#hyrule herbology
knightofhylia · 9 months
hyrule herbology thus far
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Still working on associations and such, but these are plants I have identified so far! I added some of the wildflowers I had pictures of.
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alternate-triforce · 7 months
Hyrule Herbology — Good Morning
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter | Deku Baba | Frigweed | Hyther | Rose Everbloom | Dancing Lady | Dancing Lady II | Final (you are here) |
Link wasn't sure if it was the clatter of something in the common room or the vertigo that woke him up. This was the second time he had dreamt that dream. His mother and father–instinctively he knew who they were–had no faces but for some reason he felt the warmth of a smile emanating from their empty visages. He rubbed his face with one hand and ran his fingers through his hair to get out any tangles before rolling off his pallet and heading into the common room. 
A powerful smell smacked into his nose as he entered. Link wheezed and doubled over, waving a hand in front of his nose to try and recover.
"Good morning," Fen said, hunching over a pot in the fireplace. "Did the smell wake you up?" 
"No," Link said, grabbing a stool and dragging it closer to the table. He flopped onto it and buried his head in his arms. "Stupid dream did." 
"With the faceless people again?" 
"They're not just random people, Dad," Link insisted. 
Fen grunted in discomfort. There was a slight pause before he spoke again. "I'm making this herbal tonic." 
"Oh." Link raised his head a little. "For what?" 
"It's supposed to give you a boost of energy," Fen explained. "Thought you might need it." 
Link wrinkled his nose. "'M not that tired." 
"You will be. You're on well duty this morning." 
Link buried his face in his arms again. "Why did you have to remind me." 
"So you'd drink this stuff," Fen said, placing a cup of the disgusting-smelling tonic on the table and pushing it over to Link. 
The boy grimaced but obliged, swallowing the thick tonic in one gulp. He gagged after he finished. Why did good things always have to taste so bad, he wondered. Or, perhaps, a better question: why hadn't Fen added something to the concoction to make it taste decent? "You should have added some flavor," Link said, never one to leave his thoughts unvoiced. 
Fen grabbed a small loaf of bread off a counter and pulled it apart, giving a piece to Link and keeping the other for himself. "Maybe, but I don't think we have much time." 
"It wouldn't have taken that long to add something–" Link began, before coincidentally he heard a bell clanging outside.
"Would've taken too long," Fen repeated, sticking his bread in his mouth before rushing over to the door. "Race you," he said between bites.
To get rid of the aftertaste in his mouth, Link gobbled down the bread. It was fresh and soft–easy on the gullet. Then he trotted up to Fen. "I'll beat you, old man." 
 "No you won't," Fen retorted, opening the door. "I'm only thirty-two." 
"Ancient," Link said. 
"Ancient?" Fen laughed. "Okay, let's not waste any more time. On the count of three–" 
Fen counted down, and they both were off, rushing down the path to the village center. As they rushed past houses, Link noticed Fen had gotten ahead of him and sped up a bit. His guardian's longer legs were a major advantage. He'd have to be smart to get an edge over him. 
"Hey! I see Penna!" Link shouted.
"Where?" Fen skidded to a stop and started looking for her. 
Link cackled and jogged ahead of him, making it to the village square easily before finding out where Fen had gone. He was talking with Penna, both of them making their way over to the bell, where all of the other villagers had gathered in a circle. Inside that circle was Ditri, the village leader. He was a tall man– a little lacking in hair, with a loud voice that he tended to use in the mornings. Link squeezed his way through two villagers so he could get a good look at him while he belted out orders for the day. 
"Everyone's here now, right?" Ditri shouted. 
There were murmurs, and someone raised their hand. Ditri pointed to them.
"Gorse got into a tussle with a rift the other day. She's resting right now." Ditri raised an eyebrow. "I see. Well, that's perfect timing, seeing as a group of soldiers is coming in today."
More murmurs. Link heard the people close to him say something like "I hope they haven't raised their rates again." The villagers gave each other looks of concern, but Link just crossed his arms and huffed.
