#i also feel like i am maybe not made for nonmonogamous queer culture
druidicity · 2 years
god i hate that i’m a horny young queer man freshly moved to a big city but there is a covid pandemic + a monkeypox pandemic + i am extremely cautious and care about public health + i’m trans and anxious about birth control/getting killed. i genuinely do not know what the appropriate way to go about this is and so for now i am just not having any sex or going to any clubs or being exciting at all and i have sooooo much fomo about it but i also don’t want to get covid/monkeypox or be a superspreader but also since i am not currently having sex i feel like getting the monkeypox vax would be somehow stupid of me or taking it away from people who need it more, but since i don’t have the vax i’m deterred from going out, and so the cycle continues god i hate it
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