#i also didn't really get into the poll or anything prior to the three way poll and i never saw star trek or lotr or knew rhose ships were
kpopsexstories · 7 months
The Return of NCT/WayV Lucas (The "Freeze" Documentary)
Like many of you, I assume, I jumped when I saw the Lucas documentary pop up on my YouTube feed earlier today. It came out 13 hours ago as I write this, and already has over 700,000 views!
The first thing I want to say about that, and the overwhelmingly wonderful comments the documentary has received, is that Lucas has certainly not lost his fan base.
I'm not going to comment on the scandal of three years ago, but will say that I was sad when Lucas suddenly disappeared from public view. WayV in particular hasn't been the same since. Whether he has himself or society to blame for how things went down has been debated ever since.
Having watched the documentary, I have a few thoughts I want to share:
Though it's only done indirectly, I love that Lucas admits to his mistakes. We didn't really get much info three years ago, and the documentary doesn't reveal anything at all about the scandal itself, but today, this is a man who (today) doesn't put blame on anything or anyone other than himself. At least that's the public image the documentary shows. I'm sure he has blamed external factors in the time since the scandal, but he genuinely seems to be a different person now. More than anything, I respect Lucas for how he has matured, how he reflects on past mistakes, and how open and honest he is about how he's been (both before and after the scandal).
As a publicity move, I think this documentary is absolutely brilliant. Many celebrities – particularly in China but also Korea – have fallen victim to public opinion following their mistakes, and never recovered from it. I think internationally Lucas could have made a comeback sooner and survived, but to break through on his home turf, this documentary is probably a crucial first step. I'd go as far as to say that this move could help change idol life culture for the next generation, in the same way Jennifer Lawrence changed things the way she handled the leak of her nudes (compare the damage control of that incident to how Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical) was forced to handle a very similar situation just a few years prior to Jennifer).
Of course it remains to be seen what Lucas will do from here, but I'm glad that the true end of his hiatus is signaled by the release of a documentary designed to shape public opinion, rather than his potential suicide (mentioned in the video). This documentary surely dictates the direction Lucas will go from here for years to come, and I think it's a great step to his return.
I need to completely rethink the story I was going to write about Lucas. It's a great coincidence that the documentary came out the day after my post yesterday, which was specifically about Lucas. The idea I had was indirectly about the scandal. It didn't take sides but told a story, one that at the end of the day didn't paint Lucas in the best of light (to put it lightly). Now, having seen the vulnerable man in the documentary, I can't in good conscience publish what I was going to publish.
I'm curious, what did you think of Freeze pt. 1?
EDIT: I realized now that I didn't include an option for not supporting Lucas/anyone who might think what he did is unforgiveable, but it's not possible to change polls after publishing 😕 I guess use the "Who's Lucas?" option if that's your opinion 🙂
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strangertheories · 2 years
Hello! I've come by here before (asked about the Mandela effect of the Jonathan scene being edited but it actually wasn't, thanks again btw)
I don't have as much to ask as last time and it's not really about the ST content itself (I mean the stuff we watch) but more a question about the recent Twitter poll of the Stranger Things writers on Twitter.
if you aren't on there, here's a link
I voted on lumax (cuz idk, i thought they'd have more to gain and more depth added rather than the other options but to be fair same could be said to the byers brother talk).
Anyway, what I was wondering about was why the boobies scene the second most voted on (at the time of typing this out)?
I wanted to know your thoughts on this because I really wasn't expecting that and my gut reaction was asking why anyone would vote for this over the three other options.
No offense to the people who voted for that scene tho, I just meant that what hellcheer had going for it (I assume) is it being a ship, and I state that being a reason cuz fandoms love ships. The byers brother talk has the very deep emotional connection shown between the two characters there. Lumax has the being a ship as well (and being a super cute and endearing scene). And when I think about the boobies scene I don't see much of it having legs to stand on to be placed in the poll.
(Idk why I'm particularly questioning it tho, maybe it's cuz Steve is there and I'm not as enthused by him as the rest of the viewers are, although Robin is in the scene and she's my fav character lmao)
I'm looking at the numbers on the poll again and the distance of each contender isn't very far so this whole ask is kind of unecessary.
Disregard the last P.S., just saw the polls again and now lumax is 29% and boobies scene is now 28% while the byers brother talk is 24%, I'm back to being slightly questioning it again.
I realize the poll is ending in 4 hours (at the time of typing this) so I'm sorry if by the time your reply is sent it's kind of irrelevant, I swear I didn't mean for this to be so long!
Yeah, I have the exact same thought. Also why there's no Ronance or early season Byler stuff because I've seen that be requested tons although I'm also in a bit of a bubble online so who knows. Either way, I do not get why people are voting for that scene. Maybe it's their favourite? But like... How will a script add anything to that scene? It's the same with the Steve and Eddie scene; it's the actors' performances that make the scene special, the dialogue is pretty self explanatory.
Whereas the Johnathan and Will scene will make the scene sadder and also give some gay Will proof for the idiots who don't already believe that. And the Lumax scene... I need the Lumax scene. It's such a sweet and retroactively heartbreaking scene and I want to see what was originally planned and what was added by the actors. I know this is hypocritical with my point about how prior scripts added nothing, but Lumax makes me feel angsty. The boobies scene makes me snort but I doubt a script could do that. The Chrissy and Eddie script would be better see than that scene although in my opinion a lot of the flirting in that scene isn't from the text but from Grace van Dien and Joseph Quinn.
I need to go check the final poll I think, but I'm praying for Lumax! And then Johnathan Will next week. Fingers crossed and thanks for the ask (:
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