#hypnotically pretty. okay i know that was cheesy
peaktora · 2 years
𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 ˚◞♡ ⃗ kazutora hanemiya
𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 ┊it was the season for sweaters, hot chocolate, watching the snow fall from the trees, and planning gifts for that holiday of the year. but the best part was that it was snow fights with your boyfriend time.
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 ┊0.7k words. pretty much everything fluff. no pronouns used or specified gender.
a/n. — i still have tons of ideas for christmas drabbles that’ll probably be continued in january but it’s okay
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you took a closer look at your boyfriend as you debated whether or not to ruin his beauty. his two-toned hair was dangling from his bun and carelessly falling across his face. he never cared much about his hair, and you were always in charge of doing anything about it. you can't imagine how it was when you weren't in his life. with how much he hates having his hair combed, how could he possibly do it by himself? let alone resist cutting it?
the image of him leaning against the doorframe was especially striking. his body fit like a puzzle piece into it. instead of looking at the furniture in your living room, he turned to face you, his face filled with love and tiredness.
you expected him to come out with you by now, having been hypnotized for what seemed like an eternity by his beauty. there was enough time for him to put on his coat, beanie, and gloves. but while you were buried in snow, he was spotless in your home.
secretly, he desired you in his arms, covered in a blanket. you two watching cheesy christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate from the same mug because he knows you can't finish one. hell, it was the winter's coldest period. who the hell has a partner and doesn't spend christmas in their arms?
evidently, you, he thought.
things never seem to go his way.
despite the beautiful sight and his potential list of things to do with you, you went ahead with your plan. you snatched a handful of snow from the ground and threw it at him.
the darker areas were now hidden by the snow, highlighting the blonde strands more.
he now stood silently in the doorway. snowflakes littered the hardwood floor, soaking up the man’s socks and darkening their color. there was nothing said, and you were about to apologize when you were tackled to the ground.
you laughed as you yelled, "get off!" frantically punching his chest.
getting caught underneath him was definitely not part of the plan.
“nu-uh you wanted to drag me all the way out here, right? right?!” he retaliated by pinning your arms above your head with one hand.
grabbing his own hand pile of snow, he splattered it across your chest with his free hand. sure, he could’ve hit you in the face, but that wouldn't be right. he didn't want to make you sick, just get some fun revenge.
you closed your eyes instinctively in response to the hit. exclaiming over the sensation of having your lashes painted with mini flakes of frozen water. as soon as you opened your eyes, you crossed your right leg over his waist, causing him to turn over so that the positions were now reversed.
"is this how it is?" he asks. 
the audacity.
“there’s no way you thought I was gonna go easy on you,” you mocked.
he didn't respond to your statement, instead raising an eyebrow and asking, "how do you think you flipped me over?"
“you’re being so sexist-“
“nope, i just have better fighting skills.”
was he seriously challenging you right now?
at your lack of words, he released his arm from your grasp and slowly but surely slipped his fingers discreetly around your waist.
as soon as his fingers touched your sides, you began to screech.
nevertheless, he continued to peruse you.
“this isn’t fa-fair!” instinctively, you rolled over to shield anything you could from his touch.
"what's not fair?" he asked cockily, chasing after you.
"you!" you cry.
your waist was circled by his hands as he rolled you back over. as he leans down, perhaps to give you one of those breathtaking (and passionate) kisses you adore so much, you scowl at him and start to turn back over. you weren't going to give him that privilege.
he sighed, but made no attempt to reason with you. instead, he curled up next to you like a koala, just thinking. the sky looked down at him as his bright yellow eyes did the same.
you promptly mimicked his movements and smirked as you joined hands with his. you both lay there for a minute, saying nothing, not moving from your position, just enjoying the time you have with each other.
“love you 'tora," you blurted out. the simplicity of it all made it more meaningful.
“love you-“
he comes to a halt when he feels the familiar sensation of wetness on his face. when he wipes off the snowflakes with his open hand, he confirms his prediction-
you threw even more snow on his face.
“round two?”
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J Squad celebrating Dia De Los Muertos w/ s/o headcanons
A/N: Pretty much with Latina reader, but could also be just fem!reader. Ngl this is also purely self indulgent…what can I say I’m Tejana and proud of it ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
Warnings: Floofy, some slight nsfw, Jerome being Jerome
Jerome Valeska
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Holy shit!!! There’s a part 2 to Halloween?!
