#hybrid!au yoongi drabble
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Love at first bite
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior, medical experiments, meds.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
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My feet hurt. I’ve been running back and forth around the clinic way past my working hours already.
To be honest I think the assistants work more than the doctors, I should have gone home by now. My shift ended four hours ago. Yet i couldn’t go home.
Lately the clinic has been very busy, hybrids were coming in and out of the clinic to get treatment and the fact that so many rescued hybrids from the outside were coming, made the ones we had already been taking care of at the clinic agitated. With their higher level of hearing and smelling it was impossible to completely hide the different cents.
The world we live in is not the same anymore, we exists between hybrids. And I work in a clinic that takes care of them.
The biggest hybrid clinic in our city, is was more then just a clinic for hybrid species. It was a hospital, lab where scientific studies and research took place, and a clinic for treatments.
It was late at night when things seemed to have cooled down. I decided to drink some coffee at the cafeteria on the first floor.
Sitting down in one of the tables I put my hot coffee over it, taking the files of my patients for tomorrow morning in hand reading their appointments and preparing for it.
- yn! - I look up to see Hoseok, one of the assistants that worked on the especial cases.
- hey hobi - i greet him, he sits down in front of me looking more exausted than ever. - oh you look awful…
- don’t even tell me about it - he said - guess who was my patient today?
- no idea… - I tell him, taking a sip from my coffee.
- the snake hybrid - he said, I almost gagged in my coffee.
- no way! What is like? - i asked, the most special hybrid in our clinic was the rarest one. The black mamba hybrid.
- an asshole? - he said, I chuckled at him - no seriously, he’s so difficult to treat like he doesn’t eat because he doesn’t like the food, always complain about the people around him… and today, he bit my colleague be cause he didn’t like that way he smelled.
- he bit him? - i asked, completely amused.
- yes, he’s in the hospital by now - at his words I looked up at him worried.
- so… - before I said anything my phone start to ring. I sight tiredly - gotta go.
He only nodded understanding as I got up from my seat to leave.
- hey… - I say as I take the call. I threw the plastic cup of coffee in the trash can as I leave the cafeteria.
- boss is looking for you - he tells me. It was one of my coworkers.
- I’ll go then, thanks.
I turned off the call making my way to the elevators in the hallway. By boss he meant Seokjin, it was a nickname we all agreed on since he’s the director of the clinic. As I walked towards the elevators i kept wondering why he asked for me at this hour, Jin was usually so busy I could bearly talk to him not did I ever seen him having lunch break or any break at all. He always made sure the hybrids were well treated at the clinic and worked really hard for it.
From afar i notice Namjoon standing there in front of the elevator doors waiting for it, he was looking through some papers on his hand too focused to even notice my presence beside him.
- hey - i greet him.
- hey… - he reply, not looking my way. He had a hard expression on his features.
Once the door opened in front of us we both get in the elevator, me fallowing right after him. I press the bottom to the third floor.
- what is this? - I ask him intrigued, as he seemed completely focused on the paper to notice his surroundings.
- my new patient - he sighed now looking at me - he’s one of the rare hybrids we have and it looks like he’s going to get put down.
- what? Why? - I was genuinely surprised, rare hybrids were so special in the clinic one of them being put down could only meant one thing - is he sick?
- no - he said getting out of the elevator once the door opened at our desire floor, i fallow him - just an asshole.
- oh? - i was genuinely confused, but didn’t push him to tell me - You going to Jin’s office?
- yes - he said, lookin stressed - he called me to discuss this patient, what about you?
- He called for me but, I don’t know yet - i reply, we walked the long corridor till were finally standing in front of Seokjins office.
After nocking on the door and receiving a low “come in” from Seokjin we both made our way inside his office. Namjoon opened the door for me to get in first then he fallowed me behind, shutting the door. Jin sat on his desk, hands on his face as he covered his eyes in despair looking more tired than ever, a look i never thought I would see on his face.
- Jin you look… - he didn’t let me finish.
- I know - he sighted, now looking at us both in front of him.
- why did you called us? - Namjoon asked.
- I need your help with this rare hybrid case - He said.
Jin started walking around his desk to sit down.
- my father passed to me the responsibility of taking care of the… euthanasia of him.
- but why? - i asked.
- well… it’s been years and he never once put it in the effort to live - he said taking a few papers and giving it to me and Namjoon, the hybrid records - he’s not eating anymore, doesn’t get any heats, makes no effort on mating and doesn’t let anyone help with his shedding .
- Shedding? - i asked, so he means… the rare snake hybrid.
- yes. He’s now in your hands - Jin said, looking at me and Namjoon.
- you want us to do exactly what? - Namjoon asked - from the looks of it, doesn’t seem like we can do anything about it.
- you both will be working on this case with me, the big boss - he made a sing pointing up, signaling the higher ups, his father - found a female rare snake hybrid and he wants them to reproduce before euthanizing him.
I felt sick.
- are you kidding me?! - i said, stunted - you’re just going to… - I couldn’t even say it - after all theses years?
- I know that’s why i want you guys to work on it, - a long sigh left his lips - i only trust you both with this.
- maybe we can help him out and not put him down? - I tell him.
- believe me y/n - Jin looked at me deep in the eyes - we tried but…. Sometimes is better this way, is hard on him too.
I looked down at the papers in my hands.
Min Yoongi - snake hybrid.
Code: RED. Dangerous species. Specie: Black mamba.
Date of birth: Unknown. Male.
Current status: to be put down. Date: three months from now.
Resume: This patient needs to be prepared for a mating season as he had never had one, to ensure the precision and higher chances of reproduction of the rare hybrid species. The black mamba hybrid is to be taken care of from now to the time of mating, every side effect must be related to the one in charge of the case. To ensure assurance that this case will be dealt with assertiveness.
I felt sick.
I couldn’t help but think about it for the rest of the day. The fact that they would just give up on him after all these years of testing and keeping him lock up in here that he simply didn’t want to make any effort to live anymore, and how the clinic was just going to put him down not giving a single care about him for real.
They are going to end him right after they get him to reproduce, just to ensure they still have a rare hybrid of his specie. Another one to end just like him.
Looking down at the food in front of me I felt sick in my stomach at that. How could they?
- you look deep in thought - Namjoon said over me, he sat down in front of me after putting his tray of food on the table.
- sorry i just can’t stop thinking…
- about the hybrid? - he said - look I know you and I’m sure that’s why Jin chose you to assist me with this case but, let’s just make sure he at least leave in peace okay?
- okay..
I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did. You don’t know me Namjoon, I’ll make sure that hybrid lives.
No matter what it takes.
- we’ll meet him later right? - i ask him, he looks at me over his lashes as he holds his phone looking at it.
- yeah, after lunch - he takes off his glasses - are you ready to see the snake hybrid for the first time?
- yeah - I wonder what he looks like, most hybrids have some feature that help identifying what kind of hybrid they are. Does the snake hybrid has scales all over him? - he shouldn’t look too scary right?
Namjoon only giggle at my question, a knowing smile growing on his lips and my mind quickly realizing it.
- Kim Namjoon! You’ve meet him already! - i stated.
- of course I did, he had an appointment at six in the morning. - he said, a sight leaving his lips - What an ass.
- why so early? - knowing Namjoon hates waking up too early, he must felt stressed. Especially having to take care of a hybrid that demands so much more care.
- His sleep circle is different… - he started - and since we are trying to get him to feel the beginning of a heat so he can mate, his room was changed to acommodate him.
- oh… - realization hits me - so it will give the illusion of his heat beginning?
- yes, we also changing the room temperature to make it happen as naturally as possible - he said - the hotter the better.
- no way… - i said - I’ll have to work in hell too?
- trust me.. it doesn’t need hot temperatures to make it hell. - Namjoon looked at me - he’s good at that on his own.
- is he that bad? - he couldn’t be… right?
- I’ll let you see it for yourself - was all Namjoon said.
After lunch Namjoon passed me the instructions of our appointment with the snake hybrid, since he wasn’t eating he had to take vitamins straight into the blood.
To be honest i felt sad at that. You don’t eat when you don’t have an appetite, is he that bad in condition to not even eat? They’ve been neglecting him for so long and now are trying to force him to mate.
More and more i questioned if what i was doing was right.
I walk beside Namjoon towards the elevators, special hybrids stay on the sixth floor so that’s where we’re headed. They need to be separated from the other hybrids as their instincts are a lot more higher and demand more care, you can’t put cat hybrid in the same place you have a wolf hybrid. So we divided the floor for special species, wild hybrids in a floor and domestic hybrids in one. Of course there’s the special cases divided by codes, the snake hybrid was a code red which meant he was dangerous. Code reds are usually the hardest one to work with because they can and will hurt their doctors and especially other hybrids. Some don’t really mind the doctor but, other hybrids. Like a lion who sees a deer. They will always see them as a pray. So we have to keep them separate.
I look in front of me over the silver tray with the meds and vitamins he must take everyday, today Jin won’t be joining us he only will when much more serious procedures are to be taking action.
Namjoon is the one with the code to the hybrid door, each hybrid had their own room to accommodate all their individual needs. The snake room wasn’t different.
As soon as the door is open a heat of hot air hits me, the room is a bit dark but the lights get brighter as we enter, Namjoon walks towards the hybrid who lays on a big bed in the center of the room. Almost looking like a nest with all the covers and pillows around it.
I make my way to the table beside the door to prepare the meds and vitamins.
- good afternoon Yoongi - Namjoon says to the hybrid - time for your meds and vitamins.
- i don’t need it…. - a deep male voice says, the hairs in the back of my neck shivering at the sound of him - who’s is that?
He meant me. My heart skipped a beat at getting his attention. He is the first special hybrid I’ve ever meet. One of the most dangerous one too.
- that’s my assistant - Namjoon tells him, he’s talking about me - everything ready y/n?
- yes Joon… - i turn to him taking the silver tray with me.
Stopping in my tracks as I take in the figure of the hybrid. He didn’t look like anything i imagined, he didn’t have weird snake eyes and not was his skin full of scales like the reptile. He looked almost human… if it wasn’t for the almost unnoticeable scales on his neck that fallowed up to his ears so delicately, as he moved his head to the side eyes locked over my figure the scales shined a bit. A color of white pearl and soft grey.
He wore something different from what I was used to see on the other hybrids, while the others wore a type of pijama white clothing he whore silk shining bottom up shirt and pants.
Realizing i wasn’t moving and just staring rudely at the hybrid I quickly made my way to Namjoon to give him the meds. My checks burning.
- no - the hybrid said looking at Namjoon with a bored expression - i don’t like the way you smell… i won’t take anything from you.
- you still need to take your vitamins - Namjoon insisted taking one of the syringe from the tray.
- i said I don’t need it - the hybrid growls, coming closer.
- your condition tells me otherwise - Namjoon said to him, both looking at each other. The temperature seemed to rise even more as they looked almost like provoking each other. A silent fight.
The hyrbrid eyes found mine staring at his, he looked at me up and down no expression on his face. Than turned to Namjoon.
- she can do it - he said, a bored expression coming back to his features.
- she’s not in charge of that - Namjoon said, a stern lock on face - I’m the one who is, so get over it.
I looked at him chocked. He seemed angry. Namjoon who usually is calm and careful with his patients was now the complete opposite, he stood his ground and faced the hybrid as if trying to prove he was the Alfa.
And for the first time I was angry at him, not only this was a delicate case. The hybrid could attack if he felt threatened. That could only worsen the situation for the hybrid.
- I can do it Joon - i tell him quietly turning to him lifting the silver tray for him to take it. I gave him a nod of assurance. He looked at me than the hybrid.
- are you sure about it y/n? - he asked me, worry over his face now.
- of course i can - i assure him - I do it all the time.
His eyes locked with mine as he talked. I heard Namjoon sighed as he turned to me taking the silver tray from my hands.
Giving him a small smile I took the vitamins syringe, the hybrid stood in front of me opening his white shirt one bottom after the other eyes locked with mine to catch my reaction, I tried not give any reactions and keep my gaze eye level but it was impossible when he stood right there exposing his beautiful skin for me.
He wasn’t covered in scales as many would’ve imagine but definitely had a few on his ribs that fallowed down to his v line, just like before they shined a bit over the light a white pearl with silver. I gulped down eyes looking back into his as he stood in front of me reveling his left arm for me to aply the syringe. His eyes never once left mine, he had eyes so dark I couldn’t tell if there was any color in them black light the night sky.
I held his arm to insert the syringe into his skin, he didn’t move at all. During the whole processe he didn’t broke the eye contact. Cleaning the small bit of blood that came after taking the syringe off his skin. Namjoon gave me the next one, i apply it into his skin once again. After the last one, I cleaned and put a small piece of medical tape over it so it doesn’t bleed.
- I’m done… - i say, standing next to Namjoon. He gave me the tray and I took it to the table beside the door.
The hybrid began to bottom up his shirt. Namjoon look it up the papers for the hybrid next appointment as I took the small white cup with he’s meds walking back to the hybrid I held the cup up for him to take. He took the cup from my hand brushing his fingers over mine, his hand looking much bigger than mine, I kept my focus on that too nervous to look up into his dark eyes again. I held the water up for him, which he took it again brushing his fingers over mine. He drank it my eyes fallowing up at his neck starring at the scales over his skin. They looked so delicate almost like a painting over his skin, closer you could see that little silver that shined over the light. Not realizing he came closer until I felt his breath hitting over my face, making me look at him immediately. Dark eyes staring into mine with boredom, he tilted his head to the side coming closer inspecting my face.
- you’re not afraid? - he whispered, only for me to hear. My breath got stuck on my throat.
- should I be?… - I whispered back, swallowing hard. He looked down at me than back into my eyes, tilting his head to the other side black orbs staring deep into mine i fallow his move tilting my head to the same side. Complete hypnotized by him.
- any changes in your shedding? - Namjoon asked the hybrid, while writing something down on the paper. - it should have started already.
At hi voice I came back to reality, turning quickly with the two cups. Taking them to the table beside the door to despose of them int he trash can.
Making my way back to stand beside Namjoon once I was done, my eyes going back to the hybrid standing in front of us.
He had the same expression as before, unbothered.
- same as always - he answered tiredly, going back to his bed.
I saw the way his plain answer made Namjoon clench his jaw. He wasn’t making any effort to cooperate with Namjoon, I notice he was difficult but not an asshole. It was painful to watch them interact, Namjoon clearly didn’t like the way the hybrid acted but, I have dealt with a few difficult hybrids before this was only a way to protect themselves after going through so much.
