#i actually wrote this last week for a song that reminded me about Kyojuro and then I saw a post asking about songs and me like >:O
snailor-bee · 1 year
You're the Lucky One
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GN!Reader / SFW / 1.5k
Summary: Kyojuro is called to help out a fellow demon slayer on a mission. It's easy enough, but somehow you weren't quite what he was expecting. Tags: Kyojuro POV, no pronouns for reader, pre-relationship.
Song: "The Lucky One" - Alison Krauss
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Branches blocked out the faint light of the stars, the leaves rustling in the breeze. The moon was absent tonight, making the forest feel that much more dark and foreboding. 
Not that that bothered Kyojuro. He stretched his senses out, bright smile trained on his face as he walked briskly down the path. 
He heard a noise before he saw anything. Kyojuro cocked his head as he turned the bend and he saw you. Ah, ha! So you were close by. 
Hurrying his steps, he was careful not to make a noise. As he got closer, the sound you were making cleared into a song. He couldn't quite make out the words but the melody was crisp and clear. Lovely, in a strange way, though why you were attracting attention in a demon-filled forest was beyond him! 
He'd been hoping to surprise you—it was important to always keep one's senses up!—but somewhere above a crow cawed and you looked over your shoulder, voice halting suddenly. The quiet seemed oppressive in the song’s absence. 
"Oh!" you said, dipping your head in a slight bow. "Rengoku-san, isn't it?" 
"Yes! I was alerted to help out a fellow demon slayer, as I was close by!" he boomed as he came up to you, his voice echoed out into the forest but he figured it didn't matter. If demons were close they would have already heard you singing. "What's your name?" 
"That's very kind of you!" you said with a smile and gave your name before you turned to continue walking. "I was just scouting the area."
Kyojuro began to walk beside you and he hummed. "Very good! I will just be here for assistance if you need it. Otherwise, I will let you take care of things!" 
Normally, lower-ranked demon slayers got nervous at that. They figured his presence meant they didn't have to do any work themselves and could instead sit back to let the Hashira handle things. Not at all what should happen! Kyojuro was adamant that experience was the best teacher. 
But you didn't falter, just nodded your assent, eyes trained on the treeline that booked the path on both sides. 
"Do you like music, Rengoku-san?" you asked suddenly. 
He blinked a few times at the question. "Well enough!" he answered quickly. 
"Do you have any favorites?"
"Not that I know of!" Unbidden, a memory of his mother singing a lullaby came to mind. Warmth filled him and he let the memory linger for just a moment before he pushed it aside.
"Would you like to hear a song that makes me think of you?" 
"Perhaps after the mission is completed!" He didn't know why you were asking such a thing, but it seemed harmless enough. 
Kyojuro sensed something from his right and was just opening his mouth to point it out to you when another bird caw had you turning sharply, eyes intent in the direction he felt a demon lurking. 
Wordlessly you stepped off the path and Kyojuro let you take the lead, ever-present smile growing. How interesting! You'd found it all on your own.
"You're the lucky one, so I've been told." Kyojuro almost jumped with surprise as your voice suddenly rang out, singing again. "As free as the wind blowing down the road." 
If it wasn't for your hand on the hilt of your sword, Kyojuro might have reprimanded you. Still, you seemed focused enough, random singing moment aside. 
You stopped in the middle of a clearing, back straight. He could sense your breathing as it weaved along with the words you sang. Interesting, he hadn't seen someone do that before. "Loved by many, hated by none... " The words drifted before all once, the sound of claws hitting steel rang out. 
The demon had lunged and you met it easily. Just as the demon was jumping back, you followed, swiftly cutting off its head. 
You didn't relax, both hands firmly grasping the hilt of your katana. Good. Kyojuro could feel several more demons rushing towards the two of you. 
"You look at the world with a smiling eye and laugh at the devil as his train goes by."  You were smiling, Kyojuro noticed with a gleam of intrigue. "Give you a song and a one-night stand and you'll be lookin' at a happy man, 'cause you're the lucky one!" At the end of the line, another demon burst out into the clearing and you rushed to meet it. 
