#i also like beethoven a lot if you didnt notice
2joshuji · 7 years
For the ask thingy: smooth, cutie
smooth: do you like classical music?
- yes i do. beethoven’s 8th sonata (i think) the one called “pathetique”, second part called “adagio cantabile” is my absolute fav like yaasss boi
also like pachelbel’s canon, and chopin’s nocturne. (yea i only know the mainstream ones) my fav composer is joe hisaishi (the composer of ghibli movies), tzaikovsky and brahms
cutie: what’s your favourite orange thing?
- weird question but peaches are my favourite fruit, and i also had this orange bouncy ball when i was little it was called “jumper” and it was like my fav i loved it n when it got a little scratch i put a bandage on it XD
thanks for asking! 🌷
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Rich Girl, Poor Boy (Jungkook x You x Taehyung) (ONESHOT)
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A/N:This is a rare occurance where I write a non-idol AU 😂 and also, its not edited, so expect to find lots of grammatical error and typo errors
Jungkook sighed as he looks up at the stars lining the clear dark skies and stands up to make his way inside the huge ballroom of his family mansion, which is often dark and gloomy but tonight is filled with bright lights and people's laughter. Tower of wine and champagne dotted the table, the food, extravagant, the girls, beautiful, the music, exquisite, his parents would have hire Beethoven himself if he were still alive, anything in the name to show everyone, both enemies and allies, how powerful the Jeon family is.
This is just another normal parties for them, for their "crowd". Jungkook is raised within other big families, wealthy families with empires of their own, all only soughting for one thing; more power. But between all the money talks and business opportunities, Jungkook found one friend he knew he could trust and count on, Kim Taehyung, the one and only heir of the Kim family, his childhood friend, and next door neighbour. Taehyung and Jungkook share no similarities. Whist Taehyung prefer to enjoy the more beautiful parts in life, visiting galleries and taking photos of sceneries he foumd mesmerizing, Jungkook prefer to spend his days partying, drunk till the daylight shines and waking up with girls he wont remember the name of the next day. While Taehyung tries to hide away from his family name and fortune, Jungkook basked in every single cent of it. But still, they are the best of friends, always having each other backs againts their parents,  the judgemental society, the world.
"Hey, where have you gone?" Taehyung smile the moment he saw Jungkook came in front the massive garden door, a drink in his hand.
"Just getting a breather from all..." Jungkook looks around the grand ballromm, bright with expensive decorations and chandeliers, "this,"
Taehyung laughed.
"Why? Dont you like parties? Girls? Champagne? A place to show off your the next Jeon heir? This parties have everything you like roll into one Kookie,"
"Yah, I'm not that bad!" Jungkook glares. "You know I only embraced it because theres no way I can run from it. Or hide. You are just lucky your parents gets you Tae," he smile and pat Taehyung's back.
"And you are lucky you got me," Taehyung winked. Jungkook lets out a laugh. True. He dont think he can hold on to his sanity without Taehyung always anchoring him back. Parties, booze, girls, money, its all fun but what Jungkook really wants is to do music. Write it, sing it, performed it, play it. All of it. But music for the sole Jeon heir? Hah, no way in hell his parents is going to let him. And they are not shy in hiding it either. His parents have been telling him about his responsibility as the family heir every since he could understand what money is. Every chance and opportunity he ever had to play music, his parents destroy without hesitation. He dont have a chance to even explain how music makes him feel.
So he buried all of it deep in the grounds. And if his parents wants him to embrace his life as a Jeon heir, then a Jeon heir hes going to be. Thus, money, parties, booze and girls.
"Maybe I do Tae," he laughs. "Old people alert," Jungkook points to an old couple, a family friend, waltzing their way to the two young men, a young girl in tow, ready to be inteoduced to the duo. Most probably their daughter, niece, granddaughter, Jungkook doesnt care, its all the same. They are all gorgeous, shallow, vain, dumb and absolutely boring.
"They never give up do they? Even when you and Adora are al-"
"Gotta go now," Jungkook quickly move away, hiding himself behind the huge, thick curtains his mother spent a fortune on. Sensing the line is clear, he makes his way swiftly to behind the buffet line, ducking every few second, trying to make it out of the room. Busy looking around for possible old people prospect he hits a wall.
A wall that talks.
"Oww! Watch where you are going you idiot!"
Jungkook immediately looks down to the girl sprawled on the floor. Not only the wall is a girl. A rude girl. And.. a beautiful one.
Jungkook smiles.
Y/N looks up to the man who bumped into her. Hes now just looking at her, not saying anything. She take this opportunity to size him up. Hes all dressed up in a suit, an expensive suit at that, so he must be a guest. Shit, shes so dead. Lets just hope hes not an important guest. He is also very, beey handsome. Y/N was mesmerized for a second before she gets a grip and blinked.
"Oww! Watch where you are going you idiot!"
The man didnt say anythin, just smiling at her.
"Helloo? Are you deaf? You are blind and now you cant talk too?" She huffed and stands up on her own, holding tightly the huge coat covering her torn dress. She needs to het to the bathroom quickly, but this idiot havent moved.
"Excuse me? May I pass?"
"Oh, yeah right," the man smile and move aside a bit. When shes just about to pass him, he suddenly spoke. "How come I have never seen you before?"
Y/N was surprised at the question. In a ballroom as big as this, does this man assume he knows everyone?
"Because you hit your head and I'm just your imagination," Y/N roll her eyes. Isnt that the worse pick up line or what? The man chuckle.
"Hmm witty. I like it. But seriously. Who are you? May I know your name?"
"No. And I'm in a rush to mend my torn dress, so if you will excuse me," Y/N sighed and try to make her way again. The man stops her by pulling her hand, startling her.
"I think I can help with that" he winks and drag her outside the huge ballroom.
"Wait, where are you taking me?! Stop or I'll scream!"
"You can scream but I think you will be the one in trouble. And trust me. Do you think a criminal would wear a suit this good?" He laughs and continue to drag her along. Y/N contemplates on what he said, confused as to what he meant. But it didnt take long when he stops in front of a giant door and push it open.
Inside the room are walls and walls of clothes. Dresses, pantsuits, skirts any piece of clothing one could ever imagined.
"W-what is all this?"
"Take your pick,"
"B-but whose are all this?" Y/N walks and touched all the expensive material with the tip of her fingers. She turns back and look at him."Who are you? How can you know about this?"
Jungkook was taken by surprise.
"U-uh..." he realizes that the girl dont know who he is, and its so refreshing to meet someone who for once doesnt know who he is, and he really wants to keep it that way. "I work here. I manage the performances? These are all costume. So you can borrow one,"
"Really?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "All these expensive materials are costumes?"
"Hey, the Jeons ask for the best, and I delivered," he shrugs, feigning ignorance. Y/N ponders for a while. If its the Jeons, what he say could be true. Everybody know they live life basking in luxury "Just pick one okay? As a payback for bumping into you,"
"Well.. if you put it that way..." she grins and start to go through all the beautiful dresses she could only have ever imagine of being this close to.
Jungkook leans by the door and look at the mystery girl rummaging through his mother old clothes, a smile unexpectedly creeping up his face.
"By the way, I'm Y/N," she peeked theough the clothes and smile. "Whats yours?"
"Me? I'm uh... J-Jungkook," Y/N immediately turns to face him and raised her eyebrows at the mentioned of the name and Jungkook immediately realizes she knows who "Jungkook" is. "Kim Jungkook," he quickly corrected. "I am Kim Jungkook," he laugh awkwardly, hoping she wont notice anything.
"Jungkook? Thats your name? The same name as the heir to this household?" Y/N asks, curious.
"Uh... yeah. You know him?" Jungkook asks cautiously, crossing his fingers for her answer to be no.
"Not personally, of course," she laughs. "I dont know what he looks like but I do hear that name being mentioned once in a while," she shrugs. "And you work here? Isnt that confusing?" She giggles.
"Uh no. I dont really work in close proximity with him. Hes always out and about. Doing uh... stuff," Jungkook answers nervously. "And we also look totally different,"
"Yeah? Well, if he is as handsome as people say he is, maybe you guys have a lot of similarities," Y/N laughs and went back to dive inside the closet
"Maybe..," Jungkook smiles. "Maybe we do," Oh Y/N, you have no idea.
"You keep texting and smiling these days Y/N. Is someone having a new boyfriend?" Adora giggle and peek her hewd to the phone screen that Y/N is holding, which she quickly hide with a blush on her face.
"N-no. Not a boyfriend...."
