaning over the edge of the bed and laying on your cheek so you can look back at him. He’s staring down at you and you can just imagine what a mess you must look like. 
“Look at you. Dripping down your thighs just from having my dick in your mouth. Suck a little whore for my cock. Or is it for all cocks?” 
“Just yours,” you manage to croak out, deciding to play his little game. 
“Mmm, good girl. I’ll give you the dicking down you want so bad. Color?” 
“Green. So fucking green.” 
Namjoon chuckles and presses a quick kiss to your lower back. You sigh and relax, placing your forehead into the sheets as you got ready to relish the first delicious slide of him into you...
You squeak as your register the hot pain on your ass and turn to him with an indignant frown. That was not one of his usual teasing spanks. Namjoon merely smirks, his eyebrow raised in amusement as he gently soothes where his spank had landed. 
“What? You didn’t think you’d get out of this without some form of punishment, right? Take your spankings like a good girl. You still green?” 
You nod and brace yourself.
The next couple of slaps were easier now that they were expected, although he still wasn’t holding himself back and doing the usual little love taps he did. These were full on spankings and you had no doubt that your ass was going to be incredibly hard to sit on for a while. You weren’t about to play around and say you hated them though. You still felt your pussy clenching every time his hand connected and he’d do a little soothing rub in between each smack. 
“The next time you’re worrying about something,” Smack “You’re going to talk to me.” Smack “And you’ll never leave me again.” Smack “If we have an issue, we’ll discuss it and work on it together.” Smack “No breaking up in this house.” Smack “Am I clear?” Smack
“Yes. Sorry, I love you,” You were embarrassed that you actually had tears falling down your face, but you thought it was more because of your emotions than actual pain. You knew if you asked him to he’d stop, but it felt good to let him get this out. Maybe now that you’d been “punished” you’d be able to start forgiving yourself too. 
Finally, he stopped, making a little shushing sound at your sniffles, soothing the area. 
“There we go, good girl. Twenty spankings. Now we can put it behind us. I forgive you and I love you.” He leaned over to press a light kiss on your lips, brushing away your tears with his thumb. “You ready to continue?” 
“Yes, thank you. Green.” 
“Good girl,” he growled and pulled back to his spot behind you. 
“And would you look at that, still dripping. I think you liked your punishment a little too much, didn’t you?” Namjoon chuckles and swipes a thumb through your folds, bringing it to his lips with a moan. 
He lines up behind you and pushes in, the both of you groaning as he stretches you and fills you completely. He barely gives you a moment to adjust before he starts hammering into you, the sounds of skin brutally pounding against skin echoing in the air. 
“This is my pussy. My woman. My love. Tell me,” Namjoon demanded with a husky voice that demanded obedience. 
“Yours. I’m all yours.” You shiver and answer softly, trying to concentrate enough to remember how to use words. 
“That’s right. All mine. And I’m yours. Never forget it,” he grunts, bracing a knee on the bed as he thrusts even faster. The angle is overwhelming and you feel yourself nearing the brink. 
“Joon, please...please give me more.” you plead with a sob. 
“Cum on my dick if you need to, baby girl. I’m not going to stop until you’re full though. Gonna fuck you so good you’ll feel me for days. Then when it starts to feel better, I’ll fuck you hard again so that every time you sit down you’ll remember that your cunt belongs stretched on my cock.” 
“Fuck,” you whimper as the first ripples of your orgasm take over, Namjoon’s words having his desired event on you. You clench the sheets as you cum, the oversensitivity of Namjoon pistoning harder inside of you making it damn near overwhelming.
“Shit, I can feel your pussy trying to milk me. Is that what you want? You want me to fill this pretty little cunt up with cum? I’m gonna fill you up until you drip all over the place, knock you up. You looked so hot in those pictures you showed me of when you were pregnant. So full and ripe with my baby, tits fucking huge.” Namjoon grunts as his hands grip onto your hips with enough force that you know you’ll see his fingers bruised onto your skin. You can’t help but mewl a little at his words, loving how fucked out he sounds. 
He suddenly pulls out and flips you onto your back, crawling up until you’re face to face before plunging back inside and resuming his furious pace. He’s dripping with sweat, his plush lips reddened from chewing on them. His eyes bore into you with an intensity that surprises you. 
“You’re mine. The love of my life. Forever,” he growls, dropping his forehead to yours. “Gonna do it. Gonna keep you full of cum every day until you’re bursting. No one else is gonna have my babies but you. Gonna keep you filled with my babies.”
Namjoon’s hips become erratic until finally with three more hard pumps you feel him throbbing inside as he fills you up, groaning into your mouth as he kisses you desperately.  
You sigh happily and prepare for him to get off you, instead, you’re shocked when you feel his hips start to move again. 
Namjoon grins at you, laughing silently at your shocked face. 
“What, you thought we were done? Nope, you gotta give me one more, sweetheart. You have to cum all over me again, suck all that cum into your greedy little pussy.” 
“How are you still hard? Fuck...” you hiss as he fucks into you faster. You can feel how wet and sloppy it is down there, between your own arousal and Namjoon’s load. It’s embarrassing but so dirty and hot. 
“I’m damn near always hard around you, but I just can’t get the thought of you round with my baby out of my head. You’ll look like a fucking Goddess. Look at me baby girl, you want me to knock you up? Give you load after load until you’re full?” 
