#i am THE tamara tesla fan yall its me
blenderscientist · 2 years
tamara tesla hcs because she <3
- needs glasses but wont wear them, literally refuses. only contacts.
- her creators were definitely a couple .. i TOTALLY haven't made designs for both of them.
- goes like a full week without sleep. coffee is her replacement to sleep.
- mama to the zoshlings. no i dont make the rules.
- worked for C.L.O.N.K because she had nowhere else to go.
- thankfully elder furi to the rescue, hes like her grandad now.
- had to experiment on moshlings in clonc, now she includes them like an extra set of hands when shes too tired.
- like 25-30 years old or smth ig?
- would actually murder someone for the zoshlings safety. electrocuted strangeglove for them.
- cried after the cloud s3 mission because she was so desperate to sleep, even if it was by evil, sleep is sleep.
- since she isnt really allowed near water for obv reasons, crying makes her hair go extremely messy.
- lesbian. tyra is definitely her crush LOL.
- has baby carriers for the zoshlings, takes them on regular walks. shes too worried evil will pinch them so she takes extra precautions.
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