#i LOVE this mfdskjhfjk
librarycards · 5 years
"When I play with my stuffed animals — many of which come from the Pusheen cuteness empire — I’m not trying to reach a new developmental stage. I am, for the most part, just trying to amuse my partner or myself. I hold Sloth like an ersatz dirigible until he slowly, inexorably boops her in the head. Birthday Pusheen celebrates my partner’s birthday every time she sees her. Even when I’m alone, I will often squish one of them, watching its expression and mood shift as it swells and settles into a new shape. I can cherish the strange way one animal inflated, or the way my partner’s face lit up at another’s antics. Like daydreams, like sweet pastries consumed in secret, what the animals and their gags offer is pure delight. They enhance our private vocabulary and emotional flexibility, adding texture to conscious feelings, domesticating the unconscious ones."
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