#i WILL break down crying and sobbing if everyones in stupid dresses n suits/j
biioniic-biiohazard · 2 years
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fun outfit im wearing to a blue themed party this saturday!! :D
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lolitskfics · 7 years
Hyde - Ravi/Kim Wonshik x Reader - Prologue
Summary: After having an unfortunate and frightening encounter with Kim Wonshik, you learn that he is in fact, sharing his body with a much more evil personality, Hyde (Ravi). A ruthless and violent person. When put into a situation where you encounter either of them almost everyday, not knowing which was which upon meeting, how will you manage to live a decent peaceful life, whilst developing feelings for the much more sane one of the two?
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Multiple personality disorder is a mental disorder characterised by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states.
Or as many people saw it, Jekyll and Hyde. If someone were to ask you what you thought of it in previous years you wouldn’t exactly know how to answer them, the sole reason being you had never encountered it. Working in a local tailor shop assisting your father at the counter and mother behind closed doors, you met many people. Young, old, rich, poor, everyone came to have either their shoes or clothes fixed. Your father wanted you to take over the family business and your mother just stood and nodded her head, both disregarding your desire to be something more. What they didn’t know was that you were aware of the growing debt they owed the aristocrats, something you certainly didn’t want to inherit.
On particularly stressful days you’d go down to the river bank and have a nice chat with the workers who were on a break, or if the kids had asked, you’d play with them. One day you had been working straight from morning to evening, yearning for some kind of break, however, your last errand was holding you back. A delivery to a particularly influential family with much control of the district. You personally found them horrible, what with the snide remarks that constantly greeted both you and the people below them, however, business was business and you intended to keep it that way.
The sun had set long ago, making you extremely weary of the path to take but sucking it up you walked on, accompanied by the darkness that seemed to swallow the empty streets. Reaching the doors of the overly large house you could see the bustling of the finest and richest of people for their monthly gathering. Upon arriving at the door you were greeted with denied entry.
“O-oh, I’m here to deliver this suit for the master of this house…”
The man stood at the door snorted at your pathetic attempt to talk to him and pointed to a dark side of the house. Following his finger, your eyes widened slightly as you began to feel extremely uncomfortable in this particular area.
“Can I not leave it here with you sir?”
He seemed taken aback at your question and quickly regained his composure before glaring at you maliciously and saying,
“And do half of your job? What a half arsed worker! I ought to get you fired! Go and finish what you started, you wretch.”
The words stung but just like everyone else you were used to it, after all, everyone inside that building saw themselves as Gods when compared to the rest of you. Apologising whilst holding your head down, you walked away and entered the small alleyway that you hated. Knocking on the metal door, a servant greeted you nodding, taking the suit and disappearing into the house. An advantage of paying before hand was that you got to leave immediately after finishing your errand.
With a relieved sigh you began to walk away, only to be greeted with the sound of someone crashing through the door. Turning you saw a greasy, overweight man who was most probably drunk, holding a glass of wine. After seeing you he stumbled over and grabbed a hold of your dress. The smell of alcohol that followed him made you inwardly gag.
“Ah! Sorry I should be on my way now!”
He grinned at you and shook his head before tugging you towards him.
“I don’t think so, why don’t you spend your night with me? I’ll pay you finely…”
A loud slap echoed through the alley way and you instantly regretted your decision to hit him, as his face had begun to redden and rage consumed his expression. Pushing you roughly, you landed on the ground, pain shooting through your left side.
“How dare you, you filthy peasant! You should be grateful I’m even looking at you, you stupid whore!”
His hands began to tug at the hem of your dress and you screamed for help, however, the music coming from within the house drowned out your desperate pleas. A twisted grin made its way on to his face as his hand trailed up your leg, coming dangerously close to your inner thigh.
“Payment isn’t always an option.”
You carried on screaming for help, a tear stricken face accompanying the shrieks of horror. Closing your eyes you feared the worst but the sound of slow footsteps made you open them. A lean man was walking through the alley way and your heart thumped in the hopes of him being able to help you, calling out to him you pleaded that he do so.
