#i actually have never played his rage route because i cant bring myself to
dumbhirano · 1 year
I really love how you give Avery the little cat mouth. The :3 expression. I also like when you draw him with the anime never opens their eyes cliche. He just looks so cute and tired. I like to imagine he opens his eyes when his rage gets too high. Like when his opens you know you fucked up and he can state at you with his cold cruel eyes that don't fit his uwu old skrunkly man face. :3c. That's what you did to Avery that made me love him even more. :3c
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Please remember to feed your cat or he will cause financial damages
(i just realize how small this looks so please click it for better quality (; ω ; )
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sdjfs sorry for editing the post but i want to share this
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iamconstantine · 4 years
RWBY V3E4: Lessons Learned
* Is it bad that watching the opening to this episode reminded me a lot of Subspace Emissary? 
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* On that note, I cannot wait to see these two get their asses handed to them. * Oooooh 4 different environments now! Forest, sahara, rocky shore, and Detroit! * Is it just me or is something a little tinny in the audio recording? * “Oh I like heeer...” And here I was thinking Coco had taste. * “He’s good!” No the fuck he ain’t. * I still hate this stupid quicksilver knockoff BUT the animation for the fight scenes is still top notch
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* I’m sorry what.I * His LEGS. GO FOR HIS LEGS. * Are this guy’s eyes supposed to have no sclera like that? * Coco bby girl what is you doing you is better than this * “I take it back: I don’t like her” There you go babe * I don’t know whether I’m more annoyed with how many times the Smirk and Saunter Duo are relying on stealth attacks or with how much Coco and the other two keep falling for it
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* Wait what? * Yow. * Wait no seriously what...? * Okay seriously how does no one just look at Cinder and say “That’s a villain” * Wait no * wait wait wait is one of their semblances like illusions or something * oh please tell me these two cant do illusions Im going to throw myself out a window
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* BLEUALEAUELELAEUEH * Sister talk! Sister talk! * Eat those delicious looking croissants! * Awww it’s nice seeing Winter open up a little bit.  * Okay so now we have confirmation that semblances can be hereditary, at least rarely. But now I’m curious: are semblances influenced by anything else? Personality, past experiences, etc?
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* Okay I’m sorry but if this semblance lets you ressurrect the enemies you’ve slain to bring them back as allies that is the most amazing semblance of them all hands down everyone else go home * And now to the other side of the coin! * I’m not like SUPER complaining but I think the animations are just a little bit stiffer this ep * I love how Qrow is a character who will angrily call out his colleagues for not being aware of the real threat to the world after fighting one of said colleague’s employees in a fit of rage but will THEN just go to play a Nintendo64 game with his nieces
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* I like how even though this is doing the anime thing of showing flashbacks as still images in a sort of slideshow the art is intentionally almost fairy-tale like with blotted paint and splatters and all that * -_- * alright throw perv in on Qrow’s character sheet
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* This image is literally just >:3 and >:< * The passive-aggresive half-ribbing, half-criticizing tone is strong with this one * And there goes the ribbing * I get the feeling that Qrow is one of those family member/mentors who focuses more on criticizing their shortcomings than celebrating their victories out of concern that they’re going to get in over their heads. Which, to be fair, they might be * There’s so much mystery wrapped up in the Ozpin Troupe (which is what I shall now be referring to them as). Clearly there’s some covert operation to keep tabs on evil rising in Remnant, but what else is going on here? Is there a secret they’re all trying to hide? Has Ironwood done something in the past, thus necessitating Glynda and Qrow’s distrust of him, or has he just always been like this? How long has this operation been going on? * “The coolest team to ever graduate Beacon!” *pulls out coffee-stained photograph*
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* Why does this look like an album cover * I can’t super tell just from the photo but Qrow and Raven look like...exactly the same. Like Qrow still has gray hairs, I think. * “Well known for crummy fashion sense!” Ruby I don’t think it could be any more obvious that your uncle is a huge influence on your aesthetic so don’t even go there * i n a p p r o p r i a t e  s t o r i e s * Wonder what’s bothering Yang? * Yep. Suspicion on Qrow’s mentorship style verified * At first I flinched at Winter dope-slapping Weiss to get her to concentrate but then I remember that Yang and Ruby punch each other’s lights out on an hourly basis so it checks out * I guess it makes sense for Winter and Weiss to have similar stories of running away from home but having to still be “tied” to it. * More questions about Weiss’s relationship with her father emerge... * “You must never let your emotions overpower you” * Winter. * I like you. * But. * You literally destroyed the entire courtyard because Qrow was sassin too much.
