#i TRIED playing as a miqote again but i just love viera's since fran
shagohod · 1 year
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Anyways, look at my bunnyboy...
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burmecianblackmage · 7 years
A little Timeline of Sceada’s ships
Or something along the lines of that. With this, I try to figure out what happened when, starting January 1 of this year. This is due to me wanting for Sceada to be coherent and have a sense of continuity, as well as the fact that I do not wish to make these interactions individual AUs. You all are Sceada’s main canon, I’m not gonna change that. You’re all important to both him and me, accept it! :P
I’ll attempt to discuss all of these points with the respective muns as far as possible, should you however find anything here that displeases you or warrants further explaining, please tell me so! I mostly do this for the sake of organising myself and Sce’s mind, not to force stuff on y’all!
And with that said, without much further ado...
The situation before January 1
Sceada is longing for Leonora, who left him behind without him knowing that she is looking for a cure to a curse that is gradually claiming her life. All he has left to remind himself of her affection is a pair old letters (1, 2) he received months ago, letters he always carries with himself. He is good friends with Maria and went on a journey with her even, where they got to know each other better. He has run into Leila before, but doesn’t really know her all that well.
Plays started since January 1, sorted by Muse and starting date
Moved under Read-More so we can focus on the timeline here~
Timeline as I see it currently
Selphie kisses Sceada as thanks for helping her (January 21)
After having missed Leonora for months and thus being quite alone, the sudden and unexpected kiss from Selphie causes Sceada to realize just how lonely he feels and how much he misses not just Leonora, but also the affection with which she blessed him. It gets him thinking, especially since he had last received a letter from Leonora months ago....
Traveling together with Fran (Tender Kiss: February 24; Sharing a Bed: March 1; Falling Asleep: March 10)
Longing for affection and company, Sceada comes to travel with the Viera Fran - and soon finds himself a bit too affectionate. An innocent hug and a intended kiss on the cheek landing on her lips instead soon lead to the Burmecian feeling guilty - that is, until Fran shows him that she did not mind it, that it was okay. Their journey later leads to a night spent in the same bed or the younger male falling asleep on her lap, among other things.
Silent comforts (Started January 29)
Having learned more about Maria during their prior journey to Esto Gaza together, Sceada has become a bit more adept at noticing when she is not feeling well. Wishing to be a good friend to her, he offers to listen to her worries but finds her unwilling - good thing that there are also other ways to comfort her, even while remaining silent.
Getting captured by Leila (Started January 29)
Being careless, Sceada is captured by the pirate Leila who, in a move that surprises the Burmecian, promptly ties him to her bed. First taking this for a failed robbery due to his poor finances, the virgin boy soon finds himself overwhelmed by advances he did not expect - advances that he, ultimately, gives in to, driven by curiosity... and desire.
An Innocent Invitation (Started March 5)
Wishing not to be alone on the upcoming Valentine’s Day out of fear he might end up missing Leonora too much, Sceada invites Maria to spend the day with him - as friends, naturally.
We Don’t Have to be Valentines (Started March 6)
Making use of a cabin offered to him by a wealthy client, Sceada invites Maria to tea and treats, for an afternoon free from any trace of romantic intent. Little does he expect that the carefree and relaxed day spent laughing together slowly but surely causes him to develop feelings for the archer...
A bit of a Magic Touch (March 5)
Having tasted the Burmecian before, Pirate captain Leila O’Palom offers some new ideas for the bedroom, suggesting to add a little touch of magic - an idea that both fascinates and flusters the poor Black Mage.
A Misunderstanding of Feelings (Started March 6)
Realizing that he has developed more feelings for Maria than mere friendship, Sceada attempts to compliment her and reveal how he felt - but it all goes horribly wrong when Maria appears less than thrilled at the thought, and for a short while it seems as if this could be the end of their friendship...
The Letter (March 6)
Still downcast about how terrible things went, Sceada tries to calm his mind with work, only to see that fail miserably as well. Tired and exhausted, as well as simply fed up with a day where everything goes wrong, he almost refuses to accept a parcel sent to him - but when he sees who sent it to him, and that her return is imminent, Sceada cannot help but cry happy tears and feel hopeful.
The Lady Sage’s Return (Started March 20)
Returning after a short trip to Ivalice where he had made the acquaintance of young Ritz, a girl wishing to learn Black Magic from him, Sceada finds himself wondering just what to do, still harboring feelings for Maria. It is then that at long last, Leonora finally returns from Eorzea, leaving the Burmecian overjoyed.
