#i also really like tashigi and smoker’s relationship. they’re fun. and i love smoker so i’d have to fit him in—
crocodilenjoyer · 9 months
see i would love to cook up the accidental drinking buddies zoro and tashigi fic and sprinkle some grief and Gender and discussions of morality over the top like garnish. but somebody broke into my house and rearranged and now i can’t find a damn thing in this fucking kitchen so i won’t be making anything
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
hello lovely!!~ hope i make this in on time! could i get nsfw noncommittal/casual hookup (maybe even friends with benefits?) hcs for Smoker, Tashigi, and Luffy, all with a fem s/o, if you don’t mind? love your work and thank you!!
Smoker would need someone who would be very discreet. He won't let anyone else find out about the…"arrangement" you two have. He doesn't have the time or temperament for a traditional relationship, and even if he's very disciplined, he still has some urges that can't always be taken care of with his hand.
He lets you know whenever he's going to stop my Marineford or other islands where you usually travel, just to see if you have time to meet up. High-ranking Marines get their own quarters at Marineford, and you have Smoker's spare key. Some of the clothes in his closet and drawers are yours, and it's mostly lingerie plus a few changes of clothes.
Sometimes he thinks there's a flicker of genuine romantic feelings for you, but he always brushes it off and doesn't try to make things more complicated between you two. You're a friend of his, but you two just happen to be more physical than a friendship--nothing more. He liked the way things were, and you seemed to as well. If you ever start to feel anything romantic towards him, he'd be inwardly freaking out, unsure of what he should do. He may want to have that kind of relationship with you, but between his job and his personality, he knows that it would be difficult for the two of you; he thinks you deserve someone that was guaranteed to treat you well as a significant other, and he doesn't think that person could be him.
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For Tashigi, I think she'd agree to this kind of relationship as a very physical form of "stress relief". Tashigi deals with a lot of stress and anxiety, and sometimes her more traditional coping methods just aren't enough. Besides...just like Smoker, she has some urges that can't always be satisfied on her own. You're a close friend of hers, and she trusts you a lot; you're probably the only person she'd ever want this kind of relationship with.
She would also need someone who would be discreet. If anyone found out about something so private, she would be horrified. She isn't ashamed of you or anything, far from it, but there are plenty of Marines that have a more traditional/judgemental view of these kinds of "liasons". The only time she's ever gotten caught was by Admiral Kizaru while you two were going to her room at Marineford for a quickie; he just gave the both of you a slow smile and a thumbs up, gave you some advice about the best places to discreetly hook up without fear of getting caught, and then peaced out. Tashigi has never lived this down, and Kizaru always asks how her "gal pal" is doing these days when he sees her.
She writes you letters when she's travelling, but there's never any romantic tone to them. They're always friendly, but they're more platonic than lovey-dovey, you know? Even if she's a bit cuddly and affectionate after you two have sex, she's always able to ride that fine line between friends-with-benefits and an actual romantic relationship. If you developed feelings for her, she'd be open to changing your relationship a bit. Unlike Smoker, her only real issue would be how long-distance the relationship would be...and the relentless questions and attention she'd get from her squad mates when they find out she's got an s/o:
"*gasp* Captain! Is that your girlfriend? Should we leave you two alone?"
"Captain, can I be the best man if you two get married?"
"Idiot, the bride doesn't have a best man!"
"Oh. But they'd both be brides...Hey Captain, can I be a bridesmaid if you two get married?"
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Now Luffy would be an interesting hookup partner/friend with benefits. I HC that he doesn't have much of a sex drive, but when it hits, it hits hard. He first asked you (out of the blue, might I add) if you wanted to sleep together after dinner on the Sunny, and after the initial shock wore off, you'd enthusiastically said "...Alright!"
Unlike Smoker and Tashigi, Luffy has no problems if anyone knows about your arrangement. He also doesn't have a problem bluntly asking if you'd want a quickie in front of other people, which is actually how a few of the Straw Hats discovered it:
Luffy: Oi, ____! Nami said the nearest island's about half an hour away; wanna have sex in my room before we all head out?
