#i KNOW henry said he'd set it up to burn but i don't think any of us were like 'oh he had an oven with rooms built' in mind
spring-lxcked · 1 year
ru.in spoilers under the cut + in tags
still devastated that it was the mim.ic because i had started to consider that the robot!gre.gory theory meant there could be more than one gre.gory animatronic (perhaps another still controlled by glitch/van.ny/eViL CoDiNg whatever lmao)
when i saw the red eyes (before it fully stood up) i had this awesome vision of a broken fucked up human-esque animatronic stumbling out of the shadows
and then it was just the boring ass mim.ic. someone hold me.
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joezworld · 4 years
Fools in Love (9/10)
Gordon, the spectacularly unobservant
June 17, 1985
Like most mornings, Gordon was unceremoniously ripped from his beauty sleep by the sounds of squabbling.
"I will and you can't stop me!"
"Fuck around and find out my dear!"
How unusual. It was usually James and Delta or Duck and/or Donald/Douglas. Henry and Bear were usually too friendly for even mock-fighting, let alone the legitimate anger that seemed to be colouring their tones.
"Why," he asked groggily. “Am I being woken up by you two? I thought that you’d moved beyond mere words.” 
Henry and Bear, who usually communicated through a series of significant glances, looked at Gordon as though they hadn’t realized he was there. 
“It’s nothing, Gordon.” Bear said after a moment of wild-eyed pause. “Just some... irritating people on the platform, is all."
Must be some irritation, Gordon thought to himself. He couldn’t remember the last time that he'd seen Bear's dander up that high.
No more words were said as his crew readied him for departure, and he could almost feel Henry and Bear's eyes on him as he left.
The arguing began anew as soon as he left the shed.
Now Gordon was concerned.
Arriving at the station brought even more worry - James had snorted out of platform two like he was auditioning to be a thundercloud, leaving a choking miasma of smoke and soot in his wake.
A crowd of people were holding signs and chanting slogans near the station Café as he backed onto his train. The Fat Controller was standing nearby, looking deeply upset, while station security tried to usher the people out. Considering the soot all over their clothes and signs, Gordon's first thought was that these people had been upset by James' departure, before he realized that these people had likely been the reason for James' upset in the first place.
Any lingering sympathy he might have had vanished as the leader of the group stood up on a box and started ranting about how the Fat Controller wanted to drive them out of the station, and they had a permit to demonstrate. 
Permit they may have had, but their language was filthy. It was no wonder that his friends were upset. 
Gordon decided that these people needed to leave. 
The guard blew his whistle, waved his flag, and Gordon didn’t move. 
The guard blew his whistle and waved his flag again, and Gordon still didn’t move. 
“Is something wrong, Gordon?” Asked the Fat Controller as he noticed Gordon’s uncharacteristically slow start. 
“No sir, but I wouldn’t stand there if I were you.”
The Fat Controller looked behind him. The crowd of people were about ten feet back and few feet behind him, slowly being shoved backwards towards the exits by the station staff. 
He looked in front of him. Gordon’s blowdown pipe was slowly dripping with water. 
“I can’t recommend that, Gordon.”
“Please move, sir.”
There must have been a look in Gordon’s eye, because the Fat Controller actually did move, waving off the station staff as he did so. The group of angry people relaxed slightly, not realizing that they were now alone on a section of empty platform.
The guard, who saw the Fat Controller move away, waved his flag and blew his whistle a third time. 
Gordon didn’t move, but his fireman jumped when he saw the pressure in Gordon’s boiler skyrocket. 
“Cripes!” He shouted, and pulled on the lever to blow off steam. 
Chaos ensued as steam roared out of Gordon’s boiler and into the station. Inside the enclosed building, it was so loud and so steamy that not even Gordon could hear or see anything, and men outside the station started running towards it, thinking that something had gone dreadfully wrong!
Eventually, the thunderous noise died down, and Gordon was able to see again. 
The Fat Controller, who had jumped into his cab as steam filled the building, poked his head out into the open air. His suit was soaked from the residual humidity, and his hat was ruined. 
The wall directly opposite Gordon now had a circular spot about a meter wide that was noticeably cleaner than the rest of the wall from where it had been effectively steam-cleaned. 
The angry people were angry no more - now they were frightened, soggy, and deaf. None of them were seriously hurt, but they still beat a hasty retreat from the station, leaving many of their signs behind. 
