#i also just wanna see krolia interact with lance all while KNOWING he has the hots for her precious son
tamsreblogs · 2 years
I need more krolitex + Keith in my life
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melalot · 6 years
About VLD Season 7
waI’m just making this post about my overall view of Season 7, and just my opinion on it and maybe shed some light in what seems to be a storm happening right now on Tumblr.
First of all I’m gonna do a run down of character by character then the plot.
Hunk: I am pretty sure we can all agree that this was Hunk’s great arc. And honestly? It was amazing! Guys! I never ever heard of Hunk talking about his families in the previous seasons! So we just saw this side of Hunk who honestly just loves his family? But I am going to back track here. Hunk got a new ability with his bayard! 
Here is what I am most impressed about Hunk this season. He was the one keeping the team together, and he was the glue. When they were stranded in space, we could clearly see Hunk not participating much in the “Sound off” but we did get to hear about his inner emotions. His fantasies about Earth. Hunk has grown so much though?? Like, when Keith was being all negative and the rest of the team HE held them together HE was the one who was vulnerable and said “I am scared too, we are just taking this out on each other out of fear.” 
And when Keith and Lance were fighting, and Keith flew away, and was going mad, he was the one who didn’t let him go, even though Keith wanted to, he was the one who didn’t lure them in the trap over Earth. Hunk showed so much potential this season and I love that we finally got his arc? 
Getting back to Earth though, man, he was so happy to finally be the place he calls home, and we could see how DEVASTATED he was to see it just CRUMBLE. When Hunk saw his teammates reunite with their families, he looked really happy for them. It broke me to see that Hunk couldn’t come to a family, but later on when talking to Keith, he broke. Saying how he fantasized about coming to a peaceful Earth, that he took for granted how the best welcoming he could of gotten was from his own family. And with the help of his teammates and Keith, he was strong. He looked for his family. He was scared. But the thing about Hunk is that he knows this, he acknowledges his feelings, he doesn’t push them aside. He works with it and is brave. And honestly Hunk went from someone who didn’t even wanna go and save the universe, to a person who grew to care about so many people. He finally got reunited with his family in the end and with Shay, it was lovely.
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Keith: Alright! I know there was some controversy with Keith this season but I want to leave my input. I don’t like it that when Keith has one fall back, you make it seem like his development was a waste. Like when he was going mad, or when he said those hurtful things to his team, when he made fun of Lance. Guys!!! Keith is still HUMAN! (I mean he’s half Galra) BUT GUYS!! Keith is STILL developing. He isn’t going to turn into a different person like poof magic. No it takes time. He is still developing as a person, and yes he’s going to have fall backs like any other person! But guess what? He WAS MATURE and acknowledged it and APOLOGIZED. Now THAT is maturity, realizing your actions and knowing when to apologize for it. Keith was an awesome leader, I don’t care what you guys say. He went from being a reckless shit to doing things on his own to actually trying to keep the team together, because it was best for everyone. That even if they were lost in space or in any situation, they had each other. He knew everyones weakness and strong points, and he never downgraded someone. And Keith giving advice and being more open and Vulnerable? What he said to Hunk, that to be Brave you can be scared but you also can be strong while still being in fear. He saw a teammate, no... his friend going through some heavy shit and comforted him. Keith has grown a lot guys, I just wish you guys wouldn’t let these small fall backs just bombard this whole image of Keith. Keith was a foster child, no mother, father passed away, had conduct issues, got close to Shiro in the Garrison, had him missing, tried to find Voltron, he went from being a lone ass wolf to someone who can now stay with his team and call them friends. He truly cares about his team and he is not selfish.
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Keith and Krolia: Now I loved, their relationship this season. Yes we got a little less screen time, but think about the things we did see? Them stuck in the prisoner thing from the generals. Her along side him in the Black Lion. Her pulling up a Simulator game and bonding with Keith and his friends. She was being a mother. And that scene where she said she was going to help Kolivan. We saw how distraught Keith looked, it looked like his world was crashing down, he just got his mother and now she has to leave again. Now Keith from the previous seasons would of been pissed off and let his emotions override him. But no, she said she was sorry to leave him for a second time and he said that it wasn’t goodbye. He knew they would see each other again. He gave her the knife, and he thanked her for the time he spent with her. He really cherished those moments with his mother. Then she said she loved him, and he said he loves her back, and he called her Mom TWICE in this scene, and then that hug? Gosh, That was such an emotional scene, he’s accepting feelings and he has finally accepted Krolia as his mother. This is exactly what I wanted from their relationship. Then obviously at the end she met back up with him at the hospital, which it was nice to see Keith wake up to a loved one.
