galvanoblasts · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀ALL she wanted to do was take the trash out like a normal person. There were a few pizza boxes too many, and everyone knows to clear out old food means you get more space for new food. She was in a damn good mood, in fact — still no sign of Mayuri, world's still her oyster, all that jazz; hell, she was whistling on her way to the trash bin. Whistling a tune that quickly died out once she lifted the bin's lid and happened to peer over it.
⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ You gotta be kidding me. ❜ Her tone was flat, but her grip on the bin had tightened to the point of denting it in. Right there — right next door — was the one 'human', the only 'human', she had a bone to pick with after all this time. Mostly because he kept slipping away every time she got remotely close. For a few long moments, they simply stared at each other in thick silence; she wouldn't have been surprised if a tumbleweed ambled on between them. When she finally decided to break that silence, there was more excitement in her voice than aggression — not that he'd find that remotely comforting.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ Well, well ! Look what the cat dragged in ! ❜
@hybridsalvation ——— you better watch out you better watch out you better watch out y
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swordofdeath · 2 years
random starter - @hybridsalvation​ 
Another eclipse recently happened as Fibonacci appeared, Unohana was merely wandering around the designated place. She wondered where the reiatsu coming from and it was indeed here. Perhaps she had never seen this guy for years after her death.
She remembered how he looked like before but he seemed different now, hair-wise.
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“It’s a surprise to see you in this place, Kurosaki Ichigo.” She’s not really creeping him out as Yachiru.
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heavenshield · 2 years
    no matter the place, the time, the world, Ichigo Kurosaki was not someone that Orihime could so easily forget or mistake.
 she missed him. even if it’s only been something close to a month in her time here, it did nothing to lessen the fact that she missed him. she missed all of her friends more than words could say, but Ichigo was someone that held a special place in her heart. he always would. there was no other that could take that place. it belonged to him and him alone. so is it any surprise then, that such a place beats with warmth? that her heart feels lighter? like a feather gliding in the summer breeze. it’s easy to find him. easy to pick him out in a city full of strangers. she could recognize him by touch and smell alone, would know him blind and at the ends of the world. after all-- 
               he was her Ichigo. 
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    “ Kurosaki-kun.” her cheeks hurt but she cannot stop the smile nor does she even want to. her voice is soft yet light, hands clasped together against her chest. he looked okay. he looked as she last remembered him. that was good. it may be strange that she’s acting like this-- she doesn’t know of any discrepancies between their memories but that didn’t really matter, did it? as long as Ichigo was alive and okay then everything else could be faced head-on with ease. 
       “ You’re here. I mean-- did you just get here?”
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isolaradiale · 2 years
The reserve may have expired by now, but now I'm here to reapp Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach! The app can be checked on the /app page, thanks!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Ichigo!
You will be housed in HOUSE 117.
You’ll retain everything you were given previously.
-- mod altair.
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spiritgates · 5 years
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@hybridsalvation​​​  SAID   :
"So, uh... today's White Day. Since you got me stuff on Valentine's Day... this is for you." He's got three big boxes being offered to her-- one with milk chocolate, one with white, and one dark. Three boxes for the one she gave him.
(  UNPROMPTED : happy white day !  )
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               ❛   White Day ?  What’s Whi--- whoa, all of this is---- ?!   ❜   HER   mouth fell open as she took one box after another --- after another !  He said this was all for Valentine’s Day, right... ?  So because she gave him those leftover baked goods, she got all this in return ?!  ... That’s awesome--- !   ❛   Jeez, you didn’t have to do so much---- I mean, I guess you did, I don’t really know the rules---   ❜
         Rules or no rules, she swiftly recovers --- stars still lingering in her eyes as she offers a broad grin. After all, she just so happens to like all three kinds --- and chocolate was the perfect pick-me-up and sadness cure all at once, for all your emotional needs ! 
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               ❛   Heh--- ! Thanks, Ichigo. Hey, is it against the rules for you to help me eat some of this--- ?   ❜
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anghexescu · 5 years
His movement is fluid, quick, and precise with every hit he lands on his target practice in the middle of Mistwood. He chose this specific place because of the fog. It makes for a great practice area to hone your senses and your overall skills, he feels like. With his focus so locked onto the tree, he wouldn’t have noticed a presence. Luckily, his father blade’s reflection alerts of an orange haired being. He’s not sure how long they’ve been standing there, but Klaus places his sword back inside where it belongs. Turning to look at the stranger, Klaus bows his head in greeting, “Are you here to train, too?”
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isolaradiale · 2 years
I’m just gonna slip in here and put a tentative reserve on for Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach! Today is 10/10 and you can reach me @seithrveined
ichigo will be reserved for you!
– ⋆ solaris.
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isolaradiale · 5 years
Everything is sorted out and ready to go! Following up on the reserve, here's Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach! Check out the /app page, then we can get down to shenanigans as per usual.
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Ichigo!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 209.
You’ll retain the use of shunpo up to five times per day. You’ll also be given a wooden sword.
– mod altair.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
one more time-- here to reapp Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, thanks
Welcome back~!
You’ll be staying in APARTMENT 365!
You will retain everything you were given during your previous stay.
PLEASE NOTE: Because you were removed in an activity check, you have one week to make three in-character posts or else you will be considered inactive once more.
~ mod bellatrix
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Alright, time to give it another try. Here to take my blogs of hiatus! That includes this one, Ichigo Kurosaki (hybridsalvation), Roman Torchwick (liketorchwork), and Adam Taurus (wiltingbeast)
They’ll all be taken off hiatus for you!
– ⋆ capella!
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isolaradiale · 4 years
I think I need to put a few of my blogs on a little break. So I'd like to request hiatuses for the following blogs: Roman Torchwick (liketorchwork), Neptune Vasilias (highcurrent), Adam Taurus (wiltingbeast), and Ichigo Kurosaki (hybridsalvation). Thank you!
Noted for you!
--Mod Lyra
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