Speaking of which... now that the steam had cleared away James’ soot, Gordon could now see what their signs said. 
What an odd cause, He thought to himself. Why would they be against happy people?
February 14, 1987
They were at it again. 
Bear was being even more unusual than normal. He’d woken up at the crack of dawn, raced out of the shed at maximum speed, and seemed intent on setting a land speed record for pick-up goods.
Delta had seemed to be her usual overbearing self, but as the day had gone on she’d become more and more anxious. In the interest of being a good friend, Gordon had asked her what was wrong, only for her to tell him that she was "just excited, nothing to worry about and no offense but I don’t think that you’d understand.”
Gordon would have said that something had gotten into the diesel fuel, but BoCo had been similarly puzzled when they spoke at the junction. “I don’t know what’s gotten into them - it’s like they’ve got a hot date or something.”
“A date? With whom?”
“Search me. But half of my passengers are acting the same way - it is Valentine’s Day after all.”
"But that’s a human holiday. Why would they care?"
That also didn’t explain James, whose obsessing over his paintwork had reached new heights of neurotic.
"You will polish my tender until you can see your face in it! Understand?!" He shouted at the workmen.
That night, the sheds were tense, even if there wasn’t any reason for it.
Delta had come back on Bear's evening train - the Hymek himself was nowhere to be seen. Gordon considered it a good thing that Henry was in Barrow that night - he had a tendency to get lonely when Bear was somewhere else, and Delta and James were decidedly on edge all evening.
Without either of the big green engines, the sheds were somewhat emptier than usual, a sensation that grew more and more pronounced as engine after engine left for late-night trains.
Edward left for his late night local around 9, and was followed by BoCo half an hour later.
Percy, who had been sleeping in the sheds most of the day, was practically shooed out by a strangely apologetic James, and huffily left for Elsbridge with a goods train.
A visiting diesel was going home to London, and had been rostered to take the night express all the way to the capitol. When the Class 50 left a few minutes after Percy, Gordon became suddenly aware that the shed was empty aside from himself, Delta, and James.
"How strange," he remarked. "Normally we're all here by this point in the evening."
"I agree," Delta said quickly. "Especially considering that you have to go take something soon as well. I can’t remember the last time the big shed's been this empty."
"What train?" Gordon raised an eyebrow. "I have no trains tonight."
"What." James didn't phrase it as a question.
"Was there something I missed?"
"I thought that you'd have a train tonight." James said, looking panicked.
"I don't do night runs if I can help it James, are you two feeling alright?" Both red engines were looking increasingly alarmed.
"What about the Flying Kipper?"
"I assumed that Henry would take it."
"Henry's in Barrow!"
"Hmm. Why don't one of you take it?"
"Can't." | "We're busy." They said simultaneously.
"Doing what?"
"Not that." James said quickly.
Gordon was about to argue further when James’ crew wandered into the shed. 
“Alright boyo! Time for the night mail! Let’s get rolling!” His driver said with way too much joviality for the late hour. 
James looked horrified. “Night mail? I can’t take the night mail! I’m not in steam!”
A small wisp of smoke curled out of his funnel as he said that. His crew stared at it. 
“Gordon will take it!” James pressed on in desperation. “He likes running at night!”
Gordon, who did not like running at night, and was enjoying the pleasant sensation of his fire slowly burning out, was appalled. “I most certainly will not!” he said indignantly. 
“Mate, you need to work on your negotiating skills.” James’ fireman said to Gordon as the blue engine was coupled to the mail train. 
“I didn’t hear you jump to my defense.” Gordon muttered darkly as he shivered in the cold February air. 
“‘Course not!” The fireman said. “You think I want to spend all night in James’ little phonebox of a cab? I’ve got so much more room in here!” He swung his shovel around for emphasis, causing a massive CLANG as he accidentally smacked it against the cab wall.
“Good for you...” Gordon grit his teeth and waited for the signal to drop. The sooner this was over the better.
Two hours later
Fortunately for Gordon, the midnight run was more or less flawless - he had a green signal the entire way across the Island, and aside from having to slow down for track workers outside of Maron station, he made good time into Barrow.
 Passing his train off to the yard shunter, Gordon eagerly awaited his berth in the shed. Perhaps he could get some answers out of Henry as to why -
“Sorry mate - not going in ‘ere tonight.” Groused a diesel multiple unit that was sitting astride the points leading to the shed. 