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Pidge: Now I don’t really have much for Pidge, but I do know she has been getting a lot of hate. And guys, I know she’s said hurtful things, especially to Lance. But she is also the youngest crew member there. She was away from her brother and father for such a long time and never gave up on them. Pidge still has some developing to do, but she does care for Lance guysss!!! Pidge is a pretty dense person, she’s got so many things on her mind that she doesn’t know that when she says something, it rubs off the wrong way sometimes, Lance has been shown to always have a front, and Pidge just hasn’t seen that he is actually hurt. I just want this Pidge hate to stop, like come on guys just relax this is normal and happens in real life, she will realize at some point and apologize.
Allura: Allura had a step back this season, but we saw more of her powers and her determination. Even though Earth wasn’t her home planet, she knew what it was like to lose her home and would do anything to protect another’s home. At the beginning Allura seemed annoyed at Lance, not going to lie. But then she suddenly, blushed and told him to stay safe? There is no doubt that Allura and Lance have developed a lot together, and Allura does care for Lance a lot. I loved this. I just hope Allura and Lance aren’t forced together because I mean, that would really suck... Allura is not over Lotor, we saw how she reacted when they were talking about him, I think she’s caught up on how good of a friend Lance has been to her, that she’s confused. But Allura was great this season!
Shiro: Shiro seemed like a mentor this whole time to me, which was really nice actually. He was the one that opened the Paladins minds into connecting with their Lions, that they can do anything, and he could PILOT ATLAS, he was such a strong captain, and Shiro has gone through so much? I’m actually pretty upset that Adam got killed off and Shiro only got 2 seconds to grieve, but they were at war and were under a clock, Shiro will have time to grieve on his own. He was the voice and he fought Sendak himself. Shiro is a true warrior, and I respect him a lot. 
Lance: Finally, my thoughts on Lance! First of all, I love Lance. Second of all, we have seen Lance bouncing around this season, by that I mean. We have seen times where he’s silly, times where he’s angry, and times where he’s sad and can’t pull up a front anymore. One thing I noticed is that Lance accepted Death like 3 times or more this whole season. And its honestly pretty sad. I will show images here
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Lance reuniting was his family was really sweet, we can tell he has a soft spot for his nieces and nephews. And even though he is the youngest, he is still protective of Veronica, but Veronica is also protective of him. This is sibling love. I loved how Veronica joined the garrison and has become this big part in the war in battling to save Earth, and we got to see her battle along side with Lance. That moment when Lance was calling Red and Red wouldn’t come to him, broke my heart and I will show the image but Lance was ready to accept Death along side his sister, the first thing he did was make sure she was safe. We really have a look on his relationship with his family, but we couldn’t have very big moments since it was war time.
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Veronica teasing Lance about Allura was sweet, but Lance’s reactions were pretty off. I saw somewhere on a post that Lance would actually talk about his feelings for Allura with a loved one if he was sure of it, but he didn’t seem so sure. In fact he was denying it. He’s not ready to be vulnerable. I think things are changing here.  (Plus Lance didn’t even flirt with Romelle lmao) + Lance protecting Pidge was so cute.
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My Hopes: Honestly this is mainly Lance things but, we have gotten flash backs from everybody besides Lance. Pidge got flasbacks, Hunk got them this season, Keith got them this season along with Season 6, so did Shiro. And Lance, we never really have gotten much from him? Here is what I want to know.
-We know why every Paladin joined the Garrison besides Lance, so why did he join?
-We don’t know much about Lance’s past besides certain moments from the garrison or some memories with his family or movies.
-Now, I want a closure with Lance. I want Season 8 to be his arc. He needs it. We need him coming to terms with his emotions and how to solve them. I need these answers.
-I want to know about his sword
Klance: Alright here are my thoughts with Klance this season. We had pretty good interactions, not going to lie and I will post the images here and do a quick run down one by one!