"Be on your best behavior, that's all," Ditri said. "Move out. We have work to do." With that the villagers scattered, walking to wherever they had been told to go the previous evening– in Link's case, the well closest to the fields. When he arrived, he stopped in front of it and took a deep breath. Someone the other day had told him that he should be proud of being old enough to lug a water bucket around, but he couldn't disagree more. He wanted to go back to bed. Link began pulling up the bucket out of the well for the first of probably a million times today. 
Or maybe not quite a million. Once he got into the rhythm of it, being on well duty wasn't so bad. Though it was tiring, Link hadn't lived five years in a farming village for nothing. He quickly got covered in mud and water from it sloshing onto him from the bucket, but once the sun came up it began to dry. When he gave villagers the water they needed they usually cheered him on and thanked him. Every once in a while he took a breather, absentmindedly humming some bastardization of a tune musicians had spread around Drinna, the nearest town. 
Around midday, everyone retreated from whatever they happened to be doing for lunch– Link included. Fen usually had something prepared ahead of time, so he wandered around looking for him. 
"Link!" Someone's voice– definitely not Fen's– called. "You're covered in dirt." Link whipped his head around to look at the speaker. It was Packard, of course. They had been friends for a long time. "You're covered in hay." 
Packard picked a single piece of hay out of his hair and snorted. "Uh huh."
"What did you think I'd be covered in? I was busy walking around in mud and dirt and stuff," Link said haughtily. 
"Flowers," Packard retorted, grinning impishly. 
"Shut up," Link groaned. 
Packard rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I found this weird flower near the border, and I think it might be good, so I wanted you to take a look at it." 
"Oh." Link put his hands on his hips. "I want dibs on half of it if it's edible." 
"Aw, c'mon, I found it. Quarter." 
"Two quarters." 
"That's half!" 
"Four eighths, and that's my final offer," Link said. 
"Fine. Whatever. I bet it's bad anyway." Packard stuck out his tongue. "Come on." 
The two boys walked along, Link behind Packard as they entered a small forest on the edge of the village's land. A border of painted stones marked the border– once they went beyond it, they were technically breaking the law. Not that either of them cared. Going a little outside the border was something everyone did from time to time; it really only mattered if you spent a day or two out there. Packard wove through the bushes in the forest expertly, pushing back a bough so he could move through. When he let go of it, it smacked Link in the face. 
“Huh?” Packard looked back at Link, who was rubbing his nose. “The flowers are right over here.”
Packard stepped back to give Link a better look. In a small clearing, a web of yellow and brown flowers grew thick on the forest floor. Link crouched near the flowers, examining them for a moment before tugging on one of them and uprooting a small tuber about the size of his finger. 
“These are dancing ladies,” Link explained. “They’re pretty good eating if you cook them.” 
“Oh,” Packard said, leaning over to watch Link work. “How many of those do you think there are?” 
Link scanned the thick bed of flowers. “Dozen or so, maybe,” he replied. “These are small, so it might be better to leave them for now.” 
There was a faint sound of rustling grass and something sniffing. Packard and Link both raised their heads in alarm. 
“What’s that?” Packard hissed. 
"It's probably just a rabbit or something," Link said dismissively, striding towards the noise. He made it through a few bushes before stopping in his tracks. 
A small creature about half his height stepped forward. She had large ears almost twice as big as her head, with strange markings in them that resembled the eye patterns on a moth. Her long, fluffy tail twitched slightly as she looked over the boy, tipping her large glasses down. On her back was a small satchel– something inside it was moving.  "A rabbit?" she asked. 
"Not a rabbit," Link said, scratching the side of his face. That was a pol, and probably one of the visitors Ditri had been talking about. Link guessed she was probably a mage–or at least some sort of magic user. She didn’t seem to be armed and her arms were so tiny she probably could punch a fly without it noticing.
The pol nodded. "You're…covered in dirt." 
"I told him that earlier!" Packard said.
"I like dirt," Link retorted. "So, hi, ma'am. We were looking for plants."
"You're a little far from home to be doing that, don't you think?" the pol said.
"Not that far," Link said. "No one cares if somebody goes beyond the border for five minutes." 