“I beg your pardon?” Gordon was not amused. 
“Beg all ye like - teh basterds in ‘ere told me to sod off.” The Pacer was no happier than Gordon as he explained. “Said the shed was closed and made me sit outside in the freezin’ cold. Wankers...” 
“Who told you that?” Gordon was unaware of any engine who would willingly block the shed - except Duck. 
“Some Green bloke.”
“No, not the kettle! Some other berk - a ‘eritage diesel or some shite like that.” The railcar shivered. “Big, Green, looked ancient, told me to keep out and make sure nobody else came in.”
“And you did what he said?” Gordon was rapidly losing patience with the railbus. 
“I wasn’t gonna, but...” The Pacer trailed off guiltily and looked down at his buffers. Gordon followed his gaze and saw that the little multiple unit had derailed on the points. 
“I see.” Gordon sighed. He wanted to blame the Pacer, but clearly there was some sort of preserved diesel who was truly to blame. 
“At least it isn’t bad outside other than tha cold.” The railcar said, trying to be cheerful.
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Gordon stared murderously at the sheds. It had snowed six inches overnight.
To make matters worse, he was now being roped into the morning express - a duty he usually cherished, but would prevent him from knowing the identity of the blasted diesel that had kept him from his warm shed. 
Gordon had not been gone more than ten minutes when the shed doors opened and a diesel rolled out of it. 
“Oh look Henry, it snowed last night!” Bear called back into the sheds. 
“SHOVE IT UP YER INTAKES!” Yelled the Pacer from underneath his snowbank. 
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Roles Reversed
Pairing: Gally x Reader
Requested by: @youtemptressyousunshine
“hii! could you please do a piece where the reader was in gally’s place in the first movie, and they were the one who was stung + killed chuck + speared by minho, and gally’s on Thomas’ side like in tst and tdc. so like in tdc reader see’s Gally and everyone else outside the wall in the crowd, while reader is geared up and takes them back to Lawrence, and they have the whole reunion thing? thank youuu, you’re an amazing writer and i love your stuff”
Thank you for the wonderful request! I hope it’s what you were looking for! I did really enjoy writing it either way! (I couldn’t think of a better title for it lol)
Female Reader takes the place of Gally in the series while Gally sides with Thomas. Just a one shot! Enjoy!
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Outside the city walls was just as chaotic as usual. The massive crowd of WCKD's forgotten filled the streets. Jasper started shouting his new speech through the megaphone as the van we were all on slowly drove towards the blockade. Andy sat next to me on top the roof of the van. Both of us in our full riot gear. At this point in my stay here I'd gotten use to this attire and the usual speeches Jasper liked to give to hype up the inhabitants of this massive hovel. As we drove slowly down the sand covered road I spotted a familiar face in the crowd. My heart sped up as I looked straight at Thomas. The greenie from WCKD's maze. He was unknowingly staring right back at me. My full face mask kept my face hidden. As we drove past I saw Newt, Fry, and.. Gally.
"Holy shit" I whispered.
My heart thumped in my chest as my brain and thoughts were propelled back to the last time I had seen them. The last time I had seen Gally.
My heart shattered into a million pieces as I watched Gally turn his back on me. He followed Thomas and the others into the maze. Everything we had been. Everything we had told and promised each other was gone. It was like none of it meant a damn thing. Len patted my shoulder softly then started walking back to the homestead with the handful of boys that decided to stay. I continued to stand there staring into the maze. The group could no longer be seen. They turned the corner out of sight. Part of me hoped this was a bad dream or some horrid prank. Any second Gally would pop back around the corner looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes and his ridiculous eyebrows and say it was all just a bad joke. He'd say he loved me and he could never truly leave me.
As the minutes ticked by I knew I was kidding myself. He was gone and he wasn't coming back. He'd chosen his side. He'd chosen that idiot greenie over me. Over the person he'd spent the entire past three years with. A shudder ran down my spine as a griever shrieked from somewhere behind me.
"Shit" I gasped.
I turned back towards the homestead to see the boys looking around frantically.
"Get inside! Get in the homestead!" I shouted as I started to run towards them.
Each of the boys made it inside but as soon as I reached the door a pain like no other took over my body. I fell to the ground as my body convulsed. Every limb and nerve was set ablaze. Images flashed through my mind at lightening speed.
