#i also really enjoyed World Adventures with TS3 but that was because i liked. i'm. i'm a 'explore the whole map' sort of a gamer
deathbysatellite · 1 year
Some Things I've Noticed/Enjoyed While Playing With Just the Base Game TS3
I've been meaning to make this post for a long while, especially since I've been on Gen 2 (World Adventures), for months now, but I've never gotten around to it. Better late than never.
I had disabled all my packs and CC (except for a few defaults) for the first generation of my lepacy. An interesting thing I've noticed — I'm not sure if this also happens when using the Any Game Starter, as I used the launcher to disable packs — is that the game will still try to reference code from the disabled packs. I've gotten notifications about teenage mood swings. One sim was somehow a fairy, and had the wing glow in CAS, but no wings, and the glow did not appear in Live Mode. Another Sim had 0.1% alien DNA. And, as I've shown before in other posts, I can still use the Ambitions stylist feature through MasterController, but the background is understandably blank, and ghosts appear human (a glitch I have used to my benefit).
I don't feel as limited by the lack of CAS and Build/Buy options as I thought I would, given I had gone from all EPs, two-thirds of the SPs, a little bit of store content, and a fair amount of CC, to just BG items. It especially seemed strange since I had felt limited back when I first started playing TS3. I attribute this to the fact that I use CASt a lot more than I did back then, the fact that I've already been editing townies' wardrobes to reflect their personality as they age up, which requires me to get creative, and the fact that I've had some experience with limiting the content I use as a result of my EP Build Project.
I've noticed that more people seem to show up on community lots than they did when I had all packs enabled. I don't know if it's because there are fewer community lots present for them to choose from, if it's due to my game running more smoothly without EPs so the game can push more Sims to whichever community lot I'm at, or if it's a combination of the two.
It is really nice not having to worry about things like weather or zombies. I can have a garden outside without having to deal with the plants going dormant in the winter, and I don't have to fence them in, since they're not going to be eaten by zombies, wild horses, or deer. It gives me more freedom when setting up the structure of my garden. I can also do things like place children's toys outside without having to worry about my Sims getting too cold/hot or getting rained on (I, in fact, did place the toddler toys outside when May, Myra, and Martin were toddlers, since there was no room inside the tiny, one-bedroom house. Those three spent pretty much the entire toddler stage outdoors.)
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simblrd · 4 months
still playing my lepacy!
I'm super enjoying it, I don't think I've had this much fun in ts3 in a long time. The base game is soooooo fleshed out and playable just by itself. I don't remember ts2 base game and don't feel like setting up the any game starter or w/e it's called so I can't compare it to 3, but ts4 base game? Not even close to the state of ts3's base game. Literally night and day, I can't praise the features and depth of ts3 base enough.
World Adventures is my favorite pack, I had a real good time doing that generation. Originally I had Claire going on vacations with her daughter, but decided it was easier to focus on completing her LTW if she just traveled solo. I even did several quests that I've never done before which is really surprising to me. I also gave myself a little rule that the next generation can't be born until the LTW is completed, because realistically these are all doable before Elder. Bought a vacation home in all three destinations with all the relic money, but something happened and I soft crash when I send her back to France (haven't tried other destinations, just realized I forgot to buy the other grapes from the special merchant, had to cheat those in)
For Ambitions, I gave the heir the max inventing/sculpting/painting LTW, we're halfway through inventing right now and I haven't started the other two yet. I think this one is gonna take me the longest, but that's okay if it takes a little while since it's a boy so I'm not on a fertility time limit.
Haven't looked at the Late Night LTW yet, I want to plan that out once that generation starts so I don't try to rush the previous gen. I highly recommend trying this challenge though, I'm having so much fun with it, even if I'm not posting gameplay of it since that takes the fun out of it for me with trying to take good pictures (imposter syndrome, nothing I post is good enough) ((the notes corroborate this))
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asterchats · 2 years
i have copies of the sims 1, 3 and 4 installed on this comp and i feel sort of bad that 2 isn’t included because TS2 is fun too. but it’s TS3 with less world-traveling and TS4 is TS3 but with better room design (and less world-traveling) and TS1 is its own thing altogether and worthwhile playing on its own. and TS2 is lost in the greyspace. TS2 is its own twilight zone
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