#i always think about jean-paul and cass's relationship in nml that was like never addressed ever again
mangoisms · 1 year
Gotham war opinions?
honestly seems sooo dumb. and like. Ok disclaimer. i have not actually read it so take all this with a grain of salt because i've only consumed information secondhand through people posting about it (someone made a comprehensive review of what's going on right here) but it just seems silly
like i am a big proponent of the 'batfam' Needing to return to having drama and conflict because the weird push for happy happy nuclear family batfam and no drama whatsoever has had very weird and ooc consequences (looking at you tt making dick call bruce dad) but this particular brand of conflict is just. Dumb. and not what i want in terms of That. and also seems to implicate selina as some kind of mother figure??? to them??? which is so insane and incorrect and butchers her character completely... i mean it seems like the general conflict of her v. bruce is already way out of character but that right there is the final nail in the coffin LMAO i saw those panels of her about jason and i just. selina honey i'm so sorry i know this is not in your heart....
like intuitively i know it will never be like 90s/00s batfam like in bruce wayne: murderer?/fugitive where, when bruce was acting like a bitch and dick was having an issue with that, they got into a fistfight and dick crashed into the display case holding jason's old robin costume during it like?????? we are never going to get that ever again. but i think they're trying. but they're still trying to lean into this nuclear family ideal (or a version of it anyway) where uhhhh mom and dad are fighting LMAO and it's just. idk. it seems bad.
i've also seen and NO ONE quote me on this because it was in passing and again. haven't read it and yes i know i should read it before speculating but i don't have time for that. anyway. i was seeing something about how bruce's evil batman alter ego thing is supposed to like... make up for the abuse he's done to them? like some panel about his 'evil alter ego' calling tim a soldier and the 'real bruce' being like No!!!! That is my son!!! so i feel like it's some weird roundabout way of absolving him of the emotional and physical abuse he's inflicted on them? which is again stupid. and atp too core to his character to really fix other than having a thorough reconciliation which is never going to happen. and then i recently heard about the shit with jason and it's just like. what is going on here. what we doing right now. idk
(also i was seeing something about that alter ego thing being maybe ableist? i can't speak on that but i know that was brought up at some point... also the name origins being a tad suspicious... idk)
but again. haven't read it. just seen other people talking about it and panels. but i do feel reasonably good about concluding that it's not good LMAO
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