"But.. it is a boy?" Adora's eyes turned wide, her grin; bigger. "Oh my god, why didnt you tell me?! Im so excited! Who is he? Where did yoi two meet? Show me a picture!"
Y/N laughed.
"Well.. I uh didnt think you would be interested in my love life, since you know.. you are my-"
"Friend?" Adora glares at her. "That better be the end of your sentence L/N Y/N!" She crosses her arms across her chest and frowns. Y/N smile sheepishly.
"Y-yeah. Friends," Y/N agrees, eventhough she knows they are no where near to being friends. But she knows better than to defy Adora. Her relationship with Adora is... complicated? Well, not really. Shes her personal maid. Enough said. Although Adora prefer the word "handmaiden" or "personal assistsnce" or her personal favorite, "friend". To be fair, Adora really does thinks of her as a friend, and treated her like one too. But Y/N know her place. Shes a maid. Thats all she is. She jumped from one job to another, washing peoples clothes, washing dishes, picking up trash to get by, and by luck, out of million others who applied, Adora, the only daughter of a multi millionaire pick her to be her "personal assistance". She has only been working with her for a month, but she can already tell that Adora has the heart of gold.
"So who is he? You should tell your friend this kind of things you know," she giggles. "How did you two meet?"
"Well... actually. We uh met at that party you brought me a month ago," she blushes and looks down.
"Shut up!" Adora squeals. "You have met him a month ago and this is the first time I'm hearing this?! You have been texting this guy for a month?!"
"Well... yeah?"
"Oh gosh, things must have been serious! Tell me more!" Adora gushed excitedly. "And you met him at the party? Thats means he must be some other chaebol too! Oh Y/N, we can have a double wedding!"
"What?" Y/N laughs. "Okay, first of all, I only known him for a month. And second, hes not a chaebol. He works there. Do you think some rich kid would even spare me a second glance. I was there at the party as your m-mai-" her words trailed off when Adora glares. "Uh friend. I was only there as your friend, not even in the guest list,"
"Well, anyone would be blind to not fall for you. You are beautiful, inside and out," she smiles. Y/N nods and gave her a small smile. She knows Adora is just being nice, but coming from a beauty queen that has everything like her, it does means a lot. "Okay, I have to go meet my fiance. But you are not off the hook yet! You will definitely tell me everything about this mystery guy when I came back okay?"
Y/N laughs and nods.
"Anything you need me to prepare for while you are out?"
"Hmmm, nothing," Adora ponders. "Oh right, my fiancee is coming here after the cake appointment. So maybe you can prepare some tea and cakes or something?"
"Wait," Y/N pretends to gasps. "You are telling me I finally get to meet this infamous fiancee of yours?"
Since she has only been working here for a month, she has never met Adora's fiancee. She never asked about him either. All she knows is that his family is just as rich as Adora's is and they are childhood friends. Their parents sets them up together so that the famoly money will stay close.
"I guess you finally will," she winks. "Ill see you okay? Love ya," Adora picks up her Balanciaga purse and give her a flying kiss before heading off to the car where the driver is waiting.
Well, she guess she better prepare something special for this special guest then.
"Seriously, why am I being dragged to a cake testing?" Taehyung complaint for the gazillion time as they walk passed rows and rows of expensively decorated cake.
"Because Tae, its free food. And you are my bestfriend, so you should get tortured with me," Jungkook shrugs and poke one of his fingers in one the cake and lick the cream off.
"You both can afford the best wedding planner ten times over, why even bother to taste the cake? Cant you pay someone to do it?" Taehyung poke the same cake and licks it clean too.
"Because," Jungkook roll his eyes. "As if you dont know my fiance Tae. She aims for this to be the wedding of the millenium. And shes a superb bridezilla. She wants to have a say in everything. And apparently, she wants me around while shes saying it,"
"And you follow what she says because?"
"So that I can go home and sleep peacefully at night and not have her and my parents all nagging at me to take this damn wedding seriously!"
"Damn wedding?" Taehyung raised an eyebrows. "I thought you have accepted the fact that you have always meant to marry one of our own? And shes your closest friend, other than me of course. And isnt it you who said, "If I have to marry for riches, I'm glad its Adora"?"
"Well..." Jungkook scratched his head. "That was before I met someone..." Taehyung's eyes widen. "At that party a month ago,"
"You are engaged Jeon Jungkook, what do you mean you met someone?!"
"Shut up okay! We dont want Adora to hear!" Jungkook hissed while looking around. "I just did okay. Its not like I planned it. Shes just so... refreshing. Not to mention... so undeniably beautiful," Jungkook smiles.
"What the hell Kookie? You sound as if you really like this girl. And you never like anyone!"
"I dont know Tae. Shes... different," Jungkook shrugs. "And I really think I want to try with her,"
"Oh my god," Taehyung rans his hands across his face. "So what are you going to do? The wedding is in a few months,"
"I seriously dont know Tae," Jungkook sighs.
"Well, I think, what you need to do now is..." Taehyung smile and nods to someone behind Jungkook, and Jungkook knows exactly who that is by the sound of her expensive heels and the smell of her even more luxurious perfume, "is taste the damn cake with your fiance,"
Tea... Cupcakes... Sugar... Creamers... Short breads...
Y/N arranged the centerpiece for the millionth time as she straighten the teapot again. All ready for Adora and her fiance. Y/N wants it to be perfect. After all, thats the best she can do for the nice treatment Adora has been giving her all this while. She straighten her dress and pick at a lose thread and takes a deep breath. Why is she even so nervous? Y/N chuckle to herself.
She quickly make her way to the doorway once she heard the sound of engine running at the driveway.
That must be Adora.
She opened the door to welcome a smiley Adora who linked her arms to hers while pushing a box of cakes into her other hand.
"Here. I brought some of the cakes we tasted. Tell me what you think okay?" She smiles and walked with Y/N to the tearoom. Y/N looked behind her shoulders to see if there are any guests.
"Wheres uh-"
"My fiancee?" Adora giggles. "You are really eager to meet him dont you? He will be in in a minute. Lets just go first. Hes been here a million times, he knows how to welcome himself in," she takes a seat at the neatly arranged table and Y/N quickly rushed over to served her the tea and cakes.
"You did a good job Y/N," Adora nods at the selection of tea and desserts spread in front of her.
"Thanks miss. I-"
"Dora, where do you want me to put your-" Y/N halted from pouring the tea, spilling it on the table the moment she heard the voice. very familiar voice. A voice that she heard for the first time a month ago, but it never left her mind... and heart. Her heart stops as she looks up from the spilled tea and Adora's frowns to see the face of the man that has been haunting her dreams. And by the look of how he too stop mid sentence, Y/N is pretty sure he recognizes her too.
Adora quickly turns her head up from Y/N to Jungkook to Y/N again. Confused on how the two know each other. Confused on how her maid can adress her fiancee so casually.
"Wait. How do you know his name?" Adora looks at her, a frown on her face. "Dont tell me you two know each other?"
"Well, we uh..," Y/N gulped and looks from Adora to Jungkook, not really sure what to say. Is this really Adora's fiancee? She will kill her if she knows about her and Jungkook. "We-"
Jungkook quickly recovered from his shocked and cut her off.
"No we dont. I have never seen her before in my life. Maybw you got the wrong person?" Jungkook shrugs and place Adora's thibgs on the chair.
"But babe, she knows your name?" Adora looks at him, still suspicious. He kmows Jungkook is a ladies man, but he promise he will honor their relationship, although they both know he doesnt love her.
"Baby, almost everyone know my name. But that doesnt mean I kmow them now do I?"
Y/N looks at the two conversing like she isnt even there, dumbfounded. Is Jungkook really the wrong guy? Or is he pretending not to know her? But why? But then again, the Jungkook she knows cant be Adora's fiancee right? Her fiancee is the Jeon's heir. Are they twins or something?
"Are you sure Kookie? Y/N looks like she really knows you," Adora tilted her head, confused and suspicious.
"I dont babe. Who is she anyway?" Jungkook took a step forward and look at her. Y/N stares back, taking in all his features. His brown doe eyes, his bunny teeth, the mole under his lips... yes its him. She can recognize him anywhere after the countless photos they exchanged through texts. "Your friend?"
"Y-yeah, she uh.. my friend," Adora smiles. Jungkook looks at hee and back to Y/N again after her stutter and laughs.
"Babe, why is your friend serving you tea then? Are you befriending the help again?" Jungkook laughs and take a sit. "Hey, pour me some," he motioned to Y/N. With shaky hands and beating hearts, Y/N went over and serve the man the tea she work so hard to made perfect.
