#i also think the reason other angel / human couples don't get spoken about as such is just. well. they're minor characters
angelsdean · 4 months
i'll be honest, i truly do not understand when people get all up in arms whenever anyone involved with spn describes cas's love for dean as beyond the human understanding of love, as if there haven't been posts made on here for years by fans literally describing cas's love for dean / destiel's love as akin to worship, a powerful force greater than god, cosmic, all encompassing, profound, etc etc. i thought the outrage was silly when jensen expressed the idea of cas's love being more than romantic back in denver con 2021 and i think it's silly now with these bedlund tweets. not to mention being more than and beyond something imo means it encompasses the romantic AND more. it's romantic, it's platonic, it's cosmic, it's worship, it's everything. and i think that's beautiful. and yes, it's exactly what their love is. a huge profound force that changed the narrative, that wasn't meant to be there, that kept breaking through anyway.
and i understand what people are saying about this language being used for a queer ship etc etc, but like, there's nothing inherently wrong or negating their love in saying that it's a greater love. if anything i think it's saying, hey, see these two? yea their love is bigger than what we can even comprehend. idk i'm just going to continue to take these statements in good faith. and also, until the reboot happens, they can't really say more about destiel beyond the bounds of the confession. jensen, bedlund, misha, etc can't speak to dean's feelings, for instance, or confirm anything one way or another, because if those feelings are a major plot point to be explored and acknowledged in the continuation then to speak about them now with any kind of definitive statement would be spoiling / jumping the gun, and it's not their place to make those statements yet, if we are indeed going to see more of dean and cas's story in the future (which i mean, at this point based on their statements about the reboot it's really a When not If situation).
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idledreams4 · 3 months
i FINALLY had a Supernatural related dream last night!!!!
So basically I was an angel but someone (I forgor who) had stolen my grace, so I was just living on earth as a human
Similar to Anna when we first met her though, I had no memory of this
And then one day I meet Dean. (In this AU, he's also an angel) and I think we were part of the same garrison before I fell or something, but clearly we never really spoken.
At the very least he was acting like we didn't know eachother that well. Which sucked cause I fell head over heels the moment I saw him.
And I kinda figured that was like super common, so while I did try flirting a little I wasn't confident enough to like really go for it, but he had the audacity to read my mind (for some reason???)
So anyway he gets me back to heaven, and tells me I still have like the funniest bit of my grace left, but it's not enough to do a whole lot so I'm probably going to be on the bench until we can recover the rest.
But also, by the time we've made it back to heaven he's like returning my affections and stuff. So we basically showed up, he went and told our commander "hey I found her" and then we just kinda left again
Now this is embarrassing to explain. I know we all know I'm a Dean girl but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing to admit that the only reason we went back to Earth was because when he read my mind he found me thinking about him bringing to me to some cheap motel. And I guess he just kinda started going along with whatever advances I made at that point.
So anyway we end up at the sketchy ass Motel, Wind up on a hunt, I barely get out of it alive but he heals me and all is well
Then I wake up.
But I was able to go back to sleep and get back into the same dream, but we're back in heaven at this point.
Me and Dean were inseparable basically. Everyone knew what was going on and they did not seem to be ok with it whatsoever. (How Dean was still an angel I'll never know)
And our commander, who's name I forget right now, came around asking for volunteers for something and nobody really stepped up, so I turned to Dean and was like "well, we could do it" but the commander gets mad and is like "absolutely not." And she calls on a few angels, including Dean and this other one that had actually gotten injured on this same appointment not long before. The second in command (idk her rank) was clearly afraid of our commander, but she asked if she really thought sending that angel out again was a good idea and was met with silence.
While Dean was gone a couple of the others started talking to me. (One thing I forgot to put in because I'm not really sure when it happened is that the rest of the platoon Dean was part of had to come save our asses at some point, that's who was talking to me. Our garrison was a company of angels, and I think it was made up of 3 platoons. I think we primarily worked as a company though, and only split into the platoons when absolutely necessary. But I also only ever saw like 10 angels max so...)
Anyway that's not important, y'all don't care about the way old heaven ran (Metatron was never brought into play because Dean was an angel and Sam was just some hunter. Literally the apocalypse hadn't even happened in this word, it was wild. Oh but Leviathan had. Castiel somehow was still fucking everything up despite having nothing to do with Dean. I think all the angels he slaughtered is why a) our garrison was so small and b) why they came looking for me. Every body counted, and with the factions at war... Bad times. I don't know who we were aligned with. I think in all honesty our commander was after power for herself, and the only reason she didn't have us actively engaged in battle was that she didn't have enough angels on her side.
ANYWAY thats not the point
Back to the main story.
