#i also didn't choose the species of monster to keep it vague but if you have a specific type to ask about i can try my best to answer
yuckydraws · 10 months
Requests are open I see 👁👁
May I get some head cannons about bear and red with a monster S/O? (Whatever species) I see a lot of human related fics for them, thought it would be cute 🤭
No pressure to answer of course, all is well ❤
Yes they are :}
So, the most differences there would be with them having a monster partner rather than a human one, is that there is lots of cultural differences with a human partner. Given that these guys are also in the UT universe and not technically supposed to be, their monster partner would also catch on really quickly that these guys aren't from this universe.
Now on to specifics!
It may take you a bit to realize something is off with Red. At first he just seems like a charming, sometimes abrasive, guy who's had a few rough fights that left him with scars. Fighting isn't unheard of in the underground. Odd, but nothing to raise suspicion. What does set off alarm bells is what you see when you pull him into an encounter for the first time. He has... a lot of LV. High LV is common in older monsters, boss monsters involved in the human-monster war, but Red isn't that old. So just where did he get all of that? He's got some explaining to do. Safe to say you'd have a bit of a rocky start in the relationship given the secrecy and the shock of the existence of the multiverse. Not only that, but coming to terms with what Red's done.
Some general headcannons with a monster partner:
He'd be a lot more comfortable reaching out for support or admitting when he's not doing well, because he doesn't have to say it. He can just pull you in for a hug, letting his magic call out to you. You being able to feel that and understand it, helps him so much with being vulnerable and genuinely trusting you (which is huge for him).
Boss will take to you a lot quicker than he would if his brother had a human mate. It's just easier to trust someone who's intentions you can feel. Not to say you'll be best buds right away, but he'll be a bit more welcoming.
Magical prank wars. Do I need to say more? Boss is going to be so sick of you two.
Your magic is an extension of your being, so at some point he's going to poke you to learn every little trick you can do.
Casual syncing of your magic use, like a well choreographed dance.
He'll sleep much better with you around... his magic being soothed by the presence of yours whenever those usual nightmares interrupt his sleep.
You'll catch him scent marking you quite often. He's a pretty protective (and a lil possessive) guy. He'll be so smug and happy if you do it back to him just as often.
He may be even more hesitant to share his beat up soul to you... but if you're patient and understanding, he'll get comfortable with that kind of intimacy soon.
... You'd know pretty much immediately that something is off about him. Unless a cave in or a human gave him that injury, you just can't see anyone doing that. Then there's the obvious trauma around food. No one went hungry underground, monsters take care of their community. And the obvious unhealthy state of his magic... the way it stutters and hesitates. Something isn't right. But, unlike Red, Bear wouldn't enter a romantic relationship without them knowing his past. If you're going to have him, you'll have to accept all of him, even the parts his despises. He'll tell you all of it, without excuses or sugarcoating, because you'd find out eventually anyways - it might as well come from him. So, you'll have the time to process both his past, and the existence of the multiverse before you even decide to enter the relationship.
Some general headcannons with a monster partner:
He uses his magic sparingly, for obvious reasons. But that means he doesn't really share his magic often - which is something that's usually integral to a monster-monster relationship. It's also something that truly embarrasses him. He'll struggle a lot with the fact that he can't do what he used to be able to.
You may have a little bit of a shock when you learn that his underground was exactly the same as yours before the famine. Sort of puts things into perspective on just how quickly everything can change.
While he can't use his magic as much as he used to, he does push his intent through his magic quite often. With his speech issues, it helps him communicate a lot quicker and you'll seldom be wondering how he's feeling because he'll tell you, just in his own way.
He's a big guy, which is something he doesn't exactly love, but seeing as monsters come in all shapes and sizes, he'll feel much more comfortable in his own body with you.
He'll scent mark you somewhat often without even really realizing it... and he'd love it if you did it back to him.