This behavior seemed to be common with Wild species, I’ve seen it before with a lion hybrid I took care of before.
Sometimes you just have to be persistent, and careful.
- I heard it could be painful if not taken care of, is everything alright with it? - i asked this time, which made both males look at me.
The hybrid looked at me not saying anything for a while. Than he smirked and walked towards me making Namjoon stand closer to me protectively. He looked at Namjoon smile slowly falling forming into a bored expression again, showing how the presence of the other male affected him.
- I don’t want any of your help with it - he said, eyes locked into mine - last time…
- you almost killed one of our doctors - Namjoon interrupted the hybrid, one arm closing around me to put me back.
- he shouldn’t have touched me - the hybrid said eyes burning over Namjoon, anger on his face.
Hands closing into fists, he walked closer to us standing in front of Namjoon. He was ready to attack if needed, if something is not done it could end very badly Namjoon doesn’t notice but with this behavior he is provoking the hybrid to act instinctively.
It is clear that the heat season has started for him and in mating season hybrids tend to get more competitive and sensitive, a male showing up to his space staring dominance wouldn’t do any good.
- you both stop - i said releasing myself from Namjoon standing between them both, turning to the hybrid I said - please, Yoongi let me treat you okay?
He didn’t like when people crossed his boundaries i get that, sometimes it could be very overwhelming. But knowing what they are going to do to him because of that behavior, i just couldn’t help but get in between them. It was something we could work out and maybe if i succeed they won’t put him down anymore.
- it is important that you go through your shedding the easiest way possible - i tell him - so I’ll be in charge of it okay? How is that?
He looked at me for a while, slightly turning his head to the side. Pundering the idea in his head. For some reason he looked me up and down before looking at Namjoon behind me, a small smile making its way to his lips.
- only if is you - was all he said before going back to his bed.
A sight of relief leaving my lips, even though I cloud feel the stare of Namjoon a glare over my back.
To say Namjoon didn’t like that idea was an understatement. He hate it.
Insisting it was a bad idea to proceed with hybrid treatment by myself, that could be dangerous not only that but the fact that the hybrid had poison on his teeth just like a snake would. It wasn’t lethal but enough to cause discomfort, and it was what had happened the last time they tried to help with his shedding.
But that didn’t changed my mind. Not after I actually meet him, it seemed to me he didn’t want any one close that felt threatening to him. He wasn’t just any kind of hybrid, not a dog that loves attention and touch but a snake one. Snakes always acted out when feeling threatened. Attacking was their only defense.
So it made sense to me that he would be reluctant to let anyone get too close, especially after heaving so many tests on him without his consent. He’s been so mistreated and now they want to put him down.
It angers me.
I decided to chose an hour where i knew Namjoon would be busy in a meeting to do that. No long after we had left the hybrid room he began to lecture me on how dangerous Yoongi could be, that i shouldn’t act like that when he was the one in charge of this case. It slipped his mouth that the clinic simply started to give him vitamins when he stopped eating so he wouldn’t die.
It came to me how neglected he’s been this whole time. After that i decided to secretly go to the hybrid and feed him, which was where i was headed now.
I made sure no one was around once i stopped in front of the hybrid door. Using the number code I saw Namjoon used before to open the lock on it. It made a sound before opening.
The hot air hitting my face as I entered, they had turned higher this time it was hotter than before. The lights slowly began to light up as I walked in, the door closing behind me automatically.
At that the hybrid came up from his bed looking confused at me. Of course. I shouldn’t be there.
- hey - i greet him. He doesn’t say anything.
I walk up to him, stoping in front of the nest looking bed. A sing of his heat starting. That was a good sign. He held himself up with his arms looking my up from the bed.
- why are you here? - his voice was low and heavy.
- I just… - I trailed off as he fully lifted his body form his laying position, now sitting on his bed. Shirt open and sliding off his shoulders, not showing much but enough to see his scales.
He looked me over his lashes checks a bit red and sweat falling over the side of his face.
- i brought you something… - a sight left his lips - are you okay?
- yeah… what did you brought me? - his curious dark eyes following my body as I came closer.
- it’s tangerines - i say, showing him the two fruits i held in my hands.
- what’s a tangerine? - he asked eyeing them closer.
- you don’t know? - i gasped. Sitting beside him i slowly began to open one in a half giving it to him, he smelled before looking at me not knowing what to do.
- I never seen one… smells nice - he said.
- you eat it - i tell him, taking one and holding in front of his lips. He didn’t move at all, only looked at me.
For a moment I thought I had crossed his bounderies, for a moment I thought I was just being stupid. But then it came to me, he hasn’t eaten in years. He don’t even know what a tangerine is.
Maybe he didn’t even felt hunger anymore. Maybe he’ll throw the stupid fruit at me.
My checks were getting warmer as I felt nervous but, slowly he smelled the fruit in my hand taking a careful bite of it. Still looking at me, the juicy fruit spilling a bit in my fingers.
I watched him expectedly, wondering if he will like it or hated. He swallowed and looked at the fruit in my hand.
- that’s good… - he said. I sight of relief left my lips.
- you want more? - i asked him, he nodded slowly making me smile.
He didn’t move a single finger to eat though, I had to feed him the two tangerines the whole time. It didn’t bother me though, I felt so happy seeing him eat something other then taking those vitamins.
It means so much in the process of a hybrids treatment that they are feeding themselves, i couldn’t hold my happiness as I watched him.
Once he eat all of them he looked at me then at my hands, dark eyes shining under the light.
- sorry it was all I got - I tell him. - I’ll bring you more if you want.
- you will? - his eyes shining bright as he looked at me. I nodded at him.
- can i ask you… why you don’t eat? - i said, he doesn’t look at me turning to look at the floor.
- I don’t… feel like it… - he simply said.
He looked so sad now. No appetite wasn’t good. When in the absence of sickness it could only mean he was very depressed. They wanted to put him down because he was depressed.
I wouldn’t let them.
- You don’t seem to mind me around you… - I comment.
- you smell good. - he said, turning to look at me - and delicious, like tangerines.
I chuckled at his comparison. He watched me attentively, a different light on his dark eyes now.
- okay… I try my best to take care of you - i tell him. For a moment he only stares at me.
Red checks and bit of sweat on his chest, he turned his head to the side still raring at me. I fixed my glasses feeling a bit intimidated by his deep stare.
- You… - before he could end his sentence the door opened.
Namjoon entered the room looking at us confused, his eyes falling over my presence there. I shouldn’t be here. It’s what I read in his eyes.
- yn? - he asked, confusion clearly on his voice as he walked closer to where I was with the hybrid.
- Oh hey I was just… - i tried to make up an excuse but he cut me mid sentence.
- Leaving, right? - he interrupted. I swallowed nervous. He was never hard on me, hearing him be like that wasn’t nice.
- Yeah… - i murmured, taking the fruit peels with me as I got up from the hybrids bed.
- No… - Yoongi held my wrist stopping me, turned to look at him but he stared at Namjoon.
- You have an appointment with me now, it doesn’t include y/n so let her go… - for some reason Namjoons way of putting what he was doing there made me nervous.
I know he would never hurt a hybrid, but yoongi was very reluctant to any one else being too close to him. Namjoons display of dominance could make him defensive and things might not go well.
- maybe I could help - i tried to sound calm.
- y/n, your here to assist me not take over the procedures - Namjoon tells me, his words sending a sharp sting in my heart.
I couldn’t find words to reply his. Too embarrassed by his words to me in front of the hybrid, i bit into my lower lip. Not looking at them.
- Let her go yoongi - Namjoon said walking towards us.
At his words I realized Yoongi was now standing behind me, hand still around my wrist. His slow breathing hitting my shoulder. I lifted my gaze to Namjoon who now seemed a bit worried. But the hybrids closeness to me wants what made me uncomfortable.
- Yoongi… - Namjoon warned.
- Joon don’t - I tell him holding my hand up for him not to get closer - can you wait a bit?
He looked at me reluctant before nodding, still not taking his eyes off the hybrid. I turned to Yoongi slowly, a small smile on my lips as I stared into his deep dark orbs, to make sure he knew I was fine.
- Are you okay? - he asked me, I looked at him surprised. - he hurt you with his words.
I couldn’t hide my surprise at his words, he could tell from just that?
- It’s okay… I don’t care about his words - I whispered o him, giving him a small smile.
I tried to take my wrist from his hold but he didn’t let go, not to hard to hurt me. I could tell he was being careful not to use his full strength on me.
- Will you came back? - he asked, eyes looked into mine.
- Of course. - i tell him.
With that he let go of my wrist.
I turned to Namjoon taking his arm to leave the hybrid room. He reluctantly fallowed me towards the door of the room. Once we were both outside I kept my hold on his arm taking him with me around the corridor towards the elevators.
- where you taking me? - he asked, as if nothing had happened earlier.
- To Seokjin, we need to have a talk - i tell him, anger boiled over me.
- We? - he pushed his arm out of my grip - You’re being the irresponsible one not me!
- I’m!? - I stopped in the middle of the corridor, turning to him anger building up through my body.
- Yes! - he stated, closer to me - Do I need to remind you of your position here?
- Do I need to remind you of your stupid ego standing between the safety of a hybrid and your pride?! - i yell at him.
At that he went quiet.
- were talking with Seokjin now. - i state - I won’t let you make this whole processe more difficult than it has to be just because of your pride.
I held his arm again, taking him with me to the elevators. He didn’t say anything else anymore, I could tell he was angry but so was I.
The whole time he was only stating dominance over Yoongi, I was tired of them all thinking that could just hurt the hybrid even more now just because she was going to be put down.
I wouldn’t let them.
The walk to Seokjins office was quiet except for the tense energy around us, once I stood in front of his door I don’t bother to nock. Entering with anger burning under my skin.
Seokjin gave me a curious look, as he was folding some paper on his desk.
- sorry Jin - i say. He looked at me and Namjoon a questioned look on his face. - we need to talk about Yoongi.
- oh, right - he says - what is it?
- She’s being… - Namjoon started, but I interrupted him.
- Yoongi has been showing clear signs of discomfort with male doctors - at that Namjoon scoffed, I looked at him angry turning my gaze to Jin as I continued - he say he will do the appointments as long as I’m the one closer to him.
- I see.. - Jin thinks for a moment before continuing - what’s the problem?
- Namjoon is not letting me - i tell him, arms crossed over my chest.
-She just went into his room without any one knowing and… - Namjoon began.
- And gave him food - i say, looking at him. We both shared a look of hatred before Jin interrupted.
- What? - Jin asked.
- He eat… - I tell him.
- He… he eat food? - they both looked at me surprise.
- Yes, I’m sure I can help a lot more with this case if you let me take charge of the procedures that involves more… closeness to him, he’s been through a lot and seemed more calm around me.
- I see… - Jin pondered the idea first - then as long as you’re not alone for safety reasons, I don’t see a problem with you taking charge of his appointments.
- But she’s.. - Namjoon says, but is cut by Jin.
- Namjoon, y/n has been taking care of hybrids for years she knows what she’s doing, please I need you both working on this together - Jin says, sounding tired.
Namjoon only nods.
- any updates about him? - jin asked.
- i can tell that his heat i starting - I say - his behavior at least shows me that.
- okay… we’ll than we are almost there - Jin says - keep that good work and please, do this together.
- thanks jin - i tell him, he gives me a nod and i make my way to leave the office.
Namjoon stayed behind. I didn’t payed much mind to it. Quickly making my way out of there walking to the elevators, I had a lot of work to do other than Yoongi case.
More patients that needed treatment just as badly, not the he wasn’t just as special to me.
It was late at night again.
I wasn’t planning to staying late again but, a hybrid was just checked in after being attacked by a another wild hybrid. The same case has happened before, that is way wild hybrids where never up for adoption. Yet some people always manage to get them, usually never for good reasons.
The poor hybrid this time was a bunny one, I was surprised when I first saw him. Usually bunny hybrids where the smallest species to exist but, this one was big. Not too tall but very muscular and strong.
When he was checked in he was still in defense mode, attacking every one and very scared. They had to apply a sedative on him to finally be able to put him on his room.
You could guess my reaction after I was told the story and short after that, Hoseok told me I was the one in charge of his case.
My shift ended hours ago and yet here I was cleaning cuts on the face of a bunny hybrid who seemed to know nothing about shutting up.
- such a pretty doctor I have.. - he said, a smile on his lips as he looked at me.
- Jungkook stop talking I’m trying to apply the med on your lip… - i tell him for the fifth time already, he only chuckled.
I sight taking a clean cotton with med to clean the cut over his eyebrow, he was sitting over his bed as I stood between his legs to clean his bruises.
He shouldn’t be awake. He was sedated before but, no long after he was wide awake and talking none stop, he commented on my but and how lucky he was to be treated by me.
I only sighted. That was knew. Usually my patients where too scared to be treated at first. So I just brushed off his comments.
Jungkook was abandoned when younger by his last owner, he then grow up in an underground fighting club where clandestine fights were held. He told me he was the best one there, a lot of people bet on him at the fights until he got in trouble with this one wolf hybrid.
- how did you end up here again? - I asked him.
- I was… - his checks went red and he looked down - to be honest I’m still.. ah, I was in heat…
- oh.. - I looked at him, still no understanding. He was shy, ears dropping beside his head.
- I was trading to mate but… so was the wolf… - he said.
- but you’re…
- she wasn’t like me… - he tells me, realizing what he meant I felt a warm wave up my checks.
Different species trying to mate, that was the first time I heard that, the underground has a lot going on than.
- well… it could happen - I say, making sure I cleaned every bruise on his face - here in the clinic we help our hybrids with all their needs, so don’t worry.
- oh.. will you treat me than doctor? - he asked, amused.
- yes, you’re my patient - i tell him, taking his file to prescribe him his medication and future exams.
- humm… - he only murmured - doctor are you in heat?
His question gets me by surprise and I look at him, mouth opening and closing. Just what was going on now? Did he perhaps hit his head too?
At my expression he chuckled one arm closing around my waist as he pulled me closer to him, I gasped feeling his nose against my neck. Not knowing what to do I held my hand up in the air, too afraid to even touch him. The smallest reaction could start something I wasn’t intending to.
- I can smell in you… - he says over my ear, my checks burning hot - hum, ready to be filled…
At his words i tried to push him, hands over his chest only to find his eyes staring deep into mine his checks where red and pupils full. It hit me. He was still on his heat.
That explains his behavior the whole time. How could I not notice earlier?
- you’re still in heat - i state. He only chuckled.