Adora ignores him and ask him again, seeking confirmation. "Are you sure you dont know her Kookie?" She turns to Y/N. "Y/N? You sure?"
Y/N gulped. Should she tell the truth? But whats the point if Jungkook himself is hiding the fact that they know each other right?
"I dont babe. Just trust me already," Jungkook sighed, saving Y/N from answering. "Besides, where would I even know a..." he looks at Y/N with disgust. "A maid from? I dont even remember my own maids, why would I remember yours?"
Y/N felt her heart stop. So much for thinking hes the only guy at the party that wasnt stuck up and see people for who they are and not their status. Hes actually the worse of them all!
"She was at the party a month ago Kookie. The party at your house? Remember? I brought her along,"
His house. That explain the closet full of dresses. Gosh Y/N, how are you so stupid? Works with costume? Same name as the heir? So gullible Y/N! Serves you right.
"Nahh, doesnt ring a bell. Maybe she saw me baby," Jungkook shrugs. "I am afterall is the host,"
"Y/N?" Adora looks at her.
"I-I uh.." Y/N tried to blink back the tears and embarrasment she felt. "I was mistaken. Im very sorry Sir, Miss," she bows.
Adora sigh. "Fine, I will believe you Y/N because I know you wont lie to me. Now I need to make one phone call, Kookie, will you help Y/N carry my stuff inside?"
"Its okay! I can do it on my own!" Y/N quickly interjects. Theres no way she wants to be alone with Jungkook, sorry, Jeon Jungkook right now.
"Dont be stupid. Its a lot. And its Birkins. I dont want you to drop them," Adora giggles. "I went shopping earlier. Help her Kookie, I'll be back," she smile and went out to her call.
Y/N kept quiet and quickly gather up the bags. Jungkook immediately gran her wrist the moment Adora left the room.
"Y/N, I can ex-"
"Sir, please let go of my hand. I need to get going with Miss Adora's bags," Y/N tries to shake him off.
"No! You are not going anywhere until you let me explain!" Jungkook insisted, turning her to face him but Y/N immediately avoid eye contact. How can she look him in the eye after what he did. All her life, her friends have been embarassed by her because of what she do, she cant believe she fell for a guy who felt that way about her too.
"You dont need to ecplain anything Sir, I understand,"
"Stop fucking call me that! And just let me fucking explain!"
The harsh words struck a cord in her, making Y/N bravely look up to his face. "Explain what huh? How you lied to me about who you are? Or how you just insulted me? Or how you are sooo embarassed to actually admit that you know me?" She lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Of course you are. You are the great Jeon Jungkook right? How can you be associated with a maid? How can you even be friends with one?! And you are even engaged!"
"Y/N, please," Jungkook look defeated but still grab her hand before she can walk away. "You dont understand. My world... its different than yours. Its all about money, and status. Adora and me is not even in love with each other but we are getting married because her family status is the only one that matches mine!"
"Right Jungkook, blame it on the money, on the status. But you know what, all that doesnt determined what kind of a person you are. The disgusted look on your face when you realized that I'm your fiancee's maid? No one can fake that," she laughs. "I was wrong about you. Your kind are all the same!"
"W-wrong about me? What do you mean?" Jungkook pull her back again. "Y/N please okay? Give me time to figure things out. Its hard for me!"
"Its hard for you? Really?" Y/N laughs again. "Then I'll make it easy for you. Just forget that you ever knew me. I'm just Miss Adora's maid!" She yelled and grab all the shopping bags.
"Y/N, atleast let me-" Jungkook tries to grab some of the bags from her.
"Just dont Jungkook," she said so weakly and brokenhearted, Jungkook stop mid track. "Just dont okay? Just stay here and have tea with your fiancee. She deserves better," Y/N quickly grab everything and ran off, leaving Jungkook standing alone in the tea room.
Y/N kicked the lose stone with her foot, sighing loudly. After rearranging the Birkins in Adora's massive closet, she was dismissed, much to her relief. Although she is unsure whether her dismissal is cause by Adora suspicion about her and Jungkook or just because her help wasnt needed. Whatever it is, Y/N was grateful as she make her way to the empty garden. She needs to get whatever the hell it is that happened earlier our of her system. She needs to get Jungkook, Adora's fiancee, the Jeon's heir Jungkook, out of her system. She dont know how much longer she can work here. Once Adora and Jungkook gets married, she is pretty sure she will be seeing him even more. She decides to quit as soon as he find something else. Although working with Adora pays good money, but she values her insanity more. She has to quit. She will quit right after the wedding. When Adora dont need her help as much anymore.
"Hey, I didnt know anyone is here? I'm usually the only one who hangs around here," A male voice interrupted her thoughts as she felt his presence sitting down besides her. Y/N look up to the most handsome man she has ever seen. She almost rub her eyes, thinking shes dreaming. How can anyone who looks like that be real?
"I-I'm sorry. Im new here. The whole month I was here no one ever comes to this garden," she quickly stands up amd bows, ready to walk away. The man laughs and pull her wrist, asking her to sit down. For a monent when their skin touched, Y/N felt butterflies.
"Hey its alright. Its a big garden, we can share," he smiles and Y/N immediately feel comfortable. "And also its my fault, I havent come to visited Adora for so long. So thankyou for keeping my favorite garden bench warm,"
"Oh. Y-you are Miss Adora's friend?" Y/N immediately stands up and bows. Adora might treat her like a friend, but she is pretty sure her friends doesnt. And the way Jungkook just treated her proves that. The man furrowed his brows, confused.
"Why are you bowing? And why do you call Dora miss?"
"I'm uh her-"
"Wait, are you her personal helper?"
"Yes, yes I am," Y/N smile at the term the man use. Personal helper, instead of maid. Shes also sure that if this main is Adora's friend, means hes part of that world. The world that Jungkook said cared about status and money more than anything. He would definitely shoo her away now that he knows shes the maid. "I'm sorry to have bothered you. Miss Adora said I can use this garden if I wanted too. I didnt know someone else uses it too,"
"Where are you going?" The man pouts. "Just stay here and talk to me somemore. I'm bored. I mean, if tou dont mind?" He looks at her. Y/N blinks. He still wants to talk to her eventhough shes the help?
"B-but, maybe you didnt hear me. I'm Miss Adora's maid,"
"Uh okay?" The man looks at her confused. "Ohhh, do you have to go and do for her right now?"
"N-no. I mean... I'm a maid. Are you sure you want me to stay and talk to you?"
"Whats wrong with that? A helper is just a job, not who you are. And plus, why wouldnt I want to stay and talk to a pretty girl like you?" He winks, making Y/N blush. Y/N contemplate for a momebt, and after a bad day she had, maybe talking to this handsome stranger is what she needed.
"Okay. Maybe I can spare a few minutes," she smile and sits back down.
"Just so you know, Im not some weirdo or anything. I came here with my friend, hes Adora's fiancee. Maybe you know him?" Y/N nodded slowly. Oh.. so he knows Jungkook too, which means they are all childhood friends. "I'm Kim Taehyung by the way, whats your name?"
Y/N smile. Even his name is beautiful.
"I'm L/N Y/N. Hi Kim Taehyung, its nice to meet you,"
"Is Tae really coming Kookie?" Adora plays with her freshly manicured fingers and looks at her fiance.
"Yeah. He promised me," Jungkook answered lazily. He spent the whole day at Adora's house after the fateful meeting with Y/N earlier, hoping to catch a glimpse of her again, but nothing. Adora had dismissed her for the rest of the day. Now she suggested they went out for dinner, and to avoid the boring conversations he would have with his future wife, he ask, no, forced Taehyung to come with him, which suprisingly, he said yes easily.
"Maybe he bailed. You know he hates to third wheel us Kookie. Why do you always drag him anyway?"
"Well, because hes the best man babe. He should know stuff. And also, he said hes bringing a date tonight," Jungkook shrugs.
"A date? Taetae? Who? Do I know the girl?"
Jungkook turns to look at his fiance and smirks. "Is that jealousy I hear babe? You know I'm still your fiancee right?"
"What the hell are you even talking about? Why would I be jealous if Taetae dates someone?" She laughs awkwardly. "Its about time he does,"
Jungkook laughs and roll his eyes. "Oh please babe, anyone can see you have the hots for him since we were five. Too bad your stuck with me. Dont worry, I still support your love for him. I think you will be good for him," Jungkook laughs. Adora's face turned red.