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Keith could of chosen anyone to lead but he chose Lance, and I’m pretty sure this isn’t just because he is the right hand of Voltron, he see’s potential in him and trusts him. And Lance is so worried when Keith leaves on his own??
2nd part
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Seem familiar?
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I am paralleling this because! Lance said something nice about Keith when he didn’t have enough energy to pull up a front. This moment between them mattered a lot to Keith, he even has those lines under his eyes to show a pained expression. Lance denied the bonding moment because he wasn’t emotionally ready to accept it. Keith was hurt by that. Now, Lance said something nice about Keith, acknowledged him and a moment. Keith then wasn’t emotionally ready and rubbed off the wrong way. Come on guys, you know they bicker, yes its gotten better but they also haven’t seen each other in a long time and they’re all stressed with war and under pressure, they don’t have BREAKS!
Also these moments
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Honestly, I think Lance was letting out hurt feelings. He was hurt when Keith left, we know this, there was something missing with him ever since we left, I don’t need to pull up the screen shots for you guys to know that Lance was hurt when Keith left, he said he was going to miss him, and he had the best reaction when Keith came back too. BUT THERE WAS NO TIME FOR TALKING, THE UNIVERSE WAS AT STAKE PLEASE TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION!! 
Notice how Keith didn’t say anything back to Lance? He just accepted it and even flew off just BECAUSE LANCE TOLD HIM TO?!? Like guys c’mon lol.
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Honestly this just reminded me of their friendship. So yeah!
Now, I’m not saying “ohh klance still has a chance” I honestly don’t know at this point. As far from my knowledge.
Allurance seems forced. I honestly think there might be a love triangle in Season 8 between Allura Keith and Lance. and this is why I think that.
LM said that Lance will be with someone from the beginning of the show with someone from the very first episode. Lots of Klance was hinted, but Allurance was also in the way. They said Lance’s end game would be a slow burn and Klance is a pretty slow burn... also Keith has all the qualities Lance wants. Lance can be vulnerable with Keith. As of now he can’t with Allura, he doubts his feelings around his friends and others. because he is afraid of not being taken seriously. I don’t think this is love. But we will see. I mean We just got to wait you know?
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The thing is I also think Season 8 won’t have so much battles, it is 13 episodes, Sendak, Lotor, and Zarkon are dead. Earth is safe, Haggar is still out there but they can defend Earth now, yes the Altaen thing is still a mystery but I don’t think it would take so many episodes to defeat Haggar, it usually takes 2 episodes or 3 just to defeat a the enemy. Season 8 has a lot of potential to give us a lot of answers and closure we need.
We need Lance and Keith’s relationship to patch up, we need them to catch up, we need them to fucking fix this and TALK one on one, with no pressure and let things out. Lance was clearly affected, and I think Keith will realize this.
We need Lance talking to SOMEONE about all his insecurities, we need someone to take him seriously, and I think with his family with him, he will feel stronger. Maybe even Veronica will be the one that helps with this since she was such a big part of Season 7. 
I want to know why Shiro is Lance’s hero, I want to know his past, I want to know all of this.
I want to see Pidge apologize and tell Lance he is like a brother to her.
Hunk has already realized things have been off with Lance but he hasn’t had time to bring it up.
Allura can talk to Lance, I want a closure on Allurance as well, these feelings need to be spoken of.
And if Bi Lance arc is still a possibility, then that would be great.
As of now I hope Season 8 is just a closure season and gives us all the answers we want and see development, answers and closure. Season 7 was really rushed because they were at constant war, there was no breather ever, you guys have to understand that. Things have to be put aside sometimes when you have to fight. Just stop hating on the season so much like guys!
They said Voltron wasn’t a romance series, it was an action cartoon! 
We have GREAT characters!
Romance is just something to have fun with. Now I know you guys want LGBT rep and trust me, I want it too, I don’t like what they did to Adam, but lets wait, things happen for a reason, and we will probably get those answers before or after season 8. For the mean time, relax, let out your energy, and just lay the hype down more for the next season. I know we got kinda baited but we don’t have to get overly upset.
I know this was long and I appreciate those who read it lol.