I was talking to some of the others, they were asking what it had been like living on earth and I don't know why I told them this but I was honest and was like "yeah, about that... so I still don't know why or how I'm here because I wasn't exactly the most godly person.... I worship lucifer actually"
And the looks on their faces were priceless let me tell you. So before long Dean came back and had barely any time together before he was being called away to do something else, and I was just kinda stuck on the sidelines, watching.
And then I woke up for good and started writing this
There's a bunch I left out because I forget what order things happened in, and some of it wasn't remotely canon-compliant so I just ignored it. But also I don't think y'all needed the borderline smut scenes lol
In the few instances where me and Dean got some alone time he came on hot and heavy. Like I said: no idea how he was still an angel, cause lust is a cardinal sin....
Idk. We don't question dream logic.
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agl03 · 7 years
Everyone seems to be buzzing about "Together or Not at All" having something to do with a Fitzsimmons-similar relationship in Dr. Who. For those of us who love Fitzsimmons but have never seen DW, can you explain why this particular set of words as an episode title is significant? I looked up the DW relationship on Wikipedia, so I understand the FS similarities, but I just don't understand the significance of the phrase itself - was it a DW episode title, a character's line... what was it?
Hi @sarahjane81282
Yeah there is a reason some of us are all 
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With that particular Title.  So I went to the wonderful @eclecticmuses who could explain the Dr. Who side of it better than I ever could. 
It was a character’s line, spoken by Amy Pond to Rory Williams in The Angels Take Manhattan, the episode which saw them exit the show.
 It’s a hugely important line, which I will try to explain here:- when Amy and Rory were first introduced in season 5, they were dating but Amy referred to him as her ‘sort-of boyfriend’ in front of the Doctor, much to Rory’s chagrin. In fact, a large part of their storyline that season dealt with Amy’s commitment issues and Rory’s insecurity that she loved the Doctor more than she loved him. The season ended with them getting married and running away with the Doctor together.- in The Angels Take Manhattan, Rory is sent back in time by a Weeping Angel.
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A pretty infamous DW creature that does what it says on the tin (feeds by sending victims irretrievably into the past). 
Amy and the Doctor find him again in the present, but he’s old and on his deathbed. They manage to go back to the past and find him where the Angel sent him, and Rory determines that if he commits suicide by jumping off the roof of a building, he’ll disrupt the paradox the Angels created by sending him back, thus resetting the timelines and fixing everything. Something like that.- except Amy is not certain it will work. She doesn’t want to risk losing him completely. 
That’s when she climbs up on the ledge beside him and says that if he jumps, she jumps with him. “Together or not at all.” - 
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This is pretty heavy, right? She’s not letting him go alone, she’s going with him. She’s risking giving up her life alongside his because she doesn’t want to be without him. 
I think Amy’s line carries a lot of weight largely because in 2.5 seasons she went from ‘sort-of boyfriend’ to ‘together or not at all’. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. 
Amy and Rory went through a LOT of shit together, stuff that could have torn them apart, and nearly did, but instead it only brought them closer, until they became the literal do-or-die committed couple we saw them leave as.- there’s where we see the FS parallels, and why we’re freaking out so much over the title of 5x07 being Together or Not At All. 
Yeah it probably references the entire team, but it is SUCH an important phrase to the Amy/Rory ship—much like our ‘beside each other the whole damn time’, ‘for her’, ‘never want to be without him’, etc—that we probably can’t help but look at it and say, but what if it gets applied to FS specifically as well? Hope this clears things up a bit. And if you want to watch the specific scene in question, HERE
So like eclecticmuses said and I agree this bigger issue considering the timing of the episode and where I see it falling in the arc is that its more of “its time to get the band back together” and we are all going home and we are going to do it together.  I can very much see there being a chance for some but not everyone to go and its the team not letting that happen, they just got back together kind of thing and no one is getting left behind.  It could also speak to the Humans on the Lighthouse coming together in order to fight back against the Kree.
But Rory/Amy and Fitzsimmons parallels are too big to totally ignore here too.  I feel that Fitzsimmons will have a very pivotal moment of some sort.  High on my list, Jemma is finally able to talk to Fitz about everything that has happened, and that their future isn’t dead, they have a future together, and they are going to claim it/fight for it together.  That she isn’t going to leave him and he’s not going to leave her.   Their doubles in this episode and 6 suggest that Fitzsimmons will be in some degree of danger and it could come down to one trying to sacrifice them self for the other and yeah, that isn’t going to happen.  Not when they just got each other back.  Even more fun is if one of them gets to say that line, its canon that Fitzsimmons are Dr. Who fans, and Karen (AKA Amy) is Lil and Iain’s favorite companion.
The other thing I have been picking up in the cast interviews is that both Lil and Iain keep saying that Fitzsimmons work best and are better, together.   We just need to hang light a little bit longer folks, they will be reunited, they will come back together, and I believe the writers will be paying off what they set up.
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