#i also want to make my blog more v3 centric
doctorofmagic · 3 years
First of all your blog is like a Bible. I read pretty much every issues on your masterlists and now I can't get Stephen out of my brain. Hands down my favourite character of all time. But now I wanna read something else and I am very curious about doctor Doom. I know your blog is stephen-centric but do you have something to recommend me if I want to deepen my knowledge about him?👀
Oh, anon! Thank you so much for your kindness and sweet words! I'm glad you concluded this incredible journey, I hope it was a good one.
Now, I also concluded Doom's chronology but I gotta admit my memory skills only work for Stephen. I'll try my best to recall my favorite stories for Victor tho! He's my second favorite character and he's SO deep and interesting on so many levels when well written.
I'm assuming you've read Triumph and Torment and Secret Wars, so I'll focus on other stories. This is not a top 10, btw, just a basic list.
1 - Books of Doom
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If you've already read T&T, I'm sure you're familiar with Victor's past before becoming King of Latveria. But Books of Doom goes deeper into his past, from his relationship with Cynthia and Werner to Valeria and Reed. It's definitely a must read and an awesome start. It was my first contact with 616!Doom, along with T&T and Unthinkable. I accidentally was fated to read incredible stories when I first got into comic books ehehehe.
2 - Avengers - Emperor Doom
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This one is definitely a favorite. Here we see how Doom could choose to be a good man if he wanted to, making the world a better place in exchange of love, but that only makes him bored. Because he's not inherently good. He's selfish and petty on many levels so he gives up on everything so he can live a thrilled life. Not to mention that this is the inspiration for the God Emperor Doom from Secret Wars.
3 - Fantastic Four #247
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My favorite Doom stories are not those in which he is portrayed as a shallow one-dimensional villain. And this is why I love this issue. It's Kristoff's first appearance and it shows how much Victor cares for his people. Some writers go for a cold ruler who can't be bothered and see his people as tools, which, in my opinion, is incorrect. Victor has an incredible background as part of an oppressed group. It's only natural that he won't stand for injustice. A must read!
4 - Fantastic Four #570-611 (+ FF #1-23)
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Of course, if I'm talking about Fantastic Four and Doom, it's my duty to mention Hickman's run. I don't think that, till this very day, someone will ever surpass the levels of understanding Hickman holds when it comes to Doctor Doom. Also the depth in Reed and Victor's relationship is... pardon the pun, fantastic. And I also love Valeria and the Future Fundation as a whole. I know it's a little too much but I promise you, you won't even feel the time pass.
5 - Fantastic Four v3 #54
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I'm SO soft for villains and their children. In this case, of course Victor would have a fundamental role during Valeria's birth. He was the one who saved both Sue and Val while Reed couldn't be there for them, which only makes their bond stronger. And it's so interesting because, again, Doom wants to be part of their lives. He wants to be recognized and antagonized because it's the sparkle in his life. And of course he will make Reed's life miserable in the sense that he's constantly reminding him that Doom won't let his family be. He wants to be noticed, he craves Reed's attention. So what is more outrageous than being the godfather of your nemesis' daughter? The pettiness this man holds is *chef's kiss*
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Summing up, those are definitely my favorite stories. I could also recommend the recent Ewing's Guardians of the Galaxy run (#13-18) for funny and cunning moments, Fantastic Four v1 #57 for super funny and dramatic classic Victor von Doom, War of the Realms: War Scrolls #3 for one of my favorite quotes ("he's victory"), and so on.
And yes, I'm not recommending the super fundamental issues featuring Stephen and Victor because, again, I'm assuming you've read them. But of course, OF COURSE those will always be my favorite stories. It's only natural, giving these two are my bread and butter.
Thank you for your trust, I hope you like these stories. Victor is definitely a super interesting character in the right hands and these stories are definitely a love letter to his characterization.
Thank you for passing by!
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authordgaster · 4 years
So I’ve always been more of an UnderTale centric blog, but I’m also in the Danganronpa fandom.
(Yes yes, Danganronpa, UnderTale, Kayne West, Fingers, MOVING ON!)
So I was looking at V3’s cast, and I thought to myself “hey! Shuichi is kinda like a Makoto/Kirigiri fusion.” And more than once I’ve seen AUs where Shuichi is there kid.
Then I thought of something. “Oh my god... are ALL the V3 members fusions?!”
And if you do the math, it adds up. 32 students from the first two games, 16 in V3.
So I went to work trying to determine if this theory bore any real fruit and started pairing characters (in a non romantic sense, this isn’t some big shipping post). When it came to determining these fusions, I focused on a few different traits for each character. For some it was their talent, others it was their personality traits, and sometimes it was both.
Some fusions admittedly make more sense than others, but I’m going to send each fusion and my reasoning for them.
Starting with Shuichi, who is a fusion of Makoto and Kyoko. (Side note, I’ll be sticking to everyone’s first names.) So the parts he got from Kyoko are pretty obvious, they’re both detectives and emo. From Makoto though, he gets the role of protagonist as well as a good amount of Makoto’s “good boy energy” or G.B.E. for short.