“Yes! Yes, fuck me full! Give me another baby!” you wail as he pounds into you. 
His hand snakes down to your clit, rubbing circles harshly. You were so sensitive that it almost hurt, but you still felt the twinges of pleasure fighting its way through the oversensitivity. 
“Namjoon,” you cried, your body writhing yet unable to get away. “Please, no more. I can’t.”
“You can. Do it for me, baby. Give me one more and then give you what you want. Can’t wait to fuck you when your big and round, tits bursting with milk.”
You throw your head back in a silent scream as you come undone again, Namjoon sucking marks into your neck as you slowly come back down. He moves his lips up until they meet yours, pressing lightly. 
“Don’t close your eyes,” he orders as you try to fight off sleep. He stares into your eyes as he cums again, his mouth dropping open with a quiet sigh. 
He slowly pulls out and sits back onto his thighs, staring at the sight of you. You can imagine how you must look; puffy and raw from being well fucked, dripping after being so well filled. Namjoon pulls one of the pillows from the top of the bed, lifting your hips gently to place it under you. 
“You meant it then, knocking me up?” you ask as you realize he’s propping your hips up to keep the cum inside. 
“Fuck yeah. I mean, if you want. Should probably have asked, but I did tell you caveman Namjoon was here to play.” 
You giggle and allow him to pull you to his chest as he lays down. He smiles contentedly down at you, his face so full of love. It was probably too soon to think about this seriously, but fuck it. It was Namjoon. The love of your life and you knew things were going to work out as long as you continued to have faith in him. You grin up at him, the decision made. 
“I’d love to have another. Faith will like having a sibling close in age, I think. We love each other and things seem to be working out. Let’s do it.” 
Namjoon beams and leans down to kiss you tenderly, brushing some of your hair away from your face. 
“Was everything okay? Anything I did that went too far or made you uncomfortable?” 
“Psshhh, no. That was hot, are you kidding? Who knew you had a couple more kinks I didn’t know about?” 
“I love you,” he says softly against your lips. 
“Love you too. Now lemme up so I can go to the bathroom.” 
Namjoon chuckles, rolling off of the bed to come around to your side, scooping you up. He walks to the bathroom, setting you down gently as he starts the shower. 
“We’ll clean up, then off to bed. I have a big day planned tomorrow.” 
You look at him curiously, but shrug when he doesn’t continue. You trust him. 
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You wake up to an empty bed, your half asleep mind confused when you find his side cold until you spy a note on the pillow, along with a single rose. You wonder when he found the time to smuggle that in here. 
Went to pick up Faith. Meet us in our spot by noon. Come hungry and you’ll probably want to dress pretty.
Dress pretty? For a trip to the park? 
You shrug, deciding not to question it and get ready for the day. You aren’t sure what’s considered dressing pretty for a day at the park, but you go with something fairly simple. A sundress and your hair down, maybe some light makeup. 
You’re ready with just a few minutes to spare, just enough time to drive there. You’re slightly irritated just because you’re starving, but you hope the come hungry part of his note meant he’d brought food. 
Soon enough you spy them on the grass near the bridge, your usual bench unoccupied as he’d spread out a blanket. A picnic then. 
Faith was wearing some adorably frilly yellow dress, clapping and smiling once you come into her view. You crouch onto the plaid blanket, gathering her up to give her loud smooches on her cheeks, grinning as she squeals. Namjoon smiles happily at the sight before winking at you and making a ridiculous kissy face, demanding his own. Placing your daughter in your lap, you lean over and press a kiss hello to Namjoon’s pursed lips. 
“Morning, beautiful,” he smirks, then hands you a steaming cup of coffee he’d been hiding behind him. 
“Oh, bless you,” you moan, quick to take the proffered cup and taking a greedy gulp. 
“So...do you want your surprise before or after we eat?”
You pause, wondering what he was trying to trick you into. The picnic wasn’t the surprise?
“Now, I guess?” 
He reaches into the basket, pulling out a blue box that fit into the palm of his hand. You breathing sped up, your heart pumping erratically as you recognized the brand and size of the box.
“Joonie...” you sigh in wonderment as he reaches up a hand to cup your cheek, brushing his thumb against your skin. 
“I love you with everything that I am. I love my daughter and I already love the child that we’re trying to make. I love the family that you’ve given me. You quiet my soul and give me hope. Marry me?”
You didn’t even look at the ring as you grabbed his shirt, pulling him to you for a kiss. You could taste the salt of your tears against your lips as you kissed him desperately, hoping he felt all the love in your heart through it. 
“Yes! Of course, I will. God, I love you. You don’t even have to marry me but we can do that if you want.” 
“I want. I want to tell the whole world that you’re my wife. I love you,” he grinned against your lips as your daughter tried to pry her way in the middle of you, not understanding why the attention wasn’t all on her. 
Namjoon picked her up, pecking her cheek. He kept a hold on your hand, rubbing circles into the back of it as you watch him chat with her, overwhelming love filling your soul. 
You couldn’t believe the two of you were finally here. Happy, in love, making a family together. Stronger now, you thought, with the past few years behind you. You’ve learned your lesson. To trust in him and his love, to have faith. 
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