It doesn’t matter how many times you explain that’s not what it is, it’s just forever going to be ✨Halloween part 2✨ to him 🥲
Ooh and there’s candy??? AND ITS IN THE SHAPE OF SKULLS???!!!
Hyped for it. Especially the part where you leave tributes to people you’ve lost
Because he gets to leave a nice little offering of bleach and a dead snake for his Mom ✌🏼🤡
Speaking of offerings: you have to constantly watch him to make sure that he’s not eating the ones for your family members 🥲
Don’t get him wrong! He absolutely respects your culture and would never do anything to hurt you (at least not on purpose), it’s just that he really really likes candy 🍭
And your cooking 🥘
Please show him how to paint his face, he thinks Calavera makeup is so cool…just don’t be surprised if it turns into some amalgamation of a skull and a clown 😅
Thinks you look hot with your outfit and makeup, expect lots of cheesy compliments in broken Spanish 🥲🥲🥲
He just walks into the room when you’re done getting ready, fuckin whistles and says something like “muY CalIeNte~”
Yeah don’t be surprised if that makeup and outfit is ruined by the end of the night because of him wink wink🥴🥴🥴
All in all it’s a fun night, and Jerome can’t wait until next year!
Jervis Tetch
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A holiday to remember dead loved ones and partake in treats for both you and them? Oh he’s here for it.
Also knowing how Jervis has a penchant for grandiose things, you best believe the Ofrenda is absolutely beautiful.
Just don’t take it personally if he sets up a little space for Alice on it with some offerings of pastries and candies, he promises he only has eyes for you
He will insist on helping with the cooking, and will do his best to learn about the holiday and the customs surrounding it
Finally, the day comes and Dios Mio, you are floored!
The entire room is decorated with bright colors, marigolds, roses, and he has swapped his usual tea set for something more festive.
He’s also done some fuckin amazing calavera makeup and has a nice little suit and hat to match with your outfit
And boy lemme tell you, y’all look fine as hell together
And did I mention he’s hypnotized some guests to celebrate with you?
Because he did, after all you are his Alice, and you deserve a grand party with lots of guests regardless of the occasion!
Oh he’s having so much fun with you, he plans to go much bigger next year though!
Jonathan Crane
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He’s so excited.
Jonny-boi, being a fan of all things spooky, already knows a bit about the holiday
You can count on this man to have everything you could want or need for a celebration
Ofrenda? Got it. Candles? Lit. Sugar skulls? Sugared. Hotel? Trivago.
But don’t expect everything to be bright and colorful, he isn’t Jerome or Jervis, he’s fear incarnate!
Oh but…you would like it to be bright and colorful?
Okay you’ve made him crumple to pieces because he can’t say no to you talked him into it…
But having him dress up with you may be difficult.
However, he is more than willing to help with everything else, and you better believe this man had his goons participate as well
“Remember, the altar is supposed to have seven tiers, no more, no less, and don’t put anything on it until she says so!”
While Jonathan can be very…brusque when it comes to things like his toxin and orders he gives to you and his followers, he takes care to be more gentle about this
He knows it’s painful to lose people you’re close to, and is very quiet and careful when you both put offerings on the Ofrenda
Speaking of which: he has a picture of his mom and dad together where they’re both smiling and happy on the altar. There’s some whiskey for his father, wine for his mom, and candies for both of them.
There’s a few tears but he will absolutely not say anything or acknowledge it, he knows this is about celebrating the lives of people you’ve lost, not mourning them and he refuses to ruin this for you.
So, he wipes his tears and the festivities begin!
Drinking, eating, being merry!
And what’s this? The fearsome scarecrow has decided to dress up after all?! And he’s matching with you??!!!
Jonathan isn’t someone who’s known to smile and visibly enjoy things, but he was definitely smiling and enjoying celebrating this with you ❤️
Is a bit sad to see it end but is looking forward to next year all the same 🥺❤️
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residentraccoon · 2 years
Esc 2023 Top 37
1. Moldova - Might be biased, might not, this is staying as my first, I love everything about this
2. Portugal - Man these upbeat, slightly retro songs with a touch of ethnic flavor are like a magnet to me, I'm absolutely loving this as well lmao
3. Latvia - How can such a soft and sweet song like this be so powerful at the same time. This is the Með hækkandi sól of this year for me, and I hope they'll surprise Q just like Systur did
4. Estonia - It gives me so much hope and confidence in myself, like it's empowering but not in a cheesy way. The instrumental is pure art as well
5. Czechia - Yes girls bring the harmonies. It's been playing in my head a lot lately
6. Norway - *sigh* okay I fell into liking this one, I admit. I overlooked the earworm-ness of this song and she carries the whole performance so well.