"Shut up! And dont say anything to anyone. Remember I'm marrying you wild bunny! And what an unfortunate luck that is," she laughs.
"Girls would kill to be you babe, you know that," Jungkook smiles. "Here comes your lover boy," Jungkook motioned to the red Jaguar parked outside as Taehyung huddled out.
"Hey Tae," he smile. "Wheres your imaginary date?" Jungkook looks around and laughs. Taehyung hits his shoulder and laughs.
"Its not imaginary. But then again, shes so beautiful, you might not think shes real," Taehyung winks.
"Whatever," Jungkook roll his eyes. "Where is she?"
"Actually, I'm here to pick her up," Taehyung smile, making both Adora and Jungkook confused. "Here she is now," he motioned to Y/N whos walking through the lawn from the maid's door. "Dora, I hope you dont mind I'm taking Y/N out tonight?"
Adora's eyes widen in surprise, jealousy stir inside of her but she still feel happy for Y/N as she knows that Taehyung will take good care of her. She plastered on a smile.
"Y/N? Shes your date?" She grins. "Sure Tae. Just make sure you show her a good time,"
"You know I will," he winks and reached out his arms to Y/N. "Hey, you look beautiful," he smiles.
Jungkook who has been watching the whole thing quietly clenched his fist without realizing. When the fuck did Taehyung meet her? And she said yes to his invitation just like that?!
Y/N almost stop mid way when she saw Jungkook and Adora at the hallway. Taehyung only asks her out to dinner, he didnt say its a double date! She almost turned back but Taehyung already approached her.
"Hey, you look beautiful," he smiles.
"H-hi Tae," she blushes shyly and start fussing with her simple sundress the moment she saw both Taehyung and Jungkook in a suit and Adora in a enchantingly beautiful dress, no doubt designer. What the hell is she thinking? She accepted Kim Taehyung's invitation , one of the most sought after heir there is, yes she googled, and she thinks her sundress is good enough? "I - uh I didnt know Jungkook-ssi and Miss Adora is coming too," she leans in and whisper to him. "I think I'm under dress,"
Taehyung laughs.
"You look very beautiful Y/N," he reached out and hold her hand, making her feel hot all over. "She does right?" He beams at the other two. Adora quickly link her arms with her. "You do! It doesnt really matter what you wear Y/N!" Adora leans in closer to her. "Especially not when Kim Taehyung keeps on looking at you like that," she winks, making Y/N blush ever more.
Jungkook who heard what Adora said felt her whole face heat up. That little- urghhh.
"Come on Kookie. Lets go. Lets drive our own car and leave the lovebirds alone," Adora giggles and link arms with Jungkook. Jungkook looks up to see Y/N's reaction to what Adora said. Surely she must felt something. Just this morning they were still texting each other! But what he sees when he looks up is Taehyung staring at her, smiling shamelessly and Y/N staring back, smiling shyly.
This date night is going to be a loooong night.
Things were going well between Y/N and Taehyung. After that surprisingly comfortable and not at all awkward date night, they have gotten closer. Taehyung spend a lot of time at Adora's house now. Main excuse being he is Jungkook's best man and he have to be there, but with all the dismissal Adora kept giving her when Taehyung is around, everyone knows the real reason Taehyung is around.
Still, seeing Jungkook and Adora together still hurts her sometimes. Seeing him laugh with her, joking around. Y/N knows they dont love each other, but the comfortable level and chemistry they have with one another, after being friends since they were born, makes her jealous sometimes. She can see the real side of Jungkook whenever she came in to serve them dinner or tea, or help Adora with some of her things. She can see what a dork he really is, despite his label of being a wild, party man. She can see that hes funny, caring, competitive and he has a love for food like no other. And all this little things only makes her fall for him even more, despite Taehyung being the sweetheart he is around her.
But Jungkook is Adora's fiancee, and nothing can change that. Plus, Jungkook refuses to be associated with her, cant be associated with her, the maid. So maybe its best that she stick to her plan to leave after the wedding.
"Hey, that engagement tea party you are having with Dora, you dont mind if I bring Y/N right?" Taehyung asks as they were having drinks together. Jungkook felt his heart boiled everytime Taehyung mentioned her name. Its bad enough that he can only see her during the short minutes she came in to serve them food, but she isnt even replying to any of his texts or answer his calls anymore. He misses her, although he knows its his fault for not saying anything when they came face to face.
"Sure. But wont she need to work or something? She works for Dora you know," Jungkook tries to act nonchalant. The whole reason why he wanted to host the party at Adora's house is because he hope to see Y/N, even if its only glimpses of her. The closer he is to the wedding, the more anxious he becomes.
"I'm sure Dora would give her an exception. She seems ro be very supportive of our relationship," Taehyung smiles.
"So... what are you two now? Like boyfriend girlfriend or something?" Jungkook acts line he doesnt care about the answer although his heart is screaming for Taehyung to just answer the damn question.
"Well...no," Taehyung answer and take a sip of his drink, as Jungkook felt relieved with the answer. "But I hope that would change, real soon," he smiles. "Like real soon. Like tea party soon?"
"What do you mean?"
"I think I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, at your engagement party," Taehyung grind and took out a box from his pocket, which opens up to a beautiful ring. "Its romantic right? Asking her to go steady with me at an engagement party?"
"A ring?" Jungkook eyed the ring carefully, in his heart he knows he would buy Y/N something much better than that if hes given a chance, "dont you think thats too much just to ask her to be your girlfriend? You are not asking her to marry you. Right?" Jungkook asks nervously. Taehyung laughs.
"Of course not. But being extra is what we are all about Kookie. I know she dont care about all this material shit, and thats why I love her, but I want her to know shes special. You k-"
"Wait, love her?" Jungkook sits up from his leaning position.
"Well..." Taehyung grins sheepishly. "I know its just a month Kookie... but I think I love her. Ive never met anyone like her,"
Jungkook tries to calmed down his heart, his hand shaking from wanting to punch Taehyung right in the face. The worst part is, he knows how that feels. Because he too, admitted to himself a long time ago, that he is head over heels in love with Y/N. But he ruined everything didnt he?
I'll be right back okay?" Taehyung kisses her hands and smile before heading off to meet someone in a suit. Must be one of his business partner or something. Y/N nods and smile and stood at the most glamourous tea party she has ever attended. Well, the only tea party she ever attended. Who host tea parties nowadays anyway? But the fabulousness of the party is expected from Adora. Feeling awkward standing on her own, Y/N make her way to a more secluded part of the garden after observing that Taehyung will most probably take a long time. She sat down at the bench and closes her eyes, inhaling the fresh air, thinking about what her life have becomes. How did she managed to catch Kim Taehyung's eyes? He is not playing her is he?
"I can see that you are enjoying the lifestyle of rich and famous,"
Y/N eyes popped open to the voice and as expected, stood right in front of her, Jeon Jungkook with a cocky smile. She immediately stood up and start to walk away.
"Where are you going? Cant take the truth?" Jungkook mocked. What is he implying? That she is using Taehyung for his riches? Y/N turns around, glaring at her.
"What do you want Jungkook-ssi?"
"Jungkook-ssi?" Jungkook laughs. "Dont you think we have moved past that? Especially when my fiancee told me that you told her you met someone incredible at the party few months back. Im assuming thats me?"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"So what? You are here to gloat? I was dumb back then. It was a mistake. You are obviously not who I thought you were. I thought you were different, but you are not," Y/N sighed. "Is that all?"
"So Taehyung is?" Jungkook look straight into her eyes, face serious.
"H-he-" his question took her by surprise.
"Is Taehyung different then Y/N? Is he everything you ever wanted then? Is he able to erase all your memories of me? Of us?" Jungkook took a step closer to her. Y/N felt her breathing starts to goes rapid and tries to calm down. Jungkook still has this effect on her.
"T-taehyung is a good man. Hes kind, handsome, nice, a gentleman, a romantic, he treats me good, he kno-"
"But do you love him?"
"W-what?" Y/N panics. How could Jungkook asks her that.
"Do you. Love. Him?" Jungkook repeated the question more seriously and took a step forward.
"I-I," she panics. "How can I answer that? Its only been a month since we met!"
"But you were in love with me within a month that we met," Jungkook closes the gap and held both her wrists, whispering close to her face.
"I was not!"
"Yeah.. you are," he smirks, face only inches from hers.
"N-no, I wasnt!"
"You are Y/N, in fact, you are still in love with me now," he smirks more.
"I am definitely not!" She tries to squirm as he gets closer.
