#hy'm so schmott hy dun gotta make senze
melongumi · 5 years
Mr. Victor Frankenstein is cancelled, we only stan Baronin Dr. Wulfenbach now:
actually finished a doctorate degree before creating sapient abominations of mad biology
after crafting a giant young man out of corpses and SCIENCE!, took him into her heart as her son and paid for his education, as one should
raised her new son to responsibility, civic-mindedness, and leadership instead of hiding in the arctic
likes dogs
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melongumi · 6 years
Bill: Listen, madgirls are like cakes--
Klaus: They're bad for you?
Bill: --what? No, they- they have layers
Barry: And the layers have knives in them.
Bill: NO
Klaus: The marzipan roses are laced with cyanide.
Bill: why am i friends with you
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melongumi · 6 years
For the soulmate meme, Agatha/Dimo, 10
*cracks knuckles* okay, here we go–
[Soulmate AU Prompts]
Agatha’s timer shorted out from time to time - froze unexpectedly for minutes or hours, ran backwards sometimes, displayed nonsensical letters and numbers when her headaches were particularly bad - sometimes she felt it was just one more thing that was wrong with her.
Glitches aside, it counted steadily down. She sat down with Adam when she was younger and double-checked the days: Agatha would meet her soulmate a little bit before her nineteenth birthday. That was widely considered a very romantic age for one’s timer to run out, very classic, which was… something. When she held that in mind, it was nice to be normal, to be ideal, in this one thing.
With a handful of weeks left on the clock, she lost the locket that was her only memento of her birth parents.
Her life was turned inside out in a matter of hours, but her timer’s behavior became calmer and more normal than it had ever been. And then Agatha was less normal than she had ever been. Her headaches cleared up like the sky above Castle Wulfenbach, her brain and her hands finally, finally cooperating with the blueprints she could see whenever she closed her eyes.
And then she was a Heterodyne. And then she was an orphan. And then she was a fugitive. Her timer ticked on, no stops or stuttering, right on schedule. It was a touchstone she found she sorely needed.
And then there was less than a day left, and the circus caravan was due to arrive in the kind of tiny rural town whose first reaction to a Spark was likely to involve torches and pitchforks. She hoped – blue thunder, she hoped, as the wagons rolled up to the gates of Zumzum – that her soulmate could love a girl who brought nothing but trouble.
Timers ran differently for the Jägerkin. Dimo could remember, when he was a human youth, seeing fifteen years left and thinking that would be half an eternity. When he took the Brau and lived, it slowed so much that it was over two decades before the timer displayed fourteen years instead. Oggie’s timer had been faster- one year for every six or so years, if he remembered right, but Oggie had loved and lost a long time ago now.
(Jenka said that one day, if they all lived, she and Oggie might, might, get a second timer. If they were very lucky.)
Dimo was more patient, now, and he used the days on his timer to count the months he and Maxim and Oggie searched in vain for a Heterodyne to bring them and their brothers home. For the last few years, he’d hoped he might replace that comfort with a soulmate who – despite what Jägers still meant to most people – would like him and want him and count down the days to his next visit the way that he counted up the months he and the boys spent alone.
Those odds didn’t seem good, with himself and his brothers strung up on a makeshift gallows. The circus folk were promising, though; bound to be friendlier than the townies. He couldn’t see his timer now, with his hands bound behind his back, but he fancied he could feel it ticking out its last moments.
And then-
He caught a whiff of that something he’d ached for all this time, and-
It was impossible, but the young woman in the blue dress met his eyes, and-
It was true.
(Oh, she was going to be the best kind of trouble!)
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melongumi · 6 years
Higgs is just trolling at this point honestly
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melongumi · 6 years
when you go to the girl genius section on ao3. the ot3 is. the first option in the relationship filter. *sob* the foglios have given us so much
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melongumi · 6 years
for that small cross-section that stans both girl genius and fate/stay night,
how flipping perfect would it be to see Rin as a spark? 
how equally fascinating to see Tarvek and Agatha and Gil as magi?
Shirou would just be Othar and Sanaa’s little brother or something, yikes. That’s actually too perfect, oh no
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melongumi · 6 years
where do i have to sell my soul rn to get all my friends to read the girl genius webcomic or at least the prose novels
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melongumi · 6 years
dibs on “totally accurate dinosauria” as a band name
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melongumi · 6 years
if Agatha’s the scion of a notorious Sky lineage, it also makes her sticky-uppy hair bits classic Sky Hair
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melongumi · 6 years
additional cursed(?) crossovers: 
KHR/GG (worldbuilding, low-key) -- the Heterodynes are a sky lineage and that’s why they’re Like That
Klaus Wulfenbach is a Cloud,
Gil and Tarvek are a Cloudy and Misty Sky respectively--
Sparkiness and Flame-active-ness is not 1:1, but adventurous types are more likely to end up Flame-active, and Spark adventurers are a thing;
The Jägerbräu definitely does some weird flame-related thing (are Jäger skin colors a hint to their primary flame affinities? maybe!)
Assuming Flames run from Null to Latent to Active to Useful, Useful Flames need not be known of at all; but Sparks are all at least Latent if not Active, and the best minions are likewise at least Latent.
That reference during the Si Vales Valeo to Élan Vital? Yeah, that definitely has something to do with Flames. Life energy and such!
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melongumi · 6 years
today’s Girl Genius has been exceedingly domestic and has !! slain me!!
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melongumi · 6 years
what is the skifander’s-on-mars theory based on, again? 
I seem to recall a foreshadowy throwaway line at least, but I can’t recall...
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melongumi · 6 years
i’m finally catching up on girl genius starting from the first proper view of england and
my god
the shipping
i’m in heaven
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melongumi · 6 years
2percentmint replied to your post: what is the skifander’s-on-mars theory based on,...
I think I know the throwaway line: in volume 9, when Tarvek is explaining his past with Gil to Violetta & von Zinzer, we get a flashback to their time onboard the castle. Gil theorizes that once they find the castle records, he’d be revealed to be a lost Heterodyne, or the Storm King, or “a martian prince or something.” Aaaand since he’s already dating the lost Heterodyne and the Storm King, that just leaves martian prince…
I remember that line now !!!  Thanks so much :D
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melongumi · 6 years
anyway i love how tarvek and gil can’t keep their hands off each other for more than a panel at a time,,,
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melongumi · 6 years
i am an obligate archive reader for girl genius so I tend to (quite deliberately) forget it exists for six months at a time -- to save myself from update anticipation, you understand -- but god, i remember it now and i--
ot3: if you are well, i am well
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