#i also have exam season rn so that is double stress
bunnyskel · 1 year
so, i finally got a call today from the other eating disorder clinic in my town to which i am being referred to since february due to my relapse, and they said that the closest assessment that they can do for me is on the 4th of september. i started asking her if there is any other help that i can receive before the appointment such as therapy or medication for my anxiety attacks, to which she said, “sorry, can’t do much.”
i honestly got so mad and sad, so i hung up and cried into my pillow until my bf spent the next 2 hours trying to calm me down. this is fr ridiculous
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
I APPRECIATE YOU SO VERY GREATLY and am more than happy to have my message hoarded :D ! I rumble enthusiastically. And it’s been a little hard to focus esp with uni exams BUT it’s all good. Just gotta keep chugging
BUT SPEAKING OF CONTENT. YOU SPOIL US WITH DOUBLE INTRO CHAPTERS, I LOVE IT. I love the way you write Sunny and the reference back to that “This is how humans do it, right?” art? WONDERFUL. Reader just going along with being carried because “Ah, well. This IS harmless and it feels mean to make him stop… this is fine” also made me smile all dumb. It’s a big mood (Though I May have pulled this trick on friends in high school so I relate to Sun a lot too for Very Casually inflicting Affection upon new friends and getting away with it haha).
IM A RAMBLER but this is all to say I love this and am excited to see how things develop! 🌻
oh god i do not miss exams *but reader in multiple AUs i'm digging around on will have to suffer the same stresses soon enough ehehehe* But aaa I hope everythign goes well/went well. I know tis the season but i don't remember when any of that stuff actually hits. also AAAAAA I HAVE MORE thats close to ready too but it's all like, getting caught at those last bits towards the end of chapters (except one that's... Being difficult cause I have to think in mechanic) SO THERE WILL BE MORE SOON(ish) And man, Reader just... Being passive, even if they're kinda uncomfy with it, is the absolute driving force. As long as Sun doesn't push too fast (which he will, because whats fluff without a little angst to temper it and make it fluffier) then he can mostly get away with everything. Well. 'everything'. BUT IT IS a two way street at some points. Reader's gonna push his buttons a little bit here and there and have to do some stuff that Sun isn't quite OK with but is OK enough that he lets them HANDle it hehehe. Oh boy. Which is. Also the one i'm hung up on rn and I WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT but also I am hoarding it for reveal time but also it is sorta mean to Sun and i feel bad for being mean to sun (no i'm not its good for him sorta). XD
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bellfort3 · 3 years
Hey Bella,
I have no headcanons or brainstorming things to say right now, I just wanted to let you know that you are so cool and a girl boss and very strong. It’s ok to take breaks especially if you’re stressed already from school (I’ve got AP exams rn idk if u do and they’re killing me) so take care of yourself!
- Vesper
Vesper my beloved
I also have no hcs or shit rn bc brain dead but thank you for the ask! You are also cool and strong and I know you are an absolute beast at field hockey which is so pog. It is ap exam season for me yes but also my sport season so I’m like double dying lmao
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noodledesk · 6 years
11 (22) questions tag !
ty to @moonshinestudies and @pennyfynotes for tagging me!! i’m just gonna go ahead and answer them all at once LMAO here they r under the cut!! i’m tagging anybody reading if u wanna do this :^)
q’s from @moonshinestudies
1. How did you get into the studyblr community?
i’ve been on tumblr for a while so!! when they started getting more popular i followed a bunch of blogs and then last year i was like. let’s try this??? and here we r lmao
2. Would you change anything in your life if you were able to do it all over again?
yeah of course!!  but at the same time having regrets and stuff makes u wanna be better so ? i guess i’d just have kept working hard at the things i love without taking super long breaks from them ??
3. What is your favorite season and why?
SUMMER!!!!!!!!!! i fricken love the sun and warmth and bright colours and summer fashion ??? also there’s no school
4. What is one of your passions?
ummm i tihnk everyone here knows i like to draw so . writing!!! i’ve been writing this poem for like 1 month lmao but i can’t do it
5. How do you cope with stress?
uhhhh i. am like the worst procrastinator i’ve ever met lmao i usually can’t get rid of it unless i do whatever’s making me stressed out but exercise is usually my go to nowadays!!
6. Favorite sort of ice cream?
sort?? soft serve?i love that milky shit
7. Happiest memory?
OMG !! i have a lot but i guess one of them was standing with all the other medalists at carnegie hall for the scholastic awards :)
8. What was the last compliment you were given?
that i learn fast? 
9. What makes you happy?
um!!! kids and cute animals and summer vibes and art and . getting to know people slowly!
10. Sunflowers or roses?
sunflowers binch. i love them . they turn towards the sun. i love that
11. Night owl or early bird?
i have more energy in the morning but my ass always sleeps in hhhhh lmao
@pennyfynotes q’s:
1. where do you see yourself in 20 years?
well !!! i’m not even 20 yet so idk where i’d be with like double the amount of exp i have rn but i hope 2 b independent and making things i’m proud of everyday!!