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thedrunkturtles · 6 years
voltron s7 lgbt rep things and my other opinions (that noboby asked for but im gonna give anyway because this is getting out of hand) on stuff:
ok so this is probably getting old but i wanted to give my two cents about the whole thing. first off,i wanna say that i love voltron and season 7 doesn't change that. i personally thought it was an amazing season, though of course like everything there are things i didn't like. lets get this out of the way so we can get on to the positives.
-one, i didn't like the forced allurance. fuck that amirite ladies and gents (no offense to people who ship allurance).
-two, lance isn't dumb. he is a beautiful smart man and i will not stand for this >:(((((((((((((((((.
can't really think of anything else though i probably have a little more than that loool. oh well.
-the positives.
I LOVE HUNK. hunk this season... do i have to say more.
i am a klance shipper and idk bout y'all but i am kinda satisfied. they were few and far in between though and honestly the only thing keeping me hopeful about this is fan theories, even if some of them are reaching. and the klible.
though i'm not really a multishipper, we got some good moments for a lot of other ships too!!!! that's real noice.
i don't like anything about lotor excluding his hair, his hair is beauty. i love him as a villain, but i never have and never will like him as a person. but him in the feud episode. ABSOLUTE GOLD. GO GALRA WILL FOREVER BE STUCK IN MY SMALL BRAIN AND I WILL NEVER BE MAD ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!
romelle. she's beautiful, she's funny, her interactions with the team (mostly hunk), did i mentions she's beautiful, she's an alien. i will absolutely marry her. she is beauty.
james isn't as much of a tool as i thought he'd be. he was still kind of an absolute dick to keith at moments but he's an overall cool dude and he has good intentions. i loved all of his other friends too and can i just say. kinkade. damn son you is foine.
keith called krolia mom!!!!!! and he said i love you to her!!!!! and she said it bacccckkk!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT LEADERSHIP THO and his teleporting space wolf kosmo is absolutely everything. basically everything about keith i love him. though this season i think he became closed off again because of basically no human interaction for 2 years. i don't believe that answer he gave about choosing lance, like come on ;)))). his arms were crossed and that's just typical closed off seasons 1-3 keith.
pidge we didn't really see that much but i love her. when she hugged her mom. 100000000000/yes bitch. when she hugged her dog i died.
lance... sharpshooter lance??????? YES GOD. he was amazing and funny as always this season and his arc isn't over y'all. ugghhhh i just love him so much. he needs to talk to someone about his insecurities and get a noice hug. I LOVED HIS REUNION WITH HIS FAMILY THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL :"DDDDDDDD. and his sister veronica. dudes. just yes. yes.
shiro is always amazing and strong and he gets even more so with every season. idk how my boy is doing it cause he's been through hell as well. i think he needs to mourn adam a little more, and i know they broke up but they were together for a long time too. he needs a long nap and a break and i love him.
allura. umm i love and adore my girl allura but right now i think she also needs a nap and a break. her heart was broken by the snek lotor (sorry lotor stans) and she needs time to heal. aka not try to get with lance cause she doesn't need anymore romance right now. sorry lance, and allurance shippers, but it's the truth.
atlas. i never knew i needed this and all i'm saying is she thicc as fuck.
i don't think the fight scenes were boring or too much. i liked the fight scenes and i appereciate them.
coran is gorgeous as always. love him.
i loved majority of this season its is beauty!!!!!
-onto what all the people are talking about and want the tea (not that i have any) on: the 'supposed' 'lgbt rep'.
this is an unpopular opinion but i think we did get that. people are always giving this argument but it's true; just because adam and shiro broke up and adam is dead and we didn't get this big reunion doesn't mean shiro isn't gay. imo adam was definitely overhyped. shiro is still gay my dudes. and another thing about this is, while lgbt rep is extremely important and i'm not trying to say it isn't, that isn't what the show is about. it's a show for kids about robot lions who create one giant robot man called voltron defending the universe from evil alien dudes. simple. and before you say 'the kids who watch this don't know shiro is gay because they don't go on the internet and there is nothing to support that in the actual show and it's the same for other people in general who don't watch it and don't actively search for proof on the internet'.