Next we’ve got Kaede, a Sayaka and Aoi fusion. Kaede and Sayaka have a few things in common. Their personalities are both cheerful, they’ve both got musical talents, they both wanted everyone to be friends, and they both jumped the gun and got themselves killed. Yeah... as for Aoi... uh... yeah this was one of those “I don’t really know where to put you so I’ll put you here” scenarios. I mean, Aoi ALSO kind of jumped the gun and almost got everyone killed, which is why I chose to put her in the Kaede fusion pair.
After our protagonists, who better than the rival? Kokichi’s fusion is easily one of if not the least surprising. He’s a fusion of Nagito and Byakuya. Like Nagito, he’s completely insane, obsesses over something (in his case lies) and he sacrifices himself in chapter 5, though for a relatively more selfless cause then Nagito. Keyword being relatively.
On the other end of the spectrum is Kaito, a fusion between Nekomaru and Yasuhiro. Hiro’s inspiration is pretty obvious once you think about it. There’s the jacket and it’s abnormal way of being worn, the airheadedness, and they both have space relations. (Didn’t aliens steal Hiro’s burger or something?) As for Nekomaru, well, it’s obvious right? He was a constant pillar of support for his friends and did exercises with Shuichi and Makinto help them both physically and mentally.
Speaking of Maki, she’s a Mukuro and Hiyoko fusion. Yeah, that’s a weird one right? Well here me out. The Mukuro part is obvious enough, she’s a solider and Maki is an assassin, each having a murder related talent, plus they both fell for lovable dorks. Hiyoko is another situation like Aoi unfortunately. The only common ground I could find was that Maki is kinda short and pretty mean at times. (Her talent could’ve been the Ultimate Tsundere tbh)
On the topic of short girls, Himiko is a Chihiro and Ibuki fusion. Yeah... definitely a weird one there. Chihiro has two main things that lead me to one conclusion. One is they’re both pretty meek except for when it comes to their talent. The other thing was that Chihiro was a tech wiz. Eh... get it, wiz? Right, moving on...
K1-B0 is a Hajime/Chiaki fusion. Like Chiaki, Kiibo is an artificial being, and then there’s the connections to Hajime. Both were evil versions of the Ultimate Hope, albeit unintentionally, and while Kiibo also has loads of G.B.E. he can also tap into his inner Hajime and be sassy as heck. Plus there was their problems revolving around their talents. Hajime wanting to prove he had a talent and K1-B0 wanting to prove his talent was useful, despite his numerous physical setbacks like being weaker and having worse eyesight than the average human.
Next is Tsumugi. Ah Tsumugi, at first I wanted to fuse Junko with Hifumi to make her, combining the Mastermind aspect of Junko with the weebiness of Hifumi. Then I realized that there was a more obvious fit. Twogami and his imposter talent practically mirror’s Tsumugi’s Cosplay talent. End result: Tsumugi is a Junko/Twogami fusion!
Rantaro is...uh... a Kiyotaka/Leon fusion...? Yeah I honestly didn’t know who to put with this guy and these two were just kinda there. I mean, Leon is a “ladies man” and I think Rantaro gave that vibe off? As for Taka, I would just look at him, and then Rantaro, and day to myself “yeah, that fits” for no real reason. Like, there were no grounds for my argument and even so! *sigh* moving on...
Ryoma is Fuyuhiko and Akane. This one kinda makes sense. Ryoma and Fuyuhiko are both smol men with baby faces that can be scary when they want to, and Ryoma and Akane both had it rough prior to school. Yeah I’m not too good with this one either.
Back to more realistic fusions, Kirumi is a Celestia/Peko fusion. Celeste’s goth aesthetic plus Peko’s unwavering sense of duty merge and that’s basically Kirumi in a nutshell.
Angie is Sonia and Hifumi. Angie and Hifumi are both artists, simple as that, and just as Sonia was the ruler of her country, Angie was basically the one running hers, not to mention they were both really weird.
I don’t like Tenko so I’ll make this fast. Mondo and Mahiru. I heard Mondo is supposed to represent toxic masculinity (but he’s portrayed in a way that makes his character GOOD!) and then there’s Mahiru with her constantly getting on guys’ case telling them that they should be doing all these things for no reason other than their gender. Put the two together and you get Tenko and her screaming about “Degenerate males” every five minutes. For someone who hates guys so much, she sure seems to talk about them a lot...
Korekiyo was one that was so obvious I kicked myself for not figuring it out sooner. Mikan and Touko. Touko’s split personality is the same as Kiyo being “possessed” by his sister, and his relationship with his sister mirrors Mikan’s relationship with Junko. Yeah, some dark basis for fusion reasoning, but it works.
Miu. Teruteru’s perverted personality meets Kazuichi’s technological prowess. Nuff said.
And last, but far from least is Gonta. He stronk and noble like Sakura, both sacrificing themselves doing what they believed was right, and he’s good with animals like Gundam.
WOW this took forever to write. Please comment or reblog with your opinions on this theory. How reliable is it? Should I switch some fusions around? Why? I take constructive criticism in stride.
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