"Hm. You people are spoiled here, really," the pol muttered before looking back at her bag. It was moving even more now. "What're you doing, Slither?" 
She opened her bag, and a vine shot out of it, grabbing Link's right hand and wrapping itself around it as it grew more rapidly than Link had ever seen a plant grow. He yelped and pulled back, but the more he moved, the faster they pulled him back towards the pol. 
"Aha!" the pol exclaimed, pointing a tiny finger at Link. "I knew something was fishy about this village! You've got contraband!" 
"No I don't!" Link said, trying fruitlessly to get away. "Leave me alone!" 
"We'll see about that when we get you in front of Sergeant Sporpos," the pol said, gleefully trotting back towards the village and attempting to drag Link along with her. She quickly stopped as she realized she didn't have the strength to pull him along. "Uh, do you mind coming with me?"
"Why?" Link challenged. 
"Because if you don't someone bigger'll come by and grab you by the scruff," the pol replied. "Oh–other kid. You should probably come too." 
Packard, all too happy to be ignored, jumped at the suggestion. "Yeah." 
The three of them marched their way back over to the village square, where a gaggle of soldiers were talking with one another. Ditri was a few feet away from them, nervously wringing his hands. 
"I've caught someone!" the pol shouted triumphantly. "I told you it would work." 
One of the soldiers– probably the sergeant the pol had mentioned earlier, judging by the red uniform and armor– chuckled. "Lepy, that's a kid." 
"A kid with a lot of magic power!" Lepy insisted. "My plant is still attached to him, so he's definitely got more than usual." 
"I don't have any magic, sir, I swear," Link said. "The stupid plant just attacked me." 
"Yeah, I've never seen Link use magic," Packard said. "This is a mistake."
"...We do use those things on smugglers," Sergeant Sporpos noted. "And they've never lied before." 
"Exactly! Why would a chuwis lie to anyone?" Lepy replied, waving one hand dramatically. 
"Maybe you made it do that with weird plant magic!" Packard said, glaring at Lepy. 
The sergeant raised an eyebrow. "You do seem a little desperate."
"You can look at my bag if you want, sir, but I don't have anything with Forest magic," Lepy said. "Actually–wait." She took a pair of scissors out of her bag, and cut off some of the vines leading to Link's arm. They immediately grew back. "See?" 
"Hmph. Alright, we'll do a search of the area." Sergeant Sporpos turned to Ditri, who was staring at the commotion wordlessly. "Where are the boy's parents?" 
"I'll get him," Ditri said, taking a step back. 
The sergeant chuckled as the village leader scampered away like a frightened rabbit. After a few minutes, Fen came rushing over. 
"What happened–" he blurted out before two soldiers grabbed him by the arms. A fire lit up in his eyes, and he pulled back, but it quickly cooled as they yanked him into place. 
"We need to look through your house," the sergeant said. "Your son may have been messing with things he doesn't understand." 
"He wouldn't do that," Fen said, glancing at Link for confirmation. Link shrugged and shook his head. The vines had almost completely covered his right arm.
"Chuwis plants don't lie," Sergeant Sporpos replied, gesturing for the soldiers to let go of Fen. "Now, if you wouldn't mind leading us to where we need to go, we'll do a quick search." 
Fen nodded sullenly, and they began the walk back to the house. Well – "walk"; it was more of a despondent trudge. Packard followed around ten feet behind the main group, curious, but careful to keep his distance. He didn't want to get in trouble. 
As the vines began to bury Link's arm even more, Lepy frowned. "It's still sucking magic out of you?" 
"I guess," Link replied. 
"You have a really high capacity for magic." She sighed. "I guess I should put Slither back in his bag." Taking her scissors again, she cut through the vines in a few swift chops at the base of the plant before shutting her satchel. Then she looked between Fen and Link. “You look a lot different from your dad.” 
“Huh?” Link stared at Lepy. “I guess so. I mean, we’re not blood related.”
Lepy tilted her head. “You really are a strange kid.”
Once they made it to the house the sergeant ordered the other soldiers inside. Link winced as he heard clattering and crashing, then the sound of something rolling on the floor. A few times they called out like they thought they found something, then dismissed it a few moments later. 
