#i almost reblogged this on my jou blog
dnofsunshine · 2 years
ridiculously specific headcanons (digimon edition)
written for day 3 of @digiweek: "humor"
yamato cannot stay up past 11pm. he can hardly make it to 10:30pm. he's tried, but it's just so hard for him, he's perpetually tired. he doesn't understand how his father works so late when he goes in so early. he's the only one in his family that needs 8-10 hours of sleep to function. he'll be cranky without them.
(takeru functions on 3-6 hrs daily. he prbly didn't sleep much as a baby, while yamato always slept like a rock. this followed them into adolescence. inspiration: me vs my sister's sleep schedule)
mimi loves being called on in class simply cos she likes to put on a show. the dramatics are so fun for her, and if she doesn't know the answer at least she can have a good time about it and she loves entertaining her peers.
iori's socks always have to match. always. he can't leave if they don't match.
you know those kids in school who are like... completely clueless but super cheerful abt it? like they have absolutely no idea what they're doing but it's all goofy smiles & peace signs? confident dumbass energy? that's taichi, and prbly daisuke too. they're very confident in their answers even though they're almost always wrong. swoon. such himbos.
daisuke likes beatboxing. he's not the best at it but his number one fan is chibomon. the rest of the 02 kiddos indulge him. much like everyone indulges takeru's disaster fashion sense.
miyako is so bad at spoiling things in media. she doesn't even mean to, it just comes out, like "did you know character a is finally with character b? i thought for sure they'd pick character c!! oh it was so romantic--" or "i'm so sad they killed of x characterrrrr"
and then "i have not seen it miyako why did you do this to me"
mario kart = a fight to the death. jou always ends up in last place. he's so bad at gaming that it's hilarious to everyone. he can even work out strategies in his head but they don't work in practice.
ken has such a dry, dark sense of humor but he's so shy that it only comes out on accident or if he's super comfortable. this part of his personality usually only surfaces in a group-chat format, cos it's easier to be open in chat but anxiety-inducing in-person
takeru is a total prankster in the sense that he knows what's going on with everyone. like he knows when to stop, he knows how much is too much, and he's respectful, but he also notices all the little things. we've seen this in canon. he's all innocence & sunshine on the outside but a secret mischievous imp on the inside. he's very observant.
like cmon this kid is a writer, he knows things, he can read body language, he notices little details others don't.
imagine yamato going through his google search history, like if he borrows his phone to search something up and all these suspicious things come up
"how much blood can you lose before it's fatal?"
"how to tell if an arm is broken"
"at what point does a person experience hypothermia"
"how to put out a fire quickly"
"can you die from a four-story drop"
yamato is very alarmed & concerned by this discovery. takeru starts searching things on incognito mode.
sora's very meticulous with cleaning. like imagine if, at some point, she & mimi live together
(and they were roommates)
two different kinds of people. one person leaves all the cabinets open. one person makes sure they're all shut. one person uses coasters, and the other doesn't and there are water/soda rings everywhere. one leaves the used blanket on the sofa and the other folds it and puts it away.
needless to say sora has the patience of a saint
i'm on mobile so i'm not gonna link the others rn but all of them are under the tag "my headcanons" on my blog!! the aux cord/among us hcs are coming, i just got swept up in digiweek haha. thanks for the comments & reblogs!! :D requests open!
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danieco · 3 years
check in tag ✅ (Thank you, @chaosmax!!)
1. why did you choose your url?
It’s a partial mashup of two of my names that sounds a bit like a company: “Danie Co.” It’s my Brand™ (facetious) 
2. any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them?
Yes, an RP blog @dubmiho and @daniecho, a catch-all for non-YGO reblogs and occasional silly text posts about my life
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Hard to say, I’ve used Tumblr on and off for years just as a way to collect posts that I liked. I started actually participating in fandom (making and reblogging posts) last December, so like seven months?
4. do you have a queue tag?
Yes, “queue-gi-oh”
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Surface level answer: I got back into YGO somehow, was having a LOT of thoughts and needed somewhere to put them. Realer answer: I think the timing with the pandemmy isn’t coincidental. The Atlantic ran an article months ago about how people were mourning the loss of relationships they didn’t realize they had, the outer circle of acquaintances that populated their lives and they saw regularly but didn’t really know. Tumblr I think kind of fills that niche with convos in the tags, etc.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I honestly don’t know, it’s not even my favorite color. I guess it felt like a quick, neutral thing? Also with the first header I had (a manga panel of Jou going “Hmmmm”), in dashboard view it kind of looked like he was blowing bubblegum and getting concerned he let the bubble get too big. 
7. why did you choose your header?
My header will probably always be some manga panel of Jounouchi, haha. He’s the boy! I was actually a Kaiba stan for like, my first decade of liking YGO. No clue how Jou totally took over this go around, but I’m having a blast. 
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Definitely a Kaiba joke I tossed off and almost didn’t post because I thought it was “too Tumblr”. Someone I used to follow for feminist film criticism (who I never would have guessed even knew what YGO was) reblogged it at one point, and seeing it on my dash from her was the most bizarre experience I’ve had on here for sure. 
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I honestly don’t know, but this question stresses me out because I recently unfollowed a lot of blogs so I’d spend less time on here and I know some were mutuals. I know the cool kids are always reblogging the “I don’t care how many followers I have/who unfollows me” posts but I still feel bad doing it. :( It feels like not waving anymore to someone you regularly pass in the hallway at work. Minor, but still a bummer. 
