#i am NOT going to survive next week that is a garuntee
prestonmonterey · 5 months
oh yea i should do tlt updates shouldnt i
ok i will today if i remember to take pictures of the set before rehearsal (bc people are doin stuff on stage and i don wanna take pictures of ppl without their permission)
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years
Assumptions based on your writing: you love having knowledge for the sake of simply having knowledge. Also, you'd probably survive an apocalypse. Or two.
I am eternally grateful to my parents for instilling a love of learning and the joy of new horizons.
A short list of Small Apocalypses I have survived:
Earthquake (7.2 Magnitude! and a couple dozen smaller ones)
Pandemic (and 2 epidemics and a Dangerous Outbreak! As in, "took all preventative measures, still caught that shit, and lived".)
Wildfire (Been evacuated 3 times now!)
Polar Vortex (-40F at Nadir)
Drought/Extreme heat wave (124F at peak)
Tsunami (twice, but tbh that was more "dealing with the power going out for 3 days" than "suddenly ocean")
Major Civil Services Distruption (Not often counted as a disaster but tbh when the electricity and water go out for almost a week in a major city you can't leave? That gets dangerous, fast.)
Volcanic Eruption (The ongoing one at Mauna Kea but that doesn't really count. Getting evacuated from a volcanic campground because of a carbon monoxide release? More serious!)
Landslide (serious one- the road behind me fell into the pacific)
Flash Flood (flood destroyed 75% of a major state highway)
Chemical Emergency (Local Oil Refinery fucking exploded)
Mass Shooting (twice. fuck you america)
Terrorism (Again, twice. Again, fuck you america.)
Water Contamination (three times now. what the fuck)
No actual hurricanes, but Inland Hurricane-Force Winds sure is a fuckin' thing. No wait, did do a Tropical Storm, by their powers combined, does it count as a hurricane?
Thunderstorms and Hail are apparently classified as disasters but that's just July?
FOUR Tornadoes, one of which was a waterspout on the ocean!
And for the things that aren't red-cross worthy but Holy Shit How Did I Suvive: Attacked by large wild animal (moose), Attacked by large domestic animal (3 large dogs, 2 horses and a bull), bitten/stung by venomous animal (twice- bat ray and Sea Nettle Jellyfish!), Multiple Aggravated Assaults, One Attempted Murder (like, specifically ut to kill me, instead of ut to kill anyone in the area), Multiple Major Head Traumas, Living In A Condemned Building, Hit By A Drunk Driver While In A Car, Hit By A Sober Driver While On Foot, Internal Hemorhage, Probable Supernatural Encounter, Gas leak, Building Fire, and Accidentally Inducing Anaphylaxis/Poisoning Myself.
There's really only three major disasters I have NOT lived through, but I feel like naming them would tempt Apollo's Red Rubber Ball Of Prophesy. I will not commit the hubris of saying I like my track record because that'll garuntee my ass gets deep 6'd by the next apocalypse.
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