"There's nothing here," one of them said after some ten minutes of searching the tiny house. 
"We'll check around the area," the sergeant replied. "Leave them alone for now."
The soldiers and Lepy both left to find more places to search, the latter giving Link a look of confusion as she walked away from the scene. As soon as they were gone, Packard trotted up to his friend.
"It sounded like they broke something," Packard said. "Are you guys going to be okay?" 
Fen sighed. "We've lived through worse. You should probably go find your mom. They might be looking through other houses." 
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. She might need you." 
Packard started off towards his house, then stopped, glancing back at Fen and the house for a moment. "I'm sorry about all this."
"It's not your fault," Link replied. 
Packard furrowed his brow, but he nodded and ran off. Once he was gone, Fen put a hand on Link's head and gently tousled his hair. 
"I didn't do anything, Dad." 
"I know," Fen said. "Are you still manning the well this afternoon?" 
"You'll need some good food for that." Fen smiled. "Let's have lunch." 
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Twilight is secretly the one who has the book obsession. :)
Twilight had been seat for all of two seconds, tucked up against a tree with his bag at his side when he found himself with a lap full of colorful clothes.
Four had been staving off a headache since they portal jumped that afternoon, and it looks like the beast with and anvil the hammer was winning.
So Twilight just gives a soft hum and rubs his head a slight bit. "How bad?"
"Okay...what do you need?"
The smallest hero waists no time in getting comfortable. Curled up in the farmers lap like it's a perfectly built nest and making grabby hands for the wolf pelt still resting on on the bigger males shoulders. So with a soft chuckle he carefully undoes the clips holding it in place and pulls it off. Ploping it over four who practically purrs, hanging onto the fluffy bundle like it's a stuffed animal and burying his face in the soft fur.
"Do you want silence, or a distraction?"
"Distraction please....can you read?" Four mumbles into the fur.
He gives a soft chuckle. "Apparently headaches give you mind reading abilities, anything in particular you'd like too hear?"
"Not smart..brain can't handle the thinking."
Twilight gives another chuckle and starts reaching into his bag. Ever greatful for the magical thing as he starts digging around for the right bundle. "Perfect, I actually just picked up some new books."
"...didn't you pick some up last time?" Legend questions as he looks over.
"Yeah, but already read them and these had some new stories." Twilight grins.
"Shouldn't...we not be picking up books? For you know...timeline sakes?" Warriors questions carefully.
"Let's be real Timelines fucked! Go crazy go stupid." Wild announces unabashedly.
"Well..I wouldn't say fuck...hmm." Time stops mid sentence and contemplates his words for a moment. "Yeah no..no it's fucked.."
Wind just about snorts his water and is left in a laughter filled coughing fit as he topples off his log.
"Okay okay but like, still, how have you already gone through the last batch of books?? You got like five of them in my world!" Legend questions as he turns his attention back to Twilight.
"I read on my watches when I'm not doing something else!"
"We were in my world only a few weeks ago!"
"Soo??? Most of them were informal texts anyways those are fairly easy to breeze through." Twilight says with a shrug.
"You actually read informational stuff..?" Hyrule questions with a tilt of his head.
"Ehh, only certain things really but yeah! It's fun to learn new things."
"You'd like his herbology books they're super helpful." Wild pipes.
"..mm....speaking of when brain working again I wanna borrow that blacksmithing book you found when we went too Wilds hyrule." Four murmurs from under the wolf pelt.
"Which one?" Twilight asks with the tilt of his head.
"The old one...?"
He lets out another small chuckle. "Again which one?"
"..it's green?"
"Oh that one!"
"How many do you have!?" Warriors questions further.
"He has sooo many." Four mumbles as he looks over at the captain.
"How many is so many?" Sky finally pipes up.
"Bet its not as many as Legend!" Wind giggles now that he can breathe again.
"Oh no. It's worse." Legend admits.
"It's not that bad is it?" Twilight questions.
"There's no way it's that bad." Warriros deadpans.
"He could fill a royal library...granted thats with the extensive collection he has at his house but with the two combined someone could drown." Legend says right back in the same flat tone.
