#i also wanna eat his surfboard it looks delicious like this actually
starry-kittens · 5 months
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⚠️POSSIBLE EYE STRAIN!!⚠️Idk I love neon colors, anyways
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dontdoitluke · 5 years
We Could Be Heroes - Ch 2
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Sky High AU, but instead, it’s a superhero University.
Summary: After the first class of the semester, the students have a little bit of a break, so they decide to head down to the beach to get some lunch. Ally cheats the system, Calum is uncomfortable, hilarity ensues. Also, there’s a horse. 
Chapter 2/?
Ch2 Word count: 1,330
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
Tags:  @calumamongmen   @myloverboyash   @wildhearthood  @vintagehoods  @lukescherrypie   @burncrashbromance   @dukesnumber1  @calsophat  @kindahoping4forever
Pablo’s was a real hidden gem, a beachside café within walking distance to the university that everyone seemed to know about, famous for their beach shed aesthetic, complete with outdoor seating, fish nets decorating the walls and tables made from flattened surfboards. When Ally arrived, Jenna and Skyler were already there, as well as Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton. She jogged up to the bench they were all sat at and smiled.  
“Oh, good, you made it. Sit next to me!” Skyler patted the bench next to her and Ally sat down. “We haven’t ordered our food yet but we got some appetizers coming. We got onion rings, shrimp cocktail, and wings. I hope that was okay?”
“Yeah, that sounds great. I can’t wai-”
Luke stood up excitedly and rushed to hug a brown-haired girl that had walked up to the table. “Guys, this is Michelle, we were neighbors when we were at Sky High but she moved away because she had this really gross disease called ‘responsibilities’. When did you move back? I thought you were going to Hero Tech!”
Michelle laughed. “And miss out on the opportunity to listen to your disgusting and random thoughts all day? Not a chance. Plus, Hero Tech didn’t offer the classes I wanted.”
Luke’s eyes lit up. “Fuck, I’m so glad you came back. I really missed you, Michie.”
Ashton gagged. “Gonna make me lose my appetite if you ooze anymore cheese, Lu.”
While the boys were arguing and Michelle was getting to know everyone, the server brought over a tray of appetizers and began setting them down on the table. Ally’s mouth watered at the plates piled high with all the delicious, deep-fried goodness and the plump grilled shrimp just waiting to work its way to her plate. The server began to take everyone’s orders when Valeria rode up next to the table on a Clydesdale horse.
“Sorry we’re late! I lost the key to my dorm and had to put in a request for a new one!”
Everyone, including the server and other customers on the patio, stopped what they were doing and stared at Val for a solid ten seconds before Calum finally spoke up.
“So...is no one gonna mention the fact that Shrinky-Dink here just rode in on a damn horse?”
“That’s Emma,” Michael mumbled. “I heard Val ask her to give her a ride but the car broke down. So Emma shifted.”
The horse shook its mane and, sure enough, shifted back into Emma. “That was so much fun, to be quite honest.”
The server cleared his throat. “So...um...is everyone ready to order?”
Before anyone could speak, a thick layer of fog moved over the group, almost too thick to see through. “What the fuck is going on?” Val asked. “Is there some kind of storm? The sky was clear, though.”
“It’s Carly! Way to make a fucking entrance, you cloudy little shit.”
The fog dissipated and another girl walked up laughing. “You know I gotta do something to announce my presence, Jen. Move over, I’m starving.” The server sighed softly and the look on his face practically screamed “I don’t get paid enough for this shit”.
“Do we have any other joiners coming, guys? Should I pull up another table?”
“No, this is all, I believe. We’re ready to order now.”
After the orders were placed, the rag tag bunch busied themselves with munching on appetizers and getting to know each other. Luke was much less of an arrogant show-off and Michael actually spoke up a little more after putting ear plugs in under his headphones. Ally laughed along with all the jokes and listened to everyone's stories while multiplying the shrimp on her plate. What started off as two ended up as 20, which she happily began to devour.
