treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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how are you so quiet about it? your sadness, i mean. how do you hold it in your chest, in your eyes, in your teeth without letting it speak;
HOW DOES IT STAY STILL? / indie oc. written by sage.
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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hey guys, sage here! i’m putting a few of my blogs (goldenglanced and treespoke and wasomething specifically) on a bit of a hiatus! school is starting to ramp into high gear for the end of the semester, and honestly, i just don’t have much muse atm. i’ll be stopping in, but for the most part, you can find me on my two blogs! @withumans or @emborn !! love you all, have a good day!
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
hi guys! this isn’t my main blog atm, but i am going to try to get on this week!
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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         “i think it’s REALLY COOL that you think i have golden specks in my eyes.”
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
guys it’s been too long ok just ship w/ leaf already
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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         “i hope the rain stops soon.” he seems to be pretty down, if the words weren’t proof enough. it’s been raining for the past few days, and it’s getting to be just a little much for the wildlife around him. it’s draining on leaf. “it makes everything so dreary.” // @oddyssea ; starter call.
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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           “why does everyone want to keep doctors away so badly? i mean, aren’t doctors usually good?” he’s been stuck on ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ for a little while now. “frankly, apples are good that you shouldn’t even need a reason to eat them. they’re just good.” // @asynjja ; starter call.
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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          “hey chris!” it’s said with a smile. leaf is one of the newer staff members at the school, but he tries his best to stay friendly. not that it’s hard to find him, he’s constantly checking up on the place, even in his free time. especially in the garden they let him plant. “it’s been a bit of a slow day, yeah?” // @payreality ; starter call.
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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         “i’ve been thinking about working out.” this seems like the start of a joke, but with leaf, it’s a little bit hard to tell. he’s always got that dopey grin on his lips, so really, it could be anything. “i think my arms might actually break, though. they’re as weak as twigs.” // @tatteredpasts ; starter call.
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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         “that was uh, a pretty good uh, shot?” it had almost gone right into his head, so that was a little bit terrifying, but he wasn’t dead. so that had be something. he’s trying to be nice, so she maybe doesn’t try to shoot him again. “do you uh, do you do this a lot?” // @obedeared ; starter call.
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
wow! A plot based on to all the boys I’ve loved b.efore with leaf as peter plz
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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starter call time!
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
❛   chilling adventures of sabrina sentence starters ↳ 100+ starters from the first five episodes of the netflix show
episode 1 ( october country ) 
i thought it was weird too
i didn’t know you were a fan of horror movies
who doesn’t enjoy a good scare every now and again ?
you seem very scared 
you’re not from around here, are you ?
their angry spirits have haunted the woods ever since
rabbit’s feet, under your pillow tonight, you’ll sleep like the dead
you’re only supposed to start missing things after you say goodbye to them, right ?
you’re suggesting a witch hunt ?
human blood is always preferable, so, the timing couldn’t be more perfect
that sounds like a dream
that sounds ominous
there’s nothing we can’t handle, as long as we’re being honest with each other
i know it’s a lot to take in
listen to my voice, hear my words, and forget i said anything 
the witching hour ? ooh, spooky 
they’re jealous of you
i heard you calling, so i came 
he hasn’t defiled you, has he ?
praise satan
it is our sacred duty and honor to serve the dark lord
calm down, your blood pressure !
what’s the point? i don’t even know why i bother.
witches without covens are easy pickings
we haven’t had long pig for dinner in ages
Keep reading
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
leaf is terrible with technology. literally anything that requires electricity probably confuses him. he will find a way to break it and then will cry
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
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          “hey, alex, do you maybe possibly have notes from math class?” he’s asked about three people so far, and has come up with nothing. he hated how often he ended up missing classes due to his parents, because it always lead to this. it was a miracle he hadn’t completely flunked his classes yet. // @daughtergrimes ; starter call.
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
idk why but plants telling leaf gossip is a funny idea to me
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treespoke-a-blog · 6 years
the only Important thing in this group verse is that leaf is referred to as ‘the hot groundskeeper’ thank u for coming to my ted talk
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