10. how many followers do you have?
200, it’s baby blog hours over here always
11. how many people do you follow?
Around 50
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I’ve made a lot of dumb jokes (affectionate) but I’m not sure any qualify as an actual shitpost. People may think of my super spy Tristan post but I was being entirely sincere!! Sincere, thank you!
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
God, I don’t even want to think about it. I love you but I hate you, my little dopamine-boosting trap. (This is why I try to follow as few people as possible, so I run out of posts on my dash more quickly.)
14. did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
No, but I’m pretty quick to just mute blogs by blacklisting their names if I see them being rude to someone or if their posts don’t Spark Joy for me.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Opposed; I understand that’s coming out of a passionate desire to help but frankly (time for a HOT TAKE) I think a majority of the Tumblr activism I see is underinformed and/or ineffectual anyway. 
16. do you like tag games?
Yes!! It’s fun to get to know people
17. do you like ask games?
Yes again!! Same reason. Give me all your opinions. I want to know. Tumblr is like a fin-de-siecle Parisian salon except all our opinions on life, love, art and politics are filtered through a YGO lens (i.e., incredible and inherently entertaining)
18. which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
This question made me feel old because I immediately thought “What, a secret celebrity is incognito on YGO Tumblr?” But this probably means like, who has the most followers. I know of at least one with a solid following but YGO is such a small fandom it’s hard to feel like anyone’s really “famous”
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Maybe a LITTLE and it’s extra silly because a) we hardly talk and b) she might be straight I don’t actually know HAHA it is mostly just for cute fun. I can have a little pandemmy parasocial summer crush, as a treat
20. tags?
I’d love to see anyone do it! Tag me back if you do, I’d love to see them (seriously!! say hello!)
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pctaldrunk · 3 years
Tumblr media
@dreams-of-fate​ asked   :  003 for Nie Mingjue    -   SEND ME A FANDOM/SHIP/CHARACTER (accepting i will reblog this again dON’T TEST ME)    
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character:     An overwhelming immense sense of love and sadness, probably. Mingjue did so many good things in his life that are sort of brushed off vaguely because he isn’t the main character  and his primary function in the plot is as a corpse chopped into pieces. Then we find out he got murdered horribly and no one knew except his brother. It’s just...it’s a lot of pain. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:     It’s honestly probably pretty apparent that this blog is The Nieyao Show On Main and we know it. For...many many reasons. Their intensity and the way they are almost perfectly fitting pieces to each other despite their conflicts (or maybe because of it). They way they sort of, see through each other’s shields and faces so easily and naturally. Other than that: I have good hardcore thoughts about Mingjue/Yanli and Mingjue/Qin Su is just a fun what if (I hesitate to call them Thoughts because I feel there’s so little of Qin Su in canon that really it’s just me filling in all the bits?). I personally...don’t have many thoughts of my own about Mingjue/Wen Qing, but it’s adjacent enough / I’ve Talked Enough About It With Lins that I think it deserves a mention. Like, I Don’t Know That I Feel Super Strongly / Can Personally Pull a Coherent Thought about it out of My Own Brain but I think it’s chill where I find it already exists. And then, I find that I am actually capable of enjoying 3zun when it’s Done Well, because I think I theoretically (with some tweaking of canon etc.), Do Like the 3zun Dynamic, but it’s so rarely done (in fanfic, etc.) on my exact requirements for a take that makes that relationship work in my mind. 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:     I think we have to go with Nie bros for this one, right? These brothers would quite literally die for each other. They are the only family they have left on this earth. Mingjue tried so hard to protect Huaisang and make sure he could protect himself and then Huaisang dedicates thirteen years of his life to avenging his brother. There’s so much love and loyalty and devotion and sacrifice and pain in this family and they deserve to have...idk, lived long lives, grown old as a family, understood each other as grown ups, etc. They just deserve better and they make me weep.
My unpopular opinion about this character:     I don’t think I can condense it down to just one lmao, I’m pretty sure my opinions on Nie Mingjue are in the super minority all the time. But I guess to pick one - I have a great pet peeve in terms of characterization when Mingjue is characterized as “all brawn and no brains” or just...a complete fool at politics. I mean, here’s the thing - I don’t think he’s at the level of finesse as, say A-Yao, but I also think he has enough to get by since he’s been sect leader since he was roughly nineteen, and his sect is thriving. Like...clearly the man is an excellent leader, an incredible tactician, and has survived this long in a world with Older and More Experienced/Sly/Unscrupulous Sect Leaders that would have eaten him alive if they could’ve. He really Isn’t Stupid, please, thank you - he has some things he won’t compromise on, but he’s Not Stupid.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:     I sort of wish he’d gained sentience somewhere in there even a little bit as a fierce corpse, but I also know he would probably hate “living” like that, so. I do wish any adaptation had given us the, dragging A-Yao down to hell part, but I understand why that might be difficult to get past censorship haha. I wish he didn’t die in general, but I Guess then we wouldn’t have a plot. 
Favorite friendship for this character:    Cheating answer given I’m supposed to be Purely MDZS but because I’m A Mess (tm) about Fatal Journey...Nie Zonghui haha I’m still crying don’t at me.
My crossover ship:     Wow, you know, for all the bilibili videos I consume, I legitimately don’t have a good crossover ship yet again? I’m failing as a bilibili watcher hhhh. Not to be on my old J.in Y.ong novels kick but....Mingjue x A-Zhu...sounds like it could work...
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