#i almost typed cowbaby and honestly??? yeah
darby-drabbles · 7 years
I think Josie and Andre eventually become unlikely (?) friends in the cowboy au. Josie’s a teacher,, and, she will teach Leia eventually. I generally still imagine her being just a bit too young for that though, except when I specifically picture her being in school. But regardless, Andre’s a single parent forrr, a lil while before Kriss and he isn’t very open about Leia at first in this au. ((he’s scared his family will look down on him for having a baby out of wedlock, he’s already not makin his parents incredibly proud of his life choices ahhhha. :0 And, he doesn’t want random townspeople to gossip and look down on him aND his family bc of it?? Bein part of the mayor’s family put him sorta in th spotlight with some big shoes to fill. He already feels unsuccessful and like they judge him and he’s not good enough. He just wants people 2 leave him an his new baby alooone...)) So, he doesn’t have a TOn of people he can turn to. His only friend with kid experience is Avery and he doesn’t wanna rely on them Constantly. So he gets in touch with a few others for help, before like,,, the majority of people actually start finding out about her. He knows about Josie, she’s the newish teacher at the school, she generally keeps to herself,, though recently she may have a thing with the sheriff,,,, she likes kids and she seems shy but very nice,, she could probably keep a secret and give babby advice.
So one day he comes to her after she’s done teaching. He seems really nervous like he’s hiding something. Josie’s nervous at first too, and kinda wishes Roxy would be here, but he quickly reveals that he just,,,,, has a secret baby daughter staying with a friend right now and he has no idea what he’s doing or who to turn to and he’s terrified pls help. Josie’s a lil surprised but it’s not bad or anything, she doesn’t think less of him or w/e he was nervous about. I just think, based on what little she knew about him and any gossip she’s heard, she saw Andre as sorta,,, rough and intimidating and wasn’t expecting him to be so worried and protective about a baby. So it’s, kinda a relief really?
She’s actually not too familiar with caring for BABY babies and hasn’t been around them much, but she’d love to try and help anyway!! She’d also love,,, to hold? Blease let her hold the small lil bean for a while. :,)c SO The two of them go back and Josie gets to meet Leia and coo at her and hold her while they talk a lil bit before Josie has to head home, but they make plans to have more conversations! 
One day they have the time to talk for A Long Time,, and I think Andre would offer to buy her a drink. (CASUALLY..) He likes drinkin so that seems like the polite thing to do and Josie accepts because THat seems like the polite thing to do. SHe’s immediately grossed out by it an he laughs and apologizes,,, but, it’s fine they keep talking for a while after that. (Andre,,, she’s so obviously not a drinker what were u thinking....) They have a lot to discuss! Despite not normally being very talkative and still mostly keeping to herself, Josie doesn’t actually mind this because he’s not really asking things about her*, which is normally what starts to draw her away from conversations,, even if she knows it’s just casual pleasantries. He’s just, genuinely wanting help and advice for th sake of the baby. She doesn’t mind that at all, she wants to help! (*I mean he might ask some things casually to be polite but he drops it quickly when she doesn’t rly respond, he relates to that very much. Oh u don’t wanna talk about your family? BIG MOOD I’m sorry lemme change the subject..)
Most of th story I picture Leia as a toddler so I mean the town knows about her by now, but, I think Andre and Josie just bonded over that earlier on when she’s just a baby, and they still get together and talk now! Josie wants to keep updated about lil Leia before she gets old enough to really learn things in her class regularly!!! :,)c Soon. Very soon!! Until then, she probably watches over her sometimes for her dad, when she’s not too busy!
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