Sanji: *Chokes on his cigarette and nearly fucking blacks out*
Usopp: *drops the tools he was holding and stares at the two of you*
Robin: *doesn't even look up from her book because she figured this out weeks ago*
Luffy in a romantic relationship and Luffy in a FWB relationship aren't that different, to be honest. Either way, you're a close friend of his, you're (most likely) his nakama, and he likes spending time with you. He prefers FWB just a bit more, just because he doesn't like how gushy/mushy and weird some couples can get. He's not really about heart eyes and swooning at the sight of you, he just wants to have fun with you, have sex sometimes, and kick butt together!
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myopic-originals · 7 years
can you tell us more facts about your OC with other Marine? Like someone from a lower or higher rank, like Coby, Tashigi and Smoker, Tsuru, maybe even Rocinante? I'd love to know their thoughts about X Drake in particular, tbh!
Ahh thanks for the ask!
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I don’t think Roswell would’ve paid much attention to him at first, but he would’ve seen Coby and Helmeppo hanging around with Garp. 
Although he’s technically based in G-2, Roswell spends a fair amount of time at HQ, and he pays attention to the movements of the higher ranks. 
He definitely would’ve taken more notice of Coby post-Marineford. Especially Coby standing up to Akainu. Roswell has a brother about Coby’s age and seeing Sakazuki about to waste the kid (plus nearly getting his own ass destroyed by Meteor Volcano) shook him up. After that, I can’t see him interacting too much with Coby but he’d have a fondness for him. 
Plus, Roswell and Garp have a similar irreverent relaxed demeanor, so they’d have a cordial relationship even if Garp takes his role more seriously.
Smoker and Tashigi
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Roswell is intimidated by Smoker’s intensity, but also drawn to his straightforward personality. Their meetings are only occasional though, so Roswell really hears more about Smoker from gossip than in-person.
I can also see him acting as a confidant. He’s quite easy to talk to, and his consistent bad behavior means he certainly isn’t in a position to pass judgment on anyone. 
He admires Tashigi for being able to keep Smoker in line, and consciously reins in his impulse to flirt with everything that breathes because she looks like she has enough on her plate already. 
When they happen to be in the same place, he’ll offer to take Smoker out for drinks, partially because he appreciates his rough personality, and partially to give Tashigi a break for an evening. 
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He’s absolutely intimidated by her, and will act much more formally if she’s around. He’s used to being chastised by her and has accidentally called her “mom” at least once. 
Tsuru doesn’t take him seriously as a Marine, but she does acknowledge that he has a good record of completing the missions he’s assigned to. 
Of the upper brass, I think she’d be more understanding of Roswell’s interest in self-preservation since he’s got a much younger sibling to take care of. 
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I didn’t think about it until now, but they’re close to the same age! Rocinante would’ve been two years older than Roswell, so they might have been in academy together. 
Roswell would’ve considered Roci to be overly serious. He’d have trouble getting a handle on Rocinante’s personality, and I can’t really see them hanging out. 
They do have a clumsy streak in common, though with Rocinante it’s much more extreme
X Drake
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Roswell and Drake shared the same rank at the time of Drake’s defection, and Roswell would’ve been in the early years of his career when Drake’s father defected.
It’d be fun to develop a relationship between these two, with Roswell as a more senior Marine accompanying recruit Drake on a mission. 
Roswell’s ideological ties to the Marines aren’t that strong, so it’d be interesting to have him observe over time as Drake’s attitudes shift about the Marines and his history as a pirate.
They had a brief encounter via ask blog so.. as a potential ship they have a nice size difference lol
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🌱 = a plot I want to write with you🌲 = if I ship our characters together🌴 = a favorite canon character in my fandom🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom🌾 = my opinion on OCs
Send me a symbol!
🌱 = a plot I want to write with you
Is “all the plots” an acceptable answer here? No? Well, I definitely am enjoying where our current plotting is heading (not gonna reveal too much here in case people like surprises- lookie, I’m arrogant af too! XD) and I hope we can have great fun with that! I do really want to go deeper into a relationship with these two, since it did seem very strange when their friendship was first revealed (though now after analysis it seems pretty easy to understand). I also would totally be down for like, a modern!Au sorta thing. Perhaps based off of that school omake thing. Just being coworkers and all the modern-day drama that comes of it. 