"Yeah?" Jungkook smirks and closes the gap, his lips on her, tounge asking permission for more which Y/N immediately granted as she closes her eyes as his lips touched hers.
The kiss felt like it lasted forever when Jungkook finally pull away and look into her eyes, whispering. "I love you Y/N. As much as you love me, I love you more,"
Y/N felt tears prickled her eyes. She wanted to hear those words from him from the first day she realized her feelings. But now that she did... she knows they can never be.
"Please, choose me. Dont choose Tae. Choose me," Jungkook said softly, begging. Y/N closes her eyes, the tears she tried to blink back finally rolled out. "Please?"
"I-" she sobs. "I always have been choosing you Jungkook," she answered back, barely a whisper. "But will you... ever be able to choose me?"
Jungkook was surprised by her answer, eyes widening. Y/N lets out a half smile and released herself from his grip.
"Just... go away Jeon Jungkook. For real this time," she wipe her tears and ran off into the party before Jungkook can say anything.
"Hey, you okay? Where did you go? I was looking all over for you," Taehyung greeted her, smiling. Y/N smile back and looks at him. Such the perfect guy. "Whats wrong? Anything wrong with my face?"
Y/N smile. "No Tae," she grazed his face. "You are perfect,"
"Yeah? Well, in that case, I have something to ask you," he smile and take her to a water fountain in the park, already decorated with fairy lights, her favorite. He sat her down and kneeled in front of her, hands holding both of hers. "Y/N? I know we just met. But I want you to know that Ive never felt this happy as this one month that I am with you. And at first... I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend today..."
Y/N's mouth gaped open, surprised.
"But..." Taehyung continues. "I realized that that wasnt enough for me. I know its too fast and we dont have to do it right away, you can take all the time you need, but Y/N please say yes. Please Y/N... will you... uh..." Taehyung looks utterly nervous as he smile and looks into her eyes."Will you do the honors of being my wife?"
Taehyung smiles and fix his best friend's bowtie. Jungkook looks emotionlessly at his reflection in the mirror.
"Its your wedding day Kookie, why do you look like a zombie?" Taehyung asks and smile. Jungkook tries to flash a small smile but failed. He chase after Y/N that day at the party. It took him a few minutes to realized that he dont care what his parents will say, he dont care what society will say, he dont care what Adora or Taehyung will think of him. He dont care about money or status. He never did. It was all what his parents put inside his head. All he cares about right now is that Y/N knows that he chooses her. And he will keeps on choosing her. He wants to be with her. He knows he will be his happiest as long as Y/N is with him. But the few minutes he took is a few minutes too late. The moment he found her, all he can see is Taehyung kneeling down in front of her, smiling, the ring box opened and presented to her.. asking Y/N to marry him.
To marry him.
Jungkook immediately turns back and ran out from the party before she can answer. He dont need to hear it. He already knows that happiness will never ever again be his.
And now its one week later, he is in his wedding suit, about to get married to his childhood bestfriend, and the man who get the girl of his dreams, his best man.
"I just want to get today over and done with Tae," he sighed.
"Kookie," Taehyung turned serious. "You know... if you dont want to marry Dora, you can just tell your parents you know? Sure, they love their money and status but they love you more. Trust me," he smiles.
"Whats the point Tae?" Jungkook gave a small smile. Whats the point when Y/N is marrying you?
"The point is for you to be happy and do what you truly want Kookie,"
"Theres nothing else that I want Tae. Happiness? Happy?" He scoff. "That was never meant for me. And I deserved it. After all the hearts I break, I deserved this fate," Jungkook sighed. "Now just stop with your pep talk and lets get me married okay?" Jungkook look at his relfection one last time and start walking side by side with Taehyung down the aisle.
"Hey Kookie?" Taehyung leans in and whisper. "Its not too late you know," he grins. Jungkook looks at him, confused.
"What are you talking about?"
"Y/N. She said no," he smiles. "She said no to my proposal,"
"Stop whatever the hell you are doing!" Jungkook yells out at Y/N who is climbing up the bus.
"J-jungkook? What are you doing here?"
Jungkook rushed over and pull her down and signal the driver to drive away after slipping him some cash. "You are just going to leave? You are just goimg to bail on Adora's wedding?!"
"Jungkook," she sighed. "Im just the maid. I didnt think I was even invited. Afterall, I really dont want to be there,"
"Fine. But I'm sorry, I cant let you leave," Jungkook grab her bag and start walking to his car thats parked nearby, hoping Y/N will follow, which she did.
"Jungkook, stop! Give me back my bag! What is wrong with you?! What else do you want from me?!" Y/N is frustrated. He made her miss the bus now she have to spend more money to buy another ticket, something she dont have a lot of.
"What else I want from you?!" Jungkook frowns and turns around, his face serious. "I want you to stay! I dont want you to leave!"
"Why?!" Y/N screamed. "Isnt this what you want? For a maid to no longer bothers you and your friends? Just give me back my bag and leave me alone!"
"You dont know what I want Y/N..." he growls.
"Fine! Then what the hell do you want?!" Y/N never cursed but shes done being nice.
"I want you to marry me,"
"See? You only care about yourself you selfish jerk! Yo- wait, what?" Y/N's eyes widen, finally realizing what he said. Jungkook grins.
"Done yelling at your future husband?" He laughs and closes the gap between them. "I love you Y/N. I made a mistake. A real stupid mistake. And I realized that a little too late. You make the richest man I could ever be, and without you, I am nothing. I am the saddest, poorest man ever lived. But Y/N, marry me and let me spend the rest of our lives making it up to you, making you the happiest woman alive, just as happy as you made me. Please?" He showed her his innocent doe eyes, making Y/N laugh through her tears.
"I-is this for real?"
"Its as real as it can get baby. You dont have to forgive me baby. But please, just marry me,"
"Oh, lets just say, she totally approved of us," Jungkook winks. "So... is that a yes?"
"Hmmm... what was the question again?"
Jungkook laughs and kneels down, taking out a box from his pocket that housed the biggest and most beautiful diamond Y/N has ever seen.
"L/N Y/N, will you marry me? Please?" Jungkook smile. And in the middle of a deserted bus stop, Y/N said the one word that will change her life forever.
Jungkook didnt even remember walking down to the end of the aisle. He didnt even remember seeing Adora walked down the aisle. After Taehyung's confession, that is all he can think about.
"Go Kookie. Y/N is leaving today. Go find her. Now," she smiles.
"But Dora... what about-"
"Us?" Adora laughs. "Kookie, we will always be bestfriends. You know that. And how do you expect to spend the rest of your life with me when we cant even agree on what to have for dinner? Afterall, our families will still be the biggest empire, married to each other or not. Go get her Kookie, I'll handle our parents,"
"H-how about you?" Jungkook's brows furrowed.
"Lets just say," she looks behind him at Taehyung whos smiling back at her and smile, "the one month I spent with Tae to plan your happy ending with Y/N might lead to my own happy ending with my dream guy too," she winks.
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Moonlight Sonata ; Taeil
Requested Characters: Pianist!Taeil / Cellist!Reader ft. Amber & Jaehyun Genre: romance A/N: as you can probably tell by the title moonlight sonata will be in the story~ it’s by beethoven if you didn’t know also i’m sorry this took so long writers block is a witch... yes i just said witch sue me and i didnt add the nightmare im sorry ><
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You huffed as you placed the final box down. “That’s it!” Your friend, Amber, said happily, tired as well. It was a week before your first day at college and you were moving into your dorm. 
“I wish you were my roommate,” you said sadly. True to your words, Amber already had a roommate; she was a sophomore while you were a freshman after all.
“You’ll live,” Amber said, pushing your shoulder. “Your roommate-- what’s his name again?” You thought back to registration, when you were told. 
“Min-- Moon Taeyong? Something like that.”
Groaning, Amber looked to you with an apologetic expression. “I’d love to help you unpack, but I have a date.” You chuckled, grinning over your shoulder at her. 
“With Henry?” Amber grabbed a random object and threw it at you. Luckily it was a pillow. “Well, go on.” You picked the pillow up from the floor, “you’re going to be late.”
After Amber left, you turned on some music -- a riveting piano piece -- and continued to unpack, blissfully unaware of the noisy men entering the dorm.
Minutes later, your desk was occupied with your belongings. Sighing, you glared out at the window. It was noon so the sun was at its highest, which meant it was extremely hot. Closing the window blinds, you pulled up the hem of your sweater, ready to take it off.
And then the door opened.
