#i also still stand by mars and i’s weird hp ship of neville and george
pinkandblueblurbs · 2 years
Do you have a favorite ship from each fandom you write for?
hmm kinda? the fandom where i’m most interested in ships is probably marvel, i have a good amount of marvel ships that i like. i like stucky, i like romanogers, i like winterfalcon, i like thorbruce, i like barneswidow, i like scarletstrange a lot, frostwitch (i think that’s the name for loki and wanda??). my friend mars and i also love bucky and loki which is a weird one hehe. idk i like ships in marvel bc there are so many characters and i dont take them too seriously or anything so it can be fun to think about lots of diff couples. my fave canon ship is probably drukkari tho?? or petermj… GAH IDK
umm i like newtmas for tmr a decent amount but i also thought thomas and brenda woulda been cute <33 for the hunger games… idk ig katniss and peeta ahshs. for criminal minds i’m a moreid stan!!!! i think they’re so fucking cute!!! and i also like either emily and jj or emily and hotch. for bridgerton i love daph and simon and eloise and theo so far! and for the witcher my ideal is geralt yennefer and jaskier being poly <33
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