#i also didn't think i would be this consistent in putting alonso
astonmartingf · 3 months
may i ask why in your smau abt co parenting with fernando the reader keeps calling him alo/alonso 😭
you know what i never realized this until i reread all of the previous chapters and confirmed that the reader does call him alonso
here are a few reasons as to why:
A. reader calls him alonso or ales' father because the reader and alonso were actually engaged, and were supposed to get married but something happened (you'll learn this in the next chapter or two?)
B. despite all this, reader is bitter and loves to hurt because the engagement didn't come through and calls him alonso to remember what could've been, and that reader could've been alonso as well
C. reader calls him alonso to keep a formal relationship with him (even though reader is longing and yearning for him...)
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petit-papillion · 9 months
2023 Qatar GP Post-Race Interviews
18 drivers (not counting SAI and HAM). 1 so ill he could not finish the race (SAR), 1 taken to medical center and excused from media duties (ALB), another to medical center after almost passing out after getting out of the car (STR). 3 to podium ceremony/cooldown room. The remaining 12 drivers all had to lay down on the floor and seriously cool down, before finally making it to the media pen (although 1 had to leave to cool off more after answering only 2 questions (HUL)).
Here are some of the comments made by the drivers:
"By far the most physical race I've ever experienced. I felt close to fainting in that race. I've never experienced anything like it before. I had to ask my engineer to give me encouragement just to try to take my mind away from it. I do a lot of heat training in the sauna and so you push your body to the limit and sometimes you just need to get out of that sauna. And that's sort of how I felt from about lap 20. I opened my visor for the whole race and it was hot air, but it was better than no air. It was brutal. I was so sick in the car. I wasn't physically, I wasn't sick, but I felt ill."
- George Russell
"I was feeling ill, lap 15, 16, I was throwing up for two laps inside the cockpit. And then I was like, ‘Shit, that’s going to be a long race.' (...) It was just like 80C inside the cockpit this race. I don’t think we probably do the best job in terms of not keeping the heat in the back, but dissipating it inside the cockpit where the driver drives, and I think that was probably the reason today why we felt so bad."
- Esteban Ocon
"Especially with the g-forces, when you have a lot of dehydration, you can drink but the drink is more of a tea than anything else because it’s at 60C-plus, so it’s extremely difficult to hydrate yourself and again with the g-forces, you don’t see as well. The track limits we’re speaking about are [the difference between just] centimetres at 280km/h; in qualifying when we’re fresh it’s difficult to respect them, but then at the end of the race it’s a nightmare."
- Charles Leclerc
"You don't want to be passing out when you're driving at 200mph down the straight. And that's how I felt at times. Any hotter, I think I'd have retired because my body was going to give up."
- George Russell
"Extremely hot. Even from the beginning, I put my helmet on before the start of the race and I was sweating. It definitely didn't get any better once I was driving! Very hot."
- Oscar Piastri
"I asked my team on the radio if they would tip water over me in a pit-stop, but it was not allowed. My seat was burning hot and felt my right side was burnt by this heat. We have to think for the future -- maximum temperatures or maximum humidity... In football, they have water breaks, but we can’t have that, can we?"
- Fernando Alonso
"It's ridiculous. These temperatures -- everything goes blurry. The last 25-30 laps it's just blurry in the high-speed corners. Blood pressure dropping, just passing out, basically, in the high-speed corners with high loaded G-forces. The kerbs are now painted because they're worried about punctures. I couldn't see where I was going because I was passing out. I was fading in and out. The temperature was too much."
- Lance Stroll
"The feeling is like torture. I would say it was harder than Singapore. Just because the temperature in the cockpit started to be almost too much, I think it's getting to the limit and someone is going to have a heat stroke."
- Valtteri Bottas
"It was crazy. I had to consistently open the visor to breathe, actually. It's just too, too hot. Obviously, I don't want to open the visor because sand also comes through the visor and I could feel that sand inside my eyes, but if I close it's insane the amount of heat I felt. I don't know if other helmet manufacturers are the same, but for myself, it was tough, and if you drive behind another car, it's even worse."
- Yuki Tsunoda
"I think some of the guys who are struggling today, they are extremely fit or even fitter than me. Just the whole day, it's like you walk around in a sauna and in the night, the humidity goes up. The races are quite long. But it's not the only place...a few places are like that. Singapore is almost like a two-hour race and it's very, very warm. I think it's also quite on the limit of what should be allowed. So there are a few things to look at, but this was definitely way too hot."