The battle was easily won, a swarm of demons descended upon you but you handled them all with ease. They were low-level demons but apparently they had sectioned out this forest amongst themselves, as travelers frequently had to travel down its path in order to trade and barter between the towns on either side of it. 
Kyojuro only had to intervene at the end, when a demon tried to jump you from behind while you were busy beheading another. A roar of flames briefly lit up the space, bringing with it a rush of heat before they faded, leaving only the two of you standing there. 
"That was amazing, Rengoku-san!" you praised, sheathing your katana. 
"I could say the same about you!" Kyojuro returned, just as joyfully as he did the same. "You did great work!" 
You smiled back. "That means a lot, coming from a Hashira. I'm sad though!" Suddenly your expression fell and Kyojuro stared back, suddenly worried you'd gotten injured without him noticing. "I barely got to see your flames," you continued with a pout.
Kyojuro burst out into surprised laughter. "I apologize! I felt it better to eliminate the demon rather than show off." At his teasing tone, you shoved at him playfully as you walked back towards the path. 
"That's not what I meant, Rengoku-san!" 
"What did you mean then?" he asked, suddenly curious. 
You hummed, clasping your hands together. "Ah! Well. It might seem a little silly but it's like a goal of mine to be able to see all the different forms of breathing!" 
"I see!" Kyojuro burst out. "I don't think that's silly at all!" 
Giggling, you shrugged a little self-consciously. "Thank you. A lot of people think it's weird but I just think it's really cool to see the differences and how people take to the techniques. Water breathing looks like dancing, don't you think? And of course Thunder is so fast! I could barely see anything at all but the impact—" You clapped your hands together "—that sudden boom is just so electrifying, wouldn't you say?" 
"HA! I would!!" Kyojuro agreed with enthusiasm, laughing loudly at your pun. 
"And you look just like a flame!" you gushed leaning into Kyojuro's space as he smiled back. "With your hair and eyes, it's really beautiful!" 
Unbidden a flush rose to his cheeks with your easy honesty and compliment. His smile didn't waver though. "Thank you!" 
The conversation petered out as the two of you hit the path. Kyojuro felt a bit flattered but also curious. 
"If I may ask a question?" 
"Of course," you looked up at him. 
"Why was it that you were singing before? Aren't you concerned about demons hearing it?" 
The wind whistled as it rustled your hair and clothes. "Not really," you replied. "I sing all the time. I've found demons think that it means I won't hear them coming and encourages them to charge me. It's actually worked out more in my favor because I don't have to chase after them." You tilted your head before smiling wide. "I think it's important to have any kind of joy we can in this life, you know? Singing makes me happy, so does witnessing new breathing techniques I haven't seen yet. I know these are small things but every day may be our last. I try to cling to the things that lift my spirits." 
"I see!" Kyojuro felt the tips of his fingertips tingling, excitement and joy rushing through him. "I think that's a great way to look at things and I greatly encourage you to continue doing so!" 
You thanked him and Kyojuro watched you from the corner of his eye. This was the first time he had met you but he liked your spirit immensely.
Yelling your name loudly, you jumped but dutifully turned to face him when he stopped walking. "I would love to show you the rest of my flame breathing, if you'd like!" He crossed his arms, looking above your head, not quite wanting to meet your eyes. 
Gasping loudly, you grabbed onto his arm, jumping in place with excitement. "Really?! That would be so great, Rengoku-san!" 
He nodded. "It will depend when we arrive at a Wisteria House but if neither of us are called out on a mission—"
"Then let's go at once!" you interrupted, grabbing at a wrist and tugging him down the path. "There's ten forms isn't there? Oh, I can't wait! You'll show all of them won't you?" 
Laughing, Kyojuro caught up to your pace easily and agreed readily. 
Neither mentioned how long it took for you to finally drop your grip from his wrist and Kyojuro didn't bring up the fact that the skin where you touched felt almost like it burned. 
A thought to explore later, maybe. His smile grew. 
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