one, do kids even really watch this show? obviously some do but this has really been taken over by fangirls. the small children who do watch this are probably watching it for the giant robot and the cool fighting.. stuff (no offense intended if you are a small child reading this. btw if you are why are you on tumblr get out while you can). and for the other people don't watch the show... they don't watch the show. don't go to people who don't watch vld and never will to prove your point because they don't. watch. the show. i think what's important is that we, as a fan base who actually love the show and watch it, know that our beautiful shiro is a beautiful gay man who doesn't need a man or a few scenes with one to prove it (though some more flashbacks with adam would be nice hehehehehehehehe).
keep in mind these are my opinions and feel free to not agree with any of them. maybe i got some things about the lgbt thing wrong, idk. and if you are a person who hated this season because of the lgbt rep thing then that's completely fine to have your opinion about it, and if you want to stop watching voltron because of it, be my guest. i can't change your mind with just like 2 paragraphs. you guys just need to stop sending hate towards the people who gave us voltron. that is absolutely HORRIBLE and you should never ever give someone hate. it's not good and you can't justify telling someone to kill themself over a show. because in the end, that's all voltron is. a show. and to some people, including me, a show that is still amazing and will hopefully continue to be amazing in the next season. this whole thing will probably never be noticed but that's ok. i just needed to get this stuff off of my chest. thank you and goodbye to you beautiful people who decided to read this, and remember, don't spread hate!!!!!
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brattyboyblue · 6 years
Personal Thoughts of VLD S6
After having a wild emotional day due more to hormones than the actual season’s release (lawls), I finally calmed down long enough to watch season 6 of Voltron. Now, I haven’t actually watched a complete season of voltron since season 3, but I kept up with enough spoilers from seasons 4 and 5 (while having watched at least the last 3 episodes of season 5) to understand what’s going on.
(Vague???) Spoilers under the cut. Sorry if you’re on mobile!
tl;dr: Keith’s arc was probably the most well done out of all the character arcs. Fuck you Lotor, but also, I really pity you Lotor. Shiro needs to go to Disney. Allura wipe your tears honey bunch. YAAAAAS HUNK. LOREMASTER CORAN; Team Punk the real saviors of the universe; I’m sorry the showrunners are making the writer’s do you dirty Lance. You are my sunshine hubby always. klance still has a chance and y’all aint gonna destroy that for me. Allurance can still be salvageable as long as they make Allura smart in regards to Loverboy Lance. Krolia is QUEEN. the fuck are the generals?
Keith & Shiro
- DAMMIT KEITH WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HOT. also, I'm very proud of you. He came into his leadership, now I just hope season 7 provides more team bonding with the other paladins and not just Shiro.
- Speaking of Shiro, rest. Rest child. You have done well and you have earned your peace.
Lotor & feelings:
- The award for sympathetic villain goes to Lotor. He followed in his mother's footsteps and I hope--I can't believe I'm saying this--he either finds peace in death or he finds peace in a redemption arc.
- I actually do believe his feelings for Allura were genuine. She clearly had feelings for him and still did in the end when she was willing to sacrifice the lives of the team to save him (NOTE: this is an exaggeration of what actually went down, but she did insist on saving him despite everyone telling her they needed to go.)
Keith & Krolia:
- It's a damn shame they cut the Keith/Krolia bonding down to montages but it had to be done. There's just not enough episodes in a season to dedicate toward that. They learned from their experience on Avatar at least.
Lotor’s Ang--Generals:
- The generals are really just watered down versions Azula's generals but more stupid. I really don't understand their purpose in the show. (And this may be due to the fact that I skipped season 4 and half of season 5).
- All the allurance scenes, with the exception of the first one in the first episode, really didn't come across as being romantically coded. Every single scene with them didn't have the violet coloring but its possible that'll change in season 7.
- It's also possible that Allura will, finally and kindly, tell Lance that she isn't interested and wants to heal from Lotor’s betrayal now that she understands what its like to have your heart broken. It probably won't put an end to Allurance but maybe it'll be able to salvage it.
- I did see some hidden klance things. The stars in the astral plane was one. Lance noticing Keith's physical changes first before anything or anyone else, the parallels between Keith's parents finding the Blue Lion and their encounter with the Blue Lion. Lance is the first person Keith sees through the Black Lion's eyes followed by the rest. The fact that once Keith returned to the team, Lance was already by his side in terms of positioning when before he stuck around Allura. I'm not going to look any deeper than that until I know where Season 7 plans on going with Allura's heartbreak and healing.