You froze, sweater halfway up your torso, eyes wide. A guy stood at the door, staring at your exposed skin. “Do you mind?” you stuttered, cheeks growing hot. He nodded slowly and closed the door. When you heard the click, you let go of the fabric, and rubbed your face. “Oh my dear God, [Y/N], great first impression,” you mumbled. 
Quickly changing into a spare t-shirt, you exited the room. You spotted him, talking to a younger boy in the hallway. You saw several boxes surrounding him, along with the black suitcase at his feet.
Upon seeing you exit the room, he averted his eyes. “Hello,” the younger one said, somewhat shyly. You nodded, waving your hand. He, the one who walked in on you, turned to you after a moment with a forced smile. 
“Sorry about before,” he began, his smile wavering. “I knew you were in there, but I didn’t think you’d be, uh--”
“Yeah, that.” You chuckled, leaning against the door frame. “It’s not like you saw anything.” 
He gave you a look, “what if I did?”
“Did you want to?”
The younger boy laughed. “Aw, Taeil-hyung is all shy!” He teased. Taeil, you repeated in your head. So it wasn’t Taeyong. 
“Stop it Jaemin, ” Taeil scolded. Shaking his head at him, he looked at you. “I’m Moon Taeil, your roommate. It’s nice to meet you.”
If you thought that you and Taeil would become the best of friends, you were wrong. To be frank, it was awkward between the two of you, even after five months. You practically never talked, aside from the quiet ‘hello’s every now and then.
“Morning,” you mumbled, half asleep as you trudged into the kitchen that you shared with two other students. Taeil stood at the counter making coffee in his pyjamas (which consisted of boxers and a loose tee mind you), greeting you quietly. “I have a date later,” you said through a yawn, “so you’ll be alone until it’s dark.”
It was true; you, [Y/F/N], had gotten a date. Not willingly, anyway. Amber had set you up on a blind date, claiming that you were going to die alone at the rate you were going at. She wouldn’t even let you refuse.
Taeil glanced at you from the corner of his eye, weakly nodding. You yawned once more and shook your head in hopes of waking yourself up. You noticed, even in your tired stupor, that Taeil had begun to openly stare at you. “What?”
Taeil looked away hastily, going back to brewing his coffee. “Nothing,” he mumbled, his cheeks tinged pink. He quickly poured the hot beverage, leaving you some as always, and left. You heard him close your door, leaving you to stand in the cold kitchen alone.
“What was that all about,” Boyoung, one of the other students, asked as she walked out of her dorm room. Hyungsik, her boyfriend, walked out soon after. You gave her a suggestive glance after seeing him, avoiding the question. She quickly dismissed the thought, smacking your shoulder. “Get your mind out of the gutter,” she mumbled, blushing, “he couldn’t sleep through the storm last night so he asked to come over.”
Hyungsik pouted at Boyoung, as if expecting her to keep quiet about that. “Sure,” you teasingly drawled out. “And that,” you gestured toward the door Taeil had disappeared behind, “I honestly don’t know what that was. He’s been acting like that lately; all jumpy and shy around me.”
“Wasn’t he always like that?” Hyungsik asked as he stole a sip from Boyoung’s cup of milk. She retaliated by elbowing his stomach lightly, placing a protective hand over the rim of the cup.
You nodded but sighed. “I don’t know. He’s basically been himself times ten for the past month.” You were a bit worried, honestly. You had no idea why he had suddenly been acting off and you wanted to get to the bottom of it. You were a bit hurt, honestly, with the way he had been brushing you off lately. You bid the two good bye, as you had a class in half an hour.
You ventured into the dorm room, finding Taeil hunched over his desk, scribbling away at something. His coffee was placed on the desk as well, but it seemed untouched. How can someone look so attractive doing something so mundane, you thought with a slight pout.
You let him be, going to change in the bathroom. “I’ll be going,” you said quietly, slipping the large cello case on. Taeil hummed, not facing to look at you.
The day passed quickly, the thought of Taeil drifting out of your mind. Instead, you began to think about your upcoming date. Would your date be nice or a total jerk?
You didn’t bother getting dressed, heading straight to the cafe you were meeting your date at once your classes were over. It’s not like you were trying to impress your date anyway; you had someone on your mind already. Memories of a certain brunet suddenly flashed in your mind, causing you to feel warm out of nowhere.
Upon entering the cafe, you headed straight toward a table for two in the corner. Not a lot of people were in the cafe, aside from a few elderly men and women alongside a couple of your peers.
Placing your cello case against the wall next to you, you sat down. You closed your eyes in slight exhaustion as you waited, tired from your classes. The cafe smelled of coffee and chamomile tea. As you basked in the sunlight that streamed in through the window, you were tapped on the shoulder.
Breaking out of your reverie, you looked up to see a rather attractive man standing at the table. “[Y/N]?” he asked simply.
Slowly you nodded, assuming he was your date. “And you are?”
He smiled at you, taking the seat across from you. You couldn’t help but notice how adorable he looked when he smiled; dimples appeared on his cheeks. His dark brown hair seemed lighter in the sun. Despite his obvious attractiveness, your heart was surprisingly calm. “I’m Jaehyun. I sit behind you in Music Tech.”
You offered him your own awkward smile, having never noticed him before. As if he read your mind, Jaehyun laughed. “It’s fine that you don’t know me. I only know you because I have to stare at your head half the time in class.”
You huffed jokingly, narrowing your eyes at the male. “Is that a problem for you?” You asked in a teasing tone. Jaehyun chuckled, shaking his head. “Not one bit.”
You became flustered over the amount of sincerity in his voice, but dismissed it quickly. “I’ll go order,” he offered, standing up. “What do you want?”
“Iced caramel macchiato, please.”
It didn’t take long before Jaehyun came back with both your drink and his. The two of you sat in silence for a while, drinking the cold beverages, before he spoke up. “You’re a cellist, right?”
You nodded, gesturing toward the case behind you. “How’d you guess?”
You exchanged smiles, the mood slowly becoming more comfortable as time passed. In an hour, you had learned that he enjoyed singing (and you managed to get him to sing a part of How Deep Is Your Love), he liked playing sports, and that he was a pianist.
“My room mate’s a pianist,” you mentioned after taking another sip of your drink. Jaehyun, who was previously playing with his hands, looked up at you in curiosity. “Who? I might know them.”
“Moon Taeil.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widened, his hands going limp. You stared at him in confusion, did he not like Taeil? “You’re Taeil’s room mate?” he asked incredulously. You nodded, leaning back in your chair. “Wow,” he breathed, “I didn’t expect this.”
You furrowed your brows, “what do you mean?” Jaehyun chortled. “I can’t believe I’m on a date with the room mate of all people. Man, I can just imagine his face if he finds out.” You narrowed your eyes at him, crossing your arms. “What are you talking about?” you demanded.
Jaehyun scratched the back of his neck. “Taeil,” he began, “we’re friends and he’s told me about his room mate. He does that a lot, by the way.” He paused before continuing, “I think he likes you, [Y/N].”
Needless to say, the date ended very quickly. He had noticed how quiet you had gotten after what he said, so he offered to walk you back to your dorm, which you had refused. It was already getting dark anyway, so you sent him home. Although, Jaehyun didn’t let you leave until you had his number. Text me when you get back to your dorm, he had said.
You walked into your dorm, your motions sluggish. You placed your case in the corner where it usually was before flopping onto your bed.
“How was the date?” a quiet voice asked. You jumped, forgetting that Taeil would be in the room. Looking up with warm cheeks, you made eye contact with the said male, who was sitting on his bed reading.
I think he likes you, [Y/N].
Jaehyun’s voice rang in your ears, causing your face to get hotter. “Eventful,” you stammered, covering your face with your pillow immediately after giving him an answer. You didn’t catch the frown he had quickly put on.
The room went silent for a good five minutes, other than the sound of Taeil’s book and its pages, before your phone rang. Without looking at the caller I.D., you answered and brought the phone to your ear.
“Hello? Did you get home safely?” Jaehyun’s voice asked. You rolled your eyes, sitting up. “What’s the point of telling me to text you if you’re just going to call?”
Unbeknownst to you, as you spoke Taeil watched, wondering who you were talking to.
“I’ll hang up first,” you said, standing up from your bed. “Night, Jaehyun.” You let him respond before hanging up. Taeil’s eyes widened, his book falling from his hands.It fell to the floor with a plop, the noise gaining your attention. He gave you a timid smile before bending over to pick it up.
His eyes trailed after you as you gathered a bundle of your clothes, heading out to presumably take a shower. When the door closed behind you, he let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“[Y/N] went on a date,” he mumbled, eyes wide, “with Jaehyun?”