- am i? - he came closer to kiss me but i immediately pushed him down the bed - oh, I like that… doctor you’re making me fall for you…
I ignore his nonsense as I made my way to grab a sedative, bunnies were the hardest ones to deal with when on their heat, first I would have to put him to sleep before giving him the medicine to lessen his heat. At least till we are done with his treatment. Then we would put him to mate the right way.
Coming back to him I stared at him think where I would apply it, he didn’t stop moving. I stood between his legs holding the sedative behind my back.
- Jungkook… - i tried to get his attention, he looked at me immediately- I need to do something for me okay?
- yes pretty doctor- he tried to get up but I quickly held his chest down, he smiled at me. He looked as if he were on drugs, high on his heat.
It could only mean things were getting worse, he wasn’t on full rut but was getting there. It would be impossible to treat him if he’s on rut.
- don’t move okay? - i tell him, his hand held mine over his chest as he nodded.
Without him noticing i insert the syringe into his thigh, he’s so into his heat to even notice the pain.
I count ten seconds in my head before releasing my hold over his chest, he doesn’t try to get up.
- oh I’m sleepy… - he says, hand falling from mine as he closes his eyes slowly going into deep sleep.
A sight of relief leaves my lips once he falls asleep. I prepare some medicine to calm his heat, I wasn’t a fan of suppressants but in this case is needed. Just until we are done treating him. Than I’m sure he will be put into mating process so he can have a safe and healthy heat.
After I’m done giving him his medicine, I write it down his next appointment and a new prescription.
Leaving the room I sight, my right hand massaging my neck. I look over my phone to see the time realizing it was way past eleven. Walking down the corridor to the elevators, my ringtone woke me up from daydreaming about my comfort bed.
- yes - o took the call.
- hey y/n - it was Jin - did you check on the special hybrid?
- wasn’t Joon going? - I said, confused at his words. He told me he would.
- no he head an emergency at home and had to leave - Jin explained, I sight.
- oh, i will than - i tell him.
- you seem tired y/n do you want me to go instead? - he offers.
- no is fine… - i tell him - he die a know you yet, it could make things difficult.
- okay - Jin says - call me if anything happens.
- I will, thank you.
I turn off the call, getting in the elevator. I push the bottom to the floor of the special hybrids where. My eyes feeling a bit heavier, I tried to push it away. Just one last check up and I can go home.
The elevators doors opened at the floor, the sound waking me up from my tiredness. I quickly made my way through the long corridor with doors to Yoongis room.
Pressing the code on the lock beside the door, it opens making a sound. The hot wave of air hitting my body as usual once i made my way in, the lights slowly turning back on.
Once they’re on I made my way to his bed, panicked at not seeing him there or any sing of him at all.
- Yoongi? - i call out his name, locking around the room but still no sight of him.
My heart begins to beat faster, as my mind runs different scenarios of what might have happened. Worry filling my body as I throw the papers i gel in my hand on the floor, taking my cellphone to call Jin as I turn to leave the room.
Still with eyes locked on my phone i don’t notice the lights slowly turning off, nothing takes my attention from the cellphone until arms close over my wrist turning my around.
My phone falling on the ground as he pushed me against the wall, both hands holding my wrists over the wall above my head.
- Yoongi?! - I stared into his dark orbs, relief filling me up. - I thought something happened to you…
He didn’t said anything. A hard look over his features, I couldn’t decipher what it meant. He held me tighter coming closer to my face.
- why do you smell like trash? - he spat.
- what? - I was so lost.
I knew I worked late but, is not like didn’t look out for myself. Working at the clinic I had to make sure I was always clean. I couldn’t understand what he meant.
- you stink of male rut… - he spat at me, hissing at the end. Eyebrows furred into an angry expression.
I should’ve thought about that before coming here stray after treating a hybrid on heat, shit. Knowing how Yoongi was sensitive about others males I should’ve at least put on some perfume.
- it’s not like that… - i tried to lessen his anger but it only seemed to make it worse.
- I don’t care… - he pushed himself away from me - don’t ever come back here smelling like that again…
- I won’t - i tell him, still not moving I watched as he walks back to his bed. - im sorry, I didn’t have time to… wash this off.
He doesn’t say anything, sitting on ver his bed he looks at me from afar.
- tomorrow will start your shedding treatment… - i tell him, still not moving from my spot.
At the smell of another male it was better did I kept my distance so it wouldn’t be too overwhelming for him who had a much higher sense.
- i just came to check on you, to make sure…
- come here - he interrupted, he voice sounded heavy almost a growl.
I would be lying if a said I wasn’t afraid, my phone was lost somewhere in this room and I had no way of calling for help if something happened. Although I knew he wouldn’t do something to hurt me i couldn’t be sure, the situation was a lot different now.
I could say something but, his instincts would say another complete different than mine.
Still I made my way towards him. Stopping a few steps away from him.
- closer… - he sighted. Dark eyes looking me up and down.
I gulped down, making my way closer to him. Stopping in front of him.
He looked up at me boxers getting up from the bed, close enough to kill me if he wanted to.
- was it a patient of yours? - he asked, voice low and raspy. He meant the smell.
- yes… - i manage to whisper, I felt so small in front of him. Like a pray.
- you’ll see him again? - he asked, taking a step closer. No distance between us. His breath hitting my face.
- yes… - i tell him, my eyes finally looking up at his.
He only nodded understanding.
- I don’t like this smell on you - i says, making me gulp down as i looking into his eyes. - but i understand…
He pushes me against him it happens so fast, once I notice he is pressing me down on his bed. Both his legs on each side of my hips, he held my arms up against the nest of covers and sheets.
Keeping them up he slides his hands down my arms over my sides, one finger playing with the bottoms of my shirt.
- you look healthy… - he murmurs eyeing me up and down.
- what…
He didn’t let me finish. Opening my shirt he went down over my chest, I gasped in surprise. Turning my face to the side, I expected anything except what he did.
I slowly opened my eyes at the feeling of his hot breath over my neck, my own breath got stuck in my throat the moment I felt the wetness of his tongue sliding over my chest up my neck.
- what are you doing? - I asked, my voice was only a whisper.
- taking that disgusting smell off you - he said over my neck.
- oh…
- but you’ll see him again… - he said, I turned to look at him.
- I have to, his my patient - i explained.
- than this won’t do… - he whispered more to himself, one hand holding my chin up he slowly turned my face to the side.
With my neck on full display for him he came closer, this time whispering over my ear.
- have you ever been bitten by a snake?
At his question my mind rushed with realization, my heart beating faster as his lips brushed over my skin. I tried to move my legs but he only used his body weight to held me down, my hands over his shoulders trying to push him away were quickly held up over my head with his left hand.
He chuckled at my useless try’s to get away from him.
A gasp leaving my lips immediately at the feeling of his sharp teeth carving my skin, tears filling my eyes at the painful sensation of his teeth inserting his venom on me. His hands slowly leaving his hold over me, i couldn’t move.
Once he took his teeth out of my skin, I groaned in pain. Feeling the warm liquid fall down my neck, he licked over the bite. Hand holding my chin to look at him.
- don’t worry… it will feel good soon - I looked up at him, his voice was a whisper in the dark.
My mind felt dizzy, vision getting blurry the heat of the room wasn’t helpful. My whole busy was burning, I tried to push him away but as soon as my hands came in touch with the silk over his skin my entire body responded, a wave of electicity coming up from the tips of my fingers to my whole body.
- Yoongi…
My eyes began to get heavier and heavier, hands falling beside me as I fell asleep.
Not before I felt his warm finger trace my jaw softly, his voice so far away I couldn’t make out what he said before I fall completely asleep.
Am i dying?
Notes: YES FINALLY!! Hehe I’m sorry for any grammatical typos! ☺️💖
Taglist: @blue-and-grey-army @crystallizedtime @fairywriter-oracle e @dancerninjastudent-blog @rosquilleta @celticcountrygal l @m4gg13-g @alexxa013 @unadulteratedlyunique @kpopmultistantrashsstuff @anaspectoflife @younhakim29 @slinekyu @yoongislatinagff f @pandafuriosa60 @kimsonlyluv @jiminbluerose @serialkillerattracterhopefully @slut-4-yourmom @illnevertrustmyselfagain @bangchanbabygirlx @itsskyvoltage @welcometomyworld13 @totorokokorostar @ievaantane @momnomnom @honsoolgloss @kimtaehussy @amariemoore @starrlo0ver @missmin @whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe e @catlove83 @taegicity @ginger-coffee-addict @rosquilleta @tarahardcore @liveyun @manuosorio @thvlover7 @4ukiyo4 @sukonsukuna a @passionandsuga @missroro @btspurplesky @i-am-invisible-for-you @dancerninjastudent-blog @blablase @itsskyvoltage @welcometomyworld13 @watermelon2319 @totorokokorostar
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spookyserenades · 1 year
Trouvaille - Drabble #1
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Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Hybrid!AU, themes of the supernatural and the occult, religious themes, violence, hurt/comfort, horror, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Word Count; 2.2k
Trouvaille Masterlist
Trouvaille playlist
Drabble Prompt from @oopscoop
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The last of Y/N’s family were bidding their goodnights by the gate, her heady, flowery scent mingling with various other, less enticing, smells of the backyard. Though she was yards away, and the voices of her and her relatives weren’t audible apart from distinguishing who was speaking even with hybrid ears, it didn’t stop the seven hybrids waiting for her to return from trying to catch onto every word she uttered. Tension was palpable between several of them, but there was nothing to do but endure– this was how it was going to be from now on, and for most of them, they hoped it lasted. Time spent with Y/N, that is; the tension, the other hybrids… Well, it was a package deal. 
“Fucksake, Jimin,” Yoongi hissed, the tipsy coyote hybrid grasping a fistful of Yoongi’s long hair to lower himself down onto one of the picnic blankets Y/N had laid out for them. “You think you had enough whiskey? You reek.”
The fabric of the blankets were well worn, threadbare, and Y/N’s scent clung to them tantalizingly so. It was enough to drive any hybrid crazy, but Y/N could hardly know that. She had admitted to each of them that she wasn’t well versed in the behaviors of hybrids, which was proving to be a tricky sort of situation to navigate. 
Everything about their adoptions was unconventional. It was rare that a normal human would ever adopt more than two hybrids, especially of the exotic variety. Adoptions of more than two hybrids (all at once, not to mention) usually spelled trouble for the hybrid; certain death or exploitation, usually. But here they were, with a seemingly average young woman– who was either out of her head or far too much of a champion for the underdog for her own good– in a sleepy suburban town outside of Boston, with shelter, food, and care. It seemed far too good to believe, and in fact, Jeongguk, Hoseok, and Namjoon were waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
She was pleasant, though– Y/N. Hoseok admired her ability to stay upbeat no matter what sort of stumbling block the others threw her way. Seokjin appreciated the fact that she didn’t pry for information, and Yoongi had never met a human so quick to treat a hybrid like an equal, rather than a pet or a wild animal. 
None of the hybrids had ever been formally adopted before, so it was hard to know what to expect from Y/N. She was a young woman, younger than all of the hybrids she adopted, and lived in a rickety old house all by herself. Did she adopt them out of loneliness, pity, or boredom? Sure, she hadn’t done anything to warrant too much suspicion yet, but letting guards down was something Jeongguk and Namjoon were hesitant to do. 
But she was somewhat irresistible. Her scent, her smile, the sound of her voice calling their names… there was no one in the world quite like her. Perhaps it was instinct, to stake claim over their adoptive guardian, to react so viscerally to the sound of their names leaving her lips, the concentration of her scent when she was near. Maybe it was her kindness, or her acceptance; maybe they’d never know. 
“That was a blast. Y/N has some cool friends, and little Daisy was so cute…” Hoseok sighed, grinning from ear to ear as he recalled some of the interactions he had throughout the day. He had never had such an opportunity; to simply mingle and have fun, enjoy the summer afternoon, and drink and eat to his heart’s content. It had his heart soaring in his chest. 
“Yeah, you seemed in your element with what’s-her-name,” Jeongguk drawled from the other blanket, aiming his exhale of cigarette smoke towards the back of Taehyung’s head. Jeongguk didn’t trust any of the other hybrids he had been stuck with after being “adopted”, but he distrusted Taehyung the most. There was something off about him, for sure, and Jeongguk wasn’t a fan of wildcards. “Alison?”
“Alice, was her name. She was one of the twins, Y/N’s best friends,” Seokjin volunteered, trying his best to keep his voice steady in the presence of the raging bonfire. He focused by recalling facts, which he found kept him calm and collected, particularly when they involved the details of Y/N’s life. While she was still quite a mystery to him, he couldn’t help but feel drawn like a moth to a flame– everything about her seemed interesting, and he wanted to know what she liked, disliked, and how she thought. 
“Yeah, she’s cute. Hysterical, too. She was telling me about some of her adventures with Y/N in high school. They used to be pretty wild, from what she told me,” Hoseok chuckled, remembering a story Alice told him about her and Y/N’s trips to deserted MBTA tracks with smuggled Jack Daniels in plastic water bottles, a portable speaker, and pinky finger sized joints on Friday nights in high school.
“That’s what humans tend to do in high school, is it not? Rebel, be reckless?” Namjoon commented, a note of agitation and perhaps envy coloring his rich voice. 
Everything about the situation he was in rubbed Namjoon the wrong way. He never wanted to be adopted, let alone surrounded by other hybrids he’d have to share a guardian with God forbid he was put in that kind of situation. Besides, Namjoon could hardly fathom that he’d been adopted by a frivolous young girl, no matter that she was the daughter of someone he had grown to respect and admire. Humans ended up all being the same, to him. Selfish, wasteful, and foolish.
“That’s what people do, in general, at that age, Namjoon,” Jimin managed, though his speech was a bit more slurred than he would have hoped.
 Jimin felt for the hybrids around him, he truly did. They had entirely different upbringings than he, and guilt festered in his gut over that fact since he had gotten to know each of them over the past week. He wasn’t very used to being around hybrids that were so… untamed. At the ranch, the hybrids he worked with were closer to humans in behavior than anything else, perhaps because they constantly dealt with the public in the park. Really, hybrids weren’t so different from humans, and he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that the others he lived with now didn’t seem to agree. 
Namjoon rolled his eyes, frankly tired of dealing with the rest of the hybrids that night. He’d had his fill at the cookout, where he watched them prance around and get wasted with humans, strangers. He stuck with Y/N’s mother for most of the afternoon, her presence truly the only comforting one. While she was a little strange, he found the older woman wise and quite kind, which was rare for a human. 
