#i LOVED the bullboy kylar phase that the dol tumblr fandom had tho
hatkuu · 6 months
Alright so idea.
What about the LI as cat hybrids.
Whitney is a petty little shit. I'm talking knocks things off tables petty. And bites I know he bites.
Kylar has separation anxiety. Which im pretty sure he already has. Good god this guy is probably even more clingy if that is possible. Also who needs knifes when your fingernails are sharp like claws.
I have to stop myself..this was only meant to be a ask and a tiny little example..
whoo... @pileofmushforalex you are bringing me back to the very beginnings of this blog ehjshjfkd (am i embarrassed that omegaverse and CAT HYBRIDS was my start in the dol tumblr community??? yeah.)
m! cat hybrids hcs utc :)
kylar having separation anxiety is so true. also he is CONSTANTLY kneading your thighs/breasts. would scratch and hiss at people who get too close to you. panics and YOWLS at the top of his lungs whenever you leave the house. your bathroom door has deep scratches all over it bc you lock him out of there when you shower (he wants IN). whitney is the type of cat boy to ruin your furniture because he wants to be a dick. definitely bites the life out of you if you try to pet him unannounced. knocks glasses off of the counter. escapes and roams the streets no matter how many locks you put on the windows and front door. he does suck up to you after you come home from work/school, licks your head bc he says your hair looks shitty (his words not mine) and insists on sleeping with you at night because you'll fall out of bed or something (he just wants cuddles) sydney would be a lap cat... a sweetie that blinks up at you 24/7 to show you how much they appreciate you. bakes in the sunshine. it's honestly kind of funny to look at because he's a whole ass human with cat ears and a tail sprawled out on your carpet. stares at you a lot. purrs very softly and wraps his tail around your legs if you're standing by him. robin is the best behaved of all the cat hybrids. worst thing he does is sneak into your bed at night. i think cat hybrid robin x pc with allergies would be cute. i don't know why. purrs very loudly and as he gets more confident he claims your thighs as his head-space. is always resting on them whenever he can. is conscious of his claws, only kneads pillows and blankets, not your good furniture (WHITNEY!!)
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