7. Australia - Had to put it in my top 10, dated dad rock never fails to dissapoint me (unless said dad rock is called Intention)
8. Iceland - Sounds a bit 80s which I love, she has so much energy on stage
9. Slovenia - Such a charming britpop, I love these guys
10. Finland - The power of cha cha cha has gotten to me, send help 🫣
11. France - What a neat bop, also love her style a lot
12. Spain - Sounds pretty bizarre and hypnotic, I actually like how hauting it sounds lol
13. Serbia - Same as Spain, his presence is also really cool ngl
14. Sweden - Grew off me a bit, I must say that the staging is really good, but in studio it really doesn't elevate to the same way it does live. As much as I like Loreen, her staging, and her song, which is good indeed, I don't really want her to win? It's weird I know lmao
15. Austria - I've seen this being very popular in the fandom but honestly beside the message and the vocals it just doesn't really do that much for me. It's catchy yes, but not something I'd go out of my way to listen tbh
16. Armenia - Didn't quite impress me but gotta appreciate that clumsy but sweet english used in her lyrics. They feel so real
17. Malta - Kinda grower?? The sax is too catchy
18. Italy - It's a very sweet, calming song. I noticed Italy is pretty underrated this year, which is a bit weird because they're always talked about
19. Germany - Wish I liked this one more but I feel it lacks more enthusiasm or power? Still I kinda like this glam rock style
20. Georgia - Oh my god girl what are those lyrics? Tag yourself I'm "love is a wordless". Other than that, I like the beat but man, those lyrics are giving me last stage dyslexia and totally ruin the song for me :(
21. Romania - It's not the worst song of this year 😤 I know most are put off because of that staging but listen the studio or his other live versions and I assure you it's more bearable this way. Even so, I agree that one might find the vocals grating or the pacing weird, but honestly I don't have a problem with that. It's a pretty competent song.
22. Denmark - Get rid of that awful vocoder and we'll talk later. I really like how colorful the music video is, and it's another one that I started liking a bit more, but still doesn't do that much for me
23. Netherlands - Yawned like 3 times listening to this, it's pleasant but that's it
24. Azerbaijan - Ahh finally they're sending something self-written and not produced by swedes. Even if it sounds like a camp rock-esque ballad that's a bit filler, I find it more heartfelt and authentic than literally everything else Azerbaijan wanted to bless us with in recent years, and hell, do I like this more than those ones
25. United Kingdom - A pretty nice pop song, but that's all I have to say. I think it will come alive more on stage
26. Ukraine - It's decent and catchy, nothing groundbreaking
27. Cyprus - Other than the chorus, it's extremely bland and way too polished imho
28. Switzerland - I quite liked the pacing of it, but those lyrics get a bit too much on the "war bad, give us points" side which rubs me the wrong way. That or I might be overanalyzing it
29. Lithuania - Too whiny for my ears, but the final part is pretty cute
30. Albania - What turkish soap opera is this, I need to know. Speaking of the song, I feel like it wants to be this grand, empowering ballad but falls flat and fails to be so
31. Belgium - Well, it's catchy and groovy and that's about it
32. Greece - Why does this remind me of Snap a bit? Maybe it's the rhythm or his pronunciation. I love how his voice sounds, but I feel like this song really doesn't do him justice. It kind of builds up to something but in the end nothing happens
33. Ireland - If the word "bland" would be a song. Just a typical, most Irish in Eurovision entry there is. No offense, their vocals are good at least
34. Israel - Sounds like 2012, not in a good way. Repeats the same thing in the chorus, tries to be a bOPppPp yassss grl powahhhh, we're bein phenomen femininallll today yassss dance break cuz we are quwueennzzz- okay sorry, this one has everything I dislike in a song ever. Halfway listening I wanted to close it, but I had to finish it to have a proper opinion and rank it
35. Poland - Same as Israel but somehow even less tolerable and more painfully generic, walmart Inna vacation at the beach kind of song I'd hear while taking a walk outside. Also the nf shitstorm helps me dislike the song even more, and I didn't even listen to Jann Gladiator
36. San Marino - Please this sounds like something I'd hear in Selectia Nationala in like 2017 that places last 😭
37. Croatia - This doesn't even remotely sound like a song, I'm sorry but could never listen to this more than the first minute
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