“S-sir! Please help m-me!”
As he walked by his head turned toward you and you were greeted with a smirk. Horrified that he found this entertaining, you tried to bargain with him.
“P-please! I have money.”
Your words came out in a strangled cry and you wiggled against the fat man who had been watching the mysterious man suspiciously. The man just shrugged with the same smirk on his face and carried on walking. You began screaming again in the hopes that he would change his mind to no avail.
“Hey! Who do you think you are, walking through this alley without permission! Do you know who we are, you deluded simpleton?!”
That was enough to make him stop, though he had yet to turn around.
“What did you just say?”
A fairly deep voice echoed through the alley and you shivered in fear of what was to come next.
The older man seemed to sense the tension in the air and tried to dismiss it as best he could.
“J-just mind your own business and carry on walking you nosy fool.”
Now the man had certainly taken that to offence as he turned around and made his way towards the both of you, the smirk still plastered on his face though it didn’t suit him. It was as if he had a mask on.
“You see, that’s exactly what I was doing, until you and your three chins called out to me.”
Without a second to spare, he grabbed the man by his hair and slammed him against the wall, shattering the glass of wine that had previously been set down. Picking up the largest shard he buried it straight through the mans neck, repeatedly hacking through the extra fat until the man beneath him was a gurgling bloody mess. Scared out of your mind the last thing you wanted to do was remain in a vulnerable position. Shooting up you earned the attention of the merciless killer who had crimson blood smeared across his hands.
“I-I… d-”
A spluttering mess you tried to reason with him but couldn’t get the right words out of your trembling body.
“Shut up.”
Instantly you froze, the trembling stopped immediately and you didn’t dare make a sound as he eyed you carefully. Making his way over you braced yourself in fear of what was to come next. Stopping beside you, his arm shot out and gripped your arm a little too tight for it to be comfortable in any way.
“Get out of my sight, before I kill you right now.”
Letting go of your arm he stood there with a grim look waiting for you to move and that was exactly what you did. Rushing out of the alley way you ran all the way back to the tailor, too frightened to look behind you. Upon arriving the reality of what had just happened hit you hard, that man will never be seen walking again. His family would miss him dearly, a vivid image of his hunched over body appeared on your mind and everything you had eaten that day came out within a second. Wiping your mouth you leaned an arm against the wall and sobbed. You heard the clicking of a tongue behind you and looked up to be greeted by the very same man that had just murdered someone, stood behind you, hands tucked into his pockets. A small sound of shock came out of you and his eyebrow raised at it. “I thought I told you to get lost?”
“I-I live here.”
You hiccuped and realised that you had given away vital information about yourself to a psychopath. Backing away from him you tried to rephrase what you had said.
“I mean I… stop here sometimes!”
His smirk dropped and he looked extremely frustrated. His face screwed up and he walked toward you, arm shooting out and gripping your neck gently. It was as if he was teasing you, just toying with you for fun.
“I didn’t ask nor do I care. So you want to die right?”
Just as his hand began to clench around your throat his eyes widened and he let go before roughly gripping at his hair and keeling over in immense pain. Without a second to lose, you ran into the tailor and locked the door behind you, peeking out of the gap in the curtain. The man was now kneeling and shaking his head vigorously. “A-ah shit!” Screaming and yelling he startled you with his sudden outburst.
“No, no, no, NO! FUCK OFF WONSHIK!”
Terrified you backed up through the doors behind the counter and up the stairs to the house itself where your parents sat at the table, talking. As soon as you entered they noticed the frightened look on your face and questioned you.
“y/n what happened? Are you okay?!”
Shaking your head with widened eyes, you told them what had happened. Abruptly raising from the table they sought to investigate your panicked claims of a mad merciless murderer freaking out outside the shop.
The only problem was, when they went to check he was gone.
And yet the next day he came back.
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