Taehyung was good at turning others out. He found it easy to ignore the voices around him, choosing to focus on just one, alluring voice from across the yard. The Kodiak hybrid had no intentions of befriending any of the other hybrids he’d been adopted with, but Y/N– she was a different story. Gentle, sweet, and understanding. Taehyung worried that with everything that had happened to him, everything that he had done in the past, would drive her away. And that was one of the only things that had ever, truly, scared him. 
Aware of the other two hybrids behind him keeping their distance, Taehyung shrunk to make himself smaller, picking at the silky material of his ruby button-down. Y/N thought it looked nice on him, and that it went well with his eyes; no one had gotten close enough to him to notice the color of them. Something curled in his gut, a fluttering sensation, and he desperately tried to squash the butterflies battering around in there. 
“What’s she holding, Seokjin? Can you see from here?” Yoongi grimaced, not thrilled with his current task of holding up an intoxicated coyote hybrid on his shoulder. 
He’d do it for Y/N, though– the thought of Jimin hanging off of her in his tipsy state had a fair bit of fury coursing through his bloodstream. Counting his breaths and holding onto sanity, Yoongi tried to squint through the orange flames of the bonfire, catching the soft, wispy lavender fabric of Y/N’s dress. She was hugging her mother goodbye, which made the leopard hybrid’s heart twang painfully, but he couldn’t help but study her figure from head to toe, no matter how far away she was. 
“I can’t tell. She’s got sticks, or something,” Seokjin replied quizzically, his fiery eyes narrowing in Y/N’s direction. 
“It’s a s’mores kit, you bunch of dumbasses,” Jeongguk stubbed out his cigarette on the bottom of his shoe, tossing the butt into his empty drink cup. “Aren’t you all predators? You should be able to smell the chocolate better than I can.”
Jeongguk had gotten past Y/N’s incessant need to treat all of them to sweets and surprises. At first, it felt cheap, or perhaps forced. After his little… departure from dinner when he first arrived and he tore her head off just a tad, he realized that her intentions weren’t forced at all. That’s just the way she was, maybe too indulgent in them, and definitely a little naive. At least she was harmless, Jeongguk concluded, and he’d gotten to learn some of the practices of a witch while he lived there, however long that was. 
“God, you are such an asshole,” Yoongi griped, honestly ready to throw the elk hybrid through a window. Y/N, though, would be horrified, so he had to hold back the overwhelming urge. 
“Hey, stop swearing! She’s coming,” Jimin suddenly seemed to have a moment of sobriety, not fond of the way the other hybrids let expletives fly free around Y/N. 
All ears perked up at once, the sound of the old wooden gate latching shut and Y/N somewhat stomping over to them, though a bright smile was stretching across her pretty face as she registered all the hybrids clumped together on the blankets. She seemed to be a touch on the tipsy side still; a flush to her skin, wobble in her step, and the slight scent of booze mingling with her sweet fragrance. Humming, her eyes swept over each of them slowly, each hybrid stiffening a degree when eye contact was made, but Y/N was oblivious to that. 
“My boys, hope you had a nice day,” Y/N spoke, as if she had been saying that to them their whole lives. 
Too quietly for her to hear, Seokjin purred in surprise, heat spreading through his cheeks, while Hoseok’s russet tail from beside him began to wag a little in response to her words. Jimin found himself incredibly flustered, between seeing her in that dress again so close and the way she looked so endeared, and he was thankful Yoongi was holding him up. 
The leopard hybrid, however, felt a twinge of jealousy– it was regrettable, really, that he’d have to share her with the others. Outweighing the jealousy, though, was the pounding of his heart, having to look away from the girl bending in a crouch to pass him a lengthened stake. 
Meanwhile, Namjoon felt like someone just attempted to choke him, scandalized and taken off guard. He hadn’t even known this girl for much more than a handful of days, but he could smell genuine affection coming off of her in tangible waves. Perhaps that scent is what he was choking on. And Jeongguk, next to him, was in a similar state of disbelief– ‘my boys’? She must have drank more than he thought, or that last gin seltzer she had stolen from him tipped her right over the edge of lucidity. He took his stake stiffly, forgetting about how annoyed he was to be in this situation in the first place as he watched her tear open a pack of marshmallows with her teeth.
  “One last treat, just for us though!” Y/N sat beside Taehyung, who realized the butterflies in his stomach had turned into vicious bats, battering his insides with an emotion he’d never felt before. 
Guilt crawled up his throat, knowing that he was hiding something huge from her, potentially life-threatening, especially when she traded her stake already loaded up with marshmallows for his empty one. She was considerate, and didn’t even have to exchange words with him to make him feel at ease. Studying the side of her face, he noticed an underlying thread of anxiety buried deep under her content facade, and startlingly, it worried him almost immediately. He wondered if he should ask her what was causing her anxiety, but didn’t quite know how. 
The moon was full, and it reflected off of her face and hair and illuminated her in a way that made her appear to glow, and it was almost overwhelmingly distracting how completely her scent filled the evening air. The hybrids distracted themselves with conversations between themselves, making their desserts, and soaking in the strange comfort that they had a place to call home, at the end of the night.  
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Please do not repost or translate my work. Thank you!
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
drabble masterlist:
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a collection of my drabbles, mdni!! please read the tags/ warnings for each fic
key: fluff ~ [❀] || smut ~ [♡] || angst ~ [☾] || other aus are specified before each fic
my full masterlist
☆ fireworks and shooting stars ❀
⋆ summary: bunnies aren't supposed to climb trees, and it seems you and jungkook find that out the hard way.
☆ lavender lemonade ❀
⋆ summary: you love spring and namjoon loves you.
☆ daydreams ❀
⋆ summary: sometimes it’s nice to get lost in daydreams
☆ lucky flowers ❀
⋆ summary: after a hard day at work, it's always nice to be in your safe space; and for you, Namjoon is just that.
☆ inconvenient convenience ❀
⋆ summary: as much as you liked to poke fun at jin for believing in things as trivial as fate, there’s no denying your love story was moulded by destiny.
☆ the life of a tyrant ❀
⋆ summary: it’s hard to hide you from the world when you’re on the run.
☆ strawberry ice cream ❀
⋆ summary: yoongi’s solution to your 3am outbursts always ended in sweet kisses that tasted of sweet coffee and strawberry ice cream.
☆ in the silence of the studio ❀ ♡
⋆ summary: no one ever seems to bring up why you and yoongi always disappear during the company’s release parties.
☆ the depths of hell ❀ ☾
⋆ summary: yoongi hates when you cry.
☆ how time has changed you ❀ [1/3]
⋆ summary: yoongi liked to spoil you, and had to deal with the consequences when you didn't get your way
☆ it’s all in your head ☾ ❀ [2/3]
⋆ summary: you’re the one that let yourself fall
☆ consumed by you ♡ ❀ [3/3]
⋆ summary: yoongi is finally home and you have a special way of showing him how much you missed him
☆ from a dove to a crow ❀ ☾
⋆ summary: all demons are just fallen angels
☆ summer mornings and strawberries ❀
⋆ summary: sometimes it's hard to put your love for someone into words
☆ you and i ❀
⋆ summary: you commit treason, and there's only one person you'd ever trust with your life
☆ maybe the first, but not the last time ❀ ♡
⋆ summary: hoseok was written by a woman, and you're lucky he's all yours.
☆ aren't you lonely? ♡
⋆ summary: sure, it was unfair you stayed locked in the bedroom all day, though you never seem to mind when Jimin pays you a little bit of attention at the end of the day.
☆ copycat ❀ ☾
⋆ summary: when in doubt, jungkook and taehyung are always there to reassure you that you're okay.
☆ daydreams ❀
⋆ summary: sometimes it’s nice to get lost in daydreams
☆ the red means i love you ❀ ♡
⋆ summary: taehyung always knew how to cheer you up.
☆ 20191009 i like her ❀
⋆ summary: taehyung loves to take care of you
☆ even if you aren’t human ❀
⋆ summary: if taehyung would have known, he would have asked you to be his years ago
☆ happy valentine’s day ❀ [1/2]
⋆ summary: everyday is valentines day with jungkook
☆ moments like these ❀ [2/2]
⋆ summary: domestic moments like these have always been jungkook's favourite.
☆ copycat ❀ ☾
⋆ summary: when in doubt, jungkook and taehyung are always there to reassure you that you're okay.
☆ fireworks and shooting stars ❀
⋆ summary: bunnies aren't supposed to climb trees, and it seems you and jungkook find that out the hard way.
☆ rose tinted glasses ❀ ☾
⋆ summary: jungkook’s a patient man, and he’ll wait as long as you need to find him again.
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forthechubbies · 2 years
A thought I felt like sharing.. snake hybrid min yoongi x mouse hybrid reader where yoongis mum walks in on him about to go down on her but he’s being a tease: “Don’t play with your food, son.”
I'm sorry I'm so late, I don't really expect anybody at actually talk to me so I never check lol I got like 2 more I think... I feel so loved. 🥰
I can't imagine Yoongi being anything other than a cat. Like, look at him. Little Kitty meow meow ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. Smutty...kinda? Just beware, okay.
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But a mouse hybrid seems perfect for a sadistic kitten like meow meow. I see him needing a collar not for domestication but for ✨ fashion ✨, honey. Anyway you the unlucky pip squeak got the sassy feline as a partner for project at work. In fear of being cut loose you played along...fighting through any trial he throws your way. No matter how * gulps * scary the threat -
You can't tell if he's purring or growling; it's a difficult call since his voice is so deep. “Hello, Minnie” speaks of the devil. He purred, using his long slender tail as a lasso to reel you into his chest where he commanded, excuse me, proposing the idea of having you for lunch with his parents. " Huh?! Speak up!" Yoongi teased, obnoxiously raising his voice over yours.
" I'm busy!" you squeaked out .
Your bluff was challenged.
" Oh yeah," He darkly chuckled, lowering his cherry lips to the curve of your round ear. "I'm sure your vibrator needs a little break, don't you think?".
You expected his parents to have somewhat more class than their son, but, indeed, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. When you arrive in yoongi's arms, his parents are over the moon at the way you cling to their son out of fear. You didn't realize the restaurant’s clientele is mainly cats.
"She's gorgeous, Yoongi." His mother purred, fluttering her ears. " but there's no point in being here if you bring your lunch." she chuckled as Yoongi did earlier. Like mother like son.
" Mother. " He scolded, flicking his tail before turning towards you. "you know how greedy I can be." those large green eyes fell on yours, occupying you from discovering his large hand creeping up to squeeze your ass.