- Max Verstappen
"We're in a closed car that gets extremely hot in a very physical race and it's frustrating.. I guess on TV, it probably doesn't look very physical at all. But clearly, when you have people who end up retiring, or are in such a bad state, it's too much. For the speeds we are doing is it is too dangerous. I know this race is later on in the season [in 2024], it will be a lot cooler a few months later but it’s something that needs to be talked about and I’m sure we’ll speak about it as it shouldn’t have happened in the first place."
- Lando Norris
The 2023 Qatar Grand Prix, everybody.
Sources: The Race, Sky Sports, Fox Sports, ESPN, Sports Illustrated
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blerb-f1 · 9 months
Junge - Sebastian Vettel x reader
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Sebastians Parents hate his career choice but at least you're here.
This is like a prequel to THIS fanfic - please beware that Sebs actual parents are incredibly cute and supportive and also i didn't mean to make like consistent songfics yet here we are. Its about "Junge" by "Die Ärtze"
America's West, the vast prairie
And right in the middle of it: A small house
And in it: A concerned mother
2023 - Sebastian has just announced his retirement. You, his trusty Engineer since the Toro Rosso Days have spent the day looking back and reminiscing. Throughout the years you’ve had people come and go in your lives, but only you two and Britta, his manager, were truly consistent. One Group of People you absolutely couldn't count on were his parents.
They happily supported his Kart Career but going into F1? Never, F1 was for nobodies and troublemakers. If asked in which Michael would fall, they’d just say “Schumi is an exception”
Throughout the BMW Sauber Testing Years Seb would exist in the car given to him by BMW, friends apartments or hotels rented by Sauber themselves but never anything consistent. Once the move to Torro Rosso happened, with you becoming his equally young engineer, Red Bull made the decision to rent an apartment for you to share. Although you weren't a Red Bull Junior, Fate brought it this way. 
You’d taken way too many angry calls of Sebs Parents, causing you to one day chuck his mobile phone down the toilet- He was enraged but life soon improved until the worst day  happened. Your apartment was small yet cozy with each of you decorating their room lively. His covered in trophies and race suits, yours with study notes and smart looking graphs. Both however representative of your interests, with your shared common space housing your gaming consoles, a popcorn maker you bought thinking you’d use it a lot and a massive pullout couch someone put out for free which you transported home hanging off Sebs BMW X3 
Boy (Boy), why haven't you learned anything?
Look at Dieter, he even has a car!
Why don't you go to Uncle Werner's workshop?
He'll give you a permanent employment, if you ask him about it
Boy (Boy, Boy)
That was the first thing barreling out of a phone held to your ears. 
Sebastian and You had just entered the Red Bull Factory during off week to test new parts on the car. You, additionally, had more classes on being a Race Engineer. While you already were supporting him during races, you still had to study more to become better.
Just as you were about to enter the elevator, Helmut Marko came angrily flying towards you. 
“SEBASTIAN VETTEL! THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M TAKING CALLS FOR YOU!” he shouted, throwing his Motorola towards you both. His moms shriekky noisy voice echoed through the speaker. 
His Cousin Dieter was a useless POS, whom his Uncle Werner, the workshop owner, coddled until there was no tomorrow. You had the displeasure of meeting them both when his parents sent them to your shared apartment, in hopes of building bridges. You both however preferred the Fernando Alonso Bridge and set this bridge on fire with a can of gasoline.
They were horrible rude upon intruding on your shared space. Dieter insulting your gaming setup, Werner complaining about your general decor and moving in. You’d gotten very fed up with them, opening the door and telling them to Leave that exact second.
Afterwards you and Seb had celebrated by ordering expensive Delivery Pizza while watching 100% Pirated movies. Most likely an Austin Powers Movie.
And the way you always look, holes in your pants, and always this racket
(What will the neighbors say?)
And your hair too, words fail me - do you have to dye it?
(What will the neighbors say?)
You never come home, we don't know what to do anymore
"DON'T GET THE TUB DIRTY!" you shrieked as Seb was trying to wash the dye out of your hair. You'd attempted to dye your hair purple and black with Seb being the one doing the work. He was, however, not good at being cleanly. He'd gotten dye inside of his gloves, on his pants and covered half of the apartment in the process. The washing out process was equally catastrophic with him getting your old bathroom tiles covered as well. 
As some dye was left over, you decided to apply it to his beautiful locks. You both came out very matchy. His hair had him look like a black-purple Raccoon and as he was a skinny boy, he looked more like a hungry raccoon than the fat ones you’d usually see rummaging on TV.