He's got a lot of issues with intimacy, for a lot of reasons, but one of those being his unreliable magic. He'll try to hide it for as long as possible, especially around you and your unhindered magic use... but with some patience he'll open up about his anxieties.
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autixel · 2 years
Please tell me about your Dresden files head cannons and such like pls I need some one to talk about him with
Alright so. I didn't really think of much for Murphy, like my main issue is whatever Harry and Murphy had romantically going on, I don't really have problems with her as a character. And this is my first time doing headcanons so the formatting is off.
Actually kind of a bastard. He's friendly with Dresden because in the long run it's convenient. Convoluted convenient but Marcone keeps playing the long game.
I really don't think his sexuality matters to him. He has bigger problems. Life-forms are chess pieces to him. If he wants to be successful both on earth and in the never-never, it isn't really useful to contemplate that part of him.
Marcone has kinda had it with Dresden, on the outside he's so professional and so collected. I think it's customer service.
(honestly why does Marcone act vaguely flirty with Dresden? There has to be more reason to it, based on Dresden's descriptions of him (even tho Dresden is an unreliable narrator...))
Is the cold, calculating, magnificent bastard we think he is, and take it some steps further.
If I were to completely ignore canon I would say that Marcone deep down is really anxious. Maybe he shoots up from bed some nights in dread from dreaming about how badly his new enemies could plunge Chicago, the States, and the entire world. (Hehehe and he doesn't know what else would make everything so much worse). Do you think he ever gets that way?
How often does she question God? How far does her faith go?
90s pop enjoyer
I choose to believe that she has really badass scars, and also retrospectively embarrassing ones from battles.
Horny in the most inconvenient way possible.
Have you ever thought about what Dresden does with the non-human entities that come onto him? He. Says. No. Every single time. He's actually very interesting like this. He's dealing with creatures that use beauty as a weapon AND HE KNOWS IT. And because he's so lonely and touchstarved his libido is like hmmmmm potential...
I think if he were to just stop, no world to save, no one in danger from forces that he would be best against, no plots using him, he would realize how miserable he is.
So many times has he told his friends to blindly trust him even though he wants to tell them the full truth, and the guilt gets to him.
What he really wants in life is a safe place, a safe life with Maggie, Thomas, McCoy, Karrin, his other friends, and his magic. No monsters to slay, no Chicago on the verge of destruction, nothing out to harm him and his family. Just a calm, happy life.
When he loves people he really, really does love. He wiped out an entire species to save his kid. He held a torch so bright for Susan that their love still had an effect on him for over a decade.
Ignoring canon I would say that if he were real I'd beat him up. Idc if he'd wipe the floor with me I would add to the horrors inside his mind. I'll have to convene with the board (my irl friends) if I am truly that terrifying.
Mainly because I am sick of his love life idc idc he needs friends not this bs.
Now you might be thinking, Autixel, what the fuck are you doing? Writing about Mab before Thomas? Molly? Any other more shown character?
But Mab is becoming one of my favorites and it's about how she rules.
I think one facet of her mindset is ends justify the means. She does what she must for the result that matters. This is why Maeve would have never worked. She didn't get that there is a bigger game to it all, or Maeve saw it and didn't care.
When she goes to the human world I kinda imagine her in some 1950s fashion, the sleeker dresses remind me of her.
(hehe rule of 3)
Girlypop is getting on my nerves 🔪
There's nothing tremendously wrong with her I'm just sick of her crush on Dresden. Both need some hot cocoa and a good cry not whatever the fuck is going on.
Plays guitar, with her wintry promotion she can play an electric guitar, yippee!
I want to believe that she would have made my immortal levels of bad fanfic, maybe one got infamous and was never finished.
Where and who does she swing? Kinda getting pan vibes.
You cannot convince me that she didn't have a raccoon tail dye once.
Edward Cullen in the most derogatory way possible.
Bitchless but canon hates me :(
Hope that fulfills expectations :)
There's more thoughts in the tags
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