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moonchild1 · 2 years
min yoongi fic rec list (Ⅴ)
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hi guys it's been a minute since i posted it's been hectic i recently got a promotion so that's been taking up my time but here's another list of my favourite yoongi fics honestly reading them was so much fun and made me feel happy so i hope you enjoy them as much as i did. remember to please show lots of love and support to these incredible authors and creators and their blogs, don't forget to give them a follow , leave a heart, reblog or leave a kind message i know they will appreciate hearing from you, these fics contain smut so no minors interact feel free to send and share any fics you are currently into and would like to share with me i would love hearing from you guys
a- angst s- smut f- fluff
love lockdown by @personasintro f s a (enemies to lovers zombie apocalypse)
belong by @ahundredtimesover f s a (exes au basketball yoongi summer love au)
in the margins by @bonvoyagenoona f s a (enemies to friends to lovers slow burn)
look down on me like that by @here2bbtstrash s a (enemies/coworkers to lovers slow burn)
andante cantabile by @kkulfm-2 f s (regency au unrequited love slow enemies to lovers pianist yoongi)
match made in hell by @ughcore  f s a (arranged marriage doctor au rivals to lovers)
only yesterday by @borathae f s a (strangers to lovers)
dating advice by @taleasnewastime f s a (strangers to lovers)
the deal by @untaemedqueen f s a (strangers to lovers gang/cartel au)
matilda by @babystrcandy f s a (brother's best friend unrequited love)
down the hall by @jjungkookislife s a (brother's best friend)
ink nemesis by @scriptaed f a (fake dating au)
unexpected lovers by @jjkeverlast f s a (fake dating artist yoongi)
love is a dog from hell by yourlocalhoney (ao3) f s a (love triangle friends with benefits) ft.Jungkook
petals by @yoonia f (parents au)
pink bird houses by @54daysormore f a (single dad au)
everytime by @deathbyyoongx f s a (fuckboy exes au)
desolate by @angelicyoongie f s a (hybrid au)
first-date bait by @jimlingss f (strangers to lovers)
↬first-date bait drabble @/jimlingss s (strangers to lovers)
wallflowers by @bonvoyagenoona s (strangers to lovers)
shirt by @bonvoyagenoona s a (one night stand idol au)
sugar by @zehakoo f s (ceo au strangers to lovers neighbours)
radio sweethearts by @helenazbmrskai s (brother's best friend college au slow burn)
tongue like candy by @jjungkookislife s a (brother's best friend age gap)
auburn skies by @persphonesorchid f s a (brother's best friend)
black and white by @akinnie75 f a (slow burn)
always & forever by @sugakookitty f s (established relationship wedding au)
hard liquor by @chateautae s (boss x employee age gap)
sweetener by @taegularities f s (enemies to lovers fwb au fuckboy)
soft spot by @cultleaderyoongi f (first date)
↬sweet spot by @/cultleaderyoongi f s (established relationship)
sticks & stones by @xpeachesncream f s a (friends to lovers ex friends with benefits pinning au)
fuck being friends by @strawberrynamjoon f a (friends to lovers college au)
the seventh muse by @wwilloww f s (friends to lovers)
tell me what you want by @/wwilloww f s (friends to lovers)
yoongi’s lullaby by @jiminrings f a (unrequited love friends to lovers soulmate au)
illicit favors by @yoongiofmine f s a (friends to lovers)
snow blanket by @yoonieper f s (friends to lovers)
a wager of lords & love @hisunshiine s (regency au arranged marriage)
an empty home by @7deadlysinsfics s a (arranged marriage) ft. Taehyung
the nanny diaries by @btsgotjams27 f (single mom roommate au)
the good part by @introlxv s (roommate au)
handyman by @borathae s a (rebound au roommate au)
peaches in bed by @/borathae s (domestic au husband au)
don't hold hands by @whatifyoulivelikethat s ( friends with benefits roommate au)
by the time i've figured out what it's worth by @ugh-yoongi f s a (marriage au)
swing life away by @aphrodijin f s a (marriage au)
the little things by @kth1 f s (boyfriend au)
fxck a fxckboy! by @yoongifis s (fuckboy)
cupid's curse by @ressjeon s a (first love au)
dawned in by @aquagustd f s (dilf yoongi)
bad things by @yoonia s a (escort au pining)
close call by @xjoonchildx (mafia au)
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↬looking for other myg fics or the other bts members check out my library
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captain-joongz · 8 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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♤ in pursuit of wedded bliss by @fantasyescapes17
regency au, each members has his own story, but they're interconnected
choi seungcheol
◇ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
camboy!seungcheol, ex's best friend!seungcheol, enemies to lovers
♧ down bad (so so bad) by @lovelyhan
idol!seungcheol x pet sitter!reader
☆ always only you by @honeyhotteoks
brother's best friend!seungcheol, friends to lovers
♤ caught in a trap by @cheolism
brother's best friend to lovers au
kim mingyu
☆ a sheep in wolf's clothing by @rubyreduji
virgin!mingyu x experienced reader
♤ creep by @smileysuh
serial killer!ghost!mingyu, touch starved!mingyu, halloween fic
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◇ skz drabble by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy
a/b/o, cnc, primal play
♧ sharing = caring by @cbini
bf!chan sharing you
☆ camcorder by @tasteracha
bf!minho x reader x chan, a little pervy chan
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
chan x hyunjin x hongjoong x san x juyeon x reader
◇ some things are better left unknown by @roseykat
chan x felix x reader, threesome
lee minho
♧ dilf!minho by @cinhomi
dilf!minho x baby sitter!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy talk
bang chan
☆ bad idea by @hyunsvngs
step dad!chan, getting together, infidelity
hwang hyunjin
♤ dressing down by @jl-micasea-fics
best friends to lovers, mutual pining
lee felix
◇ best friend felix by @ddyskz
best friends to lovers, fluffy smut
♧ felix + thigh riding by @straykeedz
☆ cockwarming by @dreaming-medium
coworkers au, secretary!felix, office sex
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♤ shadows we trust by @remedyx
supernatural au, mystical creatures!bts, dark circus au
◇ masked miracles by @remedyx
hybrid!bts, detective!reader
♧ stay alive by @staytinyville
mythical creatures!bts, supernatural au
☆ trouvaille by @spookyserenades
hybrid!bts, witch!reader, supernatural au, some horror themes
♤ eternally theirs by @imnotlauriane
dragon!bts, soulmates au, knights au
◇ the lucky seven by @riphobisbraces
hybrid!bts, princess!human!reader
♤ emerald gem by @sweetlyskz
hybrid!bts, reader has a farm, strangers to lovers
♧ oh, little red by @jincherie
wolf!yoongi x reader x wolf!jimin, red riding hood au
min yoongi
☆ celestial ruin by @remedyx
fallen angel!yoongi x angel!reader, corruption arc
♤ fxck a fxckboy by @yoongifis
fuckboy!yoongi x smartass!reader
kim taehyung
◇ isn't that what brothers do? by @aris-ink
step brother!taehyung, forbidden romance, dub con
♧ black swan by @aris-ink
step dad!taehyung, manipulation, corruption, cheating
☆new flame by @gimmethatagustd
alpha!taehyung x omega!reader, heat sex
jeon jungkook
♤ family secrets by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, dry humping
◇ icarus by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, risky/sneaky sex
♧ close by @aft3rhrs
step brother!jungkook, forbidden romance
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choi soobin
☆ let's play a game by @anyamaris
soobin x reader x yeosang (ateez), friends to lovers, primal play
♤ closed doors by @last-words-ofashootingstar
soobin x reader x hongjoong, idol au, obsessed!soobin
◇ super shy! by @fairyofshampgyu
shy virgin baker!soobin x experienced reader
♧ i &lt;3 nerds by @enha-cafe
nerdy!soobin secretly a sex god au
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multiple members
☆ drippin' by @ncteez
'00 line x reader, friends to lovers, birthday orgy
♤ cookie jar by @neopuppy
step brothers!jeno and jaemin x reader, stuck in a dryer au
♧ sos by @neopuppy
a/b/o, sex pollen au, pollen induced heat/rut
lee jeno
☆ shameless by @neopuppy
step son!jeno x step mom!reader, infidelity, very dub con
♤ hand kink by @jaylaxies
roommates au, hand kink
lee mark
◇ i can help by @recklessmark
step dad!mark, corruption, manipulation, infidelity
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 | pt. 2
1K notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖙 [Masterlist] ✅️
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They told you to be careful with him, that he's much more than meets the eye, but you'd been convinced that you had him all figured out; all bark and no bite, just like any other big buff alpha you've met before. Oh how wrong you were.
Tags/Warnings: (here we go...) werewolf!kook, Alpha!kook, werewolf!reader, omega!reader, some angst, strangers to mates, soulmate AU, hurt & Comfort, fluff, happy ending Yay
Tags may change for each chapter!
Length: unsure, approx. 5 chapters, ~2k words each. (Watch me not follow that guide I've set for myself)
⛔️ I can't Tag people. There is no Taglist for this fic.⛔️
A/N: Hi hello look it's technically not a hybrid fic. I actually really like this one so pls be kind to it thx 👉👈
Main Works:
Moon's calling
->Yoongi Short: Like A Secret
Endless Work
->Drabble 1
Change of Heart
Heated Touch
->Drabble 2
->Drabble 3
->Drabble 4
->Drabble 5
2K notes · View notes
star-my · 5 months
BTS Fic Recs ☆ Tumblr (i)
These are all available on tumblr as of April 2024. Some are likely crossposted on ao3 as well.
~Ao3 RECS HERE~ ~Recs (ii)~ ~Recs (iii)~
Almost all are complete works, those with “+” after WC are incomplete. Most are BTS x (F!)Reader.
Most of these are Mature or Explicit (usually because of smut) ~ mdni ~ italicized titles rated G or T ~ Please read responsibly
If any authors tagged here wish to be removed/untagged, please lmk! | Shoutout to @ggukkiereads who does an amazing job creating rec lists, which helped me find many of these fics
F2L = friends to lovers ; E2L = enemies to lovers ; FE2L = frenemies to lovers ; R2L = rivals to lovers ; BFB = best friend's brother ; BBF = brother's best friend etc
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☆ BTS Reactions by @dreamescapeswriting | SFW + NSFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @btsjfans | SFW + NSFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @bulletproofwhalien | NSFW + SFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @salvejoon | SFW + NSFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @sunshine-and-bangtan | SFW + NSFW |
☆ Desperado Series by @heartbeatan | Mafia AU | PJM + JJK + KTH (in progress) | 60-160k(+) each
☆ The Company series by @btsmakesmehappy | Agent AU | 25-37k(+) each (in progress)
☆ Mafia BTS Reactions by @ninetailedfoxmanchi | Mafia AU (+Yandere AU) |
☆ #CodeBTS series by @yminie | Mafia AU | 1-12k each
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Kim Namjoon
☆ The Ghost in Apartment 1403 series by @notsoguiltykpop | Ghost AU, Supernatural AU, Roommate AU? | ?k
☆ beauty & the bookworm by @jungshookz | E2L Library AU, Uni AU | 20k
☆ la vie en bonsai by @jungshookz | S2F2L Neighbours AU, Baker AU | 38k
☆ The Seven Nights series by @theunknowncryptid | SMAU, Mafia AU | 13k
☆ real magic by @heretobbtstrash | S2F2L Single Parent AU, Coffee Shop AU, Coworkers AU | 17k
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Kim Seokjin
☆ {Unavailable}
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Min Yoongi
☆ Take One by @untaemedqueen | Pornstar AU | 24k
☆ The Deal series by @untaemedqueen | Mafia AU | ?k
☆ suit & tie by @jungshookz | CEO AU, Office AU, Coworkers AU, PA AU | 21k + drabbles
☆ hellish by @jungshookz | E2L Demon AU, Roommate AU | 22k
☆ strike a chord by @snackhobi | S2L Pianist AU, Bar AU | 16k
☆ straight shooter by @snackhobi | F2L/E2L Cyberpunk AU, Dystopian AU | 14k
☆ devil with the mint hair series by @theharrowing | E2FWB Brother's BFF AU, Stoner AU | 11k+
☆ a wager of lords and love by @hisunshiine | S2L Historical AU, Arranged Marriage AU | 7k
☆ daechwita by @chemicalpink | Daechwita AU, Assassin AU | 10k
☆ stay by @luffles424 | Daechwita AU, Assassin AU | 3k
☆ daechwita by @se0kie | Daechwita AU | 4k
☆ make me proud by @moonscriptsx | Established Relationship AU, Canon Idol-verse | 6k
☆ by its cover by @kittae | S2L Cat Dad AU | 2k
☆ misfortunately, yours by @sor-vette | S2F2L Dark Fae AU, Dark Fantasy AU | 32k
☆ mixtape by @jungblue | F2L Uni AU, Radio AU | 15k
☆ cyberslut by @kimnjss | SMAU, Uni AU, Fboy AU | ?k
☆ alive aha fxck by @softyoongiionly | F2L Neighbours AU, Vampire AU | 43k
☆ a brew of wings by @inkedtae | S2F2L Dragon AU, Witch AU | 10k
☆ fury of their scales by @kpopisthereasonihavenolife | Dragon AU | 18k
☆ inheritance series by @jincherie | Hybrid AU | 21k
☆ tuxedo series by @whatifyoulivelikethat | Cat(-shifter?) AU, Roommates AU | ft JJK | 49k+
☆ Assuage series by @btsqualityy | Omegaverse AU, Werewolf AU | ?k
☆ show by @httpjeon | Pw/oP ft BTS | 2k
☆ drip by @here2bbtstrash | Pw/oP | 5k
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Jung Hoseok
☆ midnight confessions by @snackhobi | BFF2L Coworkers AU, Office AU, Buzzfeed Unsolved AU | 27k
☆ the bride of ashmedai by @jeonggukingdom | Demon AU, Arranged Marriage AU | 13k
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Park Jimin
☆ The Bird Cage series + The Lion's Den series by @untaemedqueen | S2L Mafia AU | ?k
☆ Set It Off series by @btsqualityy | Mafia AU | ?k
☆ the hunt by @httpjeon | Shifter AU, Fantasy AU | 8k
☆ lovebug by @httpjeon | Hybrid AU | 12k
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Kim Taehyung
☆ Pied Piper by @untaemedqueen | Mafia AU, Established Relationship AU | 10k
☆ maybe i do series by @chateautae | Arranged Marriage AU, Chaebol AU, CEO AU | 410k + drabbles
☆ kinda hot by @kimnjss | BFF2L SMAU, Uni AU, Fboy AU | ?k
☆ nip it in the bud by @opaljm | Brother's BFF AU, Piercing AU | 10k
☆ heatwave series by @curly-bangtan | F2L Roommate AU | 12k
☆ under the covers by @jessikahathaway | Agent AU | 23k
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Jeon Jungkook
☆ heavy lifting by @snackhobi | Coworkers AU | 13k
☆ Miss Vagabond by @bubblesuga | F2L Gamer AU | 8k
☆ blizzard by @curly-bangtan | S2L Roommates AU | 16k
☆ Sparkle by @btsmosphere | F2L Roommates AU | 3k
☆ Hands-On Learning series by @ladyartemesia | Uni AU | 5k
☆ kiss it better by @jincherie | Uni AU, Sports AU, Cheer AU | 12k
☆ ghosts just wanna have fun by @sugaxjpg | Ghost AU, Supernatural AU, Uni AU | ft MYG + KTH | 20k
☆ tell me your secrets (i'm all ears) by @jinpire | Uni AU, Hybrid AU | 7k
☆ under the bridge by @jincherie | Hybrid AU | 11k
☆ Swipe right by @ppersonna | BFF2L Tinder AU | 9k
☆ overtime by @cupofteaguk | CEO AU, Office AU, PA AU, Coworkers AU | 12k
☆ I won't stop you series by @imsarabum | Vampire AU, Fantasy AU, Office AU, Coworkers AU, CEO AU, PA AU | ?k
☆ life eternal by @jungkookiebus | Fae AU | 9k
☆ hotter than hell series by @chateautae | Demon AU | 136k
☆ Hellblazer series by @jungkookiebus | Demon AU, Constantine AU | ?k
☆ agent of love series by @ppersonna | SMAU, Agent AU | ?k+
☆ strawberry kisses series by @kimnjss | SMAU, Brother's BFF AU, Tinder AU | ?k
☆ drag me down (to hell) series by @kimvtae | Mafia AU, Single Parent AU | 58k (abandoned)
☆ Concealed Weapon by @gimmesumsuga | Mafia AU, Husband AU | 10k
☆ hate sex by @yeoreos | FWB Pw/oP | 4k
Overall Favourite Authors (If I recc'd all their works like I want to/more than I have, I'd have to make this series even longer >.<)
☆ @bonvoyagenoona's masterlist
☆ @chateautae's masterlist
☆ @flowerwrites06's masterlist
☆ @here2bbtstrash's masterlist
☆ @hollyhomburg's masterlist
☆ @icyhobi's masterlist
☆ @jungshookz's masterlist
☆ @justcallmenikki7's masterlist
☆ @kpopfanfictrash's masterlist
☆ @ladyartemesia's masterlist
☆ @luxekook's masterlist
☆ @magicalsalamander's masterlist
☆ @yminie's masterlist
☆ @yoonia's masterlist