The day after you had an appointment with a piercer to get further piercings, the guy immediately thought you were a couple because of the matching hair.  You got multiple Piercings, each of them becoming their own memory for the future. You still remembered Brittas Expression as you turned up on Monday with all the metal jingling of your ears and in your face.
What you hadn't however expected, was receiving an invite to Sebastian's Aunts Birthday Party.  The Raccoon dye in his hair greatly contrasted the grown up BMW you found yourself in as you two were approaching Heppenheim. Seb took you along as an emotional support animal to better endure the party. You had met his parents before, the day they turned up at your house and another when they turned up at the factory. The day they had turned up at your house, you had your lovely neighbor open the building's front door. She was a lovely lady with hearing issues so you could be as loud as you wanted without bothering her. She often would cook for you in turn helping her with heavy tasks. She shushed them away and made you a hearty meal.
As the car pulled into his old home's driveway, you clearly saw people rushing towards the front door and stumbling out. Seb was clutching the wheel tightly, you both had been driving all the way from Austria so you were already pretty tired.
As you stepped outside you could hear his mom let out a surprised scream, it getting louder as Sebastian stepped out. Your favorite Piercing (a chain connecting from your lips to the ear) was glittering under the porchlight as his little brother rushed out, pushing his mom aside. He jumped upwards into Sebs Arms, possibly being the one most excited for his return.
“Who is this…Woman?” his mom asked, almost snakelike. 
“My Race Engineer and Roommate, Y/N”, Seb stated while brushing through his brother's hair.
Boy (Boy) don't break your mother's heart
It's not too late to enroll at university
You used to be interested in animals, wouldn't that be worth pursuing?
Your own vet practice, Boy
The dinner was uncomfortable to say the least. His aunt was to your surprise the one married to Werner, so he, the aunt and Dieter kept giving you dirty looks. His grandparents were equally unhappy with your both looks. Meanwhile his little brother was trying to show him pictures and awards. His Mom didn’t miss a single Chance to insult his driving career, only his dad stayed quiet. Then she started, talking about his love for animals and proposing he should become a vet again. A proposal, she kept repeating uselessly. 
Finally she dragged him away and his little brother approached you with shimmering eyes, inviting you to his room to show you his collection of things. 
You happily took the chance to flee from annoying relatives as you settled onto Fabians Bed, the sheets with car print giving way under your bum. The quiet mumbling from downstairs being way more endurable than the massively loud chatter. You would always pick the sound of a screaming V10, even if it would blast your hearring away. It would at least protect you from the pain of being repeatedly and hiddenly insulted.
knock knock
His father came in, face pulled into a mildly sad expression as he sheepishly stood in front of the room's door. you eyed him, waiting for more insults of your person to be hurled at you.
Instead however, he gave you a bag.
“Y/N, right?”
“Please” he was a quiet man, his age clearly visible on his face. “Please give this to Sebastian. Heike, she… She isn’t herself . This isn’t like her. But Seb, he should have this back.”
You take the bag and gingerly lay it on the mattress next to you.
“If she’s gotten so bad, why don’t you leave her?”
“I promised to stick to her, in good and bad times.”
And the way you always look, piercings in your nose, and always this racket
(What will the neighbors say?)
Electric guitars and always these lyrics
Nobody wants to listen to that
(What will the neighbors say?)
You never come home, so much bad company
We will disinherit you
(What will the tax office say?)
How is it all going to end, we are worried
Seb and You were finally back home. Home, yes that’s what Austria had become for you both.  
The apartment was quiet until you rummaged through the cupboard, pulling out an  Electric Guitar and its required equipment. You gave Seb a cheeky grin before proceeding to play Wonderwall by Oasis. “Not Wonderwall…” Sebastian moaned.
You handed him the Guitar. “Then play something Better, Starboy!”
“But I don't know how to?”
“Just let it out!” you screamed before stomping around the living room, tumbling over collections of varying junk and memorabilia. 
You’d stumbled over the long forgotten bag his father had handed you. The Guitar abruptly stopped as Seb dropped it onto the Sofa while staring the bags contents
His first trophy, his favorite stuffed animal and his laminated photos of meeting Michael for the first time.
“Where did you get those from?” Seb asked with anger lacing his voice.
“Your father gave them to me.”
He looked between you and the bag's contents, difficulty enshrining his expression as you bent down, picking up the trophy. You lifted it, brushing your shirt over it. After a serious glance you shoved his newest trophies to the side and placed it smack dab in the middle. You could clearly imagine the little, then blonde boy, bursting with pride upon being handed it by his childhood Idol Michael Schumacher.
