#i also have several sid wips akskksks
hanarinhightown · 3 years
You know what? Fuck it. I'm finally growing a pair and sending this. I can't be alone in this boat anymore. TELL ME ABOUT LANTAR SIDONIS
I will GLADLY tell you about Lantar Sidonis
My Lantar was born on Invictus in 2160. He doesn't remember it though. He's effectively never been planetside or seen a natural landscape. His dad got sick when Lantar was still very young (Invictus is not friendly to turian biology), and his mom, Lyra, had to take odd jobs to support them alone, quickly getting in trouble with the Terminus mercs that congregate on the colony world. She and Sid spent the next several years hopping around different stations in turian space looking for safety and work.
They ended up on Omega when Sid was 13. He grew up on the station, becoming an errand boy for an elcor shop owner, where he got to know all the ins and outs of Omega. This led him to fill a natural opening when, several years later, he met Melenis, a turian defector from Palaven who became his best friend, and while the two were living with Lyra, they began to take on jobs for low- to mid-level information brokers, up until Lyra's death, after which he developed a lot of guilt and fear of the organizations he had to continue to appease.
Despite all of that, he was known to his friends as being very clever and funny, if a little naive and quick to trust. He's fairly unnoticeable which works to his advantage, curses like a sailor, and gets himself caught in loops of thinking he's unremarkable -- and thinking everyone's eyes are on him. He wants to believe there's something good out there that he can escape to.
While he's well-liked on Omega by his small circles, he's always felt like a bit of an outsider, and he longs for a turian culture that he never got to experience. He's curious about Palaven and wonders what it must be like in the wide open spaces of a natural planet and having a community that is structured so that people have common goals and values, which he sees as the opposite of what his life has demonstrated. That's why it's a perfect storm when Archangel shows up and saves his life. Because he sees Garrus as representative of the potential he never had (this post isn't about Garrus, but Garrus also sees Sidonis as representative of what he perceives is missing in his own life, and that's why their love was doomed from the start because neither of them was really capable of seeing each other as Just a Person when they met).
That's about it as far as his background goes leading up to the Archangel business, save for the story of losing his mom, which will be in my next chapter in my Omega fic!.......if i ever get around to publishing it.
and he has the hots for castis vakarian
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