232 notes · View notes
lilacmingi · 1 year
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The Goat | Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader Outlaw AU
Secret Santa | Fashion designer!Hongjoong x fashion designer!fem reader
Runaway | Pirate!Hongjoong x pirate!fem reader
Polyjuice Potion | Ravenclaw!Hongjoong x Ravenclaw!fem reader Hogwarts AU
A Quest for Love | Half-orc!Hongjoong x Elf!fem reader D&D/fantasy AU
Hades | Hades!Hongjoong x fem reader Disney Villains AU
Scrooge | Grumpy Seonghwa x Christmas enthusiast!fem reader
Nights Like These | Seonghwa x fem reader drabble
Streets of Night City | Seonghwa x fem reader, Yeosang x fem reader Outlaw AU
Captive | Pirate!Seonghwa x fem reader
Stargazing | Hufflepuff!Seonghwa x Gryffindor!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Maleficent | Maleficent!Seonghwa x Princess!fem reader Disney Villains AU
Towards The Light | Sith!Seonghwa x Jedi!fem reader Star Wars AU
Snowman | Snowman!Yunho x fem reader
Pillaged | Pirate!Yunho x barkeep!fem reader
Outlaw Customs | Yunho x fem reader, Jongho x fem reader Outlaw AU
Home for the Holidays | Hufflepuff!Yunho x Hufflepuff!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Captain Hook | Captain Hook!Yunho x fem!reader Disney Villains AU
A Christmas Wish | Cheer elf!Yeosang x fem reader
Streets of Night City | Seonghwa x fem reader, Yeosang x fem reader Outlaw AU
My Treasure | Pirate!Yeosang x Princess!fem reader
Trading Cards & Chocolate Frogs | Ravenclaw!Yeosang x Ravenclaw!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Evil Queen | Evil Queen!Yeosang x fem reader Disney Villains AU
Playtime | Moondrop!San & Sundrop!Wooyoung x fem reader FNAF AU
Mall Elf | Mall employee!San x mall elf!fem reader
My Gem | Pirate!San x pirate!fem reader
The Boxing Ring | San x fem reader, Wooyoung x fem reader Outlaw AU
Quidditch Championship | Slytherin!San x Slytherin!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Cruella de Vil | Cruella!San x boutique owner!fem reader Disney Villains AU
The Goat | Hongjoong x fem reader, Mingi x fem reader Outlaw AU
Elf in Training | Elf!Mingi x elf!fem reader
Beached | Pirate!Mingi x Siren!fem reader
Niffler Nabbing | Slytherin!Mingi x Hufflepuff!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Dr. Facilier | Dr. Facilier!Mingi x fem reader Disney Villains AU
Playtime | Moondrop!San & Sundrop!Wooyoung x fem reader FNAF AU
The Boxing Ring | San x fem reader, Wooyoung x fem reader Outlaw AU
Rosy | Elf!Wooyoung x Elf!fem reader
The Hourglass | Pirate!Guerilla!Wooyoung x fem reader
Forbidden Forest | Slytherin!Wooyoung x Gryffindor!fem reader Hogwarts AU
Hyena | Hyena hybrid!Wooyoung x fem reader Disney Villains AU [NEW]
Grinch AU | Grinch!Jongho x Martha May Whovier!fem reader
Outlaw Customs | Yunho x fem reader, Jongho x fem reader Outlaw AU
Stowaway | Pirate!Jongho x stowaway!fem reader
Opposites Attract | Gryffindor!Jongho x Slytherin!fem reader Hogwarts AU
☆ OT8
Living with 8 Vampires | Vampire!ATEEZ x fem reader
⤷ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 [this series is my baby and I want it to be perfect so I take my time writing each part. Part 2 literally took me over a year to finish and post oof. Hopefully the next parts don’t take that long but regardless, pls be patient with me]
When You’re On Your Period | ATEEZ x fem reader
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Through Thick and Thin | Vampire!Jungkook x human!fem reader
Change of Heart | Vampire!Jimin x human!fem reader
Flowers In Your Hair | Yoongi x fem reader drabble
Not So Bad | Vampire!Yoongi x human!fem reader
Lost Control | Vampire!Taehyung x human!fem reader
Blood Bags | Vampire!Namjoon x human!fem reader
Different | Vampire!Hoseok x Vampire Hunter!fem reader
The Invite | Vampire!Jin x human!fem reader
☆ OT7
Alice in Wonderland AU | BTS x fem reader
⤷ Intro | Part 1: Jungkook | Part 2: Jimin | Part 3: Yoongi | Part 4: Taehyung | Part 5: Namjoon | Park 6: Hoseok | Part 7: Jin | Finale separate endings linked in the finale
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Houseguest | Vampire!Chan & Vampire!Hyunjin x fem reader
Cherry Chapstick | Chan x fem reader drabble
Pool Hall | Changbin x fem reader
Irresistible | Changbin x fem reader drabble
Fuzzy Socks | Changbin x fem reader drabble
Late Night Ramen | Changbin x fem reader drabble
Houseguest | Vampire!Chan & Vampire!Hyunjin x fem reader
My Muse | Hyunjin x fem reader drabble
Stupid Cupid | Cupid!Jisung x fem reader
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Drum Lessons | Gunil x fem reader
Practice Room Kisses | Jooyeon x fem reader drabble
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Updated: 9/25/2024 [NEW: Wooyoung: Hyena]
These works are my own ideas. DO NOT steal, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way! All forms of plagiarism are PROHIBITED and will not be tolerated
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349 notes · View notes
ctrlhope · 7 months
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📂 CTRLHOPE : Welcome to the Masterlist! May all of you dreams be found within its pages ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
✰ latest upload : Love Thy Neighbour » pjm ! ™ ☻
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➜ ┊: drabbles ᵎ ✰
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➜ ┊: fics ᵎ ✰
➜ ┊: drabbles ᵎ ✰
Warm (m) » 3.6k
✰ the second yoongi steps into your apartment, any idea of a quiet night in instantly vanishes from his mind. a/b/o au
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➜ ┊: drabbles ᵎ ✰
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➜ ┊: drabbles ᵎ ✰
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➜ ┊: fics ᵎ ✰
The Pitfalls of Silk (m) » 20.0k
✰ synopsis: The winter gods are out to get you. That could be the only possible explanation for the series of bad luck tumbling before you— tropical vacation cancelled, snow locking you inside. Hell, even your shovel broken in half has got to be the gods playing some sort of trick on you. Pulling you along, making decisions for you as they guide you along the red string of fate. Guide you towards the very spider that found his way into your basement. Allowing him to fall into your heart all the same. hybrid au, soft yandere/dark, soulmate au
-> part of the rest relax reserve series
➜ ┊: drabbles ᵎ ✰
Love Thy Neighbour (m) » 4.5k
✰ synopsis: Jimin is a patient man, at least, he thinks he is. But you test him so much. Can’t you just be good? Be so pretty for him? He knows you want to be. Knows you can be so perfect, just for him. dark content, yandere / dark au, non-human jimin
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➜ ┊: fics ᵎ ✰
Bound By Blood (m) » 16.0k
✰ synopsis: A servant to the state since birth, forced to work for the royal family until you die. These are the conditions that have granted you life, yet are they are the same ones that can take everything away. He can take everything away. But he would never, for you are his future, his eternity. royal au, soft yandere/dark, romance
➜ ┊: drabbles ᵎ ✰
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➜ ┊: fics ᵎ ✰
➜ ┊: drabbles ᵎ ✰
Butterfly (m) » 3.6k
✰ he’s been watching you. waiting, stalking his prey. waiting for you to tangle your pretty little wings into his web. chasing you. hunting you. making you play his games until you realise the truth that lies behind your eyes. dark content, serial killer au, yandere au
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➜ ┊: series ᵎ ✰
Rest, Relax, Reserve » one-shot series m.list
✰ status: ongoing (1/7 complete)
✰ genre: hybrid au, yandere au, read individual chapter cws
✰ synopsis: Welcome in! Here at the Humbolt Insect Hybrid Conservation Park, we implore all of our guests to experience the wonderful world of hybrids living in their natural habitats! Feel free to interact with any hybrids that may approach you— however, please keep in mind that this is a no-touch park, these are wild animals after all. Please stay safe, stick to the trails, and enjoy your stay!
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✰ disclaimer: all members of bts are face and name claims for all works on this blog. the pieces on this blog are entirely fictional and are in no way meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. any representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
© all rights reserved to ctrlhope 2019-2024 ; do not copy, plagiarise, or translate.
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
Fic Library: Namjoon
A list of incredible fics I've read and re-blogged on my (almost) 2 years on here. These stories all celebrate our fave big, brainy, clumsy, sometimes annoying, always sexy Joon, check them out and give these authors some love!
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The Body Through Time by @yeoldontknow. KNJ x f! reader, sexy academia AU. Angsty fic with Namjoon as a smouldering brainiac.
Goodnight Nabi by @sahmfanficbts. Get used to seeing Sam's handle in my lists because she's one of my fave writers and a lovely person to boot. KNJ x f! reader, sexy DILF mechanic Namjoon. A sexy, beautiful fic with Sam's signature hope and heart.
Pronoia by @junghelioseok. KNJ x reader, college + zombie apocalypse AU. A cracky, funny, zingy story with guest appearances from other members - including JK and Yoongi.
Booty Jorts by @miscelunaaa, who also has a good showing in my fic recs for her top notch writing and just being a great human. KNJ x f! reader - this is a smuttily delicious gem.
Shell-ter by @miscelunaaa. Hermit crab! Namjoon x marine biologist reader. I genuinely think about this grumpy (crabby?!) Namjoon all the time.
Scent of a woman by @sahmfanficbts. Leopard hybrid parfumerie boss! Namjoon x employee f! reader. There's always so much humanity in Sam's stories, and this does not disappoint.
How I love you by @ahundredtimesover. KNJ x f! reader. A 28k beautiful musing on love and marriage that's thought-provoking and sensitively written.
Seoul Redemption by @sahmfanficbts. Forger! KNJ x single mom! reader. A gorgeously realised imagining with a noir vibe and very human characters.
Park and Ride (Explicit) by @here2bbtstrash. KNJ x reader, idolverse. The first story I read by M, and it made me want to read so much more of her work. Sexy, fast-paced, and this Namjoon is swoonworthy.
Holding on letting go by @augustbutwinter. KNJ x gn! reader. August is queen of the short impactful drabble but her longer pieces are just as incredible. A sad, angsty, truthful, beautifully realised gem.
Cuffing Szn by @miscelunaaa. FBI agent KNJ x soft-bodied/plus-sized reader. Joon's an FBI agent, he's big and sexy, do you really need to know any more?
Reckless by @vyduan. Part of the Her multiverse. KNJ x reader, also featuring JJK x reader, idolverse. I started reading vyduan's writing when I first got into BTS fanfic, and apart from being a fucking fantastic writer, she's also an all-round good egg with a razor sharp wit. Reckless is hot and sexy and reader is gritty, strong and kickass. Namjoon is the arrogant pompous asshole of my dreams in this.
Fall apart & redefine by @ugh-yoongi. Idol KNJ x f! reader. Namjoon's music and musings give off sadboi vibes to me, and this gorgeous, angsty story captures all of that. Stunning.
On the line 1 by @augustbutwinter. KNJ x reader. I was only speaking the truth when I said August writes drabbles like no other. Short, cute and impactful.
Hey, it's me by @yoongiphoria. Exes Namjoon x reader. I remember reading this for the first time around the time Indigo came out and thinking how perfectly it captured the vibe of the album. I still love it now.
Untitled by @ahundredtimesover. An idolverse AU ft KNJ and f! reader. Musings on loss and impermanence and legacies also inspired by Indigo.
If this is all we can do by @yoongiphoria. A follow up to Hey, it's me, linked above, that made me stop skim reading and pay attention. Angsty, full of longing and just a great read.
The package thief by @blog-name-idk. KNJ x f! reader, enemies to lovers. I'm a fan of Mango's cracky humour, and it comes through in this judgy, petty and somehow also endearing Namjoon.
Shut up! by @daechwitatamic. KNJ x gn reader. I love it when a story alludes to Namjoon being annoying and I especially like how reader shuts him up. Smutty, sexy and so so good.
Envy by @whatifyoulivelikethat. KNJ x f! reader. Love this author's general DGAF vibes, and they've also written some of my favourite stories. Namjoon's gorgeously written and darkly sexy in this. So so hot.
The one with Namjoon and the u-haul by @eoieopda. KNJ x Jeon! reader. Jade's writing is sharply hilarious and this is a perfect example. A dreamy, sexy Namjoon and a lil shit JK.
Pheromones by @rmnamjoons. Spaceship captain Joon x spaceship botanist reader, sci-fi AU. The fic that introduced me to the concept of sex pollen and a sexy, sex-crazed yet somehow still chivalrous Namjoon.
Promise Me KNJ x f! reader, JJK x f! reader, military AU, by @sahmfanficbts. A beautifully written, tender love story that made me cry and reflect on my life. Sam writes emotions like no one else.
Additional notes: A few of my favourite Namjoon stories, are only on AO3, for which I've created a separate post.
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spookyserenades · 2 years
Trouvaille Masterlist
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Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Hybrid!AU, themes of the supernatural and the occult, paranormal themes, religious themes, violence, hurt/comfort, horror, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
In a world where hybrids are both the hottest commodity and largely exploited, a recent shortage of hybrids nationwide due to the wealthy adopting for sport hunting dominates the news headlines. More than ever, stray hybrids are whisked off the streets and taken into shelters to meet the demand. Mistreated, neglected, forgotten – in a notoriously disreputable hybrid shelter in a pocket of downtown Boston, seven “aggressive” hybrids await their inevitable fate of being sold for sport.
After years of trying to distance herself from her mystical past and upbringing, Y/N finds herself quitting her emotionally-draining job and is forced to face past mistakes. While accompanying her friends looking to adopt a child hybrid into their newly-formed family, Y/N inadvertently finds herself face-to-face with seven hybrids doomed to die. In a spur of the moment epiphany, Y/N decides to change the course of fate for the better; though bringing seven aggressive hybrids into her life and the darkening spiritual energy of her old home is trickier to navigate than she originally thought.
Ko-fi 💜
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Find Trouvaille on Ao3 and Wattpad, too!
Chapter One posted 2.7.23; 20.4k words
Chapter Two posted 3.7.23; 20.8k words
Chapter Three posted 3.20.23; 21.5k words
Chapter Four posted 4.7.23; 20.6k words
Chapter Five posted 5.7.23; 20.5k words
Chapter Six posted 6.7.23; 20.9k words
Chapter Seven posted 7.7.23; 22.3k words
Chapter Eight posted 8.7.23; 23.4k words
Chapter Nine posted 9.7.23; 21.8k words
Chapter Ten posted 10.7.23; 21.9k words
Chapter Eleven posted 11.7.23; 20k words
Chapter Twelve posted 12.7.23; 16.6k words
Chapter Thirteen posted 1.9.24; 16.9k words
Chapter Fourteen (M) posted 2.8.24; 22.3k words
Chapter Fifteen (M) posted 3.10.24; 21.3k words
Chapter Sixteen (M) posted 4.8.24; 20.5k words
Chapter Seventeen (M) posted 5.7.24; 25k words
Chapter Eighteen (M) posted 6.8.24; 17.4k words
Chapter Nineteen posted 7.11.24; 16k words
Chapter Twenty posted 8.17.24; 17.2k words
"My boys" posted 9.1.23; 2.2k words
Valentine's Day special posted 2.13.24; 1.4k words
Male receiving oral (M) posted 8.21.24; 409 words
Trouvaille playlist
My Pinterest
Mood boards - Seokjin . Yoongi . Hoseok . Namjoon . Jimin . Taehyung . Jeongguk . Y/N
Style boards
Reference pictures
Individual playlists for each hybrid
Trouvaille Inspirations (coming soon!)