2. what is your fav thing about studyblr?
the amount of. resources . i love it. also the amount of talented n inspiring individuals that r so approachable !!
3. introvert or extrovert? or both or neither?
i think i’m both but my myers briggs personality is enfp ! i’m around 60% E and 40% I i think?
4. one hobby and why you love it?
um !!! playing piano?? i stopped doing exams a few years ago and now i just learn songs i want and hard pieces r so fun n challenging idk i just love music
5. what color is your room?
6. a dream you hope to accomplish?
um !!! i wanna work on a big project/movie/video game/book one day!!!!
7. favorite quote and why?
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that’s why it’s called the present. - master oogway....from kung fu panda iojafoiewfoijweafojwiefj lmao i love it its so good. seize the moment friends
8. what you look for in a friend?
oh !! this is a great question!! i guess ppl who have the same sense of humour as me, ppl who r compassionate and emotionally smart !!
9. describe your personal style.
wow ! bright primary colours !! i’m also recently really loving the vibes from the 80′s hhhhhh
10. if you could swap studyblrs with one person, who would it be?
omg SWA P ???? i guess i’d say like emmastudies because her blog is literally legendary ? i love it so much
11. your favorite self-care tip/routine/item?
mmm mm mmm   m m mmm snacks
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jaime-etudier · 7 years
Sick Tips
IT’S FLU SEASON. So these tips are gonna be for those of you who are sick (like me) or who just have weak af immune systems (like me). I’m no expert but I have learned a helpful thing or two over the years so here we go.
*Disclaimer* I am not a medical doctor, I am just a college student who gets sick a lot (stressed af).
I know, it isn’t always possible to prevent illness, but there are some steps you can take to promote general wellness.
Hydrate. Water, please. Drink it when you wake up, when you take meds, when you eat any meal, and just throughout the day.
Eat Healthy. This may sound like some basic shit but it helps, believe me. If I eat crap all the time, I feel like crap all the time. I feel a physical difference when I put good foods into my body. Some healthy ass smoothies can make a great on-the-go breakfast for school, and grilled chicken with some fresh or steamed veggies is a fantastic option for healthy lunches if you’re into eating meat. If you’re not, go make some dope vegan/vegetarian meals. 
Wash your hands. I too, am terrible at this. I do it only when I have to, but it’s actually super important. I do bring a little smell goody hand sanitizer around everywhere I go and also some smell goody lotion because that sanitizer dries your skin out like crazy. 
Shower regularly. Kill the germs! Smell amazing! Feel accomplished! (I don’t know about you but like my lifelong goal is for my hair to smell so good people around me have to do a double take.) 
Getting Better
Sooo you may be the healthiest person on the planet but sometimes those sneaky little germs still get the best of you. Here’s how to feel better, when you feel like you’re dying (aka me rn).
Anticipate it. When do you usually get sick? I tend to get sick every time I’m seriously stressed, so, exams week, for instance. I bought cough drops just in case, and I’m glad I did. Usually I can feel when I’m about to get sick and I’ll try to be ready with some meds and supplies. 
Urgent Care. Go to the doctor! Most (if not all) college campuses have free wellness centers for residents and students. They’re literally there to help you. You can get tested for the flu and strep throat, and they should be able to figure out what ails you. I usually go in for acute sinusitis, where the sinus cavities in your face fill up with fluid and it hurts like hell, but this time it looks like it may be the flu. Either way, a good doc should be able to get you the antibiotics or medication that you need to get over this.
Over the counter meds. Sudafed PE us my go-to because of the painful face and all. If you feel a sinus infection starting, get that Sudafed asap. There’s tons of other medications for colds and the like, so find one that works for you. 
Steamy shower. Take a hot shower and let the steam build up in your bathroom. It helps to clear some of the congestion you may have. Taking a shower always makes me feel better even though I never want to have to go through the trouble. I know you may not feel like it’s worth the energy, but the shower will help alot.  
Tissue and cough drops. Blow your nose, try and let all of that shit drain. If your throat is killing you suck on some cough drops or use some numbing throat spray. 
TEA. It’s so nice on a sore throat, it’s refreshing, and honestly makes you feel better immediately. Plus, you feel fancy drinking it so it’s a win. 
Look like shit. (and be okay with it) Bundle up in sweats, don’t worry about makeup. Wrap yourself in as many blankets as you want and literally don’t give a shit about how you look. What matters is how you feel. Take care of yourself boo. 
Rest. Take the time away from work/school in order to get better. You’re no help to anyone or yourself if you make yourself even more sick. The only real way to recover is with proper treatment and sufficient rest. 
So that’s all I can think of right now, but I hope it helps. With exam season in full swing (my semester just ended), stress and sickness are everywhere. Take care of yourself; try not to get sick, but if you do, take every step necessary to get better. Enjoy life! Be well. 
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