When you came back to the dorm room, Taeil had already fallen asleep, his bare back facing you. You found yourself looking over at his bed constantly throughout the night, before stopping yourself.
Get it together, you thought, you’re watching your room mate sleep for God’s sake, [Y/N,] could you get any creepier?
Letting out a quiet groan of frustration, you turned over and closed your eyes, willing yourself to sleep. The darkness of the room lulled you into a light slumber.
Unfortunately, that light slumber didn’t last very long. You found yourself awake once again, this time staring up at the white ceiling. The room was eerily silent, you couldn’t even hear Taeil’s soft snoring, something that normally sounded a lot louder than it actually was in the quietness of the night.
You glanced over at Taeil’s bed for the umpteenth time that night. To your surprise, the bed was empty, the covers strewn about messily (which was unlike him). You sat up, examining the dim moonlight-lit room. To your surprise, Taeil wasn’t even at his desk.
You sat up, wincing gingerly when your feet touched the cold wooden floors. You crept to the door, opening it slowly. When it creaked loudly, you froze, scared that you would wake someone up.
Luckily, your school didn’t have any rules about curfew, but some of the students could get a bit crabby when they were woken up in the middle of the night.
You knew from experience.
You aimlessly wandered the halls, finding yourself searching for your room mate. “Why am I doing this,” you mumbled to yourself. Your bare feet felt cold even against the carpeted floor and you could feel goosebumps trailing up your arms.
Then, you heard it. The lull of a song that brought you actual peace in your stressful life. The soft and delicate yet strong sound of the piano filled the empty corridor. Your legs moved on their own toward the sound, your eyes darting around the empty space.
It wasn’t long before you reached an intersection in the hallway, one where a grand piano had been placed. Your eyes widened when you saw Taeil sitting on the piano bench, his hands moving quickly and gracefully across the keys. His back was bare, as was most of his body. You frowned, looking down at your own clothing. You were wearing pyjama pants and a shirt yet you felt cold.
You waited until he finished to speak. “Aren’t you cold?”
He visibly jumped, his head snapping back to look at you. Taeil’s eyes went wide upon seeing you, leaning against the wall with the moonlight outlining your figure. “[Y/N], what are you doing up?” he stuttered.
You rolled your eyes, strolling over to him and sitting next to him. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? What are you doing at two in the morning playing the piano in your boxers.” Taeil flushed, as if he had forgotten the fact that he was half naked.
Although you probably should be used to the sight of Taeil in boxers, considering he only wore them to bed, it still made you feel slightly shy, amongst other things. “I couldn’t sleep.”
You nodded, understanding the struggle of grasping onto sleep. “I didn’t know you could play Moonlight Sonata,” you avowed. Taeil nodded, the movement so small you almost missed it. “I learned it a month ago.” His answer was brief, but he had sounded so confident about it that you couldn’t help but smile.
“Could you play it again?” you asked, biting your lip. “If you want to go back to bed or something, it’s fine you don’t have to--”
He shook his head, straightening his back and positioning his hands on the shiny black and white keys. You closed your eyes as he started to play, swaying side to side gently. A small smile remained on your face the whole time he played.
Taeil looked over at you as he played, his hands freezing momentarily. You looks so delicate-- eyes closed, moonlight shining on you, a peaceful smile on your face. You opened your eyes when he stopped, surprised to see him so close to your face.
“Taeil?” you gasped, your voice just above a whisper. You gulped when his eyes trailed down to your lips before focusing on you once more, the look in his eyes truly captivating. Unknowingly, you began to slowly gravitate toward each other. Impatient, Taeil leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours.
You responded instantly, your hands reaching up to rest on his shoulder. His bare arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer to him. His lips moved slowly and gently against yours, as light as a feather’s caress. Despite the coldness of the room, you suddenly felt warm.
It ended too quickly, in your opinion, with Taeil slowly pulling away, his eyes still closed. You took a moment to just admire him, from the way his eyelashes curled slightly to his sharp jawline to the small imperfections you could only see up close. You didn’t know how to react when he opened his eyes, his dark pupils boring into yours.
“Wow,” he whispered breathlessly. You smiled. “I think I love you,” he mumbled, averting his eyes bashfully, his cheeks turning pink. “I noticed it a month ago. I was searching for you in crowds, I was constantly wondering if you were eating three meals a day, and--” he interrupted himself, turning a darker shade of red. “I got jealous whenever you’d talk to other guys.”
Your heart soared. You couldn’t help but grin at how adorably shy Taeil was being. “I think I love you too,” you murmured. He looked into your eyes again. 
His lips parted in a wide grin.
“By the way,” Taeil said as the two of you walked back to your dorm hand in hand. “Was Jaehyun your date?”
You glanced up at him, chuckling when you heard the undertone of jealousy in his voice. “Yeah,” you said, swinging your arms. “He told me some interesting things about you.”
“... What things?”
You spun on your heel, stopping in front of him. “You talk about me often?” you asked, a happy expression on your face. Taeil sputtered, flustered over the question. Laughing quietly, you continued the walk to your dorm, leaving him behind.
“Jung Jaehyun, I’ll kill you,” he muttered under his breath before following you, wearing a gentle smile.
You took a moment to just admire him, from the way his eyelashes curled slightly to his sharp jawline to the small imperfections you could only see up close.  i say that but this man has no imperfections #stantaeil
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filmery · 7 years
Stream of Consciousness
from Iron Man
fav marvel opener- flipping comic book pages -never read any whoops
no one is wearing black- back in black
sexist- driver woman
rdj is =iron man
peace sign kid holds- he dies so thats why tony does peace sign
"older guy cant work camera" clishe
uggggh shaky camera
why was he with the troops/ not in helicopter?
zoom into bomb fast- GREAT fast comedic moment just before sadness
he shud not have been conscious after explosion that close
al quaeda to soon
so hes steve jobs- made a frikin computer in his garage
ewww rbj with no beard- bad cgi :( cant u just shave and get over urself?
yes weapons are the key to peace hahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahaha
rip terrence howard as rhody
"too cool for award" cliche
"bald guy is bad" cliche
"hes always working" uhhh besides a few montages.... no he really just parties
only talks to cute girls....... uggggh
military funding? ha more like military debt ahahahahah 20 trillion is iron mans fault
jarvis is wing man after one night stand???? idve thought hed think tony was cheating lol
"girl wakes up with just guys shirt" cliche
"guy wakes up and leaves before girl wakes up" cliche
cat fight ha+2 points
literal and figurative island haha
so tony aint smart, he just uses jarvis
he obvi doesnt know how t4he faa works
i was gonna get REAL mad if tony didnt buy a painting cuz it was "too expensive" but we good
tonys a dick
yet pepper finds him attractive
yaaaas rhody calling him a baby cuz he FING IS
im pretty sure laser shows in airplanes are illegal
"im not drinking them gets drunk" cliche
in my opinion from what ive collected, you cant be feared AND respected. fear takes over and you do things based on fear, not fromrespect - also how will blowing up people help them respect you? unless youre talking about getting respect from those u protect and those u kill cuz thats completely differeent then
"i respectfully disagree" or do you "fearfully disagree"
starts out as all techno talk, then turns into baby talk wtf
that shock wave conviently stopped right after it hit them
montage of painful surgeyr cliche
ewww that pipe in his nose as groooooooss
"dont do that but dontexplain" cliche
the dude cant understand english how did he know that tony refused????
why tf wouldnt u test it ANYWHERE BUT THE MIDDLE EAST?????
why cant they just wait and order the missile
"theyll never find u" cliche
why is his friend here?
how does he know how to build it? tbh he probs just had jarvis do it back home
how does the gov not know hes selling weapons to terrorists? we cant be that corrupt can we?
so hes building his ring thing but they DONT FING NOTICE THATS THERES NO MISSILES AT AlL??????
and they didnt question them the entire time
lemme peek but not go in and investigate
"i have steady hands" and then he crashes his car and LOOK! Doctro strange!
when a speech starts with a history lesson, u know its been rehearsed u poser
honestly... hot coal in mouth- worst way to die fml
props to marvel for not telling how fast theyre moving so i cant bust them for not being able to get it done
why the circle around the chest thing
wouldt one of their rules to be able to see u at all times
ctrl i is italicize hahahaha
why did the lights shut off but no the clearly hookedup laptop?
i enjoy the rock music as background music- not ur stereotypical ( yet awesome) hans zimmer score
yaaaaaas bitches run
gun shootsthen rebounds onto him- pretty sure thats not how physics work
if anyone should die, its tony tbh that whiny bithc
-2 for killing an actual good guy
how does not one of those bullets penetrate his suit?