Things readers have created for Trouvaille
Teaser to Chapter One
PREQUELS (coming soon!);
Something Kind of Fantastic Hoseok, coming soon!
Fire, Walk With Me Yoongi, coming soon!
Midnight on a Moonless Night Taehyung, coming soon!
Almost Doesn't Matter Jimin, coming soon!
Same as it Always Was Seokjin, coming soon!
You See Them... They See You Jeongguk, coming soon!
Truth Beyond Our Own Namjoon, coming soon!
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2K notes · View notes
euphoricfilter · 2 years
... or Yoongi + mafia + hybrid + "it's okay baby, i'm okay, it's just a scratch, don't cry love" (spoiler: it's a gunshot not a scratch !!!!! :C)
the depths of hell:
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pairing: human! yoongi x cat hybrid! reader
genre: fluff || mild angst || mafia au || hybrid au || non-idol au ||
summary: yoongi hates when you cry.
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: mentions of a gunshot wound, blood, mentions of death, crybaby! reader, very much grumpy x sunshine who only smiles for her type relationship
notes: i put both your requests into one!! the first request is at the end!!
drabble masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You always found the question about where your loyalties lie a little peculiar. Though your answer had always been the same and will continue to be the same for whatever time you have left alive in this world. May death be stood at your front door tomorrow, or you live till old; you’re certain the answer to that question will never change.
Because sure, you weren’t a dog, you didn’t sit at your master’s feet like so many of your kind did that had crawled into this world, the shadows where people like Min Yoongi run chunks of the city, where merely his name is enough for those knowledgeable enough about the city’s mafia to be silenced. One looked at the jagged scar across his eye and his name fizzles out on your tongue until you’re choking on your words, his eyes piercing and picking your soul a part.
But no matter how much blood stains his hands, your loyalties will forever be his. You hadn’t crawled into the depths of hell, Yoongi had extended his hand, a kind offer to join him, and you’d taken it. Skipping through the gates as he laughed at your vibrance.
You’d always been stubborn, Yoongi liked to point it out sometimes, usually accompanied by a gentle smile on his face and an exaggerated pout from you; nothing a soft kiss can’t fix, because as much as Yoongi was in love with you, you will always love him double the amount.
Many of those in the same world as him, always laugh when you make it a point that no amount of riches, no shiny little jewels or promises of endless pleasure will ever make you part ways with Yoongi. Maybe holding your chin high by his side was a fickle game of life and death, where you constantly had a target on your head.
Though it was a risk you were willing to take for Yoongi, because if you were to ever die, as much as he hated the idea, then you’d much rather die by his side.
And no amount of him begging, falling to his knees at your feet with rough hands holding warm cheeks, will ever sway you to never step foot in this household again. No amount of sweet concern and tearful confessions will be enough, and maybe that made you selfish, ignoring Yoongi’s concerns, but sometimes being a little selfish is justified when it comes to the people we love.
Not only was your life at risk, but he’d made it very clear that every day he’d wake up never knowing if it was his last and you’d understood that; however, that didn’t make it any less daunting when he did come home injured.
You hear the front door slam shut, cat ears flickering at Yoongi’s heavy boots padding up the stairs. Heavy in the way you can hear his feet drag against the hardwood floors. Faint buzz of the alarms disarmed reaching you on the other side of the house.
You peek through the open door of the balcony into the bedroom when you hear his footsteps outside the room, clumsy when the door swings open, and you watch as he staggers towards the bed.
You smell it before you see it, thick metallic blood permeating the air, and your heartrate picks up; book long forgotten on the table as you stumble into the bedroom, eyes zeroing in on his blood covered hands—white shirt-stained red.
“Yoongi?” you dare ask, falling to your knees before him as he hunches over on the bed, eyes avoiding your gaze.
“I’m fine” he grunts, hand held over his stomach.
You swallow thickly, hands shaking as you try and pry his own hand away from his wound, “Yoongi please” you hiccup, his body becoming a blur of red behind the veil of tears, “You’re hurt, please”
And he can see the tremble in your hands, pearly little tears falling onto his slacks as you try and get a better look at his wound, only your body shakes as you sob, fingers barely holding onto his wrist.
“It’s okay baby, I’m okay, it’s just a scratch, don’t cry, love” he coos, “You know I hate to see you cry”
His spare hand pauses just above your hybrid ears when he sees it stained with blood, grimace painting his face and he can’t tell what hurts more. The heartache of seeing you cry, or the bullet lodged into his side.
“I’m not stupid Yoongs. I’m gonna call Taehyung” you push yourself up on shaky legs, cat tail wrapping around your thigh. Faux comfort doing nothing to ease the anxiety that’s thrumming throughout your body, heart wrenching at the thought of losing Yoongi.
“Stop panicking, my love” he watches as you throw the pillows off the bed, blankets shoved out the way when you can’t find your phone, another pitiful sob shaking your body as frustration bursts as your seams.
“I don’t want to lose you” you cry, back of your hand wiping your eyes.
And maybe if Yoongi didn’t feel like he was moment away from passing out, he would have found it funny how bossy you’d sounded over the phone, because no matter how late it was Taehyung needed to get to the house as soon as possible, your threats far from empty.
You’d pressed a towel to the open wound while waiting for Taehyung, babbling on about some bullshit Yoongi didn’t want to think about, eyes shutting at the sound of your voice; only slipping them open when he hears the sheer panic in your tone, worried he’d fallen unconscious.
“I love you” he murmurs, weak squeeze of your hand bringing a watery smile to your face as Taehyung patches him up, your tail whipping around behind you in mild distress with each uncomfortable groan he let out.
“He’s gonna be okay, right?” you blink up at Taehyung through wet lashes, fingers gentle as they brush Yoongi’s sweaty bangs away from his forehead.
“Yeah, just make sure he doesn’t pop the stitches and he should be okay”
Your small smile drops at that, “This isn’t funny” you snap when you see the wry smile on the doctor’s face.
“He’s a lot stronger than you think he is. He’d crawl out the depths of hell just so you weren’t alone, I doubt a shitty shot at his abdomen is going to stop him from coming back home to you”
“Why’re you still here” Yoongi pushes himself up, and you fuss over the pillows behind him, “Go home, Taehyung” he grunts.
Said man gives you a knowing look and you simply turn back to Yoongi, cat ears flickering when the bedroom door clicks shut.
“I’ll get a cool towel for you” you pick up his bloodied shirt on your way to the bathroom, running the tap cold.
“Come here, baby, I’ve had a long day. Let’s take a bath and cuddle, how’s that sound” he leans against the frame of the door.
You turn the tap off, “You’re meant to be resting, you know”
“I am. I know you have one of those shitty bath bombs you wanted to try out, go and choose with one you want”
“They’re not shitty” you smile, “Promise you’ll rest after a bath? I’m worried you’ll re-open your wound”
“Promise, my love. I feel like shit, we need to change the sheets as well” he grumbles, tugging his boxers off as you start to run the bath.
“I love you” you look up at him from where you’re crouched on the floor.
“I might just love you a little more”
Your tongue wets your bottom lip, “That’s impossible. I’d crawl out of the depths of hell for you too, just so you know”
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☀️ thank you for reading!!
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp @supernoonanyc
first request:
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dreamerwasntfound · 1 year
Kpop Writers and Fic Recs
List of Kpop Fanfic writers I follow and the fic I found them with (if there is one)!!
Warning: Very Long List :)
✎ ♡ ➤ 🗨
━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━
With Specific Post
✎ @remedyx > Boyfriend for Hire (Series) ♡ BTS OT7 x Reader # N/A ➤ n/a 🗨 Unsatisfied with your life was an understatement. Being under the thumb of your father can have that effect. He wanted someone capable of running the company, but you wanted to pursue your passion. Countless unwanted blind dates and the threat of losing your freedom drives you to seek help from a group of individuals you’d least expected.
✎ @bebejungkook > Gym Bunny (Series) ♡ Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ Toxic friends, reader learns to love herself, cuss words, accidental boners, some mean comments about reader from her friends and Kooks bestie who hates YN. 🗨 After being tired of feeling insecure you decided to take your friends advice and hit the gym. The only problem is you don’t know what to do, but luckily the very muscular and scary guy next to you offered to teach you a couple things. He just also happens to be the sweetest man you’ve ever met and not scary at all. You catch yourself falling in love with him on your journey of self love, but old insecurities stop you from doing anything about it.
✎@your-daily-biaswrecking > You sit on his lap in the car and he cums in his pants + but, check out their m.list ♡ Kim Namjoon x Reader # Drabble ➤ n/a 🗨 Like the title says ;)
✎ @m-yg93 > Solace ♡ Kim Namjoon x Reader # 13.5k ➤ Brief blood mention from a cut, mention of minor character death (sickness), fingering, hand job, big dick joon, belly bulge, unprotected sex, mentions of choking, creampie, dirty talk, inconsistent POV 🗨 Namjoon thought getting used to a new roommate would take time and adaptation but you fit yourself into his apartment with ease. He swears he only landed in your bed to keep you safe in his arms when you get spooked by the storm. Surely he can blame the eventual lack of clothing on the summer’s heat stroke.
✎ @joonsytip > Anonymously Yours ♡ Hong Joshua x Fem!Reader # 18.6k ➤ Fluff, Angst, Humour (broken coz mine), high school au, enemies to lovers au, strangers to lovers au, anonymously yours au. 🗨 After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, you and Joshua start crushing on each other without realizing you both see each other frequently in real life.
✎ @peekaboongi > Snake Kisses (& Defense Against the Dark Farts) ♡ Yoongi x Reader # 8.5k (& 2.2k+) ➤ Licking kink? masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism (kinda?), slight? biting kink, dom!yoongi, sort of aphrodisiac? idk his spit makes you kinda sorta sensitive does that count as a spit kink? fingering, oral (female receiving), orgasm denial, degradation, name calling, spanking, pet names (he calls her princess), cumplay,  unprotected sex, humiliation, handjobs, choking, creampie, like mild cum inflation? overstimulation. oh dear god this is more than I thought it was. (& dom yoongi but also soft yoongi, one tiny possible spoiler for the very last harry potter movie, sad danger noodle yoongle, oral (male), handjobs, yoongi has two dicks, one (1) spank, yoongi spits on her hand, unprotected sex, degradation, name calling, pet names (he calls he princess), tiny bit of begging not really, i think that’s it) 🗨 You are grossly unprepared for the snake hybrid that enters your life. Yoongi is quiet and sneaks around you but eventually, even the cold reptile warms up to you. (& While trying to get Yoongi to take the full Pottermore sorting quiz, you discover something that he’s self-conscious about. Lucky for him, you love every part of him, snake bits and everything. ↳ defensive snake farts are a thing, apparently)
✎ @whatifyoulivelikethat > (seven) days a week ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ rated M (18+) for language (reader swears a lot); strangers-to-lovers; vague allusions to a loveless childhood and bad parenting (no specifics); JK might be insane and you do tell him that he is; slight crack; fluff; smut (fem reader, fucking with clothes on and off, m and f-receiving oral, light hair pulling, fingering, nipple play, choking, penetrative sex, handjob); non-idol!BTS – persistent!Jungkook x noona, def tsundere!reader lol ft instigator-cupid!Park Jimin setting them up 🗨 It only takes seven days (a week) for Jeon Jungkook to get you in his bed to fuck you right. And showing up in weird places. And kissing in the rain. He’s crazy. Okay, it’s kinda complicated.
✎ @httpjeon > lovebug ♡ jimin/reader # 12k ➤ spider hybrid!jimin, hybrid mistreatment/bullying, love self esteem/self-worth, arguments, crying, physical altercation between jimin & reader, name-calling, attachment anxiety, possessiveness, kissing, scenting, dom!jimin, manhandling, size kink/difference, fingering, dirty talk, cunnilingus, sensitivity kink, wet & messy, lots of cum, cumflation, jimins duality 🗨 hybrids are lovable companions for humans. unfortunately, most people simply want a cat or dog with which they can cuddle and love on. while looking for one to adopt, a lonesome hybrid of an unusual breed catches your eye.
✎ @solemnreads > Way Back Home (Series) ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ parents au, single parent, coparenting, chaebol, ceo jungkook, assistant reader, jeon twins, one of the babies has a weak heart, smut 🗨 "please tell me this isn't what i think it is" he asks you with tears in his eyes. you look down at the sight of your son with an oxygen mask on his face while your daughter is sleeping on the couch near the wall. you look into his eyes, broken and sad. you've dreamt of this day for years, wondering how he would react. but here you are, hoping he could've meet the twins under different circumstances. "yes...they're your children."
✎ @dovechim > the singularity theory (m) (Series) ♡ yoongi x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 in your last year of undergrad, you find out what a gloryhole is at the expense of your final year thesis. it’s a classic example of a psychology experiment that went way, way wrong. but how were you to know that a certain min yoongi would be sticking his dick into your life?
✎ @jeonstudios > drown for you (Series) ♡ siren!jk x f reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 there was something in that enormous tank, hidden in the murky water. all you knew was that you weren’t allowed inside the room and that it used to hold something dangerous.
✎ @barbika1508 > Lacuna (Series) + M.List ♡ Hybrid!Jeongguk x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 posted on each chapter
✎ @btssmutgalore > Nude (Series) ♡ Taehyung x reader # N/A ➤ smut 🗨 You accidentally send a nude to Taehyung, a fuckboy you definitely shouldn't have been thinking about, despite already kissing him. The fact that he's your roommate's best friend doesn't help your situation at all.
✎ @joonberriess > Jock!JK (Series) + M.List ♡ jock!jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter
✎ @dreamescapeswriting > BTS Reactions + M.List
✎ @taesbetch > To Own A Hybrid (Series) + M.List ♡ Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 the hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid. 
✎ @gothvkth > sensitive ♡ Jeon Jeongguk x GN!Reader # 2k+ ➤ self conscious jk, sensitive jk, nipple play, pussy pocket, vibrator, dirty talk, whiny jk, orgasm denial, sub jk, dom reader, pre-discussed kinks and wtv, safe sane and consensual, jk hugs a pillow to his chest like a cutie, a hint of dacryphilia, jk cries but he loves it. 🗨 you two have been friends since the beginning of time. after finally getting together, you guys had a miscommunication problem regarding your sex life in concern that jeongguk didn't want you but truth is, he's just a sensitive boy, too sensitive.