"Okay now that's an exaggeration." Twilight frowns.
"Okay but seriously how many do you have..?" Hyrule asks as he crawls over to him and Four.
Reaching into his bag again Twilight starts pulling them out, by the bundle. They're all carefully organized held together by leather straps made specifically for carrying books. Though some are just bundled with twine.
There's herbology, agriculture, culture in general, blacksmithing plants and animals and even books on things the rest of them are interested in as well as many more. And of course, various story books both big and small. Even some that look like they've never properly been published.
Overall once the majority is layed out Twilight gives a sheepish little chuckle while rubbing at the back of his neck.
"See? It's not that bad."
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botwriter · 7 years
I don't really have a fully thought out prompt but I just want a "what happened next" type thing after the cut scene in botw when Zelda asks Link about if he would still like being a fighter if he was born into the royal guard instead of just chosen to be her knight. I don't remember what she says exactly but I'm sure you can find it on youtube :))
“What if... one day... you realised that you just weren’t meant to be a fighter. Yet the only thing people ever said was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing you were ever told, I wonder then... would you have chosen a different path?” 
Link took a moment to think about what she had said. Something in it didn’t feel quite right, didn’t fit with her previous compliment about his being the chosen one... but then it hit him.
“This... isn’t about me, is it?” 
Zelda was quiet, averting her gaze from his under the tree as rain continued to fall around them. Link sheathed his sword, stepping closer to her.
“Blasphemy to think I would ever be anything but the Princess of Hyrule,” she said quickly, sounding a little bit exasperated, a little bit bitter. Still she couldn’t meet Link’s steady gaze, even as he knelt beside her. “Don’t worry about that. But it’s not like I have a choice, is it?” 
“You love Hyrule,” Link responded simply, taking a seat next to her, perched on some roots. Their shoulders just touched as he leaned back against the cool, damp bark. 
“Then why - why does it so often feel like such an obligation?” 
Zelda looked at him over her shoulder then, looking confused and upset. Link only smiled at her a little, hoping it would come off as reassuring instead of condescending.
“Even if it’s something you want to do,” Link began, holding his sheathed sword in front of him, “pressure to do that thing will make it into a chore.” 
“Pressure,” Zelda breathed, “doesn’t feel like a strong enough word.” 
Link lifted his hand away from the sword and rested it around Zelda’s shoulders, bringing her closer to him. He could tell she was a little surprised, but he stayed still, rubbing her arm softly and looking in the distance at the outstretched rainy fields of Hyrule. He wanted to tell her that they were in it together, that he was in the same boat, that he understood. But it would just add insult to injury. He had the master sword already, his tool for defeating Ganon, while Zelda had yet to obtain her sealing power. There was no doubt that she would rather be with the people, studying the Sheikah technology, conducting herbology experiments... but instead she was stuck dressing up like a doll and praying in futility to the gods, who were still apparently deaf to her devotion. 
Link said nothing, but rested his head sideways onto hers. He felt her shoulders relax a bit. Maybe the rain was hiding her tears.
“Just so you know,” he said quietly, after a few moments of listening to the rain, “the only path I would choose is one with you in it.”
Even though he was completely serious, Zelda let out a weak laugh, and lifted a hand to wipe her cheek. He was relieved that she wasn’t able to see the disappointment on his face. I mean it. 
“Thanks for cheering me up, Link.” 
His blue eyes rested sideways, staying on her.
“Always, Zelda.” 
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alternate-triforce · 7 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Dancing Lady II
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter | Deku Baba | Frigweed | Hyther | Rose Everbloom | Dancing Lady | Dancing Lady II (you are here) | Final |
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alternate-triforce · 9 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Deku Baba
“A creature that inhabits deep forests, attacking and eating anything it can catch.“
Lepy’s Notes: My cousin almost got eaten by one of these! Kinda wish he hadn't escaped.
Fen’s Notes: Sure, they're not the worst monster out there. Still wouldn't go near them.
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter | Deku Baba (you are here) | Frigweed | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 9 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Frigweed
“A plant with a long stalk and a great deal of medicinal value.“
Lepy’s Notes: I've always loved the leaves of these things. They're oddly tough and fat!
