#i added WAY more frizz and i think that helped lmao
cinnabeat · 6 months
nvm i lied its somehow looking like me??
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tallys-train-blog · 2 years
Tips on drawing curly/wavy hair from a girl with a mix of 3a curls and 2c waves!
Reminder, not everything will be perfect right off the bat and this doesn't NEED to be the way you draw, just some tips! Everyone's hair is different. Hell i still struggle drawing my own hair next to my sisters.
First off, curls. never. look. the. same.
They always fall differently. In our face, to the side, some days are more springy and full, some days they're frizzy, small and loose.
Different ethnicities and races have different curls, i'm slavic italian with damaged curls and waves, my aunt susie has 3B/3c curls. A good friend of mine who is european american has 3B curls and a mutual of mine who is mixed has kinky hair.
Anyone of any origin can have curls, so dont shy away from giving someone curls
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With that, curls get frizzy pretty easily, right out the gate by day two after wash day my curls and waves get frizzy and less defined and that's normal!
Some hair has more volume than others and some hair curls right at the root, some doesn't.
Really the curls your drawing depend on the character and where the character is from and what your character is doing.
At work, school, the beach or when sleeping i tie my hair back in bandanas and scarves for protection!
Wet curls fall more, dry curls frizzes up easily.
I hope this helps a little bit, will definitely be adding onto this in the neat future when i have time to be coherent and think.
Side note, i didnt take care of my hair for YEARS but now that i am my hair is more healthy and coming back to life. If you've been debating trying out a cgm, go for it. Just dont be impatient and give up like me LMAO
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