More than just a Passionate Kiss (Started March 28, moved to Skype since)
Finally reunited with her, all it takes is a teasing kiss from Leonora to spark passion and desire within Sceada, culminating in a learning experience he will surely never forget. Discovering new sides to himself he had not been privy to before, the Burmecian grows with the experience - but also finds himself worried because of his conflicting feelings. 
The Paloom Festival (Prompt 1: March 19; Prompt 2: April 27)
Following an invitation by Leila, Sceada finds himself at the Paloom Festival and witnesses the pirate captain’s dance. Feeling drawn towards her he soon joins her on the dance floor as time rushes past. Dancing and music, feasting and drinking ensue, and when it is already late in the night, the Burmecian finds himself drunk - and oddly attracted to Leila as she performs once more on stage...
With your Hand tightly in Mine (Started April 8)
Having been encouraged by Leonora in that all feelings were valid and he need not choose, Sceada dares spending more time with Maria again, originally resigning himself to being the dear friend he was before the day he tried to confess. But when he finds Maria crying after a nightmare, all restraint is abandoned as he comforts her as best as he can - and reveals he still loves her in the process.
Paying a Compliment (Started April 17)
What starts with a compliment between friends about the Burmecian’s eyes soon turns into a particular game where both Maria and Sceada try to outdo the other with compliments, blissfully unaware that this has become their manner of flirting.
Stay Behind Me (Started March 28)
Contenting himself with being her close friend and someone she can trust despite how strongly he felt for her, Sceada once again spends the day with Maria, this time out in the open fields to watch some wildflowers. But the piece is soon disturbed by a pair of fierce coeurls - and as the situation turns more and more dire, Sceada finds himself with but one wish, one desire: To protect Maria.
Memories of Sorrow (Started April 23)
Suddenly forced to relive a terrible memory of his childhood, Sceada finds himself reduced to a sobbing mess. Thinking himself a monster for what he had to do, he worries that no one who knew about this would wish to stay with him. But Maria, having witnessed the memory together with him, does not hesitate to comfort him - and to reassure him that no matter what, she would still love him just the same.
The Calming Heart (Started April 23)
Having since become a couple, Sceada and Maria tend to spend more time together, and often sleep at the same place. As such it is only normal that the Black Mage would rush to calm and comfort the Archer when he notices her waking from yet another nightmare...
As an additional note, this post from February 23 talks about Sceada’s romantic situation as I saw it on that very day. and this post from April 3rd talked about his type in bed (him being a virgin is now retconned, thank Leila for that)
Also, I went over about 550 posts for this and tagged the ones involved here. Bloody hell, when did I ever get so active...?
Plays started since January 1, sorted by Muse and starting date
29 JAN  “I cannot take your pain away, but... I can help ease it. Tell me what you need from me. I’ll give you anything.”   http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/Silent-Comforts/chrono
5 FEB Invitation for Valentine’s Day  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/An-Innocent-Invitation/chrono
6 FEB We Don’t Have to be Valentines  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/We-don%27t-have-to-be-Valentines/chrono
6 MAR Telling Maria he likes her...  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/A-Misunderstanding-of-Feelings/chrono
26 MAR Stay Behind Me  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/Stay-Behind-Me/chrono
8 APR With your hand tightly in mine  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/With-your-Hand-tightly-in-Mine/chrono
17 APR  Paying a compliment http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/Paying-a-Compliment/chrono
23 APR  Memories of Sorrow (Gunthar)  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/Memories-of-Sorrow-%28Gunthar%29/chrono
23 APR ~Nightmare http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/159914851922
29 JAN Tied Up  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/A-Pirate%27s-Booty/chrono
5 MAR Sheets  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/158037287152/sheets
19 MAR The Festival part 1  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/158603394462
27 APR The Festival part 2  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/160062310672
6 MAR The letter  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/158044993252/a-small-parcel-reaches-him-by-way-of-her-miqote
20 MAR The Lady Sage’s Return  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/The-Lady-Sage%27s-Return/chrono
28 MAR More than just a Passionate Kiss  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/More-than-just-a-Passionate-Kiss/chrono  (moved to skype)
21 JAN Selphie kisses as thanks http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/156180853557
24 FEB  Tender Kiss with Fran http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/157628940672 http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/157663396212/feralstriike-%E2%84%B1-fran-had-feared http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/157691746207/feralstriike-%E2%84%B1-the-viera-leaned-in
1 MAR Sharing a bed with Fran http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/157860896292
10 MAR Falling asleep on Fran’s lap http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/post/158245553007
summed Fran’s threads up under “Traveling with Fran”  http://burmecianblackmage.tumblr.com/tagged/Traveling-with-Fran/chrono
(Selphie is listed here as a minor interaction due to it having been one thing only, whereas Fran is listed here due to the Muns inactivity the past month or so)
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