#i Get that in titans and worlds finest he doesnt see her that way
floralovebot · 9 months
If Donna and Garth got together how would you like their relationship to play out whether as adults or teenagers?
well,,, i don't like donna/garth, so i would prefer they don't get together at all.
i don't wanna leave you hanging,, but just know that everything i'm about to say is going to be said from the perspective of Not liking that ship. so if you do like this ship, honestly i'd recommend maybe skipping the post and asking someone who does like them adjkhg
while i don't like garth's characterization in this newest world's finest series, i do think the way they handled their relationship was probably the best way it could've gone. essentially, the two of them are in a "situationship", but they're having troubles because their personalities are so different and they don't mesh well in a romantic setting. they end up having a mutual break up that is extremely chill! here's a post if you want to see the pages
garth and donna having different expectations and needs in a relationship and casually agreeing that they can't be what they need to be for each other is the best way to go about them having a romantic relationship (if they Must be together). i'm glad that it was a healthy break up with zero drama too - that's exactly the way it should be if it's them. and it would be this way regardless of age. but also they just shouldn't get together in the first place adlghlgda
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