“Okay, so I just saw something that blew my mind,” Ashton announced. “Ally, I saw the pens in class, useful as shit, by the way, but I didn’t even think about duplicating FOOD.”
Everyone at the table looked in awe at Ally’s small plate, piled high with shrimp that most definitely wasn’t there before. She smiled brightly; being able to multiply food was something she was proud of. “I never buy more than the smallest possible portion, but I eat as much as I want. And it doesn’t hurt the economy.”
Luke, Michael, and Carly immediately held out their plates, collectively containing two onion rings, three buffalo wings, and a half-eaten shrimp. “Please?”
With zero hesitation, Ally took all three plates and nodded. “I got you.”
She got to work on multiplying everyone’s food while Skyler got to work on begging Ashton to show off his power. “You’re the only one who hasn’t, yet! Please? I wanna see.”
“I do shit with dirt. What’s so interesting about that?”
“You’re too humble. Please, I want to see what you can do.”
“Jeez, okay, fine.”
Ashton stood up and walked out toward the beach. Once he was about twenty feet away, he bent down on one knee and dug his fingers into the sand. The entire ground vibrated, and the sand around him built up higher and higher until it was taller than the palm trees next to it. It began to spin and twirl like a giant sand tornado, until it took the form of a fist holding up its middle finger. Calum howled with laughter and Carly nearly choked on her drink, everyone else at the table cheered and clapped while Ashton dropped the sand and bowed deeply before walking back to the table.
“Not interesting, my ultraviolet ASS, that was so cool!” Skyler stood and helped flick some sand off of Ashton’s shirt. “You’re way too chill about this, you know damn well you have a badass power.”
“Yeah, but what kind of person would I be if I went around bragging about how cool it was?”
“You’d be Luke.”
“Jenna, for the love of-”  
“Shut up, I will fucking drown you.”
Michelle laughed to herself and looked at Emma. “Yeah, I know they are.”
Luke and Jenna stopped and glared at Michelle. “We are what?”
Michelle popped a bit of onion ring into her mouth. “Obsessed with each other.”
“Hold on, you can hear my thoughts?” Emma asked, wade eyed and mouth agape while Luke scoffed and Jenna shrugged. “I’m just obsessed with drowning him.”
“If I choose to listen, I can. I have telepathy. I can communicate with you through thought as well.” Michelle looked at Emma with a smile.
“Holy shit, that’s so weird, I can hear you in my head!” She laughed nervously. “Aww, thank you, I love it too, it’s my favorite shirt!”
“Do you ever hear things you wish you hadn’t?” Ally asked.
“Oh, all the time. I heard Valeria thinking some pretty intense thoughts earlier that were kind of...hard to swallow.”
Calum snorted and choked on his drink.
“I have no shame. Share it with the group, Michelle.”
“Please, no,” Calum begged.
“She wants to shrink down and let Calum swallow her.”
“Sweet Jesus.”
“Val, what the fuck?”
“Valeria, what in God’s name?”
“I said before, I have no shame.” She looked at Calum and smiled, and he cringed and put his face in his hands.
“I already said no.”
“Swallow me like a pill, boy.”
“I wanna be consumed by you.”
“You’re the worst.”
“I just wanna see what it’s like.”
“Like I said,” Michelle cut in. “Hard to swallow. My power is a blessing and a curse.”
The table went silent for almost a solid minute before Michael spoke up. “How would you get her out though, Cal?”
Calum closed his eyes and sighed. “I’d have to…throw her up, essentially.”
“Ooh, kinky.”
“VAL, NO.”
“Oh, would you look at that, foods here!” Ally pointed toward the server, bringing their meals out on a tray. However, not a single person at the table was hungry anymore, either from the multiplied appetizers or from the thought of Calum swallowing Valeria.
“Can we get some boxes, please?”
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