And you were such a sweet child
And you were such a sweet child
And you were such a sweet child
You were so sweet
And always your friends, I bet you all take drugs
And always this racket
(What will the neighbors say?)
Think of your future, think of your parents
Do you want us to die?
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formulatrash · 1 year
As a McLaren fan, best advice for Oscar anon is not to listen to ANYBODY tbh. Daniel stans are upset about the way he was treated and frankly half the ones I've come across are cheering for a rookie to fail for "stealing" his seat, so of course they're going to jump on the doom and gloom train, it fits their agendas lol. Most Lando stans are also more driver stans than actual fans of the team - which there's nothing wrong with, support drivers, teams, whatever floats your boat - but when they're already looking for reasons to say "McLaren no good, idc what Lando wants, he's wasting his time, he needs to leave McLaren," well - yeah, things like that first race are going to fuel that. Point being - both sides have their own biases, nobody - me included - is looking at this without bias, and frankly none of us know what is actually going on behind the scenes at McLaren to improve the car and team.
I'm one of only a few of us, but I genuinely don't think there's reason to be THIS doom and gloom after ONE race. The entire team seemed to think there was at least enough pace to be fighting for the lower point positions had the technical problems not popped up, and even these technical problems sound like much easier fixes than the brake problems McLaren dealt with for most of last year. They started last year, from what we know at the moment anyway, in a worse condition, and were near the top of the midfield pretty early on in the season. I don't realistically see THAT happening again, since the updates they seem so optimistic about will likely take some time to fine-tune, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them consistently in the mix for points later on in the season.
And frankly, even if McLaren is "the new Williams" like a lot of people are hoping for, that doesn't necessarily mean Oscar would never have the opportunity to achieve anything in F1. George started out in Williams, still put some shining performances in, and worked his way up to a top team. Albon, in the actual Williams, is constantly praised for his performance and seems to have possibly provided feedback that helped them improve their car for this year - basically what Lando is sticking around McLaren in hopes of doing (albeit to fight with top teams, not in the midfield) and what Oscar has basically hoped to do as well based upon some of his interviews.
I am too hungover to add much to this or even process it but I think people forget Alpine was not going to give Oscar a seat. He signed a McLaren contract because Alpine was benching him for a second year in favour of Alonso, who they didn't know was leaving, then announced him without even getting him to sign a contract.
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motocorsas · 10 months
I know you only want the MotoGP ones, but I think the F1 are also good, do, let's pretend they are MotoGP:favorite driver who retired in the last 10 years?, weirdest MotoGP ship you've read a fic about? would you rather visit australia with Jack, japan with Taka or South Africa with Brad (and Darryn)? (even if you are from one of these countries, pretend you've never seen them) who would win a fist fight:Jack or Jorge Lorenzo Favorite track ? is there a rider you wish had a home gp (Moto2/3/E included)? if you were in MotoGP rider what racing number would you have? which currently championship-less driver would gift a championship to? (just one and any category!!)(Dani doesn't count because he has 3 already) coolest looking bike livery (in general or one specific livery) if you were in motogp who would like as a teammate?
favorite rider who retired in the last 10 years: pound for pound, dani pedrosa. i love nicky hayden but he didn't have the same consistency
weird ship you've read a fic about: i am soooo picky about rpf and generally won't read a fic unless it's a ship i legitimately support/think makes sense... sorry rosquez fans
would you rather: go to japan with taka, 100%. i'd propose to him at tokyo tower and we'd go on a romantic honeymoon in hokkaido so he can teach me how to ski
who would win: jack, obviously. jorge is a limp-wristed fairy. he'd try to get theatrical with his moves and end up on his ass in seconds
rider you wish had a home gp: diogo moreira! i miss when motogp went to brazil. i'm a huge proponent of more races in the americas, we really need it. david alonso as well, viva colombia
what number would you have: because my sibling and i are twins, i'd have 51 and she'd have 52. those were the last two digits of our student ID numbers in grade school
what rider would you gift a championship to: i really hate to be that guy but aron canet should get more flowers in moto2. last week one of the commentators during qualifying talked about how canet is strong, there's just always one rider -- one rider! -- on track that's better than him. he's got shit luck and deserves a break
coolest livery: this year's aprilia is pretty slick. i also love boscoscuro but don't understand why they keep switching colors
ideal motogp teammate: my sibling obvs. they're the better rider anyway, i just pay more attention to stats and data. they're all feeling and i'm all head, i think we make a good pair. out of actual riders: fuck it, toprak razgatlioglu. we're putting him in motogp.