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* Daaaawwwwww!! * Winter please return soon. Weiss needs a teacher. * Ahhhhh she summoned a lil baby sword!! * I’m actually surprised but thankful that they had Weiss NOT answer the phone call. It really sounds like Weiss’ dad is not a good person so I’d be surprised if this was going down the “reconnecting with the misguided parent” route
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nathanielsucre · 6 years
This is gonna be a rant™. Like i said in a previous post, this past weeks with the whole MCL UL have been hard. I didnt take the news kindly. no, i didnt rage and screamed to chino or beemoov but i was really really sad and cried a lot. I mean shit i cried about this just a couple days ago lol but anyway. I think beemoov failed to think that while Sucrette dated this boy for only six months, i've been loving him FOR SEVEN YEARS, i grew up with this game in some many ways, gave them /so much money/ that i dont even want to think about. Im almost done with university myself so playing my Candy there was so exciting for me! And then we got the cold water news about the new routes. After the anger and the sadness i couldnt help myself and thought about this from a business perspective and tbh i still dont understand it. I work in marketing and i cant understand how they thought it would be a good idea? Like, it literally goes against the main purpouse of an Otome/dating sim Game (the whole is not realistic bullshit looooool, so many people stay with their bf/gf from highschool! SO FREAKING MANY!? and to say that but have Rosa stay with his bf for years, yeah well, gotta love plotholes? Also Candy being so shit she cant talk with anybody since she moved? I still talk eeeevery day with my two best friends from school, i have friends all over the world, but well like i said, gotta love plotholes). ANYWAY i still cant understand this from a marketing perspective, it's a really bad move if what they want is money.
I was doubtful about playing the game, i didnt like the routes and i never liked Castiel. Moreover, i think (and still think) it's SO FUCKING UNFAIR to pick boys over the others. no no no. Give me ALL or give me NONE. I dont deserve my boy cause he's less popular? Bullshit.
This was a sad week for me fandom-wise with the cancelation of Shadowhunters (a wonderful, wonderful show). This morning i woke up and the first thing i saw was a message from a friend saying "LOOK AT YOUR BOY" and really guys, my heart skipped a beat. I still cant explain how happy i am. I stayed in bed crying for like, a long time lol, till i could log into Tumblr and see everybody freaking out over Nath (WHAT MY KING DESERVES).
I was doubtful about playing the game, both because i didnt like the routes, i felt betrayed by beemoov but mostly because of the new AP system, which is still a huge WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK BEEMOOV for me. It sucks so much it's ridiculous and im still doubtful about paying money, we'll see. But yes, im overwhelmed and happy happy happy. Nath has been my boy since before playing the game! I chose him just by seeing the picture of the game. I LOVE him and im just speechless (plus omg ive always liked him obviously but holy shit my boy is glowing he looks so hot im all ckksoadnsloafgod). That being said, Nath I LOVE YOU, but, and here's the but, i still think it should have been all the boys or none. Having Nath feels bittersweet because i have my boy yes, but my friends dont have armin or lys or ken. And. It's. Not. Fair. I love Nath but i still prefer to have none of them to just have Nath and castiel. Im a hopeful person, and i think beemoov will see this and bring the boys back in later chapters. I hope to god that this is the way the game goes.
That was my rant™, if you read this thanks! Have a cookie.
Bye I love Nath and Ez.
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