#i also want delusions of grandure so fUCKING bad
wtfff i want to delude myself to the point of pure ecstasy ... like , i want to walk through life with a too big grin , feeling insanely good , being permanently high
i dont even mind if it crashes i dont care if its horrible sometimes i just want that kind of high please pLEASE
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Rambling text post, like a river from the mountain traveling to the sea it's all down hill from here.
It's been so long since I've had an actual conversation, a dialog, a debate, a discussion... Not a fucking argument, but an exchange of ideas that doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth and a head full of regret, aggravation, anger, and a strong desire to avoid contact with other members of my species as though they where a sentient cancer. Not small talk, admittedly a totally great place to start but by itself it's not enough to scratch that itch (In My Personal Opinion, like the majority of this... Brain Defication, more substantial then a fart, still doesn't smell great). It doesn't have to be about anything fundamentally earth shattering, but when it's built on personal passion, mutual respect, and the desire to broaden perception and understanding of others even a conversation about how Transformers 2:Rise of the Fallen is probably the greatest Video Game based on a movie across any platform, is also probably pretty awesome for the brains development, (also T2:RotF IS a pretty awesome movie game, the controls and physics are "functional yet frustrating" it doesn't add anything to a franchise from the early 80s that basically boiled down to a toy commercial with a 'wholesome' message, rebooted as a series of blockbusters (The game drawing plot and setting from the sequel of the rebooted toy commercial). But cut down to the basic core of itself this is a game that lets you be a collection of transforming giant robots (automatons?) in a semi-destructible environment, partially linear but replay-able levels, and dated yet charming/eerie graphics that make this game accessible for a large percentage of peeps who play games. From the ironic-hipster-noob-lord Casual to the hardcore-won't-sleep-until-completion MLG. This game is the kind of flawed perfection that has enough holding it together to make it playable, but also just the right amount of broken to make it interesting beyond the Dev's intentions (maybe, Nobody knows with the Dev's yo, nobody knows...)) because it developes the ability to effectively communicate ones personal prespective while also maintaining an open channel for others to have input regarding the topic! Snowballing ideas, feelings, trains of thought, and discoveries gained from trial and error!! Yes, this is the thing I most miss from empassioned speakers, GROWTH!!! Feed the fire of the mind, water the bad seeds, nurture the sapling but leave it to grow within and as a part of it's environment, and the more this happens the better things will become for almost everybody (maybe? Shit I could be wrong and it'll doom us all! Potential future events are neat to think about huh?) except for those who only want to argue. The "my common concencous cannot be incorrect" Crowd, Ideologically Circle Jerking conversational saboteurs uninterested in the merest hint of their own fallibility yet acutely aware of "wrongness" in others, seen throughout recorded human history as "ignorent, loud, and dangerous". These are the killers of meaningful progressions and structural changes in the many facinating components of Human Development, like evolutionary dead ends in thought itself, or perhaps more like a meme cancer infecting hosts with some predisposition for the mental plateau! Treatment isn't possible for those that don't recognize the infection and/or embrace the rage inducing and irrational as the cornerstone their view of reality is founded upon. So how would someone know if they where a cannibal meme carrier? Sane, insane, irrational, and rational blend pretty well and it is often difficult for developing minds to distinguish the difference (P.S. No matter how old you are you should still be developing if participating in the grand social experiment, fast or slow is relative and also irrelivent so long as it is present on an individual level.) THEREFORE I HAVE DEVELOPED THIS FLAWED BY BIAS FROM IT'S CREATION UNTO COMPLETION OBNOXIOUSLY SIMPLE NAKEDLY INDEFENSIBLE BULLSHIT GENERATING YET OPTIMISTICALLY PROVOCATIVE ENOUGH TO GET THAT TURD LADEN CEILING FAN SPINNING LIKE A TOP... RHETORIC TEST!! There are three statements with two defined choices and a section for write-in answers, each of the three answers has the potential to be scored with a numerical equivalent representing it's relationship to "Status Quo, Common Sense, and Facts" (note how these don't always agree, and originate from different aspects of our shared history) with write-in answers being graded by a small panel of culturally, politically, sexually, ethnically, temperamentally, religiously, and aged-ly diverse people who individually score the answer and assign the average (Now taking applications for the judges panel, there isn't an official doc. But the point being diversity on all levels means the bar couldn't possibly be lower for qualification, also anon testing is not only available but recommended to further reduce avoidable bias in the results) The Questions! 1.) Political parties are unnecessarily divisive as a means to do the least amount of work over the greatest amount of time. A.) True B.) False C.) (blank space for answer is a full page.) 2.) Divisive Rhetoric is a necessary part of debate because it galvanizes the masses into specialized task focused groups who enrich the discussions. A.) True B.) False C.) (blank page) 3.) The Internet is a reputable source of information. A.) true B.) false C.) (blank page).... At this point of my rambling trip to the ocean it may be apparent the kind of person I present as on social media sites, and I often wonder what the people who choose to stay in my life and associate with me think about the two objectively different personas that ultimately voltron into the Whole Self with a few other event specific masks developed since childhood as a tool of self-preservation and later self-promotion to endear myself to my family, peers, and assorted authority figures. I've personally had a crisis while trying to determine which is my truest self only to find Truths and Lies in each facets core. "Who am I?" I asked myself "How should I know?" My own reply, so I shrugged and stopped worrying about it. I am Nobody, just like everyone else. You can know the faces we put on for each other better then the person underneath, you can form yourself like living clay into whatever makes you comfortable, be it found in conformity, regulation, and structured order or whimsical, wild, and capricious chaos or a moderate dose of both poles to reside somewhere in between. I can't/won't judge the choices that make your path through life because I'm not you and to judge that would be undermining the chain of events that lead up to the situations that in turn shape who you might become, with one noteworthy exception. If you are Authoritarian/Hypocrite/Imposing of Beliefs, read carefully the following. I dislike you intensely for you are A Fighter Of Freedoms in my observed belief, through words and actions you improve the status and benefits of your tribe and yourself at the expense of those 'other' to your narrow understanding of the reality we share, you are with me a dichotomy. Diametrical to the point of redundancy on a number of levels, and while I personally find your existence and persistent smashing of metaphorical sand castles abhorrent I begrudgingly respect the challenge you offer (Is it more beneficial for continued species viability to offer a vast pool of paths to choose from or to restrict options arbitrarily[ish, there seem to be calculable variables at work determaining who is included in the Feudalistic Oligarchy and who is expelled to the lower castes]?) and the opportunity to study the social, political, and environmental origins of as well as catalytic events nourishing the ideological tenents you represent (horrific as the historical examples of their practice appears in both the immediate event and the ripples of it's significance on the zeitgeists that followed.) it is my sincerest hope that the foundations of elitism, xenophobia, and misanthropy that support such seemingly shallow organizations find a peaceful, natural terminus in a dialog, a discussion, a debate, a conversation, a connection and a cultivated common ground. Unfortunately I've spent this whole time typing out the raw shat of the mind that is partially mine and predominately an amalgam of suspiciously sticky memes. All of which is ground fine, formed into patties, delicately seasoned, cooked, and custom garnished before being hurled with considerable force in four dimensions without warning or regret. For no more complex or enlightened reason then base curiosity blended with two cups boredom, one gram granulated existential horror, a pinch of delusions of grandure, and a somewhat unhealthy dose of apathy. This has been flow-with-it-river-rambling on Tumblr Tuesday. Fertalizing a better tomorrow, one steaming shit at a time.
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