----not enough use of the word penetreate
k no theyd keep shooting
tony: everythings on fire and im dying
ouchie that giant fall
how does he know hose helis are good?
+2 for cheeseburger yas
-2 for burger king ew
doesnt sheild deal with aliens not terrorists?
newsreels? hes not THAT old
k hes obvi doing the best thing here and now everyone gets pissed for him TRYING TO SAVE PEOPLES LIVES EHY IS THAT BAD?????? HE ALREADY HAS a shit otn of money LET HIM BE
fuck u and ur segway obidiah
the other thing..... dont put ur name on it
jokes on u! it was alqueade
+100 for mad money reference!!!!!
...so pepper didnt know about it so whyd he blame her for .3 seconds?
pepper is useless omg PUT YOUR HANDS IN HIS CHEST
why did he say dont take out the magnet but all of a sudden u dont need it?
i wonder if they actually built robots for tonys btterfingers
rhodeys we need pilots speech was just proven again by the aircraft landing in the hudson
so non military= humanitarian now? and if so why that bad?
honestly surprised that jarvis isnt some hot lady voice
k raza with sunglasses= morpheus
why is the mask the most vital part for raza?
tony crashing into wall is why u should ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET KIDS
obadiah is NOT playing the piano
+2 for not trusting obidiah
daaaamn if thats 1% whats 100% capacity
and he still doesnt wear a helmet
k his eye holes are so small how can he actually see?
run before walking leads to lots of problems later in life tony
at leaast he checked atc
goddammkit u made smol child drop ice cream
beginners luck
rip that baby grand he probs didnt know how to play
+2 for that fire extinguisher
+50 for Pepper being a cutie with that gift
how does tony not have his liscence revoked? hes a shit driver and can hire a chaffeur
so just fire pepper and marry her
pepper is totally right and tony should seperate who actually matter to him
how is a lot of olives 3?
im not my company- THEN TAKE UR NAME OFF HOE
no, modern day hell s walking those 15 miles and watching a car and heli and camera lady who are fine and can get there in 20 minutes
i sincerely hope that these footages were planned and not real
is this the news or a documentary?
just realized he never gave pepper her drink lol
yeah, let the kids watch their dad get shot thats fine omg
after that hit, he looks like a lion
why did he say colonel rhodes form weapons development? that name isnt that common
there was 0 time for radio contact omg
the only thing i could think during this scene was SERPENTINE SERPENTINE SERPENTINE
k now im getting a lil tired of the electric guitar
finally obi has been outted geez
im feeling some west side story WITH snaps
why is raza telling obi what he ALREADY KNOWS CUZ THEYVE BEEN IN CONTACT
how has no one noticed that obi just GOES TO THE MIDDLE EAST LIKE ALL THE TIME
this scene between pepper and tony is THE MOTHER of cliched lines
he tried to push his hair back hahahaHAHAHAHAHhaha
not scraps obi.... he had his own stuff
im just imagining obi hidig under toys couch haha
that dick took his shirt!!!
yaas beethoven reference
props to makeup people for his paralysis on point!
sorry but paralysis seems to me like U CANT FING MOVE TONY
i thought the old reactor needed a magnet
goddman all these chains
-2 awful jump scare
yes middle age mom- honk at the GIANT FING ROBOT
nooo not the hydrogen powered bus!
gooood iron freezes before stainless tell
daaamn obi is a real bad shot
and radiation now floods the malibu land area and thosands are illed thanks to tonys reactor
sk glad hes corrected the mediait aint iron
coleson never briefed tham
that was longer than 90 seconds
great ending 10/10
affter credit scene: 10/10 avengers yay
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ladytamyra · 8 years
For Gabriel
It was almost peaceful really, the noise of traffic silenced and a soft piano drifting over the still smoking ruins of the once proud Overwatch Headquarters.
For Reaper76 Week, prompt "Over The Airwaves" Voice/Music
So yeah, I had this written for a while now actually so I can post it today. Gonna catch up on the other two days as soon as I can. Title inspired by the "für Elise/For Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven. I didnt have this piece in mind while writing but it kinda works i guess. Also not beta'ed. Have fun!
For Gabriel
It was almost peaceful really, the noise of traffic silenced and a soft piano drifting over the still smoking ruins of the once proud Overwatch Headquarters. The groans and screams of pain have ebbed away after hours of searching and rescuing. But despite the effort, not everyone had been found, dozens of people still missing, buried under tons of steel and concrete.
Jack slowly opened his eyes, but it didn't help much. Darkness surrounded him.
“Gabe?” he called out, voice rough from the smoke. No reply.
Jack tried to remember what happened to get them in this position. He had called Gabriel into his office because of all the leaked Blackwatch reports and they had an argument. Again. They had so many in the last two years, barely talking without it ending in another fight. Jack lightly shook his head as if that helped to get rid of the bad memories. He had to concentrate. They fought, and then? What happened then?
Sightless blue eyes widened slightly as he remembered. There had been a loud detonation and the entire building shook down to its very foundation.
The noise level outside the Strike-Commander office immediately rose as people tried to leave the building. Jack had hit the alarm button, everything suddenly bathed in red as the sirens started blaring. The two commanders had stared at each other for a moment, surprised and unbelieving - the HQ is actually under attack no one ever suspected something like this happening - before another explosion rocked the building. And another. And another. Gabriel and Jack got thrown to the floor with the last explosion being a lot closer than the others.
The last thing Jack remembered before falling unconscious was an even louder - nearer - explosion and Gabriel trying to reach him while screaming his name.
“Gabriel?” Jack tried again but as before, no answer could be heard. Only the soft music that was still faintly drifting in the air, someone had listened to it in their room before the explosion went off and even now the radio played the same song on loop.
Only now did the pain register. His entire face felt as if it was on fire. Fumbling, the blonde searched for a biotic field canister that should be strapped onto his uniform. Upon locating the canister, it didn't take long to activate, muscle memory helping out where his sight failed him.
The soft yellow glow lit up the area. He could feel the warmth coursing through his body, knitting together what was broken. But the soft yellow glow that normally accompanied this feeling did not help Jack a lot. While it was a bit brighter now, he could only see blurry shapes. The blonde didn't have the time to worry about this fact though as just a meter away he could see a vaguely human shaped shadow.
“Gabriel?” this time the question was quiet, unsure. Carefully Jack moved towards the other man, keeping within the healing radius of his biotic field. As his sight still didn't get better, the blonde reached out towards where he thought Gabriel's face was. When his fingers finally touched something, it's was only cold skin.
“No” he whispered, slowly moving closer. This near he could see that it was indeed Gabriel, eyes closed and very still.
“Gabe, come on, wake up we gotta get out of here. Please, wake up, I can't carry you right now, please.” nearly sobbing, Jack pleaded with Gabriel but no reaction. It looked like he was sleeping peacefully. Moving Gabriel's head into his lap, Jack finally noticed the extra shape that should be there, protruding from somewhere around Gabriel's stomach. Leaning forward, Jack reached for the shape until his finger touched a cold surface. Tracing along, Jack realised it was a metal beam, probably once supporting the building that was now in crumbles around them. Only when he realised that the beam actually went through Gabriel's stomach did he notice the wetness seeping through his trousers. Pulling his hand back from the metal as if burned he touched the ground and brought his fingers up to his eyes. This close he could see that it was red. Blood. Jack was sitting in a big puddle of blood, blood that had no right being outside of Gabriel's body.
“Gabe no, please, don't do this to me, come one, no please”
Tears streaming down his face, burning in the not quite closed wounds, he laid his head on Gabriel's chest, trying to hear his heartbeat. But nothing. Once his heartbeat had been Jack's favourite lullaby, often laying on Gabe just to hear it beating strong and rhythmic. And now it had stopped.
The biotic field started flickering as it had nearly depleted its energy charge, but Jack took no notice, too lost in his own mind with old memories and the painful truth that he was utterly alone.
When the cold finally started seeping into his bones, no longer held back by a warm biotic glow, Jack shakily got up. He didn't want to do anything but lie with Gabriel but he hasn't find out what had happened. Gabe had talked about a corruption for a while, back when they were still good but Jack hadn't listened to him. Maybe now, even though it was too late, he should start to listen. And so he made his way out of the ruins and away from the hustle and bustle of the medical tents he could hear when he wandered too close to them by accident.
All the while, there was still a soft piano playing for as long as the little radio had charge.
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