Fen’s Notes: Everyone uses this for burns. You have to collect it fast, before someone else catches sight of it.
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter | Deku Baba | Frigweed (you are here) | Hyther | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 7 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Dancing Lady
“A nutritious tuber found in grasslands and forests."
Lepy’s Notes: The stolons you see connecting each flower are supposed to be the dancers' arms, I think! Honestly dancing ladies are a great snack.
Fen’s Notes:
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter | Deku Baba | Frigweed | Hyther | Rose Everbloom | Dancing Lady (you are here) | Dancing Lady II | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 10 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Deku Biter
“The aggressive third stage of a deku baba's life cycle.“
Lepy’s Notes: These things will attack anything they can get their maws around. They will also bite your fingers.
Fen’s Notes: By this stage the biters have a sweet fruit inside. They're pretty hard to get, so I've only had it once, but it was worth the effort.
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter (you are here) | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 11 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Obvious Flower
“This moss' name is deceiving; it doesn't actually have flowers.“
Lepy’s Notes: I don't understand why people don't just call them "fairy lanterns." That's always the name I use.
Fen’s Notes: Obvious flowers make for a fragrant tea. They also glow faintly, so it's easy to spot them in the dark, damp areas they grow.
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower (you are here) | Downyflower | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 1 year
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Hyrule Herbology — Wolfseye
"Friend in the morning,
foe at night,
beware the wolf's eye at twilight!"
Lepy's Notes: Or so they say. Wolfseye can be a foe at any time if you're in my line of work! Magic smugglers cultivate these in huge quantities, and they don't burn well. Still, they're a fascinating plant!
Fen's Notes: I've seen wolfseye here and there. The rumors are definitely true. That thing somehow expels chuchus through its flowers...
Wolfseye (you are here) | Groosebark | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
21 notes · View notes
alternate-triforce · 8 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Rose Everbloom
“They say the princess's favorite flower
other life it will devour
til hungry, it itself consumes.
Such is the fate of the everbloom.“
Lepy’s Notes: They're a pest plant, but everblooms are strangely versatile. In the right conditions they often will crosspollinate with other flowers, creating something that doesn't destroy everything around it.
Fen’s Notes: These ones look kind of disturbing, don't they? I know it might seem strange but I'm glad I've never seen one growing.
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter | Deku Baba | Frigweed | Hyther | Rose Everbloom (you are here) | Dancing Lady | Dancing Lady II | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 1 year
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Hyrule Herbology — Groosebark
"These flowers bloom in pompadour,
upon red leaves a fine decor."
Lepy's Notes: I have no idea why this plant's leaves are red. It's certainly an interesting one! Good in a salad, too.
Fen's Notes: They're certainly pretty. By the time the flowers appear, groosebark is basically inedible...
Wolfseye | Groosebark (you are here) | Chuwis | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 8 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Hyther
“A parasitic vine with vivid flowers.“
Lepy’s Notes: Okay, it's dumb...but I always try and tear these off trees. They drive me crazy.
Fen’s Notes: It was always nice to see these flowers on the road. They're sometimes called "flaring glory."
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble | Deku Biter | Deku Baba | Frigweed | Hyther (you are here) | Rose Everbloom | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 10 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Deku Babble
“These small plantlike creatures trap bugs in their mouths to eat."
Lepy’s Notes: Well, uh, don't put these in your study room and start feeding them.
Fen’s Notes: Nasty little things! Unless you raise them for their fruit, don't try to uproot them.
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily | Deku Babble (you are here) | Deku Biter | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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alternate-triforce · 10 months
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Hyrule Herbology — Moon Lily
“These gentle flowers bloom
at the rising of the moon.“
Lepy’s Notes: How do flowers tell when the moon rises? They don't have eyes.
Fen’s Notes: Moon Lilies taste like cheese. Don't ask me why. They're pretty tasty.
Wolfseye | Groosebark | Chuwis | Obvious Flower | Downyflower | Moon Lily (You are here) | Deku Babble | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
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