✎ @taleasnewastime > Purr-haps I like you ♡ Yoongi x Reader # 11.6k ➤ An abandoned cat; the cat gets ill at one point. 🗨 You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
✎ @kookslastbutton > Too Late to Dream (Series) ♡ professor!jungkook x fem!artist!Reader # 16.5k (TBA) ➤ 8-year age gap, professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), lots of family drama, fighting, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, therapy, sexual content + more specific warnings per chapter 🗨 You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
✎ @stylesluxx > Eight Years (Series) ♡ poly!ceo!bts x reader # N/A ➤ angst (and more, posted on each part) 🗨 in which they fall out of love
✎ @jcwriting > There's A First Time For Everything ♡ idol!namjoon x reader # 2.8k ➤ swearing, oral (m receiving), face fucking, choking, reader has a painful thigh kink (don’t we all), overuse of the word thigh 🗨 namjoon has never had a blowjob before. you’re about to change that.
✎ @minnochu > Lustrous (Series) ♡ Hybrid!Kook x Reader
✎ @appreciatethefoolishness > Bunny Trouble (Series) ♡ jeongguk x reader
✎ @numinousher > Combined Beings (Series) + M.List ♡ mafia/ceo!bts x chubby!reader # N/A ➤ cursing, a bit of mature content ( English isn’t my first language so just to warn you all 😭),  deep conversations based on beauty standards, body dysmorphia, mental health issues, harassment/bullying, gore/violence 🗨 You are bullied on a constant because korea’s beauty standards do not fit girls on the heavier side. The bullying gets worse once a ceo is attracted to you and he mentions you to the other 6.
✎ @secretbangtnn > Until I bleed out (Series) ♡ poly!BTS x hybrid!reader # N/A ➤ mentions of sexual assault and sex trafficing, violence, mentions of homelessness, mental problems, panic attacks, reader is scared of everything, bts just wants to help, smut later, mentions of abo, to be added… 🗨 Hybrids always were discriminated against, the laws passing over years changed nothing, collars still needed to be seen on those innocent necks like some kind of label. Cruelty was something the hybrids faced on daily basis, sex trafficing or illegal fighting it still felt as if those humans treated everything like pets. Situation you however found yourself in, was kind of different - not worse not better but still so bad you did not know if the next day would be yours, and when the winter started coming with big steps it was only a matter of time when the freezing cold would eat you alive. Unless one silent night a little too loud striped tiger decides to break your calm nap with a clumsy package of long limbs after him who just could not leave your tired and scared self alone…
✎ @20moonchild21 > Sehncucht - Discontinued? ♡ Hybrid!BTS x human!female!oc # N/A ➤ fluff, angst, humor, smut (later), mentioning of sexual assaultment, abuse, violence, friendship, love, dark themes 🗨 Hope is your average New York college girl, who is only one step away from reaching her big dream and becoming a lawyer for Hybrid rights. Never would she have thought, that one night, where she heard a whimpering coming from a dark alley, could turn her whole word upside down.
✎ @strlstlvr > skz finding your old fan tweet for them (hyung line linked, also maknae line version available) ♡ skz x reader # N/A ➤ smau, crack, a wee bit suggestive in changbins🫣 🗨 of course you were always their biggest fan, too bad they took a deep dive and found out how obsessed you actually were
✎ @alternateafterthought > Golden Time (Series) + M.List ♡ hybrid!jungkook x reader # 30k+ ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 Y/N has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent’s hybrid sanctuary. It was a normal rescue, get the hybrid, recover him and give him a choice, stay on the sanctuary or find a life for himself. Why was this one so different?
✎ @idkcantthinkofaname > It takes time (Series) ♡ bts x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
✎ @jiminrings > 4-7-8 (Series) ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ semi-heavy angst (pls take a break when necessary!!), emotional constipation, no cheating happens here btw (neither physical nor emotional), self-loathing, miscommunication, based on the moral dilemma of whether or not it's okay to be friends with ur ex, intense yearning + specified tags in each installment! 🗨 you're secure when it comes to loving jungkook, knowing that your husband loves you beyond words. what you aren't so secure about is his first love - someone who isn't you. alternatively, jungkook's married to you, but he still celebrates his anniversary with his ex out of sentimentality.
✎ @ya9amicide > Redamancy (Series) ♡ ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too. To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest. But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
✎ @sue-bts > Teething ♡ Bunny!Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ much smut very sin wow, biting, pet/owner (he is of age, hybrid stuff makes the developmental process- i.e. teething- a bit slowed but he’s 19) 🗨 (Requested) Can you do one where hybrid Jungkook is going through his heat and he just needs dom!y/n so bad, but she just loves to see him beg and practically dry hump her leg. Can you add dirty talk in there too. I don’t care what he’s mixed with.
✎ @eternal-mikrokosmos > Stubborn Hugs (Series) ♡ Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, occasional ot7 x reader, ot7 x ot7 # N/A ➤ posted in each chapter 🗨 After helping out a koala and bunny hybrid, your bring them home with your other hybrids to adjust. But a certain koala doesn’t seem tho get the concept of being cared for without a catch. Having your own set of secrets, it already proves difficult to gain their trust and getting them to stay with you at the same time. Your hybrids already know everything about you and are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to keep you safe.
✎ @arrianna21 > Hybrid!Taegi Masterlist + M.List ♡ cathybrid!yoongi/doghybrid!taehyung/reader # N/A ➤ posted in each chapter
✎ @gimmesumsuga > Pink Panther ♡ Jin x reader # 13k ➤ Graphic descriptions of sex, oral sex (female receiving), impregnation kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk 🗨 ‘The one where your boss, Kim Seokjin, tries to show you how beautiful you are’ - Hybrid!AU
━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━
Without Specific Post
✎ @borathae > Masterlist
✎ @tasteleeknow > Masterlist
✎ @ffsarchive > Masterlist
✎ @guess-whos-now-a-mood > Pretty Moodboards
✎ @taetae-tea > Masterlist
✎ @yeontanismypresident > Masterlist
✎ @jinniesboy > Masterlist
✎ @baepsaets > Posts in General
✎ @secret-kpoplibrary > Masterlist
✎ @thereaderstea > Masterlist
✎ @jamaisjoons > Masterlist
✎ @ahundredtimesover > Masterlist(s)
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vminhoes · 6 months
My taegi fics:
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And they were roommates!
Yoongi is a tired businessman stressing over his subordinates and Taehyung is a tired college student stressing over Yoongi’s ass. Specifically, how bad he wants it.
(Explicit ✧ roommates au ✧ student taehyung, businessman yoongi ✧ roommates with benefits ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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Spoils of War
After the Kim pack nearly wipes out the human kingdom, Prince Yoongi is captured and brought back to Prince Taehyung as a gift.
Taehyung just wants to be left alone, and Yoongi just wants to go home. Of course they hate each other, but Taehyung will not hesitate rip anyone who touches Yoongi to shreds
(Explicit ✧ royal/hybrid au ✧ human yoongi ✧ hybrid/alpha taehyung ✧ enemies to lovers ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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You scratch my back, I'll blow out yours
Yoongi is the newest up and coming musician hot on the scene. At just 23, he’s an ingenious producer, phenomenal rapper, captivating performer, and overall he’s one badass motherfucker who doesn’t take shit from anyone.
That being said, he may or may not need to sleep with his record label’s son Taehyung, who’s been pining after Yoongi for months, if he wants a chance at making it big.
(Explicit ✧ coffee shop au ✧ frat boy/barista taehyung, rapper yoongi ✧ blackmail ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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Flower boy
Yoongi had seen far too much and done even worse to be affected by anything else life had to offer. That is, until the handsome owner of the flower shop down the street gives him a few daisies and a new outlook on life.
(Explicit ✧ mafia au ✧ drug lord yoongi, florist taehyung ✧ mutual pining ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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Why don't you say "I love you" back?
A little drabble based off of Yoongi’s vlive where Taehyung says “I love you” and refuses to leave until Yoongi says it back
(rated: G ✧ canon compliant ✧ yoongi's vlive - "i won't leave until you say that word" ✧ fluff
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So cute
Yoongi just wants to bang but Taehyung can’t be serious for two fucking minutes
(Explicit ✧ college au ✧ boyfriends!taegi ✧ smut, fluff)
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There was only one bed
In an act of pure desperation, Yoongi grabs the nearest stranger and proclaims him to be his new boyfriend in an effort to prove his ex that he’s moved on. He realizes too late that said stranger turns out to be an ingenious marine biology major who surfs and looks to be sculpted by the gods.
Luckily for Yoongi, said stranger also happens to love romance novels, and his favorite tropes include “fake dating” and “there was only one bed.”
(Explicit ✧ college au ✧ fake dating ✧ only one bed trop ✧ smut, fluff, pinch of angst)
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The best part of me was always you
Yoongi was thriving. He’d moved across the world, gotten his degree, his dream job, and a fantastic boyfriend. Visiting home was going to be a piece of cake now that he had so much to show for.
That is, until he unexpectedly sees Taehyung for the first time in years at an engagement party.
(Explicit ✧ modern setting au ✧ exes taegi ✧ exes to lovers ✧ hurt/comfort ✧ smut, heavy angst, fluff)
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I'll be gentle
Yoongi says that the only thing more shameful than being a virgin at 25 would be to let his best friend's obnoxious little brother be his first time, so Taehyung thinks of a solution to ease his childhood crush of that insecurity.
(Explicit ✧ college/university au ✧ unrequited crush ✧ loss of virginity ✧ smut and fluff)
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Broken Hearts Club
What happens when piano teacher Yoongi and race car driver Taehyung are both hot, heartbroken, and desperate for a distraction?
That's a genuine question, because it doesn't seem like anyone knows including them, but here goes nothing.
(Explicit ✧ taegi au ✧ heartbroken taegi ✧ friends with benefits ✧ strangers to lovers ✧ smut and fluff)
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Hold me close, I'll keep you warm
Trapped in an old shack with a blizzard storming outside, it looks like the only thing left for Yoongi and Taehyung to do is hold each other to stay warm—no matter how badly they hate each other.
(Explicit ✧ taegi omegaverse au ✧ cat hybrid yoongi, wolf hybrid taehyung ✧ alpha taehyung, omega yoongi ✧ enemies to lovers ✧ smut and fluff)
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Stop copying me!
After getting off on the wrong foot at Coachella, beloved influencers Yoongi and Taehyung declare an immediate rivalry, and each devise their own plan to enact revenge on the other.
The only problem is that they create the same plan, and it inadvertently results in everyone assuming they’re dating.
(Explicit ✧ taegi au ✧ gamer/streamer yoongi, model taehyung ✧ stubborn/petty taegi ✧ enemies to friends with benefits to lovers ✧ crack, smut, fluff)
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Dinner and a show
Yoongi doesn't expect the hot guy he's been crushing on to be the who he's delivering food to, and Taehyung doesn't expect the pretty omega who doesn't know his name to come to his door in heat
(Explicit ✧ taegi omegaverse au ✧ omega yoongi, alpha taehyung ✧ college students taegi ✧ heat sex ✧ smut, fluff)
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Barbie Dreams
Young, gorgeous, and filthy rich tycoon Kim Taehyung is tired of the models and celebrities around him at his disposal, and seeks out something new to satiate his desires.
Enter Min Yoongi: the highest paid prostitute at the Dreamhouse—an entirely pink, Barbie themed brothel.
(Explicit ✧ taegi sugar daddy au ✧ sugar baby yoongi, sugar daddy taehyung ✧ slow-ish burn ✧ acceptance of feelings ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
The Library. 📚
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Here is where you can find all Oneshots and Series' considered finished. While some of these might receive some minor updates, the main story of these works has been completed.
Some of these works have masterlists and do receive occasional updates, but can be read as a completed story if on this list!
Stories that are marked as about to be finished are only one major update away from concluding.
This list will be updated regularly, and reblogged if something has changed!
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📘= Oneshot || 📚= Series || 📖 = About to be finished
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📚 Good Girl [Jungkook x Reader, non-Idol AU]
This story's plot has been finished for quite some time now- so there's not much to say here. It was my first major series and my main 'breakthrough' into story writing, and while I have mixed feelings about it, I still have a fond feeling for it.
📚 Alcoria [Alien!Jungkook x Human!Reader]
While this story was meant to take a different route at some point, it is basically finished, and will really only receive minor updates in the future, if any at all. My first Alien-story, and it shows haha.
📘 All Smut-Shots [NSFW-Oneshots]
All of these stories are Oneshots and can be enjoyed all by themselves. The main plot is finished for all of them.
📚 Evocation [Dragon!Jungkook x Dragon!Reader]
Dragon fic set in a modern fantasy AU. Finished, will occasionally receive drabbles, if requested, but nothing major anymore.
📚 Lock Me Up [Detective!Yoongi x Cat hybrid!Reader]
This story's main plot has been concluded. Some minor drabbles might be written, but nothing groundbreaking.
📘 Night Vision [Alien!Jungkook x Human!Reader]
The first main part can entirely be enjoyed on it's own without missing any major things. Drabbles might still be added to add more context, but the main story is complete.
📚 Dearly Beloved [Soft Yandere!Jungkook x Reader]
In which you've got a crush on your coworker- and a stalker problem.
📘 (Oh My) Bunny-Baby [Bunny!Jungkook x Bunny!Reader]
In which Jungkook had long lost hope to find someone sweet as you.
📚 Unstable [Alien!Jungkook x Reader]
Wrong place, wrong time, right person.
📘 Intrinsic [Alien!Jungkook x Reader]
In which you were just supposed to help integrate him.
📚 Timestamps Drabbles
Time inspired drabbles.
📘 Cherry Candy [tattoo artist!Jungkook x Reader]
In which he wants more than just a taste.
📘/📚 Finish Line [Racer!Jungkook x Reader]
In which Jungkook always kisses you twice, because once is never enough.
📚 Stereotypes [Omega!Jungkook x Omega!Reader]
In which Stereotypes aren't always true.
📚 Moonlit [Wolf!Jungkook x Wolf!Reader]
In which you hate alphas, but Jungkook might be different.
📚 Lacrymaria Olor [Alien!Jungkook x Reader]
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In which you catch the eye of the Alien King himself.
📚 Take Care [Doctor!Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader]
In which saves you in more ways than one.
Additional Oneshots can be found in my Old Masterlist. The Link can be found in my pinned post. This list will receive regular updates, so please check in at a later date to find more content.
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