WCKD. Thomas. Teresa. Water. A test.
I screamed as I rolled onto my stomach. All the memories flooding my brain had me clawing at the grass to get back to my feet. I had to stop them. They'll never survive. I clenched my teeth together as I used all my might to stand.
"(Y/N)?" One of the boys questioned from behind me.
"She's been stung." Another boy said.
I growled from somewhere low in my throat as I took off running towards the maze. I have to stop them. I can't let them leave. They can't leave. He can't leave. I ran faster than I ever had before as the burning under my skin continued. I can't stop. I gotta keep going. Keep running. I don't know how I knew where to go but I made every turn without a second thought. I came to an area that seemed to be where the others had been. A single spear laid on the ground covered in blood. I stepped up to the concrete wall in front of me. There was no surprise in me when the wall lifted opening up a path. Two dead and squished grievers laid before me. I stepped over them without a thought. I could see the light of my exit. I knew I had to be close to them. I pushed open the door into a brightly lit hallway. I immediately turned to the right then started jogging.
I stopped in front of a door for only a moment. I knew this was it. I pushed it open. Only a few steps inside I found a few dead bodies. One of the ones closest to me had a small pistol in their hand. I picked it up then held it tightly in my hand at my side as my body started to shake. I slowly walked around the corner.
"Over here!" I heard Chuck's voice before I saw them.
A searing pain went up my neck. Stop them. I have to stop them.
"No!" I shouted as I stepped into view of them.
The whole group turned to face me. I kept my eyes trained on Thomas. This was his fault. All of this is his fault. He helped them put us here. He didn't deserve to be alive. He doesn't deserve to get out of here. I won't let him. Kill him. Kill Thomas. I shook my head trying to clear it. I can't kill him. I'm not a murderer. Kill him!
"We can't leave."  I choked out as I fought my own thoughts.
"We did, (Y/N), we're out. We're free." Thomas said as he raised his hands slowly.
I faintly heard Gally's voice say my name. I twitched as another burning sensation took over my chest.
"Free?" I choked out as I tried to stretch my neck.
The burning was increasing as it moved slowly up my neck. Kill him.
"You think we're free out there? No. No, there's no escape from this place." I told him as hot tears stung my eyes.
Kill him. I shook my head again. No! I won't! Shoot him! Shoot him!
"(Y/N), listen to me, you're not thinking straight. You're not. Now, we can help you." Thomas spoke as he kept his arms raised.
Kill him. I shook my head.
"Just put down the gun." Thomas begged.
Kill him.
"I belong to the maze." I cried as I raised the gun pointing it straight at Thomas.
Kill him.
"Put down the gun." Thomas repeated.
Kill him now!
"We all do." I pulled the trigger.
Only a second later I was suddenly gasping for breath. What happened? I stumbled backwards as I looked down. A spear. There's a-
I dropped to my knees as I tried again to get air into my lungs. It didn't hurt. Not like it should have. The burning took over my entire body as I fell limply to the floor. My vision started to blur but I could make out the outline of someone running towards me. They dropped to their knees in front of me. They seemed to get close to my face. I couldn't tell if they were speaking to me or not. Everything had went quiet. All I could hear was my heart struggling to beat but it was still beating. Large rough hands grabbed each side of my face slightly lifting my head off the ground. The next second I felt soft, wet, and warm lips pressing against mine.
I tried to will myself to speak. To kiss him back but I knew my body was no longer under my control. I was nothing but a disembarking passenger just waiting for the train to finally stop. I felt the hands leave my face in a quick jerk. The outline through my blurring vision looked like he was being dragged.
"Gal-" then everything went black.
I leaned over so I could whisper to Andy. He immediately leaned closer to me.
"New comers in town. They're immunes. I know them." I told him.
He pulled back most likely to look down at me through his mask. He nodded then hit his fist against the roof of the van. The vehicle stopped immediately. The both of us climbed down. Andy went to the driver to tell them what I had just said. When he came back to me he had two other men with him.
"Let's find them. Henry and the others will wait to grab them." Andy told me.
