sncfxtn · 9 years
In Absentia
I will start posting again soon.
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sncfxtn · 9 years
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“Lighten Up” by Ronald Wimberly
Beautifuly written- and drawn.
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sncfxtn · 10 years
Was passiert, wenn Musikjournalisten(sic) das Konzert einer Frauenband rezensieren
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Sexismus im Musikjournalismus: It’s a thing
Slate hat letztens einen Artikel darüber veröffentlicht, wie Medien Björk und anderen Musikerinnen systematisch die ihnen zustehenden Credits verwehren, und er ist sehr ernüchternd und lesenswert (via Anna Kohlweis entdeckt).
Solche Dinge passieren leider auch viel zu oft in heimischen Medien. Und ich rede jetzt gar nicht von den Österreichs und Kronen Zeitungen des Landes, sondern von Plattformen, die man eigentlich gern in der fortschrittlichen und reflektierten Ecke verorten würde.
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sncfxtn · 10 years
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sncfxtn · 10 years
A Place To Bury Strangers - Straight. will blast your head, in a good way.
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sncfxtn · 10 years
"Excision" by Richard Bates, Jr. (2012) is a most fascinating Horror movie with an explicit feminist theme. Disturbing, beautifully shot and acted. Annalynne McCord is unrecognizable in the best way.
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sncfxtn · 10 years
take this. #reproductiverights #abortion #SexEd #birthcontrol #swimming
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sncfxtn · 10 years
18+ - All The Time
super sultry sexy.
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sncfxtn · 10 years
LANKS debut EP Thousand Piece Puzzle is out - very very nice... give it a listen
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sncfxtn · 10 years
David Bowie on Stardust | Blank on Blank
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sncfxtn · 10 years
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Until The Sun Explodes
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sncfxtn · 10 years
We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing. - Charles Bukowski (The Captain is Out to Lunch and the Sailors have taken over the Ship, 1998)
Picture: LGHT by kidmograph
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sncfxtn · 10 years
I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted. - Jack Kerouac (The Dharma Buns, 1958)
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sncfxtn · 10 years
I may repeat myself: go let @tr_st aka Robert Alfons seduce you into following him to his "Joyland"...new electrogoth album
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sncfxtn · 10 years
New Music for you: summery, sunday, smiths-infused pop pearl:Stay Forever Here in The Night by Most People
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sncfxtn · 10 years
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sncfxtn · 10 years
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Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
(Multiple Requests)
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