🌲 = if I ship our characters together
I do like shipping these two. They’re a very interesting combination of characters, and I love the ‘super happy, bubbly person A bothers person B to no end but person B would be so sad if person A was gone so person B just deals with it’ trope. I love looking at it like if it were anyone else causing this much chaos for Mihawk, Mihawk would have little problem putting them in their place. But because it’s Shanks he puts up with it (and not just because a fight with Shanks would be a challenge). If not romantically, I do absolutely love their BroTP too. I think they would get together often to talk about the Strawhats, and their hopes for them. Maybe one day when they’re together, Mihawk starts to talk about Zoro and Shanks doesn’t even interrupt or stop him because he can tell- even though Mihawk is all monotone and showing little emotion- that Mihawk is very excited about Zoro’s future. I like imagining they can read each other very well, and Mihawk can tell when Shanks is being honest or when he’s faking. I’m rambling, but yeah, I definitely love all the relationships between these two.
🌴 = a favorite canon character in my fandom
Okay. I’m sure it’s obvious that I adore Shanks and I could write an essay as to why he’s my favorite character in the series and why love him to pieces. If it weren’t for him, I probably wouldn’t even have gotten into the series. So let me talk about a different favorite character.
I adore Smoker. Well, I adore both Smoker and Tashigi- but I’m going to focus on Smoker a bit right now. I love characters who are frightening on the outside but on the inside are soft as a pillow. And I think Smoker definitely fits that bill. That’s not to say he’s a pushover, of course not, but he’s a really, really kind person. We saw it at the beginning, when the little girl got his ice cream all over his pants. Before that, we had seen Marine captains with frightening reputations harming, even killing, those who crossed them. We saw a lot of corruption. And so here we have this character, introduced as a frightening, terrifying man, but we find out we’ve been tricked. We’ve been doing what we’ve been learning the Marines do to the pirates- painting them all with the same brush. Smoker isn’t angry at the girl, he’s understanding, gentle, and gives her money for more ice cream. He’s even a little silly with his words. He is a good Marine. Yes, he’s an antagonist for the Straw Hats, but he treats them with the utmost respect. Piracy is unacceptable to him, which is understandable, however he also understands the Straw Hats are not the villains most believe them to be. And Smoker takes note of that when he interacts with them. Tashigi as well, actions are more important to them than simple rumors. Smoker is strong and powerful, but he’s also kind and understanding, and he’s handsome so that doesn’t hurt. 
🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom
Hmm. There’s not many characters that I actually dislike, I do enjoy most of them and I can find reasons to like them otherwise if I really dislike a character I just dismiss them and never think of them again, haha. Some characters do make me feel uncomfortable, and I think that’s more on me than anything. One of them is Sakazuki. I know that’s a common one, and I know there are some really talented people in the fandom that have done great work with this character- who I view as a very difficult character to handle. But this character makes me feel very, very uncomfortable. I don’t do well with extremes. Especially extreme negatives. I deal so much in my real life with people who view things as so black and white that it leads to some really bad thoughts and emotions whenever I am faced with a character like Sakazuki. I haven’t learned enough about him to see him as much more than a person who has one mindset, and who acts on that mindset regardless of what other people believe. People like that scare me, and they are so real in every day life and there is so much at risk whenever one has any power. I very much disagree with this man’s view, even if I weren’t introduced to the other side of the world, and his actions have very real in-world consequences. I want to know more about him, and I want to learn more, but I doubt I’ll ever be able to be completely comfortable with him. 
🌾 = my opinion on OCs
I absolutely love OCs. I think they add so much to the world and they really bring a storyline to life. When you have characters existing and living their lives at the same time as chaos is reigning around them, it’s beautiful. Though, I do think that people need to be taking care when making their OCs. I’ve seen some that I start to wonder about, in terms of technicalities and I have seen a few Mary-Sues in my writing time that just make it hard to write with them. But thankfully, there are more people willing to get help for their OCs then there are people who dismiss concerns over their OCs, and it seems to provide a great learning environment for people of all stages of the character creation learning curve. If anyone has any questions or wants any feedback on their OCs, I wouldn’t mind helping out at all. 
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