I nodded then started to walk with the slightly older man to find my old friends. It took a few minutes but I finally spotted Newt and Fry quickly followed by Gally. Jasper and Rick went around the mob of people to follow them. Andy and I kept our distance behind them the best we could. We had to keep shoving people out of our way which seemed to attract Newt's attention. I saw him nudge the others. Fry and Gally turned around. My heart skipped a beat when Gally looked right at me. He hasn't changed a bit.
We were only a few feet from them when they got to Thomas. The alarm sounded as warning for the guns. Andy and I stopped in our tracks.
"They're not seriously about to open fire." I said in disbelief.
A second later all hell broke loose. Bullets and explosives rained down as people ran in every direction. There was nothing we could do. Andy grabbed my shirt dragging me behind him. We ran as fast as we could back to the meeting spot for the vans. When we got there both vans were parked and waiting. To my surprise Thomas and the others ran straight into the small square. We didn't hesitate to start grabbing them. Andy grabbed Thomas throwing him into the van. I grabbed the back of Gally's shirt to guide him into the same van. Jasper tossed some girl in then all three of us climbed inside closing the door behind us.
The drive was quicker than usual back to base. It was unusual for us to pick people up like this but the others knew if they were inmunes we needed to save them. When we pulled into the run down building I jumped out first as Andy and Jasper ordered our three captives out of the van. I moved to stand a few feet away as I watched them find their feet. The other van pulled in then Alex was thrown from the back only to have some man jump on top of him. He punched Alex as he screamed for some girl. The girl we had taken ran over to him with her arms raised. The man was fine the next second.
"Everybody relax! We’re on the same side here!” I shouted.
The whole group turned to look at me. The look on Thomas’ face as he pulled himself from Andy’s grasp could only be described as completely annoyed and pissed off.
“What do you mean the same side? Who the hell are you?” He asked me harshly.
I sighed as I let my gun fall to my side. I took in a deep breath then pulled off my mask. I turned to look straight at Thomas.
“Hey greenie” I said softly.
All the boys looked completely shocked and even a little terrified. My eyes moved to Gally who was looking at me like I was a real ghost. In his eyes I might have been. To me all I saw was my happiness in a person. I had never been the same since he left me in the maze but now I understand why he chose to leave. I couldn’t blame him. I couldn’t resent him. I still loved him. I always had. It’s always been Gally or no one.
“(Y/N)?” Thomas questioned in disbelief.
My eyes stayed on Gally like there was no one else in the world. I wanted to run to him. Tell him how much I missed him. Tell him that I love him. Tell him how stupid and sorry I am. Instead of a loving moment with Gally I was suddenly being lifted by the front of my shirt. Thomas held me tight as he held one fist back ready to strike. The fire in his eyes was being held back. I could see the hesitation. He wanted to hit me.
“Stop! Stop!” Newt yelled coming to stand next to Thomas.
Thomas panted as he glared at me.
“She killed Chuck.” He said through clenched teeth.
“I know. I remember. I was there too. I also remember she was stung and half out of her mind.” Newt told him.
Thomas glared at me even harder as a tick started in his jaw.
“Just calm down.” Newt said softly.
Thomas huffed but let me go. He stepped back running his hands through his hair. I took a moment to take in each of their faces. Fry and Newt looked stunned. Thomas looked pissed. Gally mostly confused but also stunned.
“How? How is this possible? We watched you die.” Newt said in bewilderment.
A sudden rage washed over me at his words.
“No, you left me to die.” I corrected harshly.
Gally softly said my name sucking all the anger right out of me. I turned to face him again. He visibly gulped then took a step towards me. That was all I needed. I ran straight to him as the overwhelming need to feel his arms around me consumed me. My body hit his with a thud. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.
“Gally” I whispered into his neck.
“Holy shit (Y/N). I never thought I’d see you again.” He said softly as his arms tightened around me.
I pulled back so I could look him in the eyes. I grabbed his face with both my hands.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should have went with you. I was so stupid.” I cried.
He smiled softly down at me. My heart lifted at the sight.
“It’s okay (Y/N). None of that matters now. We have a second chance. I mean if you want it.” He said hesitantly.
My mind, body, and soul soared higher than ever before. I crashed my lips into his making him chuckle. He kissed me back with the same force. His soft warm lips felt like a dream. A dream I’d had so many times but never thought would come true. Yet here we are.
“Of course I want that. I’ve never stopped loving you.” I told him as I pressed my forehead against his.
“I never stopped loving you (Y/N).” He whispered.
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