- Keith's familial backstory confirmed brother Shiro--all of that was beautiful and executed wonderfully.
- The animation and coloring this season was top-fucking-notch. Bravo. All the pivatol scenes captured my attention just with the details they added to the characters. Everyone’s BSOD expressions (mostly Shiro and Lotor’s) were so well done I was praising the team outloud lmao.
Pacing of the Plot:
- Story-wise--when it focused on the plot--it was nicely done. It didn't feel out of pace like previous seasons or rushed. Its not quite as good as seasons 1 and 2 in terms of pacing but it's definitely one of the more better paced seasons among the shorter sets.
- I appreciate the temporal fuckery as a means to tell a story through flashbacks and the use of foreshadowing in the DND episode.
- The story through characters, I think Keith’s story and Lotor’s story were definitely well portrayed this time around. So it’s really nice to finally see that red ribbon on Keith's fucking arc.
- Hunk stepping up was absolutely gorgeous and beautiful and obviously expected and thank you for finally acknowledging that Hunk is an engineer.
- They reminded us that Coran was also an engineer and that was beautiful.
Team Punk:
- Hunka and Pidge's friendship is probably the better-depicted relationship out of the entire season. I’m not sure when they grew so close, but I really enjoyed their interactions.
(disclaimer: I’m a Lance stan and I love him with all my heart so my disappointment is warranted)
- Hoo boy, here we go. Its obvious this season Lance absolutely no longer has a connection to any of the paladins. I didn't see it like I saw it in previous seasons and while I love the langst that I did see, I didn't like that it revolved around his unrequited crush on Allura. With that being said, they utterly shaded Lance this season. He was the most pointless character in the whole damn show. CORAN did more than him and that's really saying something. THE FUCKING CASTLE OF LIONS DID MORE THAN HIM!
-it's interesting to note that the Monsters and Mana episode predicted [Lance’s uselessness] because all he did was vanish and teleport as a distraction or get the others fucked with a trap. (Speaking of which, the DND episode was the best fucking filler in the entire series and I love it so much. Bless you Shiro)
- Anyway, back to Lance--I cringed every time he opened his mouth. I know it's not his fault his writers hate him, but holy shit, I can understand why some fans would hate him.
- His characterization this season was about as captivating as a fucking cockroach on a wall. It actually destroys previously established moments of badassery in other seasons.
- However, it was really, really, REALLY nice hearing Lance bark out orders when Keith wasn't there to do so. He can step up in time of need, but the writer's don't really give him any credit afterwards.
- They could have handled the Clone Shiro arc in a different way that would've given Lance time to shine, but instead, its given to Keith who had the power of a Deus Ex Machina-esque vision that told him of Shiro's fuckery. It made the last scene in Season 5 between Shiro and Lance really unnecessary.
- I do look forward to them going back to Earth in season 7 and a part of me hopes it does focus a bit more on Lance BECAUSE they're going back to Earth. Its a great opportunity for him to really think about whether or not he wants to return to Voltron once the castle ship is built, but I get the feeling Lance will not be important in that season or in any season. (Of course, thats just me being pessimistic.)
General/Shipping Commentary:
- In terms of shipping, other than the klance moment I mentioned and the allurance, its hard to predict. The whole series is based on Identity and Family, so i guess ultimately a romance isn't really (and shouldn't have been) necessary but its really hard to say what will be endgame at this point. But that's okay. I rather no one end up with anyone in the end.
- I wonder what the significance of the wolf that keith bonded with is
- Krolia’s romance with Texas had me emotional.
Overall, I actually enjoyed season 6 despite my earlier heartbreak. I realized, as I was working, that the fandom is dramatic as fuck and certain people have a tendency to become toxic in the face of adversity, regardless if they mean to or not. I learned I should always form my own opinions on a matter as opposed to believing in others.
I also learned that the showrunners are shady AF, and while I understand they need to protect their show from spoilers as much as possible, I would really wish they’d stop making “promises” of... well, everything really. I rather they be vague (”You’ll just have to see for your own eyes”) as opposed to adding commentary to something that’s probably never going to happen.
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