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slow-button-off · 1 year
The only thing that would make sense to me with that right to review thing is if it’s used for the stewards/FIA to clarify what it takes for them to investigate a situation or chose not to.
Because the Ocon/Gasly thing was investigated and the lack of penalty explained. We can agree or not with the result, it was done properly. And drivers got to be heard but they were both out of the race so it had no consequence on anyone but them anyway.
The only weird thing is DeVries/Sargeant not being investigated at all. Not saying one of them deserved a penalty, just that it was not looked at and I don’t know why. But I’m no expert and Alfa Tauri did not argue with it so it might not have been an issue at all with the rules and the consistency.
Right now it feels more like it’s about Carlos emotional response if we want to use that phrasing. And if that’s the case I would have hoped he would have gotten over it so far after the things and once he reviewed images. If that’s the reason I think it’s such a bad move and such a bad mentality (not talking about emotions but sport mentality).
Or there really is some more evidence but what ? Alonso making a really bad move ? That would still lead Carlos to try to do something since he is behind. Using the tire thing as there was bad comments about them ? Well difficult when others made them work properly. Car issue ? Again it can’t be the only excuse… and all of that would have been known sooner. It’s really weird.
I agree with that.
To me and the 5s that I looked at the Sargeant thing again it just looks like he out braked himself/ lack of grip. Like it wasn't an outrageous move he just couldn't slow down enough. And therefore wasn't actual dangerous driver. So that's why I think it wasn't investigated. Because it doesn't look like he "chose" to do something wrong if you know that I mean.
There can't really be any new evidence that they didn't have on Monday. Alonso was so far ahead and Carlos had so much more space on the inside that putting blame on Alonso would be wild.
Maybe it's Alonso saying it was a racing incident but he is also only saying that because there was another restart and it didn't cost him anything and he doesn't have to car about what happens behind him.
The grip level doesn't really make sense to me to use because he wasn't making that corner either way with someone still on the outside he took it way to tight his exit was always going to be super wide.
I genuinely can't think of anything that would make sense in order to explain why a clear dive bomb gone wrong wasn't a dive bomb gone wrong.
To me it does feel like this was done to help with some frustration, because I highly doubt that they expect anything to come from this. And honestly I don't even know if it was submitted in time to change anything because there are some deadlines but I can't remember them. And it happening this late really does feel like a "ok we'll hand it in to make you feel better because you haven't let it go yet thing"
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evolvingsidekick · 1 month
Aren’t redbull kind of hesitant to putting strong drivers with max? I think Sainz would be too good to be in the second seat
They probably are, although they may have to change that now that McLaren and Ferrari are stepping up. Last year Max would've won constructors alone, so it didn't really matter in the end who was on that second seat.
I think they need/want a driver that is consistent and reliable, but who knows and accepts their role as a second driver. However, that driver is hard to find, because the good ones (like Norris or Sainz) probably want to be a priority, but the ones willing to be second aren't strong enough to finish consistently just behind Max ir take the win if something happens to him.
Verstappen: is the priority
Perez: inconsistent but has been getting away with it because the car is op
Hamilton: wants to be 1st driver
Russell: probably wants to be 1st driver but is also too unreliable
Leclerc: wants to be 1st driver
Sainz: wants to be 1st driver
Alonso: wants to be 1st driver, although I'm interested in how VER-ALO dynamic would be
Stroll: lol no * insert the "no I'm in the f*cking wall" radio message here, genuinely one of my fav radios of the year *
Ocon: wants to be 1st driver and would probably race Max too aggressively
Gasly: has already been booted out of Red Bull once
Norris: wants to be 1st driver but tbh I feel like it could work
Piastri: I mean it could work because he's so young that he can play 2nd driver until Max leaves, I just don't see the move happening
Albon: has already been booted out of Red Bull once
Sargeant: inconsistent
Hulkenberg: honestly why not
Magnussen: inconsistent
Bottas: would be an excellent 2nd driver but not sure how he would do in results, also I don't think he wants to play wingman anymore
Zhou: inconsistent
Tsunoda: he's a hard one, like Yuki's good but idk if good enough
Ricciardo: there is a chance since he already made the comeback but is he good enough that they would put him in Checo's place? I feel like they would've done it already
Rookies: no, that's why they have a junior team
I don't see people like Schumacher or De Vries making a comeback
= Hulkenberg? Ricciardo? Give Tsunoda a chance? Take a risk with Norris or Sainz?
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