todo-the-wrestler · 2 years
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Chapter 395
Phantom troupe flashback
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Theres way too many things I love abt the dark continent but for now I’ll just start w/ like writing down and rambling about this obscure funny little guy named Giuliano.
He’s such a funny character to me- like there are a bunch of random little traits and details that he has that togashi threw in that I go wild over for absolutely 0 reason
like first of all hes weirdly fixated on songs. I think Togashi just wanted to put a character in there that was his outlet for all the random songs he likes. I love the fact that Izunavi literally has to say “Don’t come at me with your song quotes.” and in general he just makes refrences to pop culture- like dragonball for some reason.
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Its so funny but also sad that the only reason he reads the book of tyson- and inevitibly puts himself in danger and under the influence of her nen beast- is because she cleverly integrated quotes of songs in there
His hair... its either messy or neat, and this is a trait for NO reason. I absolutely love it. It just adds to him being silly.
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neat vs messy
like during their ‘rock concert’ i can just imagine him freaking shredding the guitar- and I like to imagine that since Izunavi (before the concert) did not want to sing at all- tried to play the guitar but it sucked, and Giuliano did vice versa for singing and it sounded EVEN WORSE, but thats just a headcanon.
His name is italian. I love when Togashi gives his characters names with pronounciations from other languages or just full on words from other languages. HE NAMES A CHARACTER BILL AND BISCUIT 😭
He’s- in canon- conventionally attractive just because Tyson picks her bodyguards based off of looks- IT SAYS IN HIS WIKI PAGE (and also izunavisHSHA)- “Since Prince Tyson hires her bodyguards based on their looks, Giuliano is probably considered attractive.” 
Some of my favorite quotes: 
“Just the chapter titles in the table of contents are so gripping I can’t get past them!”
“Izu, you’re just in denial.”
“Want to know how to praise [a book] without reading it?” (he skipped all his literature classes)
He’s a Hunter? thats kind of a given just bc he has the H on his suit but still. Why did he become a hunter and what is his nen ability/affiliation!? I NEED TO KNOW??
If you read into his character a bit, he actually seems pretty emotionally intelligent aside from the bad alibis lol. He gets a lot more serious in his last appearance (WHIC HMAKES ME WANT TO CRY WITH THE “yes, your highness...” “yes, your highness...” HWHSD) and I appreciate it.
I’m willing to bet that he’s going to break the “taboo” set by the nen beast, which in my opinion would be going against Tyson’s teachings in any way, since he’s shown that he’s contemplated on doing just that by causing some sort of plan against the other princes. It might not be directly trying to kill them, exactly, but this would definitely break it.
Even if he doesnt break this “taboo”, things arent looking so great for him anyways since I recall something said about tysons nen beast that it exchanged aura for happiness, and the amount of aura-happiness exchanged is increased by how much you listen to Tysons teachings... which Giuliano has...
I could definitely see this happening too, just for exposition of each of the Nen beasts. Somebody has to break the taboo, so who else could it be? we already know Giuliano somewhat well, so it’d be more impactful if he was the one to die.
But you know Togashi, he might surprise us and do something different.
I just hope that IZUNAVI DOESNT READ THE FREAKING BOOK and so he can be prepared for what happens, and I don’t doubt